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What's your favorite weird race to play? Why do you like them so much?

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Is there any feat or anything to reduce spell point costs in spheres of power?

I'm partial to ifrits because I like playing characters with fiery temperaments.

Actual Path of war errata when? Though got to admit, some warlord nerfs already implemented are kind of clever.

the first errata had good things and terrible things. It's basically never worth taking warlord over Zealot and actually never worth taking over a Batal. Also allowing shields with scarlet throne is a massive mistake, ruins the einhander flavor of the discipline (even if people just 2-handed it anyways)

Creation sphere has Practiced Creation
Destruction sphere has Gather Energy
Life sphere has Empathic Healing
Light sphere has Glory
Telekinesis has Orbit/Idle Concentration

Warlord is still relevant for the people who want to be a non-supernatural CHA initiator, which is definitely a desire people will hve.

As for scarlet throne, flavor still exists, and people will do good things with it. Mechanical restrictions for the sake of flavor and not balance should rarely, if ever, be an actual thing.

>As for scarlet throne, flavor still exists, and people will do good things with it. Mechanical restrictions for the sake of flavor and not balance should rarely, if ever, be an actual thing.
The disciplines are already too samey, taking away requirements like unique fighting styles only exacerbates this problem.

flavor is not a reason to take a class. You don't take adept because you wanted a wizard. Hell, even some people on internal think the errata took too much.

I know a handful, but nearly all of them are highly specific:

Creation Sphere has the Practiced Creation talent for Creation Sphere talents, and the Before Creation comes Destruction feat.

Destructive Reservoir trait has a high cost, but is 2 SP for free.

Friendly Fortune Teller is a 2/day reduction for Divine talents.

there are some more traits, but they are not "Pure" reduction, being mostly limited to once or twice a day. Potential Energy seems the most versatile for someone who uses Telekenisis.

I don't know many other talents to reduce SP cost.

Scarlet throne has the strongest mechanical identity of the non-Supernatural disciplines outside of Fool's Errand, Tempest Gale and Golden Lion. Everything else has a much higher concentration of variants of 'make an attack, it does +Xd6 and you inflict [condition]'.

>even some people on internal think the errata took too much.


Where can I find the Path of War erratas?

I'd rather not give their name away willy-nilly but they worked on one of the past two releases.

They absolutely fucking gutted Warlord, even killing flavour in some places with the retarded nerfs. The Warlord errata is when I lost any semblance of trust in DSP.

So is Tribunal a bamboozle?

No, why would it be?


How do I into Broken blade and Fool's errand?
Which class would be best suited for it?

Ridiculous char gen, anime bait concept, MIA DM

you do know you can use pre-errata warlord right?
or the infinitely better batal

Pretty sure he's on a trip or something so he's not replying on roll20. He's still replying on discord about it whenever pinged, so he's not MIA.
>Ridiculous char gen, anime bait concept
That's almost every /pfg/ game.

Not for those of us who have gotten PMs already.

What errata are you talking about? The only change I see is the bonus to flanking and aid another actions.

They absolutely gutted how gambits work, and they absolutely gutted how aid another stuff works.
Aid another was previously thematic for a leader type character (buffing allies), now it's completely retarded nonsense more fitting for a rogue where almost the only use is flanking with yourself, a complete antithesis to the leader archetype.

Err, completely gutted how flanking stuff works and flanking was previously thematic, not aid another. I'm feeling like shit right now so typing coherently is hard.

fools errand for CC and silly physics breaking.

Broken blade for raw DPR and solving problems by breaking down doors and walls

Is steelfist commando still the best class for it?

Grippli. Little frog guys hit a soft spot for me.

Catfolk barbed vienna sausage

Only if he can't get the scheduling to work

for raw dpr? yes. Auora soul mystic makes for a good crowd-controller via fool's errand because emphasis on stacking WIS. Sanguinist Medic is pretty potent. Any race with natural attacks makes any initiator easily compatible with either discipline.


My favourite character was a grippli druid who rode around on the back of his animal companion tortoise with a land speed of 10.

Too bad the character died at level 2.

If you're looking for a more up to date one then I'd recommend starting your own. DSP are more bothered with releasing new shit as opposed to fixing the old.

