Mtg modern

Thread question
>has your local meta changed since the unbannings?

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Gonna put 2 Jaces in GDS and see what happens. Cut a Snappy and an Opt for them.

someone please explain to me why it spiked that high

Because it's gonna save modern.
Go on, buy full playsets of it. You lost your chance on BBE and Jace but you can still try with these

I'm genuinely curious

Question as a scrublord thinking about getting into modern. Etiquette wise, is it bad taste to show up with a cheap deck that infinites or otherwise wins the game as early as T2?

decklist please

Boy if that existed it would be rude to play something that wasn't that deck

Haven't entirely made the deck 100% yet, but from what the internet tells me it is a common budget combo? I only found it by chance because I really like Heartless Summoning and Myrs, so a quick google search led me to this.

Ideal hand would be Altar of the Brood, 2 land, Heartless summoning and 2 Retrievers. You can infinitely mill as early as T2.

Why the FUCK has Shattering Spree gone from 6 to 15 dollars in 5 months

I mean, sure, but good luck getting all those pieces in your opening hand, and good luck not getting Thoughtseized or countered, etc etc

You need 6 specific cards to do that. In a format where almost all decks either run thoughtseize or maindeck relic of progenitus.

As pointed out by You will get shit on if you try this, I'm being serious don't waste your money

What's gonna be the best sideboard for Storm in the upcoming months? If Bogles becomes a big thing with their retarded maindeck Leylines I feel obligated to bring some Wear/Tears at the very least

Regardless of getting shit on though, it isn't frowned upon in modern to do similar-esque combos though, is it? Be it this deck or a different one in the future, I just don't want to show up with something that'll upset others.

Dude people play Lantern Control and enjoy it

Nobody's feelings are gonna be hurt by your jank combos, trust

Alright m8, cheers. Thanks for the answer.

A. they probably won't get upset because you're not going to beat them very frequently (which most of the time that's the only reason players get upset)
B. if they do, fuck em, they need to try harder because that kind of deck isn't hard to beat

so to answer you question, you're fine, do as you please

empty the warren

Need input on this if you know better cards.

The gimmick is making permanents into artifacts and removing them. Maybe there are better cards for this? I was thinking Paradox Engine but I dont think I have enough removal to compliment it.

Myr retriever is there to retrieve and Phyrexian Metamorph to copy Myr Landshaper. I was thinking removing 2 retrievers and 2 metamorphs and maybe add 2 more removal and 2 more ramp

I mean, yeah, but anything new?

Obviously also considering the unbans

storm it's not that well positioned right now

>cutting snapcaster mage

are you retarded son?

You. I like you. I have never noticed that deck was a possibility. Decklist pls, I have a new goal in life.

I refuse to not play storm it's my favorite

I have a decklist making use of ALL the combos, check it out.

However, it hardly works because the deck isnt consistent enough. For any combo you will at least need two Myr.

Also BadBoyMTG is cancer, his decks are not that good in practice, he just gathers attention because of YouTube, but some are outright pathetic.

what up Joey.
you can make it way better but there is a tech here.

>implying his crack addict personality isn't top kek

He's a clone of gunskniveswatches, another older YT channel.

>BadBoyMTG is cancer

Someone has no sense of humor

No decklist yet m8, I need to sit down and see if I can pull together some jank deck from some of my old cards.

Thanks for the decklist, definitely need to peruse it for ideas.

I've seen Joey, but I don't watch his older videos.

I like the few ones where he takes the axe or saw to packs, thats good shit.

I based my list on BadBoyMTG's, but removed all the mono black and removal to add more combo pieces, hence the blue and red splash.

Now the deck has more combos but I dont know if it's better, because it usually is dense as fuck when I playtest it, and by turn 4-5-6 I've probably lost already.

Oh shit nigger I remember this.

That fuck almost destroyed a foil Nobel Hierarchic.

