Should this card be unbanned?
Is this guy a retard?
Is there a MTG youtuber that can be an even bigger asshole than this asshole?
Am I a fag?
Should this card be unbanned?
Desolator is deeply, massivly retarded to the point of complete disbelief.
>thoughtseize niggers will be triggered over this because "it's the only counter to muh jace / muh hangerback walker / whatever the latest boogeyman is
There is literally nothing wrong with that card and no one in this thread will be able to give a coherent argument as to why it is overpowered. It's a fucking anti-cantrip. No card advantage, no nothing. Just bitching over some meta shit because modern is broken. No I'm not even going to watch that video cause it's 20 minutes of YouTube celeb shill blathering on about something he could have explained in 5 minutes if he actually gave a fuck about informing people, instead of getting as many ad dollars from YouTube as possible. Fuck him.
Shame on you for making me click on a Desolator video. Such things should come with a warning.
Yes, Misstep should stay banned. The card is broke as shit. Phyrexian mana should never have existed and the only Phyrexian mana card that isn't between nuts and bonkers is Dismember.
I don't even have to click to know whoever this is is a retard. Every MTG youtube celeb is clinically and factually retarded.
Jeremy is probably the biggest asshole in MTG.
Yes, you're a fag but there's no changing that.
the only thing he does worth watching is overlooked but awesome which might also be the only time he is ever positive about something. Guy probably has Self-loathing issues, too.
>and the only Phyrexian mana card that isn't between nuts and bonkers is Dismember
Dismember? The card that's widely agreed to be the best card with Phyrexian mana in its cost? The card credited with turning Standard into a creatureless slog by fags who are responsible for the current state of removal?
That's somehow not nuts and/or bonkers?
Yeah. I should have clarified NOW, because Standards past don't really matter anymore. It's just as good as any other 1drop removal. Dismembers effectiveness ranges from Path to Murder.
I really don't know man, it's like a bad version of the "super-secret tech" that gets posted in every EDH thread with none of the interactions mentioned.
Modern doesn't even get Force Spike and you want to unban Mental Misstep?
Because ad naseum totally needs no cost counters to win.
stop shilling your obvious troll videos you disgusting cretin
Correction: Blue doesn't get force spike :)
Mental Misstep is a clear example of a card that isn't overpowered, but actually broken.
It's broken because the best way to defend against Mental Misstep is Mental Misstep and you don't even need to run blue in your deck to use it.
>auto-loses to Chalice
Just proof that Chalice is even more broken and should be banned!
Everything should be unbanned.
>widely agreed to be the best card with Phyrexian mana
No, way too format warping and pmana was a big mistake, I hope Ken Nagle gets fired soon.
>artifact lands were a mistake
>Dredge was a mistake
>Phyrexian mana was a mistake
>energy was a mistake
When will they learn
>The card that's widely agreed to be the best card with Phyrexian mana in its cost?
What. Literally no one says that. There are a bunch of better phyrexian mana cards. Probe, Misstep, Pod, etc.
Except you can cast it in mono green or mono blue.
Dismember and Gutshot in crap like mono-U Merfolk make me rub my cheeks.
Marrow Shards is sort of bad, Noxious Revival is great but not stupid, the Souleaters were all fine, Hex Parasite is neat, Lashwrithe is fine, Moltensteel Dragon is cool, Norn's Annex, Cathedral Membrane, Porcelain Legionnaire, Spined Thopter, Tezzy's Gambit, Pith Driller, Postmortem Lunge, Vault Skirge, Pith Driller, Surgical Extraction (excellent, but relatively fair), Act of Aggression, Gut Shot, Rage Extractor, Ruthless Invasion, Slash Panther (bonus former Vintage silver bullet!), Corrosive Gale, and Thundering Tanadon. Only a good chunk of the Phyrexian mana cards were even good, and a small section of those were great or broken. The problem was that the design team underestimated how good playing some shit for free was and thus weren't conservative enough with their mana costs in the instances of things like Pod, Probe, and even Dismember or Mutagenic Growth. Mental Misstep was a bad fucking idea mixed with a very volatile mechanic that pushed it into retarded territory.
How likely is no-banlist Modern at GP Lyon? Should I bring my Missteps?
If they're hosting NBLM without banning Skullclamp and Misstep it's not worth playing.
>banning cards
I think you might be missing the point.
Dismember is less bonkers than, like, Pith Driller and Thundering Tanadon?
There's Legacy without Force and Wasteland-sorts of fun and then there's broken as shit and miserable for all parties involved.
