How many children have to die at the hands of evil necromancers before you give up your magic spells!? Magical proliferation is a threat to public safety and must be curtailed!
How many children have to die at the hands of evil necromancers before you give up your magic spells!...
>How many children have to die at the hands of evil necromancers
That's actually a common misconception. Necromancers tend to go for adults more. Better skeleton structure, you see.
Children tend to be more the target of Fleshcrafters.
That's a fairly thin veil you got there OP
I think it'd be better if everyone got their own skeleton guards instead, to overwhelm any necromancer that'd be foolish enough to try hurting them.
Magic is for fags
You CANNOT deny this.
Fuck off with your /pol/ threads, faggot.
Is regulating guns like cars that objectionable? Honest question here.
Since this thread is going to shit anyway, let me redpill you.
Ideally, we would have a system that keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, the mentally ill, children, or anyone that won't do the responsible thing and lock their guns up so the above groups can't get their mits on them, while not being too much of an inconvenience to everyone else. But no one in the US is interested in implementing or refining such a system. They just want MORE guns, if they're on the right, or LESS guns, if they're on the left.
Registration leads to confiscation.
>Not making a ball of child zombies
>Not using the finer, more relatively unworn bone structure to your advantage
Fucking apprentices I swear...
They are not Children They are DEMONS!
The only good demons is a dead one,you
should have stayed in hell if you wanted to live.... or die.....
That sounds like a pretty shitty situation for the presumably numerous Americans who aren't rabidly on either right or left.
>Mentally I'll
The problem is, who defines that? Commies and other repressive regimes frequently label their opponents as mentally ill, even the relatively milquetoast modern American left uses it as a weapon. Do you REALLY want some organization that might easily be politicized deciding whether or not you have the right to defend yourself?
Fuck off.
>Ideally, we would have a system that keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, the mentally ill, children
We do, they still get their hands on guns.
>lock their guns up so the above groups can't get their mits on them
Same problem as above.
You can not have easy access to firearms without a few crazy people getting their own. If you increase the difficulty of the average citizen getting a fire arm, it changes nothing. People who want fire arms, regardless of their mental health, will get fire arms. No matter how much paper work you between the buyer and his gun, he will eventually get it, or turn to the streets for a cheaper, quicker, alternative.
>Locking up your home defense gun
Enjoy being murdered by Jamal.
Driving is a privilege, the capacity to defend yourself from tyrants and criminals is a right.
Fuck off /pol/.
This is Veeky Forums, not the politics board.
I mean, a full on gun-ban sort of worked for Australia. Yes, you can still get guns on the black market, but they cost like 30k, and if you have that much money, you are probably not a student or a guy who thinks he needs to rob a 7/11.
Some organization that can be easily politicized is going to make all kinds of decisions concenring you, no matter what. That is inevitable as long as you want to live in any kind of organized society, and the existence of some kind of organized society is necessary if a bunch of people want to coexist. Paranoia towards the very concept of society, which your view will lead to if take to its logical conclusion, is not a very constructive attitude.
Get your dumbass politics off of my tabletop board
>>Locking up your home defense gun
>Enjoy being murdered by Jamal.
You do know that Western countries with stricter gun laws than America tend to have less gun-related crimes than America, not only in absolute terms but also relative to population?
Quit replying, fag.
>Ban guns in Australia.
>People stab eachother with knifes.
>Ban knifes (China).
>People use clubs.
You can not win this way.
See, that seems pretty reasonable. As awful as the DMV is, something like the way cars seem to be treated seems reasonable and not terribly onerous; they're used in attacks too these days.
Don't see it m8.
See, in America, if you're not rabidly right, people will treat you as you're rabidly left, and vice-versa.
Unless you explicitly call yourself centrist, but that means both rabid right and rabid left shit on you endlessly.
>Be britbong
>Get stabbed
>Get acid'd
>Get run over
>Get arrested for making Facebook comments
No thanks, I think I'll keep my guns
To be honest, it's not that different nowadays here in Finland, either. It feels like politics makes even generally pleasant and reasonable people kind of insane.
I'd much rather be stabbed with a knife or beaten with a club than shot with a gun. Much higher chance of survival.
They also tend to have lower population of desttitute people and a lower popular in general.
The poor organize themselves in America, because they have the numbers to do so. Therefore, there is more gun violence because there is a population willing to do violence.
/pol/ thread standard procedure.
Don't reply to posts.
Sage so the thread isn't bumped.
Report faggotry.
Not if the person attacking you is doing so with the INTENT to kill you. If anything your death will be more painful and brutal than a bullet to face.
Back to your cockroach infested island Anama fanatic
I mean, in Canada we were practically neutering people considered "mentally ill and unfit to breed" like half a century ago, with the parameters for mentally ill pretty much "you do not agree with me" in specific areas
It didn't do shit for Australia. The shooting itself that sparked the gun ban was about as dodgy as you can possibly get, and then after the ban the homocide/shooting rate THAT WAS ALREADY IN DECLINE CONTINUED TO DECLINE AT ALMOST THE SAME RATE.
Anyone that points to it "working", only looks at the data from the exact moment of the ban and not the timeline prior, because they can't since it invalidates their argument.
Maybe decent, free, high trust societies should stop immolating themselves for no observable gain instead.
How about being ripped to shreds by home-made explosives?
If knifes are the prefered compromise to guns, guns are the preferred compromise to explosives. Anyone can make a bomb with easily accessible materials. The proliferation of firearms keeps that in check because they are much easier to access, so you don't have to look for an alternative.
>the moment when a thread has gone to shit that badly, that you can't even reply to whom you want to tell to shut up
I feel your pain
I see the paid trolls are out in full force today. Can’t even leave tg alone
>his country doesn't amputate the hands and tongues of magic potentials at birth
What's it like being from a cuck country where magic users can just carry concealed deadly weapons into public venues for their own nefarious purposes?
No. Ideally, everybody would have a gun. You can't keep people who really want guns away from them, so why make it harder for others?
Freedom is the answer.
Oh sure, blame the magic.
You know, all previous generations were schooled in the very same arcane arts regularly as youths, but now only is it suddenly a problem.
All of them
leftists want people to have guns idk what you're talking about