Why aren't you using more Owlbears in your campaigns, user?

Why aren't you using more Owlbears in your campaigns, user?

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Because I don't run any campaigns

If you were to run a campaign, would you use Owlbear?

Because they look fucking retarded.

I prefer catbears.

I only had one and it was a knockoff. Instead of being the magical hybrid (or whatever), the party ran into a flying saucer that surgically created hybrid animals for whatever reason, so they stitched the head of a giant owl onto the body of a bear, just for kicks.

I do

I don't think there are any in Chult

I'm using cockbears instead

Who would win, 6 owlbears or one cockbear?


Every one of my campaigns feature an owlbear fight when the party is level 2.

Then when they're level 4 I always have them encounter a pack of owlbears when they're resting on the road.

I play this : youtu.be/7w6cIubJc_s

>haha le funny D&D memes #dnd
gb2 reddit, please. have yout ried not playing d&d


An owlbear almost wiped a beginner group I’m DM’ing for. I think I’ll give em a break from owl bears for now



Because the players have moved away from the habitable range where owlbears live. You don't fight cassowaries in Siberia, now do you?


We killed ours just fine

I did used MANY chimeras in fact (one of the main antagonist was an alchemist/rechercher of how life worked so he created WAY TOO many thnigS.)
Also I was drunk.
Once my plyers fought a Shark fused with insect limbs.
Imagine a massive shark sneek attack you because he climb on the roof xDD

I wouldn't mind playing an owlbear. Is it possible?

Man, that is some great footage. Lookit that bastard galumphing around. Badass. Thanks for postan!

>Why aren't you using more Owlbears in your campaigns, user?

But, OP, I already am! There are already rumors and tails of the 'Dreaded Hooten-Bar' circulating through the population of the Ark in my Mutant: Year Zero campaign.

Because nobody ever seems to remember their stats.

>Imagine a massive shark sneek attack you because he climb on the roof

>Imagine a massive shark sneek attack you because he climb on the roof xDD

We did though. The barbarian saved a litter of cubs from poachers and when he brought them back to their den the herd treated him like family. After the barbarian decided to retire he went and lived with them.

I use them all the time. Them and ankhegs are great random encounters. And giant vermin are totally underrated.

You shut your whore mouth

Funny story, an owl bear was boss number two, and the barbarian turned its hide into a cloak that is still worn today. They have ever since called themselves the owlbear party when asked who they are.

Even in humorous campaigns I prefer my antagonists to inspire more fear than laughter.

But I do. Or, I did. Then my players started harvesting their beaks to craft novelty castanets they could sell in between adventures, and it just got weird.

>mfw the Owlbears win the Super Beowl

Parrot tigers then

They're contextually inappropriate on the plane of air
I'm putting one in the hold of a skyship now

Owlbears carry the connotations of both owls and bears, thus being wise protectors of nature. They're also scary as fuck.

I did something similar. Owlbears, beowls (whatever you call the inverse), chimeras, and a few creatures which were literally sovereign glued together because he ran out of stitches while the party stormed his lair. Even with the last bit, they were scared. Glued dudes has disadvantage on initiative, but shared it. They also got twice the AoOs, and needed to be killed twice to actually be out of the fight. (though they lost the benefits of the second body after the first KO).

The last time I used an owlbear 3 PCs died.


amazing game and the graphics hold up well today

With the Tellurian mod if you can get it to work it's a 9/10 RTS

Because I can never seem to find their stats, no matter where I look listed under "owlbear" there are stats for several movie, game and anime characters instead