Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion

Krag'wa does not get eaten, Krag'wa does the eating edition.

Discuss the lore and story of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.

>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version! Also contains the official Warcraft Chronicles volumes 1 and 2. Also Liadrin is best girl.

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>sees another massive toad.
back the fuck off?!

>5 fingers: Drogbar and Goblin
>Tusks: Drogbar and Troll
>Pointy Ears: all 3
>Speaking tic: brul and mon
>Being referred by name of the other race: Rock Troll

5 fingers AND 4 toes: Drogbar and Mogu
Tusks: Mogu
Pointy ears: Mogu
Bonus: Being made of stone: Drogbar and Mogu
>Xal'atath whispers: More of the titans' failed experiments grow here unchecked. The drogbar prove their failure as creators.
Confirmed titanborn: Drogbar, Mogu and Goblin.

The Loa are all so based.

Goblins are three fingers and a thumb, so yeah seems I was mistaken.

Well, yeah. It's because they avoided getting tainted by the Elves.

the Loa are troll gods aren't they? why did they never attempt to gain control of the elves? elves are descendants of trolls after all. is Elune perhaps...a good Loa?

The Ancient Guardians are Wild Gods like the Loa, so, in a way, the Loa already have control of the elves.

They don't want to get tainted with their elf aids. Look at how Loa act and compare it to Elven Wild Gods.

Loa got btfo by a handful of Human mages.

Oh, they're certainly not the strongest gods. They're just cooler and more interesting than, say, windchimes.

>It'd be like if they took the most Troll/Orc/Tauren-like Alliance friendly race (whatever one considers that to be) and made their leader the Alliance leader.
Tyrande would be a terrible High King.

>tfw Zandalar is too cool to miss
>meanwhile, Kul Tiras is shit
I guess it's time to faction change all my goats into trolls


Hey, Kul Tiras looks kind of cool. Better than Stormwind.

I mean, Zandalar is better by a mile but I'm a trollfag so of course I say that.

I'm more disappointed that aside from a different "skin" and perhaps a different stance, the models are more or less the same.


Yikes. Close it down.


Question. Is saying "loa spirits" the equivalent of saying "god spirits" or "spirits spirits"?



>Dem digits
Kek wills it!


What did I miss?

Some guy posted about how he's annoyed by frogs.

Got good digits before his post got deleted.

Is it really that hard to see that Saurfang is gonna work with the Alliance? Just like how the Nightbourne betrayed the Alliance for the horde? You know blizz is gonna have some cool epic moment where Saurfang is bantering with Dwarves over killing Forsaken....

What kind of cunt deletes epic digits like that?

Loa seem to the some of the most varied as far as deities/powerful spirits go. You have small loa that are basically just forest spirits that can get punked by one guy with a magic enough sword, then you have loa capable of devouring worlds and shit. I will always stand behind Voodoo being bare none the most powerful school of magic, if only because it has no fucking rules. The only limitation is if the gods you're channeling care enough about lending you their power, or just want to fuck with you today for no particular reason.

Now that they're actually getting some spotlight with the zandalar story, I wonder how much more prevalent loa are going to become in the lore from here on out. My money's on none because blizzard's incompetent.

>Nightborne whining
>Saurfang in the Alliance

Not even trying.

As a player who's been Alliance since Burning Crusade, I'd like to formally apologize for

>Void Lords show up.
>They finally speak for themselves, in an abominable and indecipherable tongue that brings madness to all who hear it.
>'Ey mon, whatchu wan'?


I unironically think there are close ties between the trolls, loa, and the old gods. Trolls are one of the few races that have been around from the beginning, they were give or take the most dominant species for most of it, and they never had any kind of stone form. And nothing on Azeroth had flesh before the old gods. The only other species with as much history on the planet were the Aqir and they were straight up old god lackeys. Like trolls are to Old Gods as Draenei are to Naaru, as Dwarves and Humans are to Titans.

.t your ass. I know you're going to bring up the Amani war, but there was absolutely no mention of the Loa on that battlefield or losing to the mages.

Not that guy, but nah, there was. I've read Chronicle, they mention some Loa burning up in the big inferno too.

Doesn't make them any less cool though-we've long known Loa aren't exactly omnipotent, the Drakkari ate theirs. Wild Gods are a lot more killable than something like Titans.

Though Wild Gods come back after a few thousand years, don't they?

>The New Grand Alliance is at the Gates of the New Horde citadel in Kalimdor
>Sylvanas sees them "Is that all you Alliance got? My plauge will bring them down."
>Forsaken start launching Plauge at the Knights and they charge full speed at the Forsaken
>Suddenly from the Flank a Horn is heard
>Mag'har Wolfrivers like a swarm charge straight to the Horde army slicing through them like hot butter
>"Lok'Tar Ogar!
>Saurfang jumps off his Wolf and heads straight for Sylvanas with his axe to cleave while he yells "Gol'Kosh"
>Right when Saurfang is about to cleave Sylvanas in two he gets shot by an arrow and gets paralyzed
>Saurfang is on his knees about to be killed by nathanos
>Suddenly Anduin appears in a Gyrphon and puts up a giant bubble to protect Saurfang and him
>Saurfang is healed and grabs his axe
>He charges fast and jumps in the air and slices Nathanos in half
>Sylvanas watches with a tear in her eye as she escape deeper into the citadel

Or shorter if people start fucking around with dimensional barriers.

