Fantasy Location Art

Post what inspires you


This, among other things, inspires me.

Got anymore like this? I'm running a campaign set in an underground city, and would love some inspiration.

Nothing too similar, I'm afraid.


I've got some time to kill, so I'll dump some of what I have.












Love this one


































Is this hell?



No, it's too beautiful. True hell is more akin to USSR.







I've been there.

This was an image used by one of my DMs. It was basically an underempire run by intelligent skeletons, half dragons, and what were basically flesh golems.

> t. a person who has never actually been in USSR, neither have his parents
This is hades, I suppose.





Since my current campaign is based on these kinds of images...




It´s by John Martin, brittish 19th century painter who also did this one, most of his paintings have an apocalyptical theme (mostly christian, biblical stuff)

Nice, Zdzislaw right?

I can post some stuff aswell, I am currently writing fantasy in a desert, arabian/hindu setting, so its that sort of stuff and landscapes I´m mostly inspired by.

I think this is supposed to be UR, but it could be Baghdad aswell







You should definitely nick Carthage's amazing navy harbour.


>Oban Star Racers
Yer a cool dude, user.



pandemonium. the city that all the demons (hence the name, pan + demon + ium) shrink down and fit into in milton's paradise lost












