Want to be crypto rich? STOP LISTENING TO Veeky Forums

>Be Poorfag
>See all these people buying Lambos with bitcoin and shit
>Get excited about it
>Maybe I can make some money on this too.
>Put in $500 into cryptocurrency that Veeky Forums suggests about 7 weeks ago
>On the 3rd day, I lose $200
>Stop listening to Veeky Forums and the SHITcoins they suggest
>Just made $6,000

GTFO of your shitcoins boys. Buy low sell high fags

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What? I listened Veeky Forums when they shilled REQ and XLM. And now I have so much more profit. Ofc you have to DYOR always.

Are you really bitching about losing money listening to someone else on how to invest your money? Literal state of normies on biz

3x since christmas

lol wat the fuck mate,
they shilled req, trx, motherfucking raiblocks, xlm, and mannnny more. how could you possibly lose

All of the money that I've made was because of knowledge gained by reading Veeky Forums. So, yeah, but no.

you got verged didn't you user

I made enormous gain with shit that was shilled on /biz

I dunno OP maybe wait more than 3 days?

Biz is an excellent resource and brought me shitloads of wins since last year. You just have to be smart and filter out the crap and scams.

this. I wouldn't even really know where to star doing my own research


I hope you bought bazingacoin and verge you skank.

i've more than 100x'd my original investment by buying coins shilled on biz


Listen to Veeky Forums but DONT be a fucking moron and buy coins after the pump. Buy before the pump. If you've bought REQ at 0.7 cents for example you wouldn't be crying right now.

Don't justify the shills you buy by their gains already. Then you're just buying pumped coins. Buy before.

How fucking new are you Op faget? Remember fucking ethereum? Ans? Xvg/Rdd in summer? Req? Even fucking Dgb and fucking shifty ODN is up right now. This year has ben insane. I really don't know how anyone has lost money. All you had to do was hold. Have a pic from December of 2016 when we really thought it was over.

But there's nothing to buy anymore, everything's pumped to fuck.

>posts 6k USD

Fuck off. I made more with Veeky Forums tips than you will ever make. The trick is to not be a brainlet and filter good from bad information.

Fuck I remember how insane it got on here when ethereum hit 40 bucks. I remember telling my brother in law about it. Fucking idiot never listened to me.

Wait til the next bear market
Chainlink and req were stuck at 4 cents and 13 cents for like 2 months

but how do you know the pump is over and done

Always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says. So that means always listen to Veeky Forums

Thanks I needed I good laugh mate.

but i like watching them get poor

>On the 3rd day, I lose $200
you didn't lose anything you knob jockey unless you sold it. jesus christ you're dumb. probably browsed biz for 5 minutes and decided bazinga coin was a good choice.

one last advice pastebin.com/qAkVH5Ev