/STG/ - Star Trek General

Elite Force Edition

Previous Thread: A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Possible topics include Modiphius' new rpg 'Star Trek Adventures', WizKids miniatures game 'Star Trek: Attack Wing', and Gale Force Nine's board game 'Star Trek: Ascendancy', as well as the previous rpgs produced by FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher, the Starfleet Battles Universe, and the Star Trek universe in general.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection

Older Licensed RPGs (FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher)

Other (Unlicensed) RPGS (Far Trek + Lasers and Feelings)

Star Trek: Attack Wing
-Official WizKids Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)

Star Trek: Ascendancy
-Official Gale Force Nine Page (Rules and Player Resources)

Star Trek: Fleet Captain
-Official WizKids Page (Rules and Player Resources)

Lore Resources

Memory Alpha - Canon wiki

Memory Beta - Noncanon wiki for licensed Star Trek works

Fan Sites - Analysis of episodes, information on ships, technobabble and more

Star Trek Maps - Based on the Star Trek Star Charts, updated and corrected

/stg/ Homebrew Content

Modiphius takes down links for the ST:A core rulebook. Look in the archives or ask someone to send it to you via discord. Or... you know... buy the rulebook.

Other urls found in this thread:



>male Munroe
user, please, we all know that low-poly, angular boobs are where it’s at.


Why the fuck can't my KDF Rom wear the sweet Romulan helmet? This is horseshit.

*Ding Dong* Your delivery is here Gul.

After playing one of the later Star Trek Continues foundry missions in STO that involves (a fan interpretation) of first contact between the Federation and the Cardassians, I now really want to see a TOS-era Cardassian ship.

>STO will never get permission to include material from the Activision games
>no Hazard Team outfit, I-Mod, crazy ship variants, or Kessok

Still disappointed that she got axed from the sequel in favour of a bad romance subplot.

The sequel got really weird in places. Like the magical space princess love interest and the space wizard staff weapon.

>We will never get to experience Bij

EF2 was a fabulous and crazy space adventure. It wasn't good Star Trek but it was very entertaining anyway. I love the wacky weapons, the bizarre plot, the space princess love interest who wears two hankerchiefs and a loincloth, and the funny early 3d graphics.

In many ways, we are experiencing eternal bij

>tfw you will never help your Vulcan GF with her Pon Farr and spend a week in medical from the ensuing shattered pelvis
Why should I bother living?

The act of living itself let alone being aware of it is a fascinating experience?

Someone's got to get a writeup of Vulcan Love Slave published. Why not you?

Oh, that could never happen. The osteoregenerative properties of my Tellarian parakeet cum will have you back on your feet in two days, three tops.

Because I'm a terrible writer?

That's never stopped anyone from writing bad trek fanfiction, EVER. And practice makes adequate.

That’s not stopped all the other Trek and smut writers the world over. Don’t let your dreams be creams, my dude.

I swear at some point I meant to write a silly fapfic about a 'study' (pretty much just typical magazine tier rather than full on biological study with rigorous testing) of the benefits of having sex with Vulcans. I can't remember why that came up as a thing.

If you posted about it here a month or two back, it was because of the decontamination chamber scene in ENT. but that may have been a 'tricking naive girl into vigorous sex' story by someone else instead.

Decontamination seems odd, but that has reminded me that there was that stupid overly forced plot with T'pol and the massages in season 3 for some reason though.

Hell, it was Trekkies that coined the term "Mary Sue" in the first place. And Kirk/Spock defined the concept of a "slash fic." Star Trek is the progenitor for bad fan fiction.

I'm pretty sure Gene himself wrote some documentation on how Spock was born.

>Because I'm a terrible writer?
So's half the idiots that work on the actual licensed novels.

Yeah, but it was so easy to mod the original for cheap girls kissing girls thrills.

the other half are Shatner by volume

You got a point...

he recorded an interview with Sarek about it. lots of genetic engineering.

You should write it. I'd read it, especially if it's cute and funny.

Why was i attracted to T'Pol?

I have no answer for that question, but it appears to not be as unpopular as I would expect.

What is this star trek Theurgy thing anyways ?
I see it posted often in these threads

Still better taste than me according to /stg/, I'm attracted to Ezri.

Only faggots hate Ezri.

I don't know, as far as fanservice characters go Seven of Nine is clearly the better choice.

Seven of Nine bored me for some reason. She was hot, I'll admit that.

Well, there was incredible amounts of sexualisation (by star trek standards) that your brain was picking up on. Also despite looking kinda weird, the actress had an attractive character (including a very Spock sense of humour) through surprisingly good acting. Seriously, she got shit material and could have been so much worse with it.

It's just a collaborative fanfiction thing, mostly It turns up when I raid the interbutt for character pics. I have no idea what they do.

Shes cute, but replaces a better character with more waifu material.

because she's over the top nerdbait so you are hesitant to take a bite. The character was great though.

I think the real question should be "Why would they make a blatant fanservice character played by a very attractive actress and then choose to give her the worst haircut possible?"

