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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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There you bums I did it for you. Not like I like you or anything. I just didn't want to wait for it any more.
Form Purist, Age Rebel
But this needs a third axis. "Attitude purist-Attitude rebel"
As there is that distinctive loli-attitude as well.
Alright Jumpers, who was your first Waifu Companion? Are they still with you? What kinds of things have you showed them and what manner of shenanigans have you gotten up to?
Pic related was my first
Basically everything.
Ok here is my first wip of the Reaper Hunter jump I am working on. I hope you people like it I haven't done one of these before and I really want this to turn out good.
>also part 8 has the worst art.
You mean part 1 and 6 when it isn't colored
>may choose any sapient race except monsters present in the monster hunter setting
Sweet, I can be a Reaper.
Medaka Box question: Just how far can All Fiction be taken? Other than the explicitly stated limit about not being able to remove jumper's own death during the chain, what limits would it have?
Like, could just on its own, could I pop into a setting and erase death and illness/disease, making everyone (well, everyone else) immortal?
Could I take it farther, erase limits/diminishing returns to growth of people's capabilities, thus uncapping everyone?
What're the limits here?
Now you know darn well that I did not mean that and just because of that I will rewrite it to say May choose any sapient race Normally present in the monster hunter setting such as wyvernians, humans, and felynes.
Princess Mikotsu is my Jumper’s one and only waifu, having joined in Jump 5 and actually becoming his waifu in Jump...20, I think? She’s stuck with him through thick and thin, battling the Light of Destruction and other villains, exploring strange and beautiful worlds, and becoming a hero for a great many people. For the girl who had been neglected by her father, who had fallen into darkness because of it, and only with Jumper’s help realized that her sister truly loved and cared for her, that last part is especially huge for her.
That was the point, Reaper. You need to be specific and anticipate abuses. Never assume that a reader can understand what you mean unless you spell it out directly.
Just keep in mind that there is a limit. You should be aware of loopholes and cut them off but don't worry about accounting for every possible situation, cause you won't be able to. People who expect you to are being unreasonable assholes.
>People who expect you to are being unreasonable assholes.
Nice projection
Agreed. I just wanted to point out an obvious issue. I'm still looking through it, but I imagine there'll be more of those. He's a new jump maker, and he's got a lot to learn.
I'm sure you''re one of those guys that gets assblasted about jumpmakers not going full lawyer on their jump descriptions, maybe you're even one of those idiots that blames the jump maker for letting you use obscure, inaccurate readings of a perk to power wank. But most people aren't like you.
>I'm sure you''re one of those guys that gets assblasted about jumpmakers not going full lawyer on their jump descriptions, maybe you're even one of those idiots that blames the jump maker for letting you use obscure, inaccurate readings of a perk to power wank. But most people aren't like you.
Again, nice projection
>The Rapening
>How I Raped Your Mother
>No Country For Old Rapists
...and many many more I would like to actually see.
In that train of thoughts, how "different" is when you guys arrive to 'modern' settings? Just like earth? Minor differences? Major ones?
I thought that was the reason behind this whole exercise.
There's very little story to get get into, what do we do imn this jump?
Hunt the Reapers and the Leviathans to make some sweet armor.
I imagine One Tough Motherfucker is meant to be 400CP?
Enjoy a setting where the human* race can and probably will end up hunting the reapers with big swords? Have fun in citadel space riding a rathian through the presidium? Spook some humans with your dragon element Eezo power fields? it is a setting based on the what if idea of what if mass effect and monster hunter shared a universe. Maybe you could go hunt some thresher maws I hear they are a bit easy for a seasoned expert but the acid attacks make for interesting weapons.
Yes it is. Thank you.
Jumpers, what Jumps/Updates are you most looking forward to?
>Kiss of death
Despite how great she is I could never think of her as not already being taken for some reason.
All Fiction is terrifying in the hands of someone who's not fated to always lose.
It got, kind of nebulously, got nerfed hard when he wasn't an antagonist anymore, so I honestly can't think of a better explanation than "you can't do anything that would solve the plot too quickly."
That's because you're a good person who knows well enough not to NTR Kamina
What form is most of your jumper's wealth?
except Kamina dies.
as does that other guy
you know the wannabe-kamina, who's blonde.
For those of you who want to take Legendary Hero in Medaka Box, here are three simple ways to overcome your weakness to Styles:
>Use neurosurgery perks and brass balls the size of your head to jam a finger in your skull and destroy the language center of your brain
>Communication is rendered impossible, thus Styles will not work on you
>Upon realizing you're fighting a Stylist, make the absolute worst joke you can think of, rendering everyone speechless
>Due to Legendary Hero's effect, they will be unable to find their words again and thus unable to use their Styles
>Realize that you're not actually weak to Styles, you're instead exactly as vulnerable as everyone else
>Plenty of people can beat Stylists without being immune to their powers, so just channel your inner shonen protagonist and use your brain for once
>This starts out small with you barely being able to move a cup though with time and practice you will be able to do much more, maybe you could be biotic god? (Probably not) as a plus you don't need to worry about headaches that normally can come from this.
