> It is set in modern earth, though not the same timeline as ours
Let's create a setting
People have no butts
> it's the timeline where Jews won the Holocaust
>An Army of Jews breaks out of the camps, defeats the Third Reict and establishes a Juden Imperium across Central Europe that lasts for 1000 years.
Are we going by dubs?
>Spain took over Portugal and centralized the HRE
vikings discovered america like in this timeline
except they settled there and founded an empire
instead of Americans there's a race of native american vikings who's culture is a mix of Norse and native american Indian
every country according to their most negative stereotypes
The Kings of America are anointed as vassals by the Russian Emperor of All Africa.
Lets bump it up
People don't go to hell where Satan xirself will drill holes in their testicles with dentist's tools for bumping stillborn threads.
In 1974, the rampant famine and disease in Southern Africa was officially deemed "unsalvageable" by the Western Coalition of Nations. To prevent further degradation of the nation as a whole, a 20' concrete wall was built along the northern edges of Kenya, Uganda and the Congo, stretching from both coastlines and extended several miles into the South Atlantic and Indian oceans. An agreement was made with the nations on the outside of the wall: their governments would receive extended financial assistance so long as they posted sentries along the watchtowers of the wall, and any individuals from the Southern Africa area (now called the "Dead Zone") attempting to breach the wall were to be shot and killed on sight. Given the rudimentary technology the people of the Southern African nations had access to at the time, these sentries rarely found a need to fire their guns.
Ruins of what appears to be a modern city has been found on a trench on the depths of the atlantic ocean.
Nazi's replace the taliban
Greeks successfully implemented the steam engine.
We sci-fi now, boys.
Mormonism has photographic evidence of contact with the angel Moroni.
You can't see the pictures though
Magic is real, and Nazis used it to win WWII.
>All magical abilities are split into two classifications; Dawn and Umbral, and can be further divided based on the entities granting said abilities
he said "not the same"
The Social-Democratic Northern Alliance (consisting of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland) has been a unified nation for the last two decades.
Finland has Scandinavian roots as well.
Iceland, Greenland, Faroe islands and the other not-quite-Denmark-places where nuked five years ago by the SDNA during testing under the Expanded Strategic Tools Program, spawning a cold war with the Americas (mainly due to disrupting trade routes).
North Korea is pretty much the same as in this timeline, except that unicorns have been confirmed by the NSA to exist there.
Jewish Empire stretches from jerusalem to germany.
Nazi's take over western europe
Israeli Empire and the Reict are in a conflict similar to modern day Palestine and Israel
North America is in a state of constant war like the middle east
Natives are magic terrorists
Wendigos haunt the battlefields
Greece is a xenophobic state that holds itself apart from the world
Massive Walls stretch across the borders
Titanic statues guard the waters off the coasts
Other nations have dedicated a massive amount of resources to spy on and steal advanced technology
>The first attempt to utilize Umbral Summoning on a massive scale was in Israel, supposedly as an attempt to call upon the "One True God" to cleans the world of all 'sin and evil'.
>After this immense ritual, the entire country of Israel practically ceased to exist overnight, replaced with a gaping void from which things regularly sunder forth.
A fantasy setting that takes place during a industrial revolution.
Its set in modern earth
What part of the world is going to be in an industrial revolution?
>sunder forth
So do they cause destruction wherever they go?
Is their mere movement in this reality enough to cause things to be sundered?
>So do they cause destruction wherever they go?
>Is their mere movement in this reality enough to cause things to be sundered?
Mostly likely. Entities from realms as dark as the ones that the Grand Summoning that Israel tried to call upon, proooooooobably arent the kind of things that reality can function well in the general presence of.
>instead of Americans there's a race of native american vikings who's culture is a mix of Norse and native american Indian
la creatura....
But yeah, the Nordic-Indians probably put their faith in a fucked up mishmash of Christianity and Germanic pagan shit where Christ is seen as a figure of spiritual strength and victory over death, Valkyries are reframed as "Choosers of the Saints", and that sort of thing.
>le worldbuilding
Veeky Forums is really in denial of how creatively bankrupt they are these days