>am play caves and mammoths
>stonemaster say me am attacked by sabertooth
>kill sabertooth and eat it heart
>ask stonemaster if Groog get strong
>stonemaster say no
>am play caves and mammoths
>stonemaster say me am attacked by sabertooth
>kill sabertooth and eat it heart
>ask stonemaster if Groog get strong
>stonemaster say no
depend on cave
Did Grog fire meat first? Must eat raw
krug hate dis answer krug think it deads diskushion
>eat meat fired
>strong juices disappeared
It like Hur don't want get stronger.
> Klug see cave paint
> Am get dayjur... dayjaja.. am get headstorm
> Klug no care, Klug hungry for more happy teeth time
>he eat only heart
>he not eat sabertooth balls too
You am stupid. You deserve get beat.
dumb Groog.
get strong when complete milestone
why Groog no eat balls? Groog drink soy
But Klug girlmate say fake milk gud and tasty meat bad, Klug no understand
Klug girlmate axe wound look like roast boar, why trust girlmate? me frame this cavepost, me put it on wall for Groog to see
> Hurk play Magic Leaf: Get Leafs
> Hurk happy
> Cave say Hurk leafs old, give cave sabre teeth get new leafs
> Hurk angry, go home play Rockhammer
> Many moons past
> Tribe still play Magic Leaf, Hurk think on happy time, Hurk heartbrain is storm
> Hurk give cave sabre teeth?
No do Hurk. Past moon storm feels stay past. Magic Leaf just Moon tricks for leaf wants. How make want leaf? Leaf do no things, not fun watch leaf pile. Not fun try pile leaf bigger than other pile, just give hard earned shells for leaf.
Graganuk think that a subjective matter. Graganuk thonk that if Groog am not big number but sabertooth is and Groog kill it anyway, Groog get strong.
On they other claw, Graganuk also thunk that if Groog not big number and neither sabercat, it too weak and Groog not deserve become strong, Groog just trying to self-justify based on Groog own sense of importance.
Groog not always main character, Groog not do everythong! Stonemaster right to kick Groog in gonads!
>playing Magic Leaf
Rurk laughs over you. Rurk plays superior island leaf game instead of rotten Magic leaf game
>roast boar
Me see wicker man, wicker man go back to wicker9kave.
Have try no cave and mammoths?
Cave and mammoth are worse than trailhunter, give suggest good system like GURPS.
No sun quick walk good, true hunter system
post gatherers
>play Rockhammer 4-many
>Play Big-man-with-spikes tribe
>Friend play Little-man-with-bright-sticks tribe
>He use shiny rock that make him kill man-with-spikes good
>Then he use it again
>I say "No, am use once!"
>he say stone tablet no say that
>he show me
>it true
Stupid grugg who etch tablet have bad spirit in head.
>dat un player who always carve gatherer character
>you gatherer a shit
Me drink the bean milk and am no have boongas. Me like play with your muma boongas hehe
Needs shaman make ritual on sabretooth heart before you eat it. But not all shamen know ritual or am enough strong in head to make ritual.
eat heart not give strength in game
level up do
When will toolmakers make flint hunter-womans? Am sick of wooden stick hunter-womans. Always go snap so easy.
Is because you want be woman. Go breed self
Gronk am back.
Me get over having Berry-Picker feet.
Make Decision, and follow Grugg's advice, ask She-Rockmaster if go fishing.
Rockmaster say yes.
Go Fishing. Have good time.
Decide to ask Rockmaster if she want me Club her and Unga.
Me even bring me Grand-Grugg's club, he use on his mate.
Rockmaster say "no."
Gronk devastated.
Rockmaster say "Not yet."
Gronk now happiest Grugg in Tribe.
We take Unga slow.
Still have fun with group. Rockmaster no change Rockmastering.
Thanks cavepain/tg/uys, you best gruggs a grugg could ask for.
>not clubbing anyways
You drink bean water. Go and stay go
Heart not strong, heart for spirit! Groog become shaman in my game.
You rub same shit on all cave walls. Put more think into making wall bad at least.
Gronk not think 2 days wait unreasonable for find someone who Unga with rest of life. Seem like long time, but Sabretooth attacks down, and it Warm Season here, so good chance we both survive that long.