The ass end of that is awkward.
>biotic god? (Probably not) as a plus you don't need to worry about headaches that normally can come from this.
That's not how you use parenthesis, and you need to capitalize the a in as.
I can't see anything really broken in it, but it reads bland. The perks are clear enough, but looking through it there's little sense of place or personality. It just looks like a collection of perks that don't really add up to anything. It's not bad per se, but I don't get what this is trying to do.
I've gone through a couple of Chains so far and I've gotten to explore more than a few of my favorite characters. Giggity! And while Raven, Lapis, and various Pokemon-based OCs have all been fun, in the end, I have to put Bea up on the top of the list.
Technically Katia was meant to be the waifu companion for Dual Chain, but as Jumps went by I found I had a hard time thinking of the character in that light. It was almost like I had expected myself to write her a certain way and when my brain when in another direction, everything just sort of evaporated. Strange how that works.
Bea is still with Dual!Yorokonde and will likely be all the way until the end. He showed her magic, she showed me how to fix a boiler. He showed her potions and swordplay and she showed me the quiet beauty of a snow-covered hill. And over the worlds she's developed a rather intense desire to keep him safe, which constantly clashes with his desire to wander and be a hero. But they bring out the best in each other. He's the dreamer, she's the practical.
I'm so looking forward to Burning Crusade, even if it'll be a while before I plan to use it in my Chain. I'm also looking forward to the World of Warcraft Jump because it sounds massive and glorious. The Companions alone make me want to ignore the overarching stupidity of the "story" and just go find my own adventures. Especially interested in seeing what the Quest Log looks like.
I'm also looking forward to my own Etrian Odyssey 5 Jump. If only so I can instantly replace the Claim slot with something else. No, I'm not telling you what yet. If someone else beats me to it that's fine.
Ok thank you I will work on it and try to change that part. The biotic god part was supposed to come off as a joke but I thought it may fall flat. Better to just remove it all together.
>I'm also looking forward to the World of Warcraft Jump because it sounds massive and glorious. The Companions alone make me want to ignore the overarching stupidity of the "story" and just go find my own adventures. Especially interested in seeing what the Quest Log looks like.
How unfortunate for you that we aren't going to accept the jump, then.
How does one become Nono?
Kislev and Amazons, moar warhammer fantasy!
Groovin' Magic and Busty Babe
Different in what sense, and compared to what?
To copy a fantastic little .gif from the end of the last thread...
Body snatching perks.
>Youjo Senki
>Dragonball Super and Xenoverse
>Everyone Else is a Returnee
>World of Warcraft
That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Eat her and evolve.
So hey Yorokonde, you know that with the Shelter Jump out you're basically required to DualJump it with Hellstar Remina now, right?
Too lewd, user.
Really? I thought you needed Eternal Topless too?
I actually feel kind of bad for humanity, in this setting. Their homeworld has the most badass ecosystem of the entire galaxy, there's nothing good to hunt out on other planets. It's pretty much just thresher maws, that's the biggest and most impressive thing you're going to find, and that must get old fast.
You know you like it, though.
I have no idea what either of those properties are.
What is the context behind that pic? Why is this character's body being altered by their idle thoughts?
Is Eternally Topless mutually exclusive with Busty Babe?
No, I don't think so.
I dunno what this picture is, but more please.
No. Nono is very explicitly not a Topless. Topless are humans that are evolving into physics-warping psychic god-beasts. Nono's a robot, she's got nothing to do with that mess. If you want just her powers, Busty Babe is all you need. If you want her character traits, you should also take the entire Vilalger tree, it's based on her.
If you were a canon character, yes, but being a jumper gives you the freedom to combine traits in weird ways. They're compatible.
Not enough CP.
They can't be that busty then to never need support.
Giv Dorfs, Elfs, and Ratkin!
It's just a weird mistranslation, it's meant to indicate that they have infinite potential. Though given that this is Gainax, animated by the crew that would go on to form Studio Trigger...well, okay, it's a little like that, too.
They have reapers at least. The krogans are going to love them.
adding this to the intro if it doesn't look too bad.
You may find yourself hunting massive beasts or creating great machines from their bone or you may simply enjoy your time breeding bugs. You may decide to be a scientist studying the secrets of the universe in all its glory. But know that no matter what you choose to do the Reapers are real. They will come eventually and it is up to you to decide whether you will meet them with Bullet, blade, and the blunt weapons using nothing more than the hides of fallen titans to preserve you or if you will run and seek safe haven elsewhere on your own whatever you choose to do be aware that this galaxy is not ready.