Gave me PTSD

He actually did it again recently and sawed a foil Revel a while ago, vid related. It's painful


Definitely different than what I was going for. Note: I have never tried modern and my decklist is definitely grade-A garbage.

>no leyline of the void
>no kill spells

Holy fuck.

What are the 10 best PW cards in Modern?

>leyline of the void
You think I'm made of money user? Obviously this is just a rough draft, I need to decide which kill spells are mandatory.

R8 and suggestions plz
Kinda want to work towards ponza

No one frowns on anything that isn't against MTR and no one gives two shits about opponent's feelings on the competitive side of things.

I usually play affinity but I've decided to change it up a bit with the unbannings.

R8, h8, but no bully those are the only fetches and shocks I own. The blank cards are BBE's

Disrupting Shoal shot up to $25.
Is it the FoW that Modern needs to keep the format in check?

nigger what r u doin
it can't even get to 4 mana quickly and your main plain is aggro

I don't know if he'd be more cancerous if he was fake or real. I think that says it all.

>crack the earth
2 for 1ing yourself is never good

Welp I'm selling my playsets.

I'm playing modern dinosaurs!

I'm about to brew me up some modern werewolves



Moonmist flip deck?


Pretty much
4x immerwolf as well

>Had UW control finished
>Had saved up for it and no monies now
>Now jace unbanned and can't afford the 2 or 3 I'd need and other changes I'd need to make to build post ban list
>Now people saying with Jace legal UB is probably a better hard control than UW
>Definitely can't afford to basically build entirely new deck

I love having a top deck and feeling good about it for a few months and winning a lot at LGS....just to have it now be a budget tier 2/3 deck

This won't work. Dinosaurs are above the curve, but wotc fucked up the curve so badly that even good above the curve cards like ripjaw raptor doesn't see play.

What are the chances of buying 14 packs of Kaladesh and getting 0 fast lands. Holy fuck.

I bought some German packs while I was in Austria and didn't get a single good card. Except a Thalia, heretic cathar. I bought 3 packs of Eldritch Moon, got 2 mythics and both were garbage.

100%. It's cheaper to just buy singles. Since inspiring vantage and blossoming marsh are cheap as hell

>First Masters 25 Spoiler
God that watermark is ugly.

I hope to see maze of ith or rishadan port.

>first spoiler
>cheap common
>ruined it by adding flavor text
already angry about this set

But pulling pack fresh cards is much better.
There used to be a time when you could buy boxes of magic and make a buck, why can't it be like that now? Hope MM25 will cahnge that.
>Queen Marchesa
Nice oxymoron there.
Why are burgers so stupid?
I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Gotta keep Timmy entertained.

UW, Burn
Bloodraid landloss

My meta hasn't changed much. Because the guys playing blue are too poor for Jace.

Man it's already a wasted slot. Even for a common one, I mean, this is the 25th anniversary of the goddamn game and they still jew us as much as they can.

XMage having problems for anyone else?

How's slivers doing?

Murder is okay. It's not like they'll print doomblade any more. Wizard hates color specific cards now. That said I do think hydro and pyro blast are in.

Why does wotc’s jewery feel like it’s gotten so much worse since khans came out? Khans felt like the death of old wizards which was already dying. This new shit feels cheap, cynical, and is pretty transparent
Got i fucking loathe them so mucj

pfft I was never able to add pictures to the cards

Man a rishadan port reprint would be great. I just started building legacy d and t and i want the whole deck to be modern bordered.

Not bad, but they start slow and are super weak against board wipes, so better get those life gainers and undestructible fellows in the sideboard.
Also some that look like shit like pic related become good once you realize all slivers can do what it does.

Jesus what is this thread

Google "heartless summoning myr retriever" and you will find dozens of decks of people trying the same thing. Here's the thing about modern: the decks people play are the decks that are powerful enough to win, resilient enough to scrape wins through hate, and redundant enough to actually survive hand hate.