Cenarius got back in Cata relatively quickly while most of the others that came back in Cata had been dead since the War of the Ancients.

I think that if the "Noble Human Paladins" were all like Marcus. There would be no problems.

Marcus the Steamy Romance guy or Marcus Johnathan: Hero of the Alliance?

Through dick, unity.


I guess BlueOrc posting is going to BfA's big troll meme.

Varok "Punished" Saurfang

>Wild Gods come back no problem
>Dragon aspects, though, those stay dead
We've literally killed all of them except for Alexstrasza and Nozdormu, and, technically, that's only because Nozdormu hasn't caught up to us yet.

I wonder how MOMMY Alex poster will react when she gets corrupted and raidbossed like all the rest.

Kul Tiras is way better than more Troll shit.

Especially when Kul Trias humans are these eight foot tall vrykul men who fucked orc bitches during the second war and the attack on Orgrimmar.

Post sexy corrupted Alex art.

I haven't played it but Kul Tiras seems like a cool change of pace from the usual warcraft tone. Backwoods witches and shit has always been one of my favorite settings.

Kul'Tiras women = Shem of Babylon

I love both to be honest.

Drustvar has a problem with a lack of variety. People who play it feel that after awhile, they've just been doing the same exact thing for hours on end.

what was he thinking when he channeled that Light Spell?

Holy shit Am I the next Tirion lol?

>he still thinks it's a meme

So, one thing's been bothering me. Senegos said some shit about how dragons apparently can't reproduce any more? The fuck is that about?

Sorry if this was explained at some point, but I swear I did all the Pandaria, Draenor, and Legion quests after I resubbed, and I can't remember any other references.

I should certainly hope Blues prefer Kul Tiras to Zandalar, because if they turn around to say "Zandalar is better! Horde Bias!" I'd bash my head into the wall.

They gave up all of their divine blessings to kill Deathwing.

cata's hateboner for the dragonflights

Yeah, they're sterile since Cata because they sacrificed they're power to stop Deathwing.

Yes, it's as stupid as it sounds.

I knew they gave up the power the Titans had bestowed upon them to kill Deathwing. I didn't know that this somehow kills the gametes.

Goddamnit, Blizzard, every time I think you can't get stupider...

Krag'wa, Krag'wa
At the door.
Run away quick,
Or you'll run no more.

Krag'wa is not a samurai. Delete this post.

>this thing swallows islands
Jesus, why did the Zandalari never use him on us.

I'm pretty sure that vision was like, a metaphor or something.

Krag'wa is tough but he's not swallow islands tough. And he needed his power restored before he could help us.

Oh, do we have videos of the Zandalar questing yet uploaded anywhere yet? I'm interested but don't want to watch some streamer drone over everything.

I guess we'll see once they unlock the other zones, but Nazmir is currently far superior to Drustvar even if the zones are going for a different feel. It's got more variety and subplots, but also gets you more invested in the main conflict, gives a better introduction to your host culture, and tells you more about the opposition as well. As of now, Zandalar is better.
>Krag'wa is tough but he's not swallow islands tough
Not right now.

There are several actually. Been that way for awhile. Drustvar's been done too. That's why I'm so confident in saying it's relatively dull.

Zandalar wants fucking nothing to do with the squabbling children and degenerate savages on the mainland. The last time they had anything to do with them was the whole Rise of the Zandalri fiasco, and look how well that turned out. And even that was just Zul acting alone trying to kickstart a prophecy because Rastakhan told him to fuck off.

That's disappointing because Drustvar was the zone I was looking forward to most on Kul Tiras. Oh well, looking forward to Zul political machinations and civil war in Zuldazar more than Nazmir stuff, so maybe there's hope on that side.

With the exception of Rastakhan's hilariously predictable death to put his daughter on the throne.

From what I heard from both horde and alliance players is that the Horde Zone feels repetitive while the Alliance has some fun quest in it.

I've heard the opposite.

Maybe there's a disconnect between certain types of players?

>That's disappointing because Drustvar was the zone I was looking forward to most on Kul Tiras.
Me too, but Drustvar is kind of suffering from a built-in flaw that they proudly announced at Blizzcon. The part where the Witches were originally just one part of the zone, but they liked them so much that they made them into the whole story.

They need to backtrack on that by a few notches.

The level of unapologetic falseflag shitposting is getting ridiculous. Pretty sure this is the same guy as or an affiliate.
An entire cabal of people in this thread with the express task to make Alliance look retarded.

Both sides have a massive amount of legit retards.

It's entirely possible he's just a dumbass.

Are you guys new to imageboards? You seem to want to control the flow of discussion like if its reddit

Yeah, I see the opposite in the questing videos I've seen. There were some complaints about a handful of bear ass quests in Nazmir, but not repetition. The first complete Drustvar questing videos I saw had the guy practically whining about how fucking boring he found it. Every other person I see playing through it seems like they get bored in the middle.

