If the Machine God is a goddess what would she look like

If the Machine God is a goddess what would she look like.

>pic is my guess

Nothing against Lain, but...

>[laughs in binary]

If an A.I has no gender doesnt mean it has a masculine or feminine personality

>[laughs in binary]
>Not 01011011 01101100 01100001 01110101 01100111 01101000 01110011 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 01011101

You fail at life forever

What about GladOS


Depends on the coding, in core concept it wouldn't have either. This isn't the Mexican language we don't assign gender to literally everything.

Glados was a computer built from a woman, not really an AI. More of an I with A factors.

Gender is a hot swappable component of any decent machine god.



A gig ol' motor with some big ol' tiddies.

What the hell is this and where do I get more?

woah what is this?

Gunnerkrig Court

It's a webcomic. It's old as dick, the art style has improved immensely, but I dropped it after a while since it seemed to be taking forever to go anywhere.

Gunnerkrigg Court.

Where can i find this comic


Broken God anyone?

>tfw too dumb to understand Lain
Can someone explain to me what happened in that anime?

Last time I checked not even the authors knew exactly what'd happend in that anime.

Some bullshit. Lain beats "god" who's just an overambitious programmer and decides to remove herself from conscious existence as anything other than a passive observer.

The internet merged with reality and it was revealed that Lain is a computer program thats supposed to be a goddess

A guy merges the internet with humanity's collective unconscious. Hilarity ensues.

I cant believe that the guy who made Digimon also made Serial Experiments Lain

From my understanding:
>Wired (their internet+++) undergoes multiple Updates.
>Newest of these is supposed to be Protocol 7.
>Eiri Masami, software designer at Tachibana Laboratories, includes code in the protocol, which enables it to interact with Schumann resonance, thus allowing interaction between machines and humans. Since reality is only what people know, you can thus manipulate reality by changing human perspective.
>He also includes code in it that allows him basically admin access to the whole system and live in the wired. A few days after, he kills himself.
>Lain is a means to connect the virtual and material world and tear apart the wall between them. She is included in the Iwakura family and enrolled in school.
>Her father (a member of the Knights of the Eastern Calculus, a group controlled by Eiri) want's to use her for this, while his wife and daughter only play along.
>Lain is a bridge, being both in the real and the virtual world.
>A classmate of lain kills herself and awakens into the wired. She writes everyone in her class that she's alive in the matrix, but everyone except for lain just thinks of it as spam.
>Lain finds herself more and more interested by the wired, and wishes to find out more, starting with a simple NAVI, but expanding it more and more.
>Over the course of the anime she finds out what she is, what Protocol 7 does, what effects her being has and what she can do. More and more people are hurt by her different parts (Alice gets stalked and humiliated by her evil personality, her adoptive sister dies, the two agents are killed).
>Eiri tries to get her to become a pure matrix being, thus allowing him to become a god.
>She fights Eiri, killing him
>In the end she realizes, that as long as she exists things will go wrong. She deletes herself from the memories of everyone and returns the world to before the update, reviving everyone.