The Veeky Forums meme seems to be shitty groups, and i want to hear about how your group is successful and fun to play in.
My group is halfway through a campaign right now, and we have plans of doing two other campaigns (with a different person as GM each time) afterwards. This will likely take us another two years to get through. then maybe i can DM Anyone else have a group that does this?
Cameron Foster
everyone in my group trusts each other, to the point where our best session ever had PvP between two characters over RP'd reasons. one of them died from this happening at the end of the session.
and neither of the characters were evil.
Jaxson Cruz
+ Most of them have GMd before + Generally pretty good roleplayers + Mostly remember rules + Totally down to learn and play new systems + Not bad at games (digital and board) + Willing to compromise + Don't get too upset when things don't go their way in a game + Don't get upset when GMs abuse their personality quirks for in-game reasons, like giving the guy-compelled-to-optimize things that are inherently impossible to do so with - Sometimes like different things
Overall, 9/10, would keep playing games with.
Nolan Turner
My group is around 20 active guys and girls who are all pretty great. Good opinions about what constitutes as fun in traditional games, almost perfect grasp of rules, no edgelords or That Guys, willing to experiment with systems and all around fun to talk and play tabletop/vidya with.
Also some of us have fun working on homebrew rulesets.
But what I mostly love about the group is that for the most part we all trust each other not to be retarded. That goes for pvp because of rp reasons like said, but also going for character ideas Veeky Forums would consider red flags. Guy playing a female character? No problem, you know he makes great ones and isn't creepy in the least. Girl plays a half-demon kitsune? It's okay, you know she's gonna play it straight, interesting and not like a special snowflake.
I really like my group.
Eli Russell
>decent grasp of rules >cool with homebrewing stuff that we want in our game >talks to each other about problems like adults >80% of people DM so things have variety >interest in different systems
very excited to play WFRP in a few months.
Jonathan James
You forgot ? Keep making in character mistakes, oh god the bodies
Nathaniel Morales
They're the first group of non-crazy murderhobos I've ever DMed for. Even though they still struggle with the rules sometimes, they're so fucking good at turning tradgedy into triumph. Examples:
Dwarven monk PC got his throat slit in an alley after splitting from the party. A lesson was learned and a tear-filled funeral was held. Good, honest roleplay that led to the player making the character he always wanted-a gunslinger.
Orc barbarian got ripped in half by a hastily-summoned 1/10th power Archdemon. They needed to find a body to ressurect her into, leading to a Weekend at Bernies scenario at a Gnoll wake. Blood was shed and the Barbarian was ressurected as a dead Gnoll warchief, with an entire tribe waiting on her word.
A cutiepie Ranger who the Bard was crushing on got accidentally vaporized by a wild magic lightning bolt cast by the druid. This sent the Bard into a spiraling miasma of depression and demon worship. She's now a full-on follower of Old Scratch, and she gains powers from her dark lord. It happened so organically, after a series of horrible events befell her over and over that it turned a terrible and cringey "fall to darkness" story into something that's incredibly engaging.
I love them all so much.
Blake Young
I've been with my current group for about a decade now and it's still great. Found them in college and was able to get them into gaming since I was the guy with all the books, and thanks to the magic of the internet we can still play even though we're scattered across the US. Everyone has a nice spread of typical behaviors and stuff we like that everything is still going strong.
Even started streaming our games on Twitch about six-sevenish months ago which has be met with modest success, though the real benefit is being able to easily archive our sessions.
Adam Robinson
They only ever want to play Pathfinder premades.
Isaac Bennett
My group is good old fashion fun we recently spent only an hour playing last week because we fucked the pre made campaign so hard the dm had to rewrite large portions.
Isaac Evans
what's the name of the stream?
Wyatt Sanders
we never have arguements. Everyone is a team player and lets the natural leaders lead without giving them tyrannical power. Always have fun hanging out and sometimes it takes a half hour to actually play because we enjoy each other's company so much. I can personally call each and every one of them my friend.
Matthew Rivera
really putting the FU in fun?
Anthony Stewart
My group is amazing, I love playing with them >all young men around my age (20-30) >all fa/tg/uys >all have thick skin >all have a sense of humor >all have a tendency to meme at least a little >all look forward to the game >all are on time >all have their shit together and do not have background noise
I could go on, but I just want to thank you for making this thread and give me the opportunity to be thankful for my group.
Zachary Ortiz
Do you all have real life groups or online groups?
Ethan Carter
The good - really interesting campaigns, the Peninsular War, Prussia 1806 The bad- I've been living interstate for over a year
Anthony James
Thomas Brooks
>All new players >Primarily women >All are writers or artists >They are wholly invested in the world and their characters, do voices, commit to the mood and have little props for themselves >Care about the game and each other >Create a bunch of art of their characters and NPCS >Managed to do romance plots that were over the course of months and made sense >Are bugging me when we play next >Say thanks for the sessions when we wrap up >Write out their downtime, sometimes as full short stories. >Are still able to appreciate some low brow humor, and can crack wise As a forever DM I had given up hope of ever really knowing gratitude for the work I put in, but holy shit, I do not deserve these people as friends. We've had 96 sessions of one campaign in a little less than a year and a half, and as we are about to wrap our first game together, I know my old ass is gonna cry when we reach The End.
One of 'em even made a lil art piece of our group when the campaign hit a year and I definitely teared up.
Landon Cruz
Well see the thing was: My crew of a paladin (me) a druid (my wife) and a wizard and arcane trickster rouge (friends and rouge subclass comes into play). We are doing a pre made game in a converted to 5e Eberon don't ask which adventure idk. Anyway we leave with this dragon marked guy who has a golem for a cart pretty big size we all fit and DM said its twice as fast as my horse I had to stable. (Also important later) anyway we come to the place we need to be, rose quarry or something, and I'm able to see the banner of a religious sect using knowledge religion I found out all I need to know as a vengeance pally, that is I find out they are heretics, so I decide time to kill while my dm says oh look a side path lol we all ignore him and discuss the plan of attack. So we decide fuck it lets hit them with the cart. Guy driving is down for a modest 500gp. So then we get the idea to have the druid cast entangle, then the idea for the wizard to cast enlarge on the cart, then the idea of me telling our rouge the proper greeting of this order while he illusions a big banner on the front of the cart. so we come down the hill yelling how were friends and the rouge rolls a 24 after bonus for bluff which they all buy so 11 god damn soldiers line up in a perfect square as we enlarge the cart. Dm says ok but were doing rolls for turn order were like fine luckily guy driving gets a nat 20 so in one fell swoop he runs over 11 people for 30 damage a piece killing all of them and beating a lvl 8 unwinnable encounter with a lvl 3 party. We had 40 mins of arguing over the details 5 mins of actual things happen then the game was over because we apparently killed two VIPs and fucked the story.
James Sullivan
I want to play with you, and your group. You are the dream, user.
Jaxson Howard
I took almost fifteen years to find this group user, you can too! You just gotta find a group of people that you inspire and are inspired by! And also people that are comfortable around each other to have conversations about y'know, emotional and raw shit when emotional and raw shit throws down.
It's hard, but I think it's feasible. I fucking stumbled into this one after me and a friend left a really toxic group. I only started because friends wanted to play and I happened to be the only seasoned vet in the group and a forever DM. I expected a short three month thing, at most, and then they'd get bored.
Instead the fuckers reignited my passion for a hobby I thought I was going to leave behind when I turned thirty.
Eli Long
Group has good banter and the players are enjoying their characters immensely. fantastic enthusiasm.
Austin Ramirez
>One of 'em even made a lil art piece of our group when the campaign hit a year and I definitely teared up.