Atleast make an effort of posting the sticky.
First made, first served.
You shit.
Snek and Ket go sneeki breeki
Spooky on standby for if/when things go loud
there's a hitman hired by tok going around killing authors, SDA Angel and many other have already been killed by him, Italics space but he got to his computer and bank account, now he has no money and a dead computer. We are still trying to figure out how to deal with this.
You forgot that he also literally gave Italics cancer.
Angels is not an author, she's our pet slut.
The Hitlist.
These aren't exclusive. She did make that dream princess one, and a Sisters of Battle CYOA.
>Rosanon is not on the list
Can't be Tok's hitlist.
yes but it does not change the fact she died, DSA
and was also murdered and beri is missing. We need to stop him before it's too late!
Bear Bros for maximum monkey-wrenching
Stegosaurer for sweet siege mode ability
BESS for precious Intel
He knows he can't get rosanon, he is protected by the power of comfy, all bullets turn into cotton-candy as they try to hit him
I, for one, approve of this line of his work. If the last name on the hitlist is Tok himself this will be even better.
Anyone got the alien bro cyoa
With the fungi people's and dragon rockers?
acheld: dead
angel: mindraped into writing nothing but rape and impregnation stories
Beri: gave a lifesign about a month ago.
Lime: gone
Ferran: gone
Gil: just shitposting
John: gone
Maid: dead
MaidOfCharts: ded
Okay, I'll just stop here. This is his hitlist, and he's progressing well. We're fucked.
>Italics promises to return with a comp and OC
>Skeletons wait even longer and grow even more restless.
He can't keep getting away with this.
Let it go.
Beri can't die so there is that
I'll pick Angel, she's my favorite out of those. It's also not my hitlist, I wouldn't want to kill Angel and I would have Rosanon as my highest priority on the hitlist like said. Fuck Rosanon!
>He knows he can't get rosanon, he is protected by the power of comfy, all bullets turn into cotton-candy as they try to hit him
Do you think my penis can be stopped? I can penetrate anything with my penis, including Rosanons protective aura of comfyness.
>Implying that your dick doesn't get turned upside down and now you are a cute grill
That doesn't sound like you are dealing with the true rosanon
>Implying I can't rape the shit out of Rosanon as a cute grill
>just shitposting
are you saying I ever did more than that?
>put content over mere presentation
>"oh no, t-too deep! must f-flee
Just saying that you arent going to rape rosanon with your dick
>I can penetrate anything with my penis
except a woman
Why would he want to? He's a proud cuck!
But the funny thing is that the CYOAs with better presentation also have better content. You're just PMSing, user.
A statement I'd love to see you prove. The opposite is much easier - although I find it horribly distasteful, I could actually find 5-10 CYOAs in the last thread that put more effort into their presentation than their content, or which have bland repetitive content no different to ancient CYOAs, just a different lick of paint. Even CYOAs I like fall victim to this.
Enjoy PMSing, user.
Meanwhile I can find hundreds of shit-looking CYOAs that have zero substance. Last thread is a very good example actually.
I think you're just upset about your inability to do Photoshop.
a cyoa with great content (interesting premise, good writing, good balance) but abhorrent visual design (glory unto the sweet) is impossible to read and enjoy
a cyoa with great visual design (anything by 3_tankista) but shit content (anything by tok or SDA) is at least visually impressive
this is a visual medium, presentation matters
Y'all some bitch made niggas.
If your cyoa has bad sizing I don't care about the content, it's shit. If I want a deep plot without any visual aid i will read a book, coya area more of a visual form of entertainment instead of being a completely imaginative one. If your insist visually appeling you are missing a intrinsic part of what makes it unique and good, you lack the dept of a book and the "prettiness" ofa "pretty" cyoa. Sop being a fucking faggot who has other peoples preferences you autistic retard.
Would you rather have something that looks like shit and be sub-par in content or something that looks good and be sub-par in content?
The real question is where you stand on a CYOA with Great Content but Mediocre/acceptable design or Great Design but mediocre/acceptable content.
This is also a written medium as well as visual, both matter.
Why not both? Bliss does it, sometimes.