Again, it isn't NBL if you ban cards.
>Legacy without FOW of Wasteland
That format would be gross, your literally talking about removing two of the biggest safety valves on the format. PSI and Belcher would literally be T0 with nothing else even coming close. You would have no reason to play anything besides those two decks and most matches would effectively be decided by winning or losing a die roll.
Desolator is a fucking imbecile who started playing Magic only a few years ago, plays only FNM and Commander, is genuinely unaware of anything that happened in the game before Return to Ravnica block or so, and thinks he's despite all that some kind of an expert on Magic. Anything he says should be treated as satire and entertainment and not actual advice, whether he means it as such or not.
As for Mental Misstep, it has one crucial issue that completely makes it a card that should not exist: it can counter itself. The best counter for a Mental Misstep is your own Mental Misstep. This directly means that every deck HAS to run four Mental Missteps entirely regardless of whatever the fuck that deck's gameplan is, just to counter its opponent's Missteps. A 56 card format is not healthy.
I do think low mana cost cards in Magic should get extremely strong hate cards targeted specifically at them because they're simply too powerful in any of the non-rotating formats, however "I Misstep your Mistep" "Well I Mistep YOUR Mistep!" is not the answer.
Artifact lands should have entered the battlefield tapped.
Dredge started out as, "Whenever you would draw a card you may return this from your graveyard to your hand" but for some insane reason they added the self-mill to it as a "drawback" and made it combo with itself. Not to mention that it doesn't require mana or any other resource expenditure. More playtesting probably would have found it to be broken and lead to a fix.
Phyrexian Mana should have let you pay for the generic cost, not the colored mana.
Energy is fine, there's just some broken energy cards. Calling energy a mistake is like calling equipment a mistake because skullclamp was broken
>there's just some broken energy cards
Not even really, it's just the rest of standard is pretty damn weak. You could make a point for marvel maybe, but the rest of energy is very usper not broken. Just better then the rest.
Energy has a lot of problems inherent to it, ir at least to the way they used it. Energy creatures made it way to easy to gain value each turn, instant speed abilities made it less efficient to remove them, and there were no way to interact with the opponent's Energy
>Phyrexian Mana should have let you pay for the generic cost, not the colored mana.
Physician mana is perfectly fine if you don't replace every colored mana symbol or have the "only cast this spell if you control a forest" riders like on Invigorate
Marvel was clearly unbalanced, since you could tap it immediately and it let you CAST the card.
broken cards need context, and it had it, Eldrazi Titan's were legal during its time, so it was broken.
Exactly this. It's like Pot of Greed, you can't even restrict it because all that does is change how many copies people have to have.
How to make mental misstep good and fair and fun for modern:
Blue Instant
Counter target spell unless its controller pays 1.
At the beginning of your next upkeep, you lose the game unless you pay U
That doesn't have any relation to Misstep though.
98% of decks run lands, cards that do the same in gameplay (generate Mana) and are hard to interact with. Nobody complains about that heavy homogeneizationtin 18-24 cards per deck. I mean technically decks are 40 cards!!!!
theoretically you are not incorrect
this meant for this
>98% of decks run lands, cards that do the same in gameplay (generate Mana)
About as reasonable an argument as saying 98% of decks run colored cards
>and are hard to interact with.
Maybe in your gimped as fuck standard
>About as reasonable an argument as saying 98% of decks run colored cards
Yeah but how many colored cards do the same in gameplay across archetypes. You can have colored removal, colored creatures, colored cantrips, and still be different colors. All lands are colored, all lands generate Mana (at least 90%) and all archetypes run them regardless of their game plan except the rare landless strategies.
Colorless. Stupid autocorrect
99% of decks spend mana.
>Yeah but how many lands do the same in gameplay across archetypes? You can have lands that become creatures, lands that draw cards, lands that sacrifice themselves and still tap for different mana. All colored spells have effects. All colored spells go on the stack (at least 90%) and all archetypes run them regardless of their game plan.
We can cherry pick too user.
Everyone runs lands because lands were intended to be played in every deck. Mental mistep was intended to be played in blue and they overvalued the 2 life cost. Most of the time you want to pay the life.
That proves my point
haha why watch this shit?
I can understand watching, say, vods of LSV playing limited but this garbage?
It does not. Neither does. The things you are saying are true, but irrelevant.
It proves how hypocrite are MTG players. They complain about an automatic 4 off but not about an automatic include 20 on
All decks, when the later homogeneizes much more decks
You can't possibly be this retarded. I really hope this is bait.
