>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Trash
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously, on /5eg/
Tell me about your comfiest gaming experience.
>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Trash
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously, on /5eg/
Tell me about your comfiest gaming experience.
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So I'm finally getting a chance to actually play 5e, and the DM tells me there's a psionic class now, Mystic. Psychic Warriors were my favorite 3.X class and I'd like to try this one, but I have zero experience to tell me if it's actually good.
So which would be more optimal build for a kensei? Do I focus on using the Longsword or the Longbow?
Mystics are probably the most complicated class, but as much as people hate how much optimization can be achieved with the class it is still a lot of fun and well made.
I’ve had a few in my games and they were never a bigger problem than a wizard - even the nomad teleport bullshit coming into play earlier than wizard.
What's the best module if you have a game in 1 day and you have absolutely no setup done
Preferably just a one shot
I will agree with having Dungeon Mastered three games with three mystics and actually kind of liking the mechanics. One of which was the second ten level draft.
Though I think, thematically, it was lacking such things as manifestations. Either audible or visual from the usage of powers.
Okay, just as a guide, you start at the top left and need to collect four gems. Run this shit as fast and loose if you want to get them through the dungeon in one session.
I feel like an imbecile; where is the 3rd party material located in the trove?
I have an idea for an open world series of campaigns that go from the dawn of civilization to the Renaissance. Anyone wanna hear?
Go up to the main D&D folder, then to third party.
Thank you, user. Why doesn't each edition just have a folder inside their respective editions, though?
Would Constitution make sense for Perception? I mean, your senses are dependent on your health, not on your maturity or common sense.
Perception should be its own stat
That's... Actually genious. You could divide the skills into:
No clue. I just went browsing a while back and discovered it.
comfy? Hmm I don't usually think of d&d as comfy, fun as hell maybe, but not comfy
Survival could be split into two skills, Outdoor Survival being Wisdom and Navigation being Perception.
Insight (Wisdom) could be used for determining the meaning and outcomes of events, with Scrutiny (Perception) being used for detecting lies.
And as you said, Investigation could be based on Perception, adding the skills Sight and Hearing, maybe. Alternatively Sight and Hearing could be character traits that allow you to add your proficiency bonus to Perception checks when using those senses.
How do you bypass silence? I'm having a Lich as an obstacle for a party (they need to hide/avoid getting BTFO by him to steal a magic mcguffin at level 10) and I don't want the Lich to get btfo by them using Silence and wailing on him. Do magic items need verbal components?
If you can't have him use counterspell then take a look at the spells mislead and steel wind strike, they both don't require the V component AND can be used to get away.
Don't be afraid of letting the party beat the lich if they deserve the win though. It's not like he can't come back with more minions next time being a lich and all.
Joining a campaign with a Paladin, Cleric, Druid, and Rogue. What should I play?
Thanks user, that's pretty helpful!
they have most of their bases covered with those classes, so you have some flexibility
I'm actually being serious, not for the meme. The party seems pretty balanced and a good ol-fashioned robes and pointy hat man would be fun
if your party is okay with doubling up on tanky tanks, be the tankier tank between the tanks
boring but practical for martial stuffs
Any groups looking for players?
Hopefully not one like the last group i found here that tings rape is not an evil ton
They've got plenty of support, but not much utility/blasting magic. Sorcerer, wizard, warlock, even eldritch knight would make a fine addition.
>it's been literally years since 5e launched and it still only has TWO campaign settings
>tfw still have no clue what the fuck the Planeshift material is about
Really, user?
They're mini campaign settings for the current Magic: the Gathering settings, usually adding some new races. They're not playtested or official in anyway, but pretty neat.
Can't he just move out of the radius?
You mean there's more than one?
I didn't know any of them. I had no clue why they have so much racial crossover with other 5e stuff. I wasn't sure if they were made for a similar-but-related game, or if they were companion books similar to SCAG or EEPC, or what.
>Mearls is literally running a home game in Nentir Vale/Points of Light
>Keith Baker runs an Eberron blog and podcast that both update monthly
>still no official 5e content for either
They're little 5e add-ons, so Magic fans can play in the worlds Magic has.
Swap between them as needed- you could take sharpshooter with the longbow but it won't stop you from using the longsword in melee.
It's just nice to have a variety of plans rather than "the lich is going to move 30 feet".
