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We thread now. Its all ogre.

>incoming sea elves or something.
>Year of death™

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Why are Stormcast so perfect?

Reckon this would work for a 1000 pt Wanderer list? Obviously it isn't an ideal list, but it seems like it could be fun enough.

Allegiance: Wanderers
Nomad Prince (80)
- General
- Artefact: Falcon of Holthaven
Waywatcher (100)
Spellweaver (80)
- Heartwood Staff
10 x Eternal Guard (80)
20 x Glade Guard (240)
20 x Glade Guard (240)
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (180)
- Allies

Total: 1000 / 1000
Allies: 180 / 200
Wounds: 71

Fat Neferata ass right on my face

How long do we reckon until we see the new elf army?

I'd guess at the Daughters of Khaine being released at the start of next month, maybe.

There's probably cobwebs to be found there.

Reminder that Beastclaw are the biggest
Beastclaw are the strongest
Beastclaw dont need armor
Beastclaw have the lowest modelcount
Beastclaw are the most fun to paint
Beastclaw Radiers are the best

Where is khaine?

What's going to happen to the scourge privateers now that we know the incoming sea elves may have a too different greek aesthetic?

Ushoran was literally cursed because he dared to refuse her or, at least, that’s one of the versions of the tales other vampires tell each other so I’d be rather worried about too much use rather than too little

Probably the same thing that happened to Slayers.

in mexico

They could be a unit type.
Poseidon is greek afterall

I'm starting to doubt the deep sea elves are the faction led by malerion

>MFW elves have better looking seraphon than seraphon do

That's what you get for not playing the master race.

But gryph chargers are demi hippogryphs, not demigriffins. If anything they’re repurposed Bretonnian concepts.

>when your army is driving a mentally ill europoor towards suicide


>tfw I member the designer interview with jes goodwin in the white dwarf implicitly throwing shit at whoever sculpted the lizardmen cold ones and showing the new cold one's upscaled mock up studying muscle fibres

Elves rode Cold Ones before Lizard men did.

It's a good pain.

>When your faction literally consumes all release windows but you act like other people are entitled for being upset.

Those people whine too much.

>waaaaah I want more toy soldiers to not buy and bot paint waaaaah

We desperately need Aelf Stormcast.

Are morghast archai with halberds the be-all end-all morghast build?

Christ, those things are fucking hideous.

>spooky winged skeletal angel fuckbeasts with weapons literally made out of ghosts

>I get really mad about plastic toy soldiers

The latest video, glub glub.
We heard something about a "sea elves" faction.
Seems pretty concrete.
But there's been some movement around Nagash wanting elf souls and conveniently all a sudden, Gee-Dubs pays attention to slaneesh. She's vomited up the elf souls and woken up.

Death Sea Elves?

Yeah. Hideous.

>reaching this hard to try to justify a release for your shitty faction
Nah, just more Order Aelves.

Those are no longer Cold Ones. They are Drakespawn which is the result of Order Serpentis crazy dragon breeding experiments.


Way cooler looking than the two sword Morghasts.

Halberd Morghasts flat out beat double swords against 4+ save stuff.

Double sword Morghasts do get a pretty sweet 3d6 take all charge though.

It's probably just gonna be repurposed Dark Elf Corsairs with maybe some extra thing thrown in.

>Two order factions in a Row
>Year of Death: Soupbook
>Next release probably our glorious Dark Prince

Deathfags on suicide watch.

Is it that time again?


>elves use Seraphon as beasts of burden to haul them around in chariots

When they were driven back to the Realm of Azyr there were few dragons left for the kinghts of the order to ride and so they created new and terrible war beasts such as the War Hydra and Drakespawn.

Furnace Kings when?

Where are the daughters of khaine leaks?

Non-AoS player here. I was asking about AoS last week, and I forgot to ask something. If almost nobody survived the destruction of the old world, who are the disposessed? Or any other miniatures that are more specific to the old world?

Don’t put my orcs in your forced memes

Many dwarf holds were built so well they survived in the realm of chaos long enough to plop down in the mortal realms.