>Antennae on sides of head

It’s a weird fusion of fan fiction and famous people photoshopped into Trek-themed porn.

>Shes cute, but replaces a better character with more waifu material.
There's people that prefer Kes to Seven?

>Seven of Nine bored me for some reason
Because they pushed her way too hard. She was a very interesting character but she wore out her welcome by getting to much focus.

Mary Wiseman is 5'8". According to the female BMI chart, she would only need to be 165lbs to be considered overweight.
Does this look like a 5'8" woman under 165lbs to you? Why are there people trying to defend her saying she isn't overweight?

I can't really hate Tilly for being overweight because i'm a fatass myself. However I can hate Tilly for being the comic relief of the show.

Looks pretty cute to me. Hope they go with the straight hair, though.

I didn't say she wasn't cute or whatever, but she's objectively overweight. She is unhealthy and more likely to die of things like heart disease because of it.

>but she's objectively overweight
Maybe a little. I don't know why that triggers people, though. I mean, who cares? It's not like it disqualifies you from serving on a starship.

She's just a cute thick girl. Nothing wrong with that even if it's not your thing.

It's a combination of the "REEEE HEALTHY AT ANY WEIGHT" people and "OMG THICC" people working together to make being unhealthy an acceptable thing as the American overight & obesity epidemic ravages the nation.

>There's people that prefer Kes to Seven?
Yes, me. But I think user meant Ezri replacing Jadzia.

The real question is why you care so much? Some fat chick piss in your trail mix or something?

I agree, the Klingon Empire should surrender to Romulus, post haste.

>But I think user meant Ezri replacing Jadzia.
Ah, you're right, I was confused.

>Yes, me.
I respect your opinion, but... why?

>"OMG THICC" people
I think those people just like ladies with some hips, user. They're not out to destroy your country.

I have a thing for cute tomboys. Stopped liking her once she let her hair grow.

>No sign of permanent double chin or overlapping belly
>Using BMI as a hard guideline
Go home, Veeky Forums.

I see. I don't mind short hair but the bowl cut look is just terrible. Kira is fine, Ezri is fine, Burnham is fine, but Kes and T'Pol are just bad.

You're the only one "REEEEEEEEEE"ing about anything here, Veeky Forums.

As an actual character Jadzia was honestly the worst in the show. The only reason why she was salvaged is because of her actress.

I mean, yes, but try telling that to my younger self's libido.

>They're not out to destroy your country

No, that's just how it starts, first they just like the ladies with hips, then suddenly they're into weight-gain fetish and trying to fuck a beached whale.

Really though, there is a problem, people ain't helping it by trying to normalise something that is objectively bad like being over weight.

What I wonder is: why is she allowed to be pudgy when she's not an experienced officer who can let things slide a bit, and is serving on a ship in wartime? Surely training would have deflated and hardened her? Seems to have everyone else.

Yes, we get it, you're a Veeky Forums conspiratard.

What would sex with a Vulcan female be like?

>No, that's just how it starts, first they just like the ladies with hips, then suddenly they're into weight-gain fetish and trying to fuck a beached whale.
Uh... I don't know if you're projecting or what, but that doesn't make a ton of sense. A lot of guys like thick girls, that's pretty reasonable. Some women are just naturally shaped a way you don't like, that's okay.

Even Discovery has other ladies that might be more your speed.

>why is she allowed to be pudgy when she's not an experienced officer who can let things slide a bit, and is serving on a ship in wartime?
You know they aren't the infantry, right? She's an engineer.

You ever held in place by a lover? Like, you’re in her but there’s absolutely no question that she’s the one fucking you. You’re just along for the ride, so you might as well have fun.

Clinical and awkward.

She has an infestation of moles on her face that need to be removed.

One cannot allow themselves to be controlled by their emotions, therefore the only logical purpose of copulation is procreation. The act would therefore be simple, straightforward, and done efficiently to achieve the highest probability of conception.

I've seen actual military women as thick as Tilly who could probably throw you through a wall. Obviously a Hollywood actress isn't going to be that strong, but if you can suspend your disbelief that Gates McFadden can go on a commando raid behind enemy lines or that Nana Visitor is a hardened terrorist since childhood then you can suspend your disbelief that Mary Wiseman is an engineer.

Seven's helped by having a really solid performance, and writing that consistently calls back to developmental decisions and pivotal moments. Imagine someone Harry Kimming it up in Jeri Ryan's place, she'd have been re-assimilated by the end of season 4 just to placate the viewers, or relegated to a once-per-season episode focus where she got into an inadvisable romantic situation, it didn't work out, and she was put back in her box until next time.

Also she had that amazing if borderline uncomfortable just to look at line in bodysuits with four-inch heels, and she still ran around and climbed ladders and crawled through ducts. That can't have hurt the viewing figures.


There's actual porn sites with US women (and men) who are obviously just out of if not still in service, and they look nothing like the models Veeky Forums idolizes or /tv/ collects pictures of the feet of. They're muscular, sure, but there's fat there to power the muscle, and they're not pageant-ready in any sense.

If that one time T’Pol went Pon Far is anything to go by, it’s pretty fucking intense.

