How would they differ from their fantasy setting counterparts?
What would be their deal?
Dwarves in a modern setting
Depends on setting.
They could be good at holding ladders
They would be king among midgets, on a more serious note just look how they are treated in shadowrun, a lot of them take up engineer/tech related jobs or something that fits their physique/societal mindset.
>a lot of them take up engineer/tech related jobs or something that fits their physique/societal mindset.
Which edition was it that had a dwarf noting that most parents of dwarf children buy their kid a "My First Engineering" set and how he wondered if dwarfs were actually more mechanically-minded than other metahumans, or if it was just because society pushed them into the field from the time they were in diapers?
I think it's SR3.
Dwarves are always depicted as reclusive, technology-minded folk that live in dark and cramped spaces and have a heavy build for their height.
Modern-day dwarves thus would be pic related.
They're pretty hardy and strong, the best at forging and blacksmithing, and are incredibly socially conservative.
They would be the equivalent of poor americans, living in low income housing, working 14 hour shifts at the factory, and spending off hours drinking or fighting. Some would escape the cycle of poverty and get a good job as a foreman, an architect, or manager, which just means they tell other dwarves what to do.
Basically West Virginia.
>dwarven coal miners and laborers on welfare because they don't get paid enough to retire, even in human years, before they get black lung or their beard gets caught in a machine ripping off part of their face
>dwarves who work other jobs, or shave their beards at least, are seen as race traitors
>Dwarven cops that break up bar fights are known as babyfaces or stubbles.
>Dwarven women trying to look more human by wearing high heels, shaving, and hiding their accent to blend in better and appear more high society. Hated by traditionalists the same way some blacks might hate when their women wear blue contact lenses and get straight blond hair.
>the same way some blacks might hate when their women wear blue contact lenses and get straight blond hair.
I've never heard of this in my 24 years of being black in NYC
Huh. White guy from San Antonio, knew a guy and a girl who were like that but that was in Highschool. Figured it was an attempt to get back to their roots or something.
>What would be their deal?
imagine everything about manlets, but amplify it further
They consider themselves less primitive, better at building up muscle mass, require less calories and can then use more calories for their brains on top od being the most mass efficient soldiers, long lived, with less cardiovascular and back problems and insist on having better hand-eye coordination.
the above is all true, except not by any wide enough margin and the mortality of women during childbirthing prevents them from putting their mass efficiency at use for outbreeding other races.
The only perfect height is "more" you fucking manlet.
This BS should be a bannable offense.
In feudal Japan maybe
He might be if you are from Hobbiton.
Not really. If you were to ask "Should high elves be taller than humans", the answer depends on the setting. The OP should be more specific. What type of dwarves are we talking about here?
Average height is 5 ft 10 in. What are you talking about?
It's fine if you lead off with it, but posting just that is no more useful than posting an overbroad question.
>What would be their deal?
They're angry that coal jobs are going away.
What's with all the Pat and Paige threads disguised as Dwarf threads lately?
Pat's an honorary fa/tg/uy
Go read Swanwick.