What are the bare-bones essentials you just have to have to make a bikini-fantasy/sword-and-sorcery game great?
What are the bare-bones essentials you just have to have to make a bikini-fantasy/sword-and-sorcery game great?
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Every one needs to be Veeky Forums as fuck
A bikini? And preferably a loincloth.
>leather and/or fur loincloths and bikinis
>simple but effective weapons
>magic is weird and mystical as fuck
>cults worshiping forgotten dark gods
That ought to be a good start at least
Every single non-human monster is male
Are there any pre-written sword and sorcery campaigns? First-time GM here and I'd like to run a solo campaign for my wife as practice before we invite our friends.
That picture bloats my privates up
Sounds like you need to read Ghita of Alizarr. If you like her in 3D, imagine her in 2D and lewd
Metal arms and armor are relics of a distant age when inhuman sorcerer-kings ruled the world. Any metal arms or armor your character possesses are scavenged from enemies or looted from tombs.
Also, lots of huge statues that have fallen into disrepair over the millennia.
This is a good one too
Basically just watch Fire and Ice a few times and then think about that a lot while you're running it.
I just got the two-disc DVD with a hologram cover for Christmas. Just in time because my VHS copy is almost worn out.
Iron Heroes is pretty good, but very crunchy.
And a lot of people here will get a kick out of:
>Monte Cook presents
>by Mike Mearls
>Couldn't even make the metal bikini her size
Unlike anime, where you can have the bikini strain under her size, in real life boobs shift and demorph and those cups just look uncomfortable.
A low fantasy setting
I take it you didn't grow up in the time before Photoshop
It's a book about fiddling with tokens. There is a lot of fiddling.
Looks fine to me. And it's traditionally a chainmail bikini, which is flexible. It just might pinch a nipple though.
>What are the bare-bones essentials you just have to have to make a bikini-fantasy/sword-and-sorcery game great?
An appropriate tone to the whole thing.
To be fair, She loses her top just as much as she wears it in the comic. Pic related is about as work-safe as it gets.
You need
You should storytime this shit.
>oil these correct answers
>still nobody has listed body oil quite literally one point of the bikini fantasy trifecta
Take it from someone who wears bras, ill-fitting cups are absolutely horrible if worn for to long.
And you wouldn't want chainmail against bare skin, especially somewhere sensitive.
I love beef, and cheesecake art and I'm not debating it, but looking at that first photo, how squashed her left breast looks and I just shudder.
Here or should I post it in /aco/? I don't wanna get banned.
Safest would be to do it in /aco/ and drop a link to it here
Yeah, this. Be sure to link this thread in the OP on /aco/ too.
>how squashed her left breast looks and I just shudder.
Yeah even as a guy i can imagine how much that would hurt. Kinda like if a metal banana hammock would be too small for ones balls.
Here if it's just the occasional tits out. The mods tolerate a bit of skin if it's a storytime comic.
On /aco/ if it's more lewd than that.
I'll do it there
Sorry, I fucked up the linking because I'm an idiot
You're a prince, user!
I like fiddling with tokens!
Everything must be sexy.
Don't forget sorcery. It's important.
Yr welcome m8s
I like the cut of your jib
If you can stand d20 there is always the 3.5-esque Conan D20. I think there is a short starting adventure in the book.
I figured I'd start with D20, if only because I have nothing to compare it with
Remember when Veeky Forums brainstormed up a cheesecake sword & sorcery game?
I remember backing the Kickstarter for the cleaned-up version.
Remember when Veeky Forums produced full games instead of Twitter screencaps?
Yep. I peeked in that thread but didn't contribute.
Car Lesbians and Modempunk were good too.
More Ghita to keep this thread going
Everybody is fapping on the other thread, right?
>Ghita of Alizarr
I'm more partial to Lann, but Frank Thorne's work is allllllways pleasing.
Fapping with one hand and making notes for their next campaign with the other
Ghita and The Iron Devil are the only Thorne works I've read. I've been meaning to get to Red Sonja and Lann
Masturbation is such a dirty word. I tend to think of it as "Physical meditation to inspire the next campaign"
It takes more than that to raise my mighty lance!
no, but I'd like to
Comic is a goldmine of reaction images too.