Don't worry about him, user. He seems to believe that one is mutually exclusive to the other.
something with outstanding visual design is a work of art and pleasing but without much substance offers little to latch onto
something with outstanding content but meh visuals is engaging on a mental level but less visually stimulating
visuals are easier to enjoy and are important in fueling the imagination, content is harder to enjoy but required to grab people for long and to engage the reader on a meaningful level
MH is the best example of "looks great, mediocre as shit writing" I can think of
I remember this one! I'm the user who suggested the "Communication" choice
If you are unable to make the cyoa look appealing you should not be making a cyoa in the first place, even the ancient writers knew the need to make the book visually appealing, look at type setting, look at the artistry in the letters, look a the drawings for fuck sake. The visual component is a intrinsic part of any work of fiction mate.
Always both when you can manage, but not every author is equally gifted in all aspects of CYOA-making and able to put out "stunning on all counts" content.
>I could actually find 5-10 CYOAs in the last thread that put more effort into their presentation than their content
Show them.
Still waiting for that sweet resource autism party
Go on, find some. Full of shit.
>inability to do Photoshop.
Kids can learn to do Photoshop, including myself when I first got the chance at age 12. Acting like it's a special ability is exactly the point about egotism and drama queens.
Clearly. Superficial people hate the suggestion that they're not that good in practice.
>abhorrent visual design (glory unto the sweet) is impossible to read and enjoy
Absolutely true, but do you know what's the number 1 cause of godawful, eye-burning visuals?
Trying too hard. Stupid fonts, filters, glows, overlays and graphic backgrounds.
And what's the number 1 source of advice convincing anons to attempt this stuff?
Post CYOA please
>If I want a deep plot without any visual aid i will read a book
A very narrow perspective of what value you can get from a CYOA. How about "being interested in a game"?
>visual form of entertainment
Just google some nice pictures then, I'm not sure what to say to you. If your imagination is so poor that you either can't, or worse WON'T, spend time visualing the character or setting you're devising with the CYOA then I worry for you.
I wish I could respond to the rest of this post, but it becomes unreadable.
Good point about the writing. Writing in CYOAs is often pretty terrible. Generally it fails to understand that less is more.
That's exactly my point user. CYOA makers who become egotists because they've made their CYOA look nice are genuinely kidding themselves about the merit of their work.
were you posting an example of bad visual design?
Literally almost every CYOA in last thread. In many threads.
You sounded like you had a grudge against people who use Photoshops. Give us some examples of your work so we can judge you properly. I need to know if I can take you seriously or not.
Of course, you won't, cause that's always the case. You said so yourself, people hate the suggestion that they're not good in practice.
Bliss can't write for shit.
Well, gee. Thanks.
I like you writing bliss, don't mind the faggots.
I'm just stating the truth. People bash on other authors all the time about competence, I don't see why you should be left out.
Did that collaborative city cyoa get finished yet?
Somebody post a Bliss CYOA, I want to see for myself and can't remember what he's done.
Monster Hunter, Domain Master. Say what you want about those CYOAs, the writing isn't their high points.
Thanks user
Mystery box is Best Girl. No doubt.
Oh, Monster Hunter is Bliss. I can never remember what Bliss has done because I get stuck on Beri CYOAs
The writing there is very transparent, which according to some schools would be a good thing: perfectly serviceable to convey information with no discernible style or color.
Fuck those schools of thought, Purple Prose has its own issues but I'll take it every time over invisible minimalism, much like I'd take some riotously but not totally unpleasantly flavored soup over a bowl of hot water.
That said, it's fairly inoffensive -- I'd hardly go so far as to say that bliss "Can't write for shit" with Monster Hunter as my sample document.
So shall it be done. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Good CYOAs that happen to put more effort into presentation than content:
Good CYOAs that also balance presentation with content:
CYOAs that are middling in both content and presentation:
CYOAs of middling value that put more effort into their presentation than their content:
Total Good CYOAs: 12
Total Meh CYOAs: 21
Total CYOAs that aren't superficial: 16
Total CYOAs that, successfully or not, try to rely on looks to make up for content: 17
Bear in mind that the real issue here is egotism. Taking time to make a CYOA like nice is not itself a bad thing, and indeed there are many CYOAs that really are gorgeous all across the four categories. But just look at how the SDA-oid recoils, stung, when you suggest that the content is cliche.
say what you want, mosnter hunter is one of the most fun cyoa to build for. While Domain master is a great "nation builder". he writign is good enogh, but the high point for cyoa as never the writing but the ideas, the options and the way everything melds together. Which is what beri is very good at
It's like you calling mario games out for their bare bones plot lines. You are right but it make no fucking sense to call them out for it.
