Where's the best place to buy cheap minatures, Veeky Forums? I'm not trying to pay 100 bucks for 25 shitty character representations covered in Chinese bird flu. Alternatively, where do you buy your minis from? I'm curious as to how your shitty LGS handles minis.
Where's the best place to buy cheap minatures, Veeky Forums...
pocket knives are cheap and you can find blocks of wood anywhere. make your minis by reliving the life of a geriactric fisherman with a bad leg living on the coast of Virginia in the 1600s
just buy historicals.
You can get ~50 plastic historicals for the price of 10 plasic fantasy of sci-fi minis.
Not just historical, rather go for a smaller scale. 15mm is great
Sheeeet negro I've already got a bad leg and live on the coast of Virginia. Now all I need is a time machine.
Historicals? Where could I end up grabbing some of them? Amazon is just showing a bunch of Napoleonic shit.
Perry, Gripping Beast and Warlord for affordable plastics.
I also have metal models from all three of these companies and they were all pretty nice.
Fireforge also has some pretty nice plastic kits and they supplement their lines with resin minis.
If you go on the Northstar page they also have all the ranges from artizan, crusader et al on there. Some great sculpts there.
Northstar is has a range of plastic miniatures for Frostgrave and Oathmark as well, although those are fantasy lines.
A company that I'd like to throw some money is Claymore Castings, they have some really dope knight sculpts, but they are a little more expensive than the others.
If you are looking for a specific period it may be a good idea to ask in /hwg/
If you are open to fantasy stuff as well you should also look into reaper bones.
You know what, I typed out a nice response outlining where I have bought my stuff at what I think are reasonable prices. Online etc, some differing options.
But you come across as such a douchebag now that I reread your post that you can go fuck yourself kid.
I thought of why i didn't really had an interest in writing out a good response.
This guy got it, op sounds douchy
My entire groups war-games so we just steel sigmar minis from my one fat friend named steve, My LGS also sells those new 5e minis for like 5 canada money each
Thewarstore.com and ebay. 15mm is the way to go for cheap minis.
You sound like a colossal jerk. Go die somewhere else.
I'm not a dick, I'm just cheap. I'm sorry. I'm just tired of forcing my players to use color-coded Munchkin pieces and I don't have the cash for some of the more expensive ones.
Loads of print n' glue miniatures out there.
Besides that it's just trawling auction sites and online flea-markets for bundles.
I was looking into 15mm for a Savage Worlds game I want to run, and was blown away by the prices. Plastic Soldier Company sells upwards of 100 troops for 25 bucks? That's fucking insane.
Lay off the cool kid speech and insults, put away the profanity.
In this post of yours you sound like an adult. In your OP you sound like an shithead trying to impress people.
Go over to miniaturemarket.com, look through Reaper Bones. There are some good D&D and Pathfinder miniatures that are out now - unpainted and come two to a package (only seen them at game stores so far). About 2-3$.
If you need cheaper you are going to have to go with plastic toys that come in packages intended for kids. Although as some above have suggested 15mm can work.
Alternately, take a look at the cardboard stands that Pathfinder has. They aren't bad really and there is good variety and many suppliers.
There are videos on making your own by the way and you do this with amazing results.
You can also look for some of the old 4e pogs.
I own thousands of dollars worth of the pre-painted miniatures (got them when they were much cheaper, prior to 5e they were almost free). But if I had to do it all over I'd go with the cardboard stuff just for the fact that you could carry a really impressive collection around easily. Maybe with the character models as miniatures.
Cardboard haha you are fucking useless. OP you should listen to this guy
what a fucking snob you are. you can make cardboard aesthetic on the table, you just need a sense of taste and aesthetic, clearly lacking in a brainlet like you
>talks about aesthetics
>repeats words within the same sentence
OP suggests that he cannot afford a range of models. He also explains what he is currently using.
I certainly agree that miniatures (painted well) are the gold standard here. However, if OP cannot reach that then - yes - card board stands are a clear upgrade to what he is currently using. And are certainly within his stated price range if bought, even more so if he simply does them himself.
But thanks for being so cool that you ignored the entire half of my post where I talked about miniatures - if OP can afford - just so you can show how cool you are and insult me.
Play an undead army. You can buy generic skeletons pretty much anywhere in bulk for cheap
Try reading enitre post.
>reprimands regarding aesthetics
>posts acne faced wiglet who presumably raps, an art style making use of words repeated innumerable times
kys. papercraft masterrace
Ay fag you made me spill my tea laughing
If you're roleplaying, just get these things. Paizo's version are called "Pathfinder Pawns", and they're dirt cheap; 10 USD gets you like 100 of them. I was concerned about wear and tear myself, but we've had them since about 2013-2014 without any significant damage. Also they work surprisingly well considering that they're basically printed-out cardboard with plastic bases.