Most of everyone died but it’s more like 90% than 99.9%. There were enough of all species except elves to repopulate way above the population count of the old world.

Nevah evah.

Thank God for the mods.

How's Ordo Serpentis? They look like Soulblight-But-Better.

What? So are you saying that they built the keeps so well they withstood the earth being obliterated from beneath them and existed in the vaccuum of space (or is the realm of chaos the warp? In which case that's even worse) and then just so happened to end up in the mortal realms with everything else... and survive?

We are as unhappy about legacy dwarves survival as you are user

Huh, mods are doin a fine job today

Precisely, although the time spent in the realm of chaos for most survivors was on the scale of seconds to minutes.

Of course plenty of dwarf holds didn’t survive the ordeal and no human (non magical) structures did. Dwarf stuff was just built that well.

It’s not that crazy desu, anti magic can keep out chaos in fantasy and the realm of chaos isn’t *quite* as instant death as the warp in 40k although it’s not far behind

Ironskullz boyz are some of my favorite orc models ever and I don’t even play shadespire. I’m genuinely impressed, especially since they’re snapfit too while being the most dynamic orc poses in a long time

Riiight... and as for the rest of the more.. *ahem* traditionally old world miniatures? Did Karl Franz survive? Did every named character survive? Are there still the steam tanks and empire spearmen in the mortal realms? How did they end up there?

Yeah. There's a reason people laugh at AoS for being trash.

I thought that Sigmar's body was Karl Franz'?

I love beastclaw and hope to start army someday.

Is a complete new line like kharadrons
Underwater aesthetic mix greek atlanteans and eldar corsair.
They have been hiding in underwater cities and have control over some sea fauna, water and mist.
I cannot be more specific but the apparently reason for being hiding is that they hides something in secret.
Beautiful models, same size that blood bowl elven union and some models have great potential for conversions into custom exodites.

I don't know. I'm still trying to figure this out myself.

are they the soul thieves nagash sends arkhan after?

I think it's the cheapest army right now. Over 2500pts with just 3 start collecting boxes. I'm working on StD army right now but I'm gonna start a BCR one in few months for sure

The only humans who survived were either wizards, priests or soldiers/warriors strong or numerous enough to fight their way to a portal out of the realm of chaos. That’s very, very few.

It’s been thousands of years since then and most tech has been rediscovered.

The vast majority of humans died during the end times.

Karl arguably died before AOS even launched, read glottkin. Tl;dr the celestial wind of magic latched onto Karl’s dying body and put Sigmars soul into him. Assumably that’s still the case and Karl’s ass is firmly planted on the celestial throne in Azyr.

There are steam tanks and spearmen but they’re from new kingdoms that inherited the empires culture.

Karl died in combat with Glottkin during The End Times. At the end he cried out for Sigmar, who took control of his body. (and had this weird thing where part of his essence was split with Valten).

If true I may actually go Order

How's this for starting HElves 1000 pts (want to dust off army I have and give it a try):
Allegiance: Order


Seawarden on Foot (100)
- General
- Trait: Inspiring
- Artefact: Phoenix Stone

20 x Highborn Spearmen (160)
5 x Reavers (160)

30 x Highborn Archers (300)

War Machines
Highborn Repeater Bolt Thrower (120)
Highborn Repeater Bolt Thrower (120)

Total: 960 / 1000
Allies: 0 / 200
Wounds: 77

Yeah, so that suggests that Karl Franz' body is in AoS.

>Many of the inhabitants of the Mortal Realms are the descendants of the survivors of the World-That-Was, rescued by gods or through arcane means. Foremost amongst these survivors is Sigmar who hung upon the remains of the Broken World, Mallus, as it flung across the cosmos. Others were memories and spirits that attached itself upon Mallus, began to take the magic of the Broken World and gain physical form. Others survivors of the End Times, fought their way out of the Realm of Chaos, or hid in mirror dimensions or otherworldly havens. Some like the Slann travelled through the stars to be guided into the Mortal Realms by Dracothion

>Did every named character survive?
No, most of them were killed off. Most of the Incarnates from WHFB's end times survived and ascended to true gods in one form or another, though Balthazar Gelt and Grimgor are dead. Manfred, Neferata, and Arkhan survived thanks to Nagash, and IIRC Ushoran did as well. Morathi was consumed by Slaanesh but escaped and is mad as hell. Gotrek also seems to have survived as well, since he's getting a new AoS-era book.