>try to speak
>can't speak, thus can't cast spell, thus can't waste spell
>walk in a direction while trying to speak
>eventually you get out of the radius of silence and can speak
>cast spell
A Lich would know how Silence works and exactly how to avoid it. You can't use a verbal component of a spell if you can't speak, so you can't 'fail' to do a spell while in silence. You simply can't cast it while there.
I lovd lavastep goblins so much
So starting the game as a level 1 sorcerer. Mage armor seems like it's basically a necessity. And I only know 2 spells...
What sorcerer origin are you?
just don't get hit, user.
>He doesn't know how to use cover and range
I've gone whole combats without being attacked with good positioning.
How do I build a dual-wielding orc-slaying dex-based high-AC shortsword elf ranger to be good in 5e? Preferably AL legal, if only because that's the lowest common denominator.
I was thinking Str 10 Dex 17 Con 14 Int 13 Wis 13 Cha 8 for starting stats, start as ranger pick hunter archetype and two-weapon combat style, then pick horde slayer at 3rd level even though I know it's shit (maybe colossus slayer is better for fighting hordes of orcs? that's one thing I want opinion on), and I'm also curious if I should dip into fighter for another weapon style (Defense) so I can boost my AC a bit. My goal is 20 AC from Dex and studded but 20 Dex is only gonna get me to 17 and I also want to take the Dual-Wielding feat for extra AC as well. Both of them would get my AC to 19.
Any other tips?
oh yeah well I went an entire campaign once where no party members or enemies ever even made an attack roll
always remember that the S in sorcerer stands for "stop trying to be the tank."
Teach me, wise one
How crazy is ToA?
I think there's a difference between not trying to tank and walking around with 3 less AC for no reason.
Is there any reason for my Wizard to use a quarterstaff when he's also proficient with Warhammers? (He's a Mountain Dwarf)
don't use melee
Is there any reason for a wizard to even bother to using a melee weapon?
Is there a good free character builder tool any more? Orcpub got dmca'd into worthlessness for me.
I don't like to do it manually because flipping through tabs or pages is tedious
are you serious mate
if you can't even read a couple of pages i don't think playing table top is for you
But I have 20 strength (rolled three 18s so I put them to STR, CON and INT).
well, if he's a mountain dwarf he probably has decent strength and wears armor, so if he carries a warhammer he has a decent chance of not being recognized as a wizard at first glance, which against some enemies could be good
also, opportunity attacks
check the orcpub subreddit for a link to the discord where you can find files to upload content from the books.
You could just take the feat to have opportunity attacks with magic. Then also how do you recognize a wizard? Generally they wear no armor, isn't that most people of the world?
Most people, sure. Most adventurers? Few adventurers wander around with no armor on, even fewer with a simple weapon. Depends on your group composition, but unarmored dude would stick out and it wouldn't be unreasonable for intelligent enemies to make the unarmored = caster/high-value-target assumption
So, speaking thematically, what are Fighting Styles?
I mean, some are obvious. Protection is about protecting, intercepting attacks aimed at your allies. Archery is pew pew. Defense is just being personally impenetrable.
I'm a little lost on Great Weapon Fighting - is it just... being Guts, for lack of a more quintessential "dude with a really big sword" coming to mind? What about Dueling? Is Dueling specifically, like, fighting with one hand and doing other stuff entirely different with the other, or?
>Being this much of a brainlet
Holy shit.
It's just representing your specialization and experience with specific equipment.
GWF is getting gud at using a weapon in two hands. Dueling is getting gud at using a single weapon in one hand.
Wouldn't that be lower as you want the big burly guy who is charging forward ready to cut you in half to be taken down initially?
>I don't like to do it manually because flipping through tabs or pages is tedious
>tabs or pages is tedious
Why the fuck are you playing a ttrpg then?
I bet you're the type of person who thinks clenching cheeks is equivalent to thrusting.
I run campaigns in roll20 and have all my shit set up ahead of time.
The character gens make prep a lot more efficient in opinion
I'm making a Way of Shadows Monk for a game, with the full intent of fluffing them as a ninja. How fun is Way of Shadows?
B- fun
What's A+ fun and what's F fun?