Bad guy is a very poorly veiled jew
Glad I'm not the only one to notice
Today was a good day.
Then i have good news for you.
Barbarians of Lemuria corebook and 2d6.
Where might one go to read it online?
Follow the /aco/ link above to read part one. I was the storytimer. I intend to finish it, if not tonight than tomorrow.
>Upon selecting Tittiemancy as an advanced ability, a Bimbo immediately receives a number of Mana Tokens equal to her Tits attribute and may select a number of Tittiemancy Spells
equal to her Uhm stat.
Why couldn't Harry Potter use this kind of magic.
Why the fuck has no one mentioned Snake Cults? You gotta have snake cults
Because the first rule of Snake Cults is You Don't Mention Snake Cults.
I will not turn into a snake. It never helps.
God DAMN, her face looks haggard as fuck in the closeup. Yikes.
She's probably wearing less makeup than most cosplay sluts these days but that mouth definitely doesn't help.
everlasting bumpu
Dinosaur attacks out of fucking nowhere
>ladies get cool hats/jewelry/arm accessories
>everybody poses dramatically all the time
yo quit squeezin my nuts dawg
>On /aco/ if it's more lewd than that.
user you do NOT know Frank Thorne AT ALL
>thulsa doom
>0 results
what has happened to you my children?
why must you disappoint your father so?
came here to post this
Heroic Fantasy just got released for Adventurer Conqueror King System (ACKS). ACKS was already designed for swords and sorcery style stuff, but the Heroic Fantasy book is designed for making S&S work for the system.
for starters, it is important to remember that high-cut is most powerful: the vertical tightness provides incomparable vigor in battle.
As do I
Hot weather.
Throw common sense out the window if you want to make it work. You know the rest.
Dig up some old Dark Sun campaign materials
play dark sun
The thing about armor, is that it really works. So unless you have a cultural, or climate-related reasons (think celts, and egyptians/greeks) to not wear a lot, every warrior under the sun will want armor of some kind.
Gladiators might be exempt from this, as well as some primal savages (think very primitive elves, etc.).
Dwarven Trollslayers (WFRP) traditionally wear very little, because they have a deathwish.
Also check deviant art for Ages of Aenya - written by a naturist, and the two main characters (Xandr and Thelana) are naturists and go buck nekkid all the time.
>/threading your own post
Poor form.
to elaborate a bit:
The most basic property of armor, is that it protects you from getting killed. So the basic question you have to ask yourself, is "what reason would people have for NOT wearing armor?".
Here are some ideas (and a picture, because I think in pictures):
The royal guard of Xarazhim. In the great port city of Xarazhim, located on the southwestern edge of the great desert, the Royal Guard consists of exactly 100 men and women, chosen not only for their unmatched skill in combat, but also their beauty. The trademark of the Royal Guard, is that they are completely naked (not counting their shields and short swords/spears), and their finely sculpted bodies are the envy of all. Wherever they go, these avatars wield absolute authority of the ruler of Xarazhim.
In terms of mechanics, they posess limited psychic ability, and their weapons are enchanted to bestow upon them the benefit of the stoneskin spell.
It also helps, that the climate of Xarazhim precludes people from wearing any kind of heavy armor.
>"what reason would people have for NOT wearing armor?"
There's the good old standby: cultural norms and tradition say you have to show no fear to your enemy and thus go to battle stark bollock naked.
I did mention the Celts (a couple of posts above).
watch a few movies for inspiration?
Re-read on Cohen the Barbarian's adventures, too.
This, Dark Sun is great.
I'll check it out.
Ghitanon here
boards.Veeky Forums.org/aco/thread/2094940#bottom
Looking at my wife's character sheet, I don't think her PC lends itself well to bikini fantasy as well as it does to black metal, mystical winter forest pagan shit. I'm okay with this.