Amazingly, 100% of decks are made entirely of MTG cards.
You are not accounting Chinese fakes
All decks are made of cards.
Mental Misstep was a Mental Misstep on wizard's part....
Yes this is fucking mongoloid cancer.
> every deck HAS to run four Mental Missteps entirely regardless of whatever the fuck that deck's gameplan is, just to counter its opponent's Missteps.
Only if you have cmc 1 cards that you depend on. Because if you have none, or if you have throwaways, then your opponent now sits with 4 dummy cards.
All banned cards should be unbanned and reprinted (both in not-standard) and then we can go from there.
The only format where Mental Misstep is/can be legal where 1-drops aren't a sizeable fraction of all played cards is Commander
Banging somebody's sol ring is kek+
Yes, but plenty of decks use almost no 1-drops though. But yeah I agree that in standard and modern it would be bad for the game.
>Is this guy a retard?
Either that or he's a really good actor. I've watched a few of his videos and he has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
Legacy also has a ton of one drops.
The format? Yes. Every deck? No.
>Not running 4 pot of greeds in your burn list
>not running 4 knives in your burn sideboard just incase you need to murder your opponent
even worse
So? You still need 4 because it's amazing in the vast majority of matchups.
You forgetting about restricted in vintage banned in modern probe faggot?
>All lands are colored, all lands generate Mana (at least 90%) and all archetypes run them regardless of their game plan except the rare landless strategie
Urzatron generates a shitload of mana very fast
Collonade beats face late game
Artifact lands generate value simply by existing
Drownyard was used in standard as a lategame finisher
Karakas would probably still be playable even if it didn't generate mana
Dark Depths doesn't generate mana
Dakmor Salvage is never even used as a mana source
please refrain from posting your retarded opinions about shit you have no fucking clue about.
don't reply to it
that card is called Daze.
>Jeremy is probably the biggest asshole in MTG.
ahahaha, oh man. SJWs of the coast are even on Veeky Forums
>Dismember? The card that's widely agreed to be the best card with Phyrexian mana in its cost?
You said "Gitaxian Probe" wrong.
Hi Jeremy.
>if anyone disagrees with me, it must be the guy I hate because he disagrees with me
Yeah, no. Just another conservative magic player that wants WotC to leave politics out of their card game.
Whatever you say Jeremy.
>if I refuse to debate, I win the debate
What if you want both WotC AND Veeky Forums to stop shoving politics into Magic and discussion about Magic?
Calm down Jeremy.
That'd be ideal. Considering the demographic makeup of MtG players and leadership, I don't think that's realistic, though.
Lands are a central gameplay mechanic. Mental Mistep is one fucking card that has only been printed in one fucking set and uses a setting-specific mechanic (phyrexian mana) that has never been reused. Those are not remotely comparable, Des.
It is far, FAR easier to just run Misteps of your own than build a competitive Modern deck without any 1-drops. This is why it's such a huge problem that Mistep is a counter for Mistep. In order to do what it tried to do, Mistep should be a 2-mana card, or have a clause that says it cannot target spells named Mental Mistep. But it doesn't have any of that, and that means it's broken and doesn't work. Nobody will avoid 1-drops to avoid Mistep, everyone will simply use Mistep himself to counter Mistep.
>Is this guy a retard?
>Literallys says "I don't know and I don't care," about the context of the mental misstep banning
>disables comments and likes/dislikes
Wow, this guy really is retarded.
>for some insane reason they added the self-mill to it as a "drawback" and made it combo with itself
That reason was recursion theme of Golgari. It's mentioned in their design articles about Ravnica sets.
>if anyone disagrees with me, it must be the guy I hate because he disagrees with me
follow your own advice
>I will ignore the fact that he put 90% of lands just to name the lands that I cherry pick to prove him wrong
Lol that doesn't change the fact that in almost every deck, 20+ cards are the same: lands. If you are okay with that but having a 4 of autoinclude is bad for you, then you are just nitpicking at which part of the game call unfun and homogeneous
You're very stupid.
Now, now. That's uncalled for. No need to insult very stupid people by lumping him in with them.
Oh yea this guy is stone cold mentally defficient. This guy shoulnt just fuck off about these things he should fuck awaay.
>talks about magic
>has unrelated game footage
i hate him already, if your gonna be a 'tuber dont half ass it by making a podcast on youtube. i have more respect for image stills of topic related things if only for example.
also its a card you can put in any deck or sideboard, so no