F fun is definitely Champion unless your board is quite into inter character roleplaying
A is very subjective
that user rating fun is just retarded
It's shit. Its entire gimmick might as well be anti-mage, but mages are already the best anti-mage, and normal Monk is already anti-mage. Shadow adds basically nothing to the mix other than saying you're using the appropriate subclass for flavor
they didn't ask how good it was
They asked how fun it is, and it really doesn't do anything special that would warrant being fun. The 'most' fun part of it is teleporting, but you get the same effect by just using your already high movement
So, it's definitely a matter of the equipment in question rather than an approach to combat using that equipment? That's a fine line, maybe I'm thinking too hard about this.
I've played champ on a few one-shots and I think it gets more flak than it deserves, desu. Definitely not worth playing without GWF+GWM, though.
How would a person go about persuading a god to change his mind?
i think it's a combination of the two. seems reasonable they would go hand in hand.
By giving up offerings to them they don't think you'll actually give up.
See: biblegateway.com
threatening to kill them
You do the Acererak and aim to become their boss.
Same way you change anybody's, though they'll inevitably be very stubborn. The trickiest part is probably going to be getting their ear to begin with.
So, since we've all agreed that this month's UA was absolute trash-fire:
>What are you looking forward to in next month's?
>Any speculations about what it will be?
>How will they inevitably cancel/postpone it?
>Will it be another Lore Wizard?
>Or based Food & Provisions?
>tfw UA council of wyrms L I T ER A L L Y never
Next month is Kender.
Lore Wizard 0.4 - because fuck you, sorcerer players
It'll be a new list of feats
But they'll be for Lore Sorcerer only
Why do sentient weapons have their own mental stats?
Lore Sorcerer: you get all the things of a normal Sorcerer on a Sorcerer and nothing more
The ultimate fuck you to Sorcerers
>hey sword, have you ever seen a lizard that looks like that?
>DM rolls nature with the sword's Int
Great Weapon Fighting is acknowledging that you can't stop the momentum of the weapon and instead redirect it into another attack. These kinds of people would learn shit like the Pike Advance, where you'd use your giant sword to constantly smack away pikes as you get past their spear heads. Duelist is a more responsive, bait-and-punish kind of approach to fighting. Feinting and shit like that.
What about two-weapon fighting? This sum "oh my god, Kirito-kun, you're so cool, here take my soaked panties as a keepsake, and fuck my brains out right here on the dungeon floor" shit? I'm kind of imagining it as a speed thing, except that you don't really get more attacks when using two weapons since a lot of things give you a bonus action attack anyway.
>mfw DM banned Shadow Monk at his table because "shadow step is broken"
>Later find out he's never DMed for a Monk before
Playing a high elf fighter for an Curse of Strahd and wanted opinions on my stats.
Is 14,14,14,14,8,12 (after racials) going to hurt me? I figure with an RP focused campaign like CoS that I would not really miss that extra +1 to attack.
There's really no analog to the real world for D&D twf. Mostly it was done because carrying a dagger to parry with is lighter, less cumbersome, and easier to conceal than carrying a shield. Swinging with your off hand with the same power as your main hand is basically just not a thing.
Oh boy, a fighter? I hope you're an archer...
What's a good sum of cash to dish out to a Level 5 party raiding a dungeon? I'll go a little over since they're in a big merchant city with lots of weapon and armor shops I want them to try out if they want, but I do want to know if I'm giving them way too much or too little.
I'd give them 300 to 500 GP worth of loot
Not only gold, give gems and art pieces
Honestly, I thought the Lore Wizard was perfectly fine and flavorful as a Generalist Wizard tradition. It wasn't the Loremaster's fault that Sorcerers were made so shit and that Wild Mages in particular are atrocities.
5e CHOSE to abandon everything that 4e had done for Sorcerers. It CHOSE to abandon a distinctive spell-set, to abandon a distinctive combat role, to undercut its stated design.
That's not because Loremasters are overpowered. It's because Sorcerers are underpowered.
I want my Generalist Wizard tradition back. If that means saying "fuck you" to the Sorcerers, who were frankly a stupid idea mechanically in 3e and went back to being stupid in 5e, then so be it.
I was planning on sword and shield. Surely that +1 to hit and damage that I am missing isn't that important.
I suppose that is the case. Unfortunate, maybe.
>Not forced to because of autistic reeeeeing that gave Paizo a foothold
2/10 you tried