What do you think about systems where bears and boars are still a threat to high level characters?
What do you think about systems where bears and boars are still a threat to high level characters?
Absolutely disgusting.
That said, Mythras is pretty good at achieving this.
Depends on what they are marketed as. If it's marketed as a low-powered/realistic system I would probably praise it. If it was a system for superhero games, I would probably hate it.
Bears and Boars that gain class levels.
Depends on the boars and bears. Mythical animals are threats to literal gods at times.
Depends on the setting
I once ran a Stone Age game where they were serious threats so... I'm okay with it.
God Bears and God Boars?
You could have animals gain experience by surviving and living in the wild, so while your average bear or deer may not be much of a challenge, Cerven, whose antlers scrape the skies and Ursus, whose claws are malice may prove to be deadly foes.
Also by surviving, I mean like for years and years.
I think that all it requires is allowing the bears to level up too.
You shouldn't have a system with levels if you're aiming for that level of realism
Seconding Mythras.
Würm is also a good one if you want to go full Cro-Magnon Fantasy.
Besides that, Lamentations of the Flame Princess could work.
Baears are so fucking scary humanity refused to call them by their true name for millennia, for fear of summoning them. Boars feature in many legends as fearsome creatures, the Calydonian required a bunch of Greek demigods to hunt it down and kill it and capturing the monstrous Boar of Erimanthus was one of Heracles' Twelve Labours. Both animals can easily fit a high threat narrative.
It also depends on how the game or referee categorizes foes and monsters.
In some games, a generic soldier or level 1 character counts as level 1 or 1 Hit Dice or whatever else; in which case a bear can't be more then 2 or 3 levels. But in some games a strong villager may be 2-3 HD, a solider the same, and so animals could be many levels higher.
There's no point to having high levels in that case. Assuming you mean mundane animals.
Levels don't have to mean an increase in power like DnD.
What point do they serve if they're not a general measure of power?
They're still comparative, it's just that the scale is different.
They can be a measure of ability not just raw power, quantity over quality.
Minion groups like ffg star wars. Pack of 8 bears with 80 wounds and melee skill 8.
Bears are pretty freakin big and strong !!
>Bears are big, cute, cuddly and chubchub
>You will never, EVER have a pet bear who wakes up in the middle of the night and raids your kitchen for meat, fish, honey and fruits
Every day I curse our ancestors for never domesticating bears for recreational purposes. Can you imagine an alternative timeline where bears are what dogs are to us?
would be much better to evolve from bears not monkeys
imagine how the world would be better if every war stopped for winter, people would be much more calm, friendly and gentle than current monkey-people
Yes. Humans are extinct in it because they were crushed by affectionate bears.
Primates are really the niggers of the animal kingdom, they're incredibly aggressive and obsessed with sex.
If i kill a beholder then a bear isn't going to do shit to me
>sir Bearington uses his considerable political power to undermine the party wherever they go
>calling him a bear only proves him right about them
I have no issue with it, as long as the expectation is clear. What I can't stand are faggots treating the idea as if it was inherently better than the other way around.
It all comes down to the narrative. In the history of humanity there were times when this happened, and times when we hunted the bear. Both narratives have sense to exist. Neither is intrinsically better than the other.
As long as what you set out to do is clear, no problem. The moment you tell me my fun is wrong, you can get fucked by a bear.
Short answer is maybe? If you're using levels that implies a degree of heroism beyond what is normally physically possible. In that case only bears and boats that have themselves been leveled to represent heroic examples of their species make sense as threats.
But if your setting is trying to be realistic or at least realistic enough that your players don't second-guess that fantastic parts, then a bear should be a threat for any single hero, whereas a boar should be a threat for any hero not prepared and braced with a boar-spear.
Keep in mind that if your game has levels, it implies there's (usually) a point somewhere where they reach near-Exalted or Monster Hunter tier in terms of monster-slaying. Bears or boats may well not worry someone like that.
>copying Deviljho's pose
How lazy can you get
To be fair Deviljho is just a spikey T-Rex.
What are these from? Is there more?