Your deck has point 1, and that's it. It has no wincon outside of the combo which is reliant on GY hate not being in the picture, and you can have your heartless summoning thoughtseized or IOKd whether you're on the draw or the play. I have tried to build HS multiple times in multiple colors, usually tried it with myr superion. All in all, unfortunately fragile decks that are all in on drawing one card are not usually competitive. With the right hand, you will steal games. But you'll find yourself with hands of filler all the time too, which you can't afford in modern.

Btw I hope they reprint crystalline and dormant in the next Dominaria set, diffusion and frenetic are pretty meh substitutes.

We'll just splash black for esper

Hibernation* not dormant

This isn't EDH. People play modern to win. As long as you have sportsmanlike conduct no one is going to give a shit about what decklist you're running.

Like said part of the fun you get out of modern is building your deck well and then watching it perform against someone else's.

People get upset in EDH and similar formats due to them thinking it's a safespace away from this mentality, rather than somewhere that allows use of a lot of cards that are almost impossible to use in a 1v1 4-of format.
I'm not saying low power EDH can't be fun too though, but people will always find the most powerful and efficient ways to play, see Pauper.

Of course some people will get salty about combo decks. Some people get salty about ad naus, some people get salty about tron, some get salty about burn. If you are playing a deck to win, many people don't like losing.

That said, don't count on getting your t2 win every game. Getting heartless summoning spell snared on g2 and realizing the rest of your hand blows is a heartbreaker. I'll be surprised if you go X/1 your first FNM


The ten best planeswalker cards in modern, in correct order:
1 Jace, the mind sculptor
2 Jace, the mind sculptor
3 Jace, the mind sculptor
4 Jace, the mind sculptor
5 Liliana of the Veil
6 Liliana of the Veil
7 Liliana of the Veil
8 Liliana of the Veil
9 and 10: everyone else literally who plays them

With utopia sprawl, arbor elf > birds of paradise by a mile. Elf can also swing for 1, which sometimes is relevant.
Look up other ponza lists and give a good guess why they don't play avalanche riders and acidic slime.
protip: bramblecrush is sweet tech against planeswalkers and can replace acid moss.

>cracks packs because it's "much better" than buying the cards you need
>accuses others of being stupid

It's probably because there was a single purchase with a massively inflated price in order to launder some drug money.

Name 5 modern usable rivals of ixalan cards not named search for azcanta

Modern isn't EDH, this is a competitive format, no non-autistic opponent will get upset at you for trying to win.

9 should be last hope.

Yea thats my bad, i meant to put 4 elf 2 bop
What should i replace avalanche riders and slimes with? Bramblecrush? Bbe?

4 BBE obviously

>tfw ponza vs. three color decks
>tfw blood moon
>tfw they path to exile their own creatures to access their basic lands

Why is it called ponza anyway?

>MFW against ponza
>They destroy my forest
>I cast suspended AV.
>Get my forest
>Cast BBE
>Cascade lightning bolt
>Attack and win

>it's yet another "I'm too poor for modern so let me waste money on an unplayable deck that is within my budget" episode

Isn't blood moon the best land hoser in the deck? How does that deck even function without the set?

Blood Sun, Slaughter the Strong, Kumana, Forerunner of the Coalition, Timestream Navigator.

doubt they'll be used in anything above a t3 deck

>warps other people's words
>calls a queen a marquise
>thinks he's not stupid
Azcanta is not from Rivals.

Dire fleet daredevil is the one I think of first
The pirate tutor could be good, pirates in generally would work if they got more tools

>tfw playing merfolk

Do you guys play mostly online or irl?

I'm on the fence about buying a modern deck on mtgo or irl. Any inputs?

>wizards dumped the 5-0 decks
>only a fraction were bloodbraid elf and Jtms decks


It's been 4 days. The shell is yet to be found.

And besides modern is so fucked that a 4 mana 4/4 that thoughtseizes a card is unplayable

I miss twin so fucking much lads