You guys keep saying Nono and my mind keeps replacing it with Nonon.
It's a back shot of Stockings from Panty & Stockings with just her hair accented. I don't have many shots like that. This one is rather similar in its suggestiveness.
Good thing SB invented Creativity Mode.
Are you German? I haven't seen a humor deficiency that significant since Bavaria.
>Black Crusade
>Chrono Cross
>The Ring (if YJ actually makes it)
The best thing to come out of that hellhole
>You guys keep saying Nono and my mind keeps replacing it with Nonon.
Well, it's the same people.
Yes. I am the one who is bad at humor. Okay.
>so I honestly can't think of a better explanation than "you can't do anything that would solve the plot too quickly."
Thanks and hrm...
I generally think of plot as not being a force when entering a setting. That it's more that I'm being sent to worlds that (extremely strongly) resemble various works of fiction or such, but generally are still their own world and "plot" isn't a thing attached to the world itself.
So, how should I interpret such a limitation then? Baring a world having beings/principles actively working against me attempting to do such, should I assume that I could do the things above as a "standard upgrade package" for any world I enter, or..?
Given the vagueness I'm tempted to houserule for myself All Fiction as not actually being available to my jumper, or being too dependent on Medakaverse metaphysics to function at such an extreme scale or something. Just remove it as an option for myself. Probably more fun that way.
(I think I might even come up with a reasonable handwave/explanation in terms of how stuff works for my jumper why it would be unavailable.)
The friends he made along the way. My jumper is not a rich man
Please, that honor belongs to SJ-chan
>Try to look up Billie Lurk porn
>There is none
How could the internet fail me?
>>Upon realizing you're fighting a Stylist, make the absolute worst joke you can think of, rendering everyone speechless
>>Due to Legendary Hero's effect, they will be unable to find their words again and thus unable to use their Styles
This technique shall hereby be called "Last Stand-Up"
There is an astonishingly small pool of Dishonored R34.
It's a tragedy.
It's definitely only a local phenomenon, otherwise Kumagawa would erase the existence of all female clothing other than the naked apron. Since he has not, it probably can only target things the user is directly interacting with.
There's not really many limits. You probably can't do something like "erase the limits on all fiction' but other than that there's not much short of other massively powerful reality warpers or beings with specific defences that can block it. Your examples would be both things that could work.
That said, I think that just saying a problematic power or perk wasn't available for purchase to your jumper is a neat way of solving this kind of situation.
A random OC Pokémon trainer, she was cute.
Yes. Always and forever.
Showed her lots of things. Shenanigans? Ehhh....she keeps me grounded, so there’s not much in the way of shenanigans. Except for dicking with the staff of Jurassic World.
Ok so here is the current version of the jump with a few changes. Added more to the intro and changed a pricing issue as well as made a change to the wording on races for the human backgrounds.
Thanks man.
Looks great for a first jump. Good work reaper.
You're right Giga-Satan. And most of it gay Corvo/Daud shit
Thank you! if possible could someone drop this in the upload folder? I don't have much time before I have to go to work and I don't really know how to work that part of the drive.
I got you buddy. Have a nice day at work.
Gaia. The only choice that didn't feel like I was stalking some woman across the multiverse. Every chain I've had she's inevitably showed up.
You might just have to wait for Val to give a ruling then.
This a weird ass setting, but I'm still gonna jump it
It reminds me of those Anons who used to talk about combining multiple Jumps into one merged setting
Makes me think of that Skyrim and Mass Effect crossover.
Dragon Queens?
I love that crossover.
Ye, that's pretty good. So is the Prototype Mass Effect crossover.
Have you tried Overlord Effect? You might like it.
The one where Earth is completely subsumed by Blacklight? I liked it but didn't like how they seemed so vulnerable from that one chapter.
>Overlord Effect
Someone should make a jump out if it
Yeah, that one. It's actually really good. They subsume the entire solar system and make friends because they are bored. They sorta represent it as a gestalt hivemind.
I would jump it.
How should one build and what should one do with the Chaos Warband if your Jumper is trying to be a good person?
Right now my only thought is to take the dumbest, most evil units (I think that's the Chaos Giants) and use Resident Evil science to turn them into giant, loyal Nemesis Tyrants with no wants or desires except to serve. But that feels a bit repugnant. Cool, but morally questionable.
A hoard of slaaneshi daemonets and have them work as prostitutes.
Well there was that one Chaos Lord who bought 10,000 Warhounds...
That's at least Neutral, and dogs are always a good bet?