Veeky Forums am I over-diversified? what should I drop?

Veeky Forums am I over-diversified? what should I drop?

That looks pretty good, actually. Dump LINK though for CRED.

I would also like to know if I’m over diversified

You have way too many red tulips. you need more blue ones.

only using binance and bittrex atm, I just reckon my capitals too low for 5 coins, haven't gone more than 3coin since I started 3 weeks ago and I've went 1-5k in that time

>not having req in 2018
enjoy staying poor

I started with 500 euro's I just keep going all in on one coin, got me 3000 euro's in 1 month.

xrp or req?


Have you decided what colour lambo you like?

No 5 coins is a healthy amount. Over-diversified imo is like 10+

Yes, pick 4 and go big, be a millionaire before EOY, faggot

what colour is similar to financial security?

Don't diversify before you reach 1btc. Too small an amount. Pick 2 and moon really high.

Bet you thought this was a really clever post

Fuck those 5. All you need is one. XLM. DONE.

Cheers for the advice, guess my problem is pulling out too early, like i did with xrp at .3

thats what I planned with REQ and FUN but I'm too fucking anxious to not sell during troughs

This looks like a garage in Gran Turismo or something.

If you like money then dump LINK for CAPP

not on bittrex or binance, where to buy?

Yh I think I’m gona sell what I have on the right and put it into one on the left maybe NEO

>no XML
U poor bastard


All the best shitcoins start there

i thought it was moderately clever.