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Can anyone update me with what happened to SDA? It’s still not clear yet. Did a big scene happen or did (s)he just slowly faded?
What's the best waifu CYOA?
Mad cuz Tok and ZBG.
So I hear.
She dead.
Literally the majority of them? I love the CYOA medium, but the bulk of the content is garbage. I'm the core audience for the format yet I hate them.
SDA is a terrible drama queen and general faggot with a vastly inflated sense of worth that he guards with full paranoia.
Whatever "happened" to him was just the inevitable triggering of his ticking time bomb personality.
The sad thing is that SDA isn't a one-off case, but rather just part of a trend for certain sorts of CYOA makers to go full preenfag. Makers with good graphic design skills seem far more prone to this than others.
posting a goodie
someone please post alien matchmaker please
because they try really hard
sort of the cyoa equivalent to how girls with daddy issues paint their face and wear slutty clothing more
Do you guys attempt to keep both threads alive? Why?
No you post the pirate cyoa!
I really doubt that.
You sound upset, user. Where did SDA touch you?
You know where SDA touches people. It's not the heart.
That adds up actually. Would also explain the general pre-occupation with relationshits and waifus as well.
Generally a way overly superficial attitude prevails among a certain type around here. The content, in terms of flavour and crunch, suffers for the sake of muh photoshop.
I WAS upset, when I saw the extent of his faggotry. Now I'm just remind/updating others. He's more pitiable/loathsome than anything else.
sorry got distracted
Oh hey, it's the "grr I hate graphics" guy. How've you been?
You sound more jealous than anything else desu senpai
Would explain your PMSing.
What's there to be jealous about?
See, there's one now. Doesn't take much to rattle one out of its cage.
Oh no, you're still acting like you have a deeper understanding of what makes a good CYOA. I'm gonna go hang out in the cooler thread.
>put content over mere presentation
>"oh no, t-too deep! must f-flee
And yes, I will post this in the other thread, you little fag.
Can we not? Just one thread without shitposting.
Long man master race. Kick everyone out of Australia and bread with animals in dire form to make them even more dangerous if people want to try and come back
Are you suffering from delusions, user? There won't be a /cyoag/ thread without shitposting, ever.
>Dire emus
Why are you guys maintaining this tread alive? for fucks sake one is more than enough.
They never stood a chance
CYOA threads are completely shitposts, and have been for a while. Gotta fight fire with fire.
Well, this one has more posts right now.
stop shilling your terrible cyoa
SDA is still alive and making his Apocalypse CYOA.
He posted something when I asked about Apocalypse a few threads ago, though without his namefag, so most didn't notice.
He doesn't though. SDA was cancer that was killng /cyoag/. Now that he's gone Tok took his place and the cycle continued like nothing happened/.
Was distracted for a while, sorry guys
Because the other one didn't even try to get the pasta right.
How could the notice in a sea of shitposts?
Tell me how many cyoas you made faggot? how did you contribute to the tread besides shitting on content producers?
Scenario: Cycle continues(25,25)
Drop-in (28,28)
No- identity (30,28)
costume: budget
Name: Uniel
Foreign Shard (27,25)
Final Form Second Trigger (23,-3)
Follower x3 (14,-3)
Blindspot (11,-6)
Worst Day ever x3 (17, -3)
psychic nosebleed (17,0)
Secret Lair (15,0)
Martial Arts (11,0)
Marksmanship (6,0)
Parkour (1,0)
Banter (0,0)
Endbringer form
Appearance: Humanoid
Size: 5 meters~
Powers: Precognition, Power Mimic, Time, Gravity
Flaws: All at once, Sibiling Rivalry
I'll do my followers later. The important thing to note is I've now made end-bringers a thing on this planet and there's like supposed to be around 20 of them.
Jesus Christ I haven't heard that term since middle school. What a fag.
we are all emotionally undeveloped people, otherwise we would not be posing on Veeky Forums. What did you expect from a bunch o socially awkward people?
Nah, Tok and ZBG were always worse than SDA.
SDA might have been cancer but he was a lot more easy to ignore and created less shitstorms than these two.
And now he isn't even cancer.
Shut up Tok
Speak for yourself pal, I've got a daughter and a wife. This whole "4chin is for losers" meme never made sense to me, out of the handful of people I know that use this site, all of them have their shit together. Fuck, my wife's been using this place longer than I have, and she's been a social butterfly since highschool.
Stop projecting your own shortcomings bucko, the rest of us are doing fine.
>my wife's been using this place longer than I have
I feel for you, user, being married with a Camwhore.
>Wife and daughter
Sheesh pal, i know we are on /cyoag/, but slowdown with your delusion
My Shitpost CYOA killed him
Follower #1
Name: Eris
Age: Adult
Identity: Ceo (20,25)
Costume: Armor (15,25)
Natural Trigger (18,25)
Case 53 (18,26)
Worst day Ever (24, 29)
Budding Shard (24,27)
Cauldron Vial X 3( 18,27)
Wavelength (18, 2)
Infinite Ammo (18,1)
Power Sight (18,0)
Mechanics (0,0)
Should I read Worm to get what happening? All I know of it so far is that it's about a girl who can control bugs, she get's beat the fuck up, then Lovecrafting shit shows up and fucks everything.