>Wonder why a wisdom based character would improve a dex based fighting style that needs to have a way to boost a str based skill
>Realize user was implying wisdom in the flesh
Genius! Would a Stalker be any good? The whole granted maneuvers seem like a difficult thing to account for since it adds a certain element of RNG. Are there any tricks to work around it?

>They absolutely gutted how gambits work, and they absolutely gutted how aid another stuff works.

This desu, I hated that they did this. I actually enjoyed playing a less damage focused Warlord before the errata.

the way to play around mystic is to only cherry-pick to learn and ready the best strikes you can and always keep 1 boost and 1 counter as your 2 guaranteed maneuvers and then have them always be readied when you reset your battle-chi- I mean maneuvers. Stalkers can do unarmed just fine but that means blowing ki on activating deadly strikes because 20/2x crit on unarmed strikes.

As for the first part of your sentence, 1 feat to make climb dex based and aurora soul mystic gets WIS to damage on their unarmed strikes.

>1 feat to make climb dex based
Sorry, I wasn't aware that such a feat existed. Could you point it out please?

How did they change gambit? The text says they just tried to clear up wording, not make actual changes.

Not even a feat, its a trait. You can have this L1 and still have your feats ready for more shenanigans to come.

Pretty sure there's some way in the Fool's Errand doc itself.

Graceful Athlete.
there's also monkey style's second feat for wis to climb.

Spacefarer Soldier:
Vesk or Lashunta?

Thanks Anons.

it's half Cha now, thus creating STAT BREAKPOINTS for a key class feature :^)

Mine was Croakzaquatl, or Mr Frog. He was an Alchemist who prestiged into Matter Chemyst. His alter-ego was Mr Toad, a savage monster who ate people.

Might as well be if he's actually already decided on PCs and is bullshitting everyone. Don't know most of the apps but dollars to donuts he's going for all girls and tentacle rape PCs for PLD2 Hentai Boogaloo unless someone beats him to it with their own notSlaaneshi-kun toon.

Wait Snack B. beat Desu Vult to the tentacle party. Already has a triple multiclass toon in a full gestalt game mind you, based on tentacle rape and is named LeBadTouch. I'd say I'm surprised but I'm not so PLD2 confirmed.


So I'm playing a lynx catfolk with the free Wild talent feat. Are there any good feats I can chain off this otherwise pointless freebie?

I'm going to play a Ysoki Mechanic who rides a Combat Drone. Help me come up with a backstory so I'm not just Rocket Raccoon.

>Will I get to [X] [Y] in her [Z]?
I don't expect that to be a focus of this game

Ysoki basically don’t have fluff, you’re stuck as Rocket Raccoon.

The story it’s based on’s most iconic scene involves glopping sounds as two years worth of semen flows into a character.

Make up the equivalent of space-Rhodesia for Ysoki. Talk about how it was taken over by the goddamn scalies (the Vesk) and the Ysoki need to Make Space Zimbabwe into Space Rhodesia Again.

Gather large amounts of firearms that straddle the line between legal and illegal (i.e the wording that makes pistol braces, bump stocks, and binary triggers 100% legal). Yell about how the Space-ATF wants to take your gats and how you need to protect yer space rights, with the Space Second Amendment.

You know, if he’s a Mechanic he could just become Michael Wilson and believe in his own justice.

And which has numerous tentacle rape scenes of a loli


We're talking about SAO you dip.

.hack did it earlier
The Matrix did it earlier
The sum body of cyberpunk literature did it earlier
SAO is trash

Just like the tribunal.

At least SAO helped end the cancer that was incest anime. It's just that we have a NEW cancer now.

Do elves shine in any martial role, or are they pure Int caster race when it comes to playing them?

They can Archer pretty okay

The Matrix doesn't have glopping sounds.

The VR tanks don't count?

>SAO is trash
That's why everyone says Tribunal is based on it, since Tribunal is also trash.

Imagine how much semen is floating in those glop tanks.

They can do Slayer fine as well. If DSP content is enabled, they make rather nasty Warders, Harbingers (if a bit frail), Aegides.

The Con penalty hurts for any kind of martial, but you can still make it work a number of ways.

You're not filling anyone Vult, especially if you pick the memelords from PLD or SCoT. Just admit you're doing it for the H and get it over with. We already know you're a perv, we all are, and lying to everyone's face ain't doing you a lick of shit.