I just don't think intentionally having Starfleet officers at unhealthy weights fits with the vision of the future Star Trek provides. Shatner and Doohan were overweight in the TOS movies, sure, but that was after they'd been in the roles for years and was entirely unintentional. Someone went out of there way to pick an unhealthy person for Tilly.

They're seven times stronger than you.
They're in the most intense bout of PMS ever.
Their bodies burn energy and oxygen incredibly efficiently in normal earth-like atmosphere, meaning they have stamina that can last days.
And you're their life mate.

If you're not a Romulan or a Vulcan, DON'T DO IT.

That's kinda hot, actually

>Implying she's any worse than a good percentage of the TOS Cast
>Or Riker
>Implying you aren't just butthurt because it's a more normally proportioned woman when you're used to only seeing twigs on TV

>Uh... I don't know if you're projecting or what, but that doesn't make a ton of sense. A lot of guys like thick girls, that's pretty reasonable. Some women are just naturally shaped a way you don't like, that's okay.

Remind me to not try sarcasm even where it is deliberately ludicrous in the extreme.

Tucker seemed to have a decent time of it, even with the rocky circumstances.

>normally proportioned woman
She is overweight. Stop trying to normalize this unhealthy lifestyle.


Welcome to the most ludicrously attractive crew in the fleet.

You know, with all this talk about Vulcan sex, it's really made me realise that Vulcans are basically OP Anime fanfic characters. They are absurdly strong, super intelligent, almost never wrong, have increasingly powerful psychic abilities and a ton of other things. Now that I think about it the only times we see many flaws with Vulcans is in DS9 and ENT. Although I could be biased because I hate their "logic" shtick.

>tfw I will never know

>I just don't think intentionally having Starfleet officers at unhealthy weights fits with the vision of the future Star Trek provides
One could also argue that not wanting capable crew members just because they don't fit your standards of attractiveness is very un-Star Trek. Even if you're not attracted to thick ladies, that's okay, because not every engineer needs to also be a supermodel.

Personally I like that, diversity aside, everyone on Discovery looks like an actual distinct person instead of "TV pretty" casting call folks.

Also on the show we see Tilly pushing herself in PT because she wants to advance. If you're all "fat chicks are destroying America", wouldn't you like the idea of having an "overweight" crew member who chooses to improve themselves? Isn't that a better cultural example than another Hollywood skinny chick?

>Now that I think about it the only times we see many flaws with Vulcans is in DS9 and ENT.
I would add Voyager to that. Tuvok is the best Vulcan, he is portrayed as less "perfect logical space elf" and more "guy from an emotional race that prioritizes logic."

Also he steps outside of the "science officer" schtick that Spock established. Having a Vulcan as chief of security and dealing with Neelix drew out a bunch of sides we hadn't seen before.

Also taking the chief of security role from just "guy who presses the button that fires the phasers and gets smacked by any scary alien that comes on board" to "guy who investigates threats to the ship and crimes committed on board/against the crew" was great for his character.

Don't forget going Full Metal Jacket and PTing some Maquis losers until their assholes were sucking buttermilk at 1.1G grav plating.

I'm disappointed that there's no gif or webm of Chakotay punching the motherfucker from that episode. Seems like it'd be good for reaction image purposes.

Is this ironic? I honestly can’t tell.

user, I think what the body positivity movement wants to do is not eliminate conversations about health and weight between a patient and their doctor; but to keep those conversations out of places like work or school.

Most of that is due to Spock, he was like Silver-Age Superman in TOS in that everytime writers needed some special ability to solve the issue of the week, bam Spock now has it.

The /fitfag won't respond to you because you're right

As always, it depends on whether you listen to the more moderate extremists or the more hardline nutjobs. Plenty of "body positive" people preach self esteem and positive emotional well being while acknowledging health issues involved with obesity; for these people the goal is to simply look at the issue in a positive empowering way ("Be happy with who you are and work to make yourself the best you can be!") instead of a negative destructive way ("You're such a fatass, get off the couch and put down the cake, fatty."). Not to mention part of body positivity is also how someone looks in terms of fashion, hair color, piercings, tattoos, encouraging someone to do what they like instead of fitting in to some societal idea of what the "ideal" woman is supposed to be. Also bare in mind it wasn't that long ago that the big health concern was rail-thin girls with anorexia or bulimia starving themselves half to death.

>normally proportioned woman
The THICC fags have won, I see.

So there's a roleplay, I think it's called into the breach maybe? On geek and sundry youtube. Is it worth the time? It's so long..

Shield of Tomorrow you mean?

Why are there men who don't seem to understand the difference between "thicc" and fat? Do y'all not like hips?

It still doesn't make much sense for her to be overweight to begin with. You never see anyone in Starfleet overcome their smoking habit because nobody in Starfleet smokes. It's considered confounding to do something so unhealthy.

Yes thank you! Would you recommend it? It seems pretty dry

So we're going with Roddenberry's TNG "everyone in the future is utterly perfect in every way" blandfest over actually flawed and interesting characters?