So, how do you refer to male harpies? Is it like peacock and peahen? Would they be harpycock?

So, how do you refer to male harpies? Is it like peacock and peahen? Would they be harpycock?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd imagine them being a single sexed race.
Reproduction is either just fuck whatever males are about or magical asexual reproduction.
Also sometimes in myth they're not so much a race as a small number of specifically created creatures.

Single sex race is boring and only belongs in a monster girl world.
I vote for harpyfowl having harpeacock and harpyhen.

You're getting the picture wrong.
"not sexually dismorphic" doesn't mean all female
it means all LOOK female, but some might have penises
so yeah, thanks fuckboy, now all harpies, sirens and mermaids(by proximity) are half female half trap
remember that this is the future that YOU chose.

What if Harpies are just Harpies but you call them Cocks/Drakes and Hens.
I just thought it was a cute picture.
Also most Birds and Fish don't have penises.
So really the only difference is one jizzes out its butthole.
Unless they're duck Harpies/Siyrin in which case they have very horrifying penises

>What if Harpies are just Harpies but you call them Cocks/Drakes and Hens.
I imagine if you were talking to them directly, that's how you would say it. But female fowl of all kinds are referred to as hen. Harpyhen, or maybe Hen Harpy, would be more specific.

well, monstergirls are part human to some extent, so it could be argued that they would have a ding ding dong, but I won't get into that, for they only need to be biologically male to be counted as traps
So, even without a tralala between their legs, they're still a half trap half female species.
And what's best: most humans can't tell male from female even after looking at the genitals, so yeah, 50/50 that you're trying to pork some dude

I just heavily imply that harpies mate by abducting and raping male mortals, and that fertilizes their eggs. When the eggs hatch, the harpies rip apart the male and feed it to the baby harpies.

I call them roosters.

Yeah but if you can't really tell it doesn't really matter. Unless you can reproduce with them, there's no real difference.
Also Harpys can only do "anal".

>Kill the males
>Not forcing them to sit guard on the nest and take care of the newly hatched harplings while she's off running Harpy errands
What I'm saying is I want a henpecked Harpy Husband.


I don't, only lustful women are corrupted into becoming harpies by a zoonotic bacterial malebolgian contagion. Harpies only give birth to more harpies.

Harpies reproduce asexually via eggs. The male rape thing is just an urban legend. Furthermore predation on sapients is caused by their territories and hunting grounds being encroached on and destroyed.

Harpies also literally abduct men, rape them, and then eat them.

Harpon, with an o like in pokemon. Not to be confused with a harpoon, which is frequently used to hunt harpies and harpons.

a harpoon seems like a kinda shit weapon to hunt such beasties with

Not him but I see literally nothing wrong with that, specially if they don't go around waving their dongs. I wouldn't even need a change of name because my language has gendered nouns and there's already several species that always use the female gender (even for males).

>Not to be confused with a harpoon
It's easy to confuse them with harpoons once they get freaky.

>So, how do you refer to male harpies?

I drew this almost a year ago, and while I've gotten better at drawing I still stand by the works world building content:

All Harpies look like women.
Harpy Males are larger, more colourful, and have bigger breasts.
Both genders lactate and breast feed their young.
I.E: Harpies have all the qualities you'd see in normal birds, it's just more confusing and disturbing now because you've got mammalian/humanoid features to finally put it into context.

Remove the lactating (too magical realm) part and you're okay by my book.

>Harpy Males are larger, more colourful, and have bigger breasts.
Oh fuck, it's that elf picture all over again.
You know the one.


>if you can't tell it doesn't matter
Are you perhaps implying that anything that looks like a woman is a woman until proven otherwise?
Cuz that opens a lot of possibilities.
Would fucking a trap in the ass be gay if you don't know it's a trap? I would say it is gay af, but according to your logic, it wouldn't be.

I don't see the need for male harpies. They're a magical race. They don't need both genders.

...You got any more art? Because this is actually pretty good.

That is one sexy harpy

>...You got any more art? Because this is actually pretty good.

I do, thank you user! I've got a whole tumblr full of it you can check out over here:

Thanks for the link! I'll be sure to check it out.

No I don't, can someone post it?