Personally, I think it needs more variety in set pieces, creature types, and flavor lore. Nazmir, on the other hand, seems mostly fine.

Biasposters are dumb, but I have to admit that I've never really liked faction-locked zones. Not to mention faction-locked equipment appearances--I'd much rather use the Zandalari armor for most classes, but I highly doubt it's going to be faction agnostic.

I dunno. Of course there are but this seems different.
>Look at me I'm an Alliance player!
>And I have a shit-tier opinion and don't understand the lore!
Besides we regulate our thought-criminals so there shouldn't even be any "Blue Nightborne" posters left.

I can believe the Nightborne rage is legit at least, people went and still are going apeshit everywhere about it.

I think Blizzard has learned their lesson about having both sides work most of an expansion with a group and then have them join another side.

But this is Blizzard, who thinks people being massive assholes to each other over pixel flags is investment and $$$, so maybe I'm wrong.

Night Elves aren't Alliance. They're parasites coasting on our military and industrial success while they constantly try to undermine the sovereignty of the Crown, our faith in the Light and our way of life.
And some Night Elf NPC's, I guess, are good people.

So when the Horde burn down Teldrassil, does that officially make them the Fire Nation?

What can we extrapolate from the fact that Legion was literally BC 2.0?
>new mana-addicted elves
>new super-special light-infused spacegoats
>raid where the now-insane leader of the elves is using their magic well to aid the Burning Legion, leading into a Vital Decision about the future of the elves
>incessant riding of Illidan's dick
>beat Kil'jaeden again
>literally recycle Tier 6 designs
>literally recycle Karazhan

Also, exactly how many more continent-sized islands can Azeroth realistically be hiding?

The Horde can't be the Fire Nation until they recruit the Yaungol.

And BfA is shaping up to be Cataclysm combined with MoP.

>Factions ignore Old Gods to kill each other.
>Massive worldwide disaster leads to a resource rush
>Horde regresses to warmonger retards again, further shitting on WC3
>Sylvanas is the Lich Queen

>Awesome and deep look at new land and culture
>Constantly interrupted by RvB bullshit

And for both

>Night Elves get screwed over

Blizzard has a bad case of taking core components of the setting that they've made and throwing them away wholesale. By this point, they've made it so that dragons, demons and perhaps elementals are all irrelevant in the larger scheme of things. This is despite the fact that the Dragon Aspects were written as such an integral part of Warcraft during the first half of WoW's lifespan and that there was no great threat in the Warcraft universe than the Burning Legion.

They just don't know how to properly manage lore assets. Within ten years, we'll have a big bad other than the Void because we'll have most certainly defeated it by then. And yes, I'm talking about defeating the entire Void.

>Factions ignore Old Gods to kill each other.
Fairly certain that was also a major part of MoP.

Blue Nightborne posts are just the most fucking asinine shit

>I can't believe I did all those quests for the Nightborne and now they're joining the enemy, harumph!
Yeah they should have just given the Alliance three allied races, good idea

They seem to be advertising BfA as "The Faction War to end All Faction Wars" so they very well be ending RvB too. And with all the N'zoth hints, the last of the Old Gods are probably going away too.

I think they might be rapping up WoW. They're resolving all the plot points.

>Night elves see the nightborne
>"You smoke Meth? We use to be addicted to weed, we'll never hang out with druggies again!"
>Blood Elves see nightborne
>"Shit dude meth? Yah I did crack for a while, here try this."
>Pass them some baggies of uncut cocaine
>"This will keep you focused"
>Bloodelves ask them to come back to their mansion to play some xbox
>BloodElves see voidelves shooting up on krokodil cut with bath salts
>"We don't fuck with that shit bro"
>Night Elves see void elves
>"I mean, we can't not be their friends."

The absolute state of this lore.

Today you are reminded.

Unless WoW costs more to develop content for than it earns back, they won't dare wrap up WoW. It's still a huge money-maker for the company.

Yeah, but it's fucking old. Over a decade old.

How much longer can it even take?

The continent shit honestly wouldn't bother me if they just came out and said "yeah this shit isn't to scale" when they suddenly change the Eastern Kingdoms to be the Ten-Thousand Miles More Eastern Kingdom

Put some on the backside too and fill it with some meme races
The lost civilization of Murlantis, where the Murgul's all disappeared to after WC3

Or a few more neutral ones.

I think they're just trying to keep the carpet rolling until whatever they're working on to fill the MMO void is ready to cover the end of content patches for WoW

>perhaps elementals
The Adventurers of Azeroth (TM) treat the elemental plane the way that the American marines used to treat minor countries.
>For might makes right
>And 'till they've seen the light
>They've got to be protected
>All their rights respected
>'Till somebody we like can be elected.
Hell, half of the shaman class hall campaign was about installing elemental lords that were willing to work with the Earthen Ring--into vacancies that the Farseer may have directly assisted in creating.

>being that envious of the master race

I suspect a WoW reboot will happen at some point.

Hopefully it can sweep away all the dumb bullshit.