Yes its not like you have anything better to do with your time
Don't even know who Tok is. If he's the guy who made Archangel CYOA, then he's a worse CYOA maker than SDA. His personality I cannot speak for.
First laugh I've had in these threads in a while.
Worm is pretty garbage right from the word go. If you can stomach that, I admire you.
The lack of dumb Coose-Your-Waifu-CYOAs in this thread gives me hope in life.
Did you know you can just ask for them if you want some, instead of trying reverse psychology?
You don't think I would allow any hope in your live do you?
>Reverse Psychology
Suuuuure, that's what I'm doing, not sincerely saying they are garbage and feeling legitimately glad none had been posted. Thanks for havijng shit taste and ruining CYOAs, user.
oh I'm laffin
here yo go mate
God fucking damnit.
another one coming up
This is the kind of shit that makes me lose faith in this thread.
Could somebody post the rest of these? Pretty please?
Whats the matter bruv, valentines blues still around?
More still coming!
It's shit like this that makes me genuinely wish for a Choice Game board.
Everyone comes to these threads because we all enjoy the format and medium of a set of choices for making a character, designing a setting, or pursuing an adventure.
It's just that the actual content itself is so completely divisive. Waifufags and non-waifufags have just got nothing in common when it comes to taste, and neither is happy at the content of one overwhelming the other.
It's not like Veeky Forums doesn't already have intensely niche boards already. Nor is it like CYOAs don't turn across all boards in kinds of variants. A /cyoa/ board would work, it would last, it would help clear up Veeky Forums and the like and it would put an end to bickering between the different contingents of these threads. End.
Does this count?
There isn't enough of us to sustain a Choice Game Board, if we do get our own board its going to be worse then our current situation, with 90% of the content being shitposters from other boards.
>Waifufags and non-waifufags have just got nothing in common when it comes to taste,
I like the four categories we put these in.
>Non-waifu CYOAs
>Waifu CYOAs
So long as you don't showcase a severe case of bad taste, I will play your CYOA.
...and I will love it. There is nothing one can do about it.
>clear up Veeky Forums
We stay in cyoag and don't leave what are you on abotu?
>A /cyoa/ board would work,
Because quest is alive and fine right/
remember that it was a lot bigger than cyoa would ever manage to be and the boar dis dead as nails.
It's all yours my friend
That's not true, as I said CYOAs garner interest across the website. Looking at just the Veeky Forums general base is underestimating it.
>its going to be worse then our current situation
How? Every specific interest can have it's specific thread, and the other boards no longer have to put up with CYOAs.
I like, could add more categories.
>Axis of Waifu to Non-Waifu
>Waifu subaxis: /d/ to non-/d/
>Character builder
>Team builder
>Setting builder
>Level of granularity axis
I see all of these as divisive categories, that is I see agitation in these threads over stuff like this. Also simple "which would you pick?" type content like "Pick a Pill" would get its own threads.
>We stay in cyoag and don't leave what are you on abotu?
Oh of course you don't, no. Nevermind that half the fags here are from /d/, and only because /d/ has insane rules. I'm doing this for the /d/eviants as much as anyone else, the situation sucks for them.
>Because quest is alive and fine right/
I never argued for quest threads. Shifting goalposts.
>it was a lot bigger than cyoa would ever manage to be
lmao, CYOAs are popular everywhere
Name: Atalanta
Female Adult (25,25)
Costume: Cape
Sting Second Trigger (21,12)
Blink (21, 5)
Homing System (21,0)
Perks/ Flaws
Blindspot (18,-4)
Case 53 (18,-3)
Worst Day Ever X3 (24, 0)
fuck bothering with skills
Again people aren't going to be able to maintain the discussing on multiple treads. You could do this with any number of things and it would not work. You will kill cyoa discussion on Veeky Forums.
So who was best girl?
/d/ and erotic CYOAs are the only ones capable of living outside of this general. Kinda odd that Towergirls has a place on Veeky Forums, given its content, but I guess the style is just too cute to ban.
Oh yeah, and then there is jumpchain. I don't know much about it, didn't find it interesting.
>Axis of Waifu
You know what happened to the last Axis?
>Nevermind that half the fags here are from /d/, and only because /d/ has insane rules. I'm doing this for the /d/eviants as much as anyone else, the situation sucks for them.
i see you are a new friend on this parts, here's a place for them on trash where their degeneracy is welcome.
>I never argued for quest threads. Shifting goalposts.
Are you unable to understand hypothetical thought in any level? If I say napoleon was unable to conquer Russia as a reason for you to avoid trying to do it would you respond that you never argued that napoleon should conquer russia? Jesus Christ.
>lmao, CYOAs are popular everywhere
No they aren't mate, not in the way quests were.
Either Toll or your sister, pretty equal
I don't disagree, if we subdivide things even more we lack the content to keep the read alive, heck some times we are struggling as we are.