Why are people bitching about the PoW errata? What is the problem lads?

No discipline Errata still, and the errata we have had dumb shit like Warlord Nerf and (of all things) a Deadly Agility buff

What's the minimum str needed to even bother to use melee weapons even as a secondary weapon?

>No discipline Errata still
>dumb shit like Warlord Nerf

What about going the amoral/immoral path and making an unrepentant gun running bastard. I'm thinking of making a Mechanic/Envoy (Maybe Operative instead) who's a mix of Gary Oldman's Zorg from Fifth Element and Billy Mays.

"Hey it's your old pal Ratatat with a brand new offer straight from the firing range. What we have here is a doozy, our all new, to cool and cruel Ice Pick. This cyropike comes not only with a mag-leash to prevent unwanted disarmament but and extended battery pack too! Bring this beauty into the battlefield today and get all the boys and girls saying Nice Ice Baby!"

"For those not keen on the split and shiver I got another deal to deliver. At Ratatat's Gats we're celebrating our 1 year anniversary. To celebrate the Ratatat BBQ set is now 1/2 off for the first 100 buyers. That's right you get the Habenero Flamer, the Disco Inferno sword, and the Red Hot Chili Pepper Pistol all for one low price. As a special offer we'll throw in a mystery gift absolutely free. Want to know what that red button on the box does, call in and find out!"


Now combine that with the Space Rhodesian Expat Rat, using gunrunning to build up funds for his PMC so that he can liberate his homeworld from the scalies.

user, if you want degenerate ERP, just PM HIM

Trying to force it on Tribunal is just asinine

There's that new racial style feat tree that gets them Int to damage on attacks.

>especially if you pick the memelords from PLD or SCoT.
Who do you mean from SCoT? Or are you talking in a general sense?

The only thing I'd be wary about is being able to buy/sell weapons at a profit in-game. Cool of a concept as it is, the opportunities to sell weapons at a markup seem few or even unlikely depending on the DM.

How about a game where the entire premise is looting ancient tombs, hidden vaults, and dragon lairs to sell to the highest bidder?

Y'know in hindsight now I feel kinda stupid. Granted maybe that's because the DM I'm going to be playing Starfinder with doesn't seem to dole out loot very often, and whatever he does give isn't much.

pls respond

Need some advice before i finally post my game up on the roll 20 LFG, What is the best way to bamboozle? Anything i should do to make it look truly legit and make people least suspecting of it's true purpose?

>Anything i should do to make it look truly legit and make people least suspecting of it's true purpose?

The easiest way to bamboozle is to make a legitimate LFG page with an honest application circus... And promptly drop it in the trash once the first session rolls around.

You might as well advise this user to do what that one bamboozler did last year and make three separate games.

There's nothing to explain retard, we only got the first half of the errata addressing the classes and base PoW rules, but nothing for the actual maneuvers, all while gutting the heart out of Warlord by crushing the usefulness of gambits.

>no discipline errata
The only errata that has come out so far has been to the system as a whole, we're still waiting on fixes for specific problem maneuvers like Zenith Strikes.
>warlord nerf
Discussed above. Gambits got fucked into near uselessness.

Can't beat +8 to Grabble.

I’m going to start an evil capaign with a bunch of normies and I had a brilliant idea: a Grippli based on Veeky Forums culture (or rather what they think it is filtered through what I know it is).

How should I go about making this Grippli?

Go to /r9k/ and ask them.

Fat, unclean, hates women, make it a wizard if it's old enough and hasn't had sex.

Kawase, Stop being a faggot for once.

Don't forget that he needs to be an utter coward who becomes a stuttering wreck the moment a girl that somehow fits his unreasonable criteria shows up.

Is there any benefit in using large sized one-handed weapons as a medium character or does it make you as useless as the resident iconic barbarian in every case?

It's only useful when the DM is willing to say a one-handed weapon, brought to Large, can be wielded in two hands by a medium-sized character.

That girl is cute.

>Is there any benefit in using large sized one-handed weapons as a medium character
It does more damage than a medium sized one-handed weapon. There's archetypes for Fighter and/or Barbarian I believe that help with wielding them.