Players who aren't soyboys
Get this applesponge outta here
Some Frank Frazetta illustrations, ala Fire & Ice. If not, then at least something inspired by him. For example, compare this image of The Huntress...
with the Dark Elf Beastmaster from Dragons Crown.
Players who are not uncomfortable with their own sexuality and therefore don't lash out at the world for being aesthetic and enticing, unlike them.
You're a faggot.
Second, there's a reason knights didn't fight elephants, gorillas, lions or even boars. And the people who did were lightly clad. Monsters don't respect armor and super-strong ape/cavemen are basic encounters in Swords and Sorcery settings.
>what reason would people have for NOT wearing armor?
You don't have it.
I know most people here live in murrika where you can order shit online and there's a Wal Mart every 20 feet. But not even during the peak of armor in the 15th century was armor avaliable everywhere for anyone to purchase.
Swords and Sorcery isn't set during the renaissance it's set in post-apocalypse or an anachronism of the bronze to early iron ages.
those are some swole tigers.
That's why the chainmail should just be sewn on over leather or thick cloth. Unless your going for a metal version of that weird kind of sheer leingere that looks like you should be able to clearly see the nipples yet somehow keeps them hidden.
Now then on to Few people can look past the cheescake in Sword and Sorcery and see the deeper meaning.
Sword and Sorcery is about the fight between Civilization and Barbarism. Civilization allows mankind to progress further than Barbarism does, but at the expense of and subjugation of the individual {wo)man. Civilaztion always has castes, or classes. Those who produce the basic necceities of life, those who train to make war, those who administrate, those who move goods from one place to another, and those who learn. Those who learn take their learning and use it to make better tools so that all the others can do their jobs more efficiently.
Not so the Sorcerer. The Sorcerer is the fantasy version of a Mad Scientist. Not creating new marvels for the beterment of mankind, but rather sacrificing mankind and their own humanity to grow in power. Sorcerers are NEVER content to simply sit in their towers and study though. They ALWAYS seek to wield their power over their fellow man, to rule, to dominate.
The Barbarian is from a society that is unable or unwilling to produce large amounts of surplus. Barbarians resent the idea of being stuffed into a single role. The Barbarian values self reliance, believing the best society is made up of individuals capable of providing for themselves.
Barbarians wear their loincloths and leopard skin bikinis because they're poor. They're from a subsistence culture where every member of th tribe or clan pitches in to do the day to day work needed to produce enough. As has been pointed out, mishapen armor HURTS so any metal is mostly going to be used in weapons, because armor is made to fit an INDIVUDAL. Thus, only the best hunters, finest raiders, and biggest, baddest chiefs will have a breastplate.
The Barbarian, the Sword in the sword and sorcery, is self reliant. They are cunning, proud and brave. They set ambushes, they raid, they stalk their prey be it man or beast. If outmatched, the run. They hide. THey do whatever they must to Survive first and foremost. Whereas a trained soldier in a civilized army is taught that their lives will be spent for the glory of their nation.
Barbarians aren't stupid, just uneducated about how things work. Not like they care. Don't take my word for it, Here's my favorite quote from Conan, in Queen of the Black Coast
“I have known many gods. He who denies them is as blind as he who trusts them too deeply. I seek not beyond death. It may be the blackness averred by the Nemedian skeptics, or Crom's realm of ice and cloud, or the snowy plains and vaulted halls of the Nordheimer's Valhalla. I know not, nor do I care. Let me live deep while I live; let me know the rich juices of red meat and stinging wine on my palate, the hot embrace of white arms, the mad exultation of battle when the blue blades flame and crimson, and I am content. Let teachers and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content.”
What I'm getting at here is this: Sword and Sorcery is about the Barbarian vs the Civilized Man. And understanding those two helps bring the world to life.
Remove bikini
Everyone is a girl playing as a girl
>no third step missing; just profit
>because armor is made to fit an INDIVUDAL
In-setting? Sure. In reality? A whole fucking lot of it wasn't. Its creation does require specialised craftsmen that a bunch of barely glorified hunter-gatherers sure as hell can't support though.
A good post