I know writing isn't my strongest suit but I tend to change that with the next project, though I don't like how I'm suddenly involved in this.
It's probably my own fault for checking the general.
I'm not saying MH is bad, I'm just saying the writing is shit or mediocre at est. None of Bliss' work indicates good writing.
its because MH proves the point so well
in terms of graphical design its great, but in terms of writing/balance/premise its at best "adequate"
Ah, so you're just doing this to spite SDA with your subjective list. Alright.
It's one or two fagots who are shitting on all the writers for some reason while contributing nothing to the tread. I don't get why they are doing it but they are.
You have some...interesting definitions.
Should I read Worm to get what happening? All I know of it so far is that it's about a girl who can control bugs, she get's beat the fuck up, then Lovecrafting shit shows up and fucks everything.
He's trying to prove his competence. Ignore him.
>Literally almost every CYOA in last thread. In many threads.
I think y'll actually find that's not the case >a grudge against people who use Photoshops
What kind of weird grudge do you have to think this sounds plausible?
Keep on repeating this one if you want to, but the simple point that "creators who clearly spend far more time on the imagery of their works than anything else, also happen to be the same creators who have egofreak meltdowns" speaks for itself.
>Give us some examples of your work so we can judge you properly.
Nice attempt to shift the topic. You know though, that has given me a funny idea...
Sensitive much?
Again what did you make faggot? It's very easy to criticize when you out nothing forth. Shitting on the lack of writing talent of an author while you yourself are unable to put a history together is the mark of a person with self stem issues.
It's not like internet posts bite, user. You can ask questions.
Avoiding posting your own work, I see.
Again nice try faggot.
"There's a trend between CYOAs that look nice but are mechanically meh having fag creators" - this is my claim.
Your one response to this - an overly defensive "G-gotcha!" - is to try and say ... what?
That I, too, would be a faggot if I made a CYOA like the ones I've described?
I mean, maybe, but fortunately I'm not interested in doing that at all, which is kinda the point.
I'm not going to put words in your mouth, as much as you'd like that, so you can tell me what you're trying to ascertain.
>Shitting on the lack of writing talent of an author
...the fuck are you on about? Nigga's living in another reality, this isn't even in the thread.
That wasn't me though, PMSing user. We're just curious to see who you are so we can know how much of a faggot you are.
I'm not perfect and never claimed to be but this place can really pick apart whatever you do.
Guess I'll just figure out my next project after a cooling down period.
OK, how do you justify blatant shitposts in a vague CYOA-ish form (Mom, "Unfinished SDA Cat Waify") as any of those categories?
How does the ultra-basic 3gp1 end up in "More effort in presentation" when the limited effort of Warhammer 40k Chapters earns "Balanced"?
In what world is QP, the poster child for "Walls of test with ultra-limited design elements" in the same category as Mercenary Captain? and how do either of them go the same place as ? For that matter, how the fuck did you judge PPP+ and Summer School to put them where you did, and together at that?
Not him, but by presentation I think he means what is in the choices of the cyoa/setting than how many of the choices in the cyoa and their stuff?
>it wasn't me!
Nice save, you totally deflected heat here tonight.
So are you gonna keep avoiding our question or are you gonna man up?
hey you aren't fooling anyone he is not the same person who is writing this post right now. Stop with your faggotry already.
He knows we'd tear apart his CYOAs. There wouldn't be enough lube for him.
I don't blame him.
Please post some cyoa or at least discuss cyoa in a mature manner
Thank you
Hey, how dare you insult those short, funny CYOA shitposts by denying them membership with the others?
This is the same spirit of prickly elitism all over again.
>How does the ultra-basic 3gp1 end up in "More effort in presentation" when the limited effort of Warhammer 40k Chapters earns "Balanced"?
Consider that ... maybe ... "3gp1" had more effort in presentation relative to its content, than did the 40K Chapters one? GASP, I know, words mean what they say!
>poster child for "Walls of test with ultra-limited design elements" in the same category as Mercenary Captain
Why don't you tell me what your problem is with this? For the kind of content they do and the amount of respective effort they put in, these CYOAs look decent without clearly being more of a graphics design project than a game and roleplaying source.
The last line is a mix again of the snobbery and not grasping it.