>Are there still the steam tanks and empire spearmen in the mortal realms?
Yes, though they don't get a lot of attention in the fluff. They kind of play second-fiddle to the Stormcast.

>How did they end up there?
Convergent evolution, I guess. When the Old World was destroyed, all the wild, untamed magic spiraled off into the aether and eventually formed the Mortal Realms. Obviously the Old Ones aren't around to recreate men, elves, dwarves etc, but perhaps something of the races' identities has become hard-coded in the nature of the universe, and they evolved naturally as life spread across the Realms.

if GW remembered (and made sigmar rembere) sigmar became a collective of all the emperor perhaps they could still justify why some models have still written karl franz on them.

At least it isn't Warmahordes. Their General Thread has been dying early pretty regularly.

Too much other projects. :( Now rumors of spartan atlantean sea elves is too badass to pass up. Working on ko army right now.

Retconned in ET archaon. I wish it wasn’t but it’s true

What did they mean by this?

Read the thread cuck.

>I know have access to a ruined Sigmar Statue

aw ye

how relevant is the retcon? what would a counter retcon end up breaking?

Sorry I only know a little portion of the fluff, but maybe.

Besides that Sigmar is just Sigmar and not Magnus+Karl+everyone else? Not much it would probably be really cool if sigmar actually has debates with himself on matters of state as the emperors all argue with each other

That sounds rather appealing.

So.. instead of old world tech being around the entire time it was literally destroyed and then coincidentally re-invented exactly the way it was??

Basically. You could say that the once-Incarnates guided the Realms' nascent races into something like what they once were, out of nostalgia or whatever.

Except for Sigmar...

>Replaced by a new faction with a worse aesthetic

Please no.

The Warp isn't that bad for inanimate objects. Space hulks are the amalgamation of ships that got sucked into the Warp and became adrift. I'm not even sure where the idea that the Warp is instant death for living beings comes from, if that were true then the Imperium wouldn't be able to function.

>deep sea elves based on dark elves
>cult of khaine based on dark elves

lol wtf no high elf reboot army?

Now they both get it as of new book, you both builds can either have armor or charge bonus

Its the fucking heldenhammer from dreadfleet. calm the shit down everyone

Because it's pure psychic energy. The idea of the domain of chaos in 40k is more like an analogy of psychic presences than an actual physical place where people can physically be. But over time that's started to change as GW (especially in the Matt Ward era) wanted to move away from that and make it the fantasy equivalent where it's basically just a parallel dimension that is actually habitable if you can survive the constant threat of chaos. That's part of why I hate Draigo. I thought the warp was much cooler as this roiling sea of emotion. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure the main rulebook refers to it as that. Doesn't matter though. It's got a ground and sky for Draigo to walk around in and kill daemons. Because Ward.

>dwarf fortresses were built with Gellar Fields

I was about to say this

Dreadfleet is back!

And I'm quite happy about it

No, dwarven engineers survived and the remaining empire engineers formed a new organization with them called the Ironweld Arsenal. They’re basically AoS admech except purely guns and bombs and not particularly religious

Kharadron overlords took existing tech and became legitimately scifi

one dwarf with a magic axe is > the entire warp and all its daemons


could be worse

better hope the bolt throwers roll well, nothing else will be killing anything.


ye looks good

The Kaldor Drago shit doesn't make sense. Gotrek was fighting demons because he got sucked into the warp and spat back out thousands of years into the future. Draigo is literally stuck there and can't leave. Not only that but it even says MANY FUCKING TIMES in any book talking about the beginning of the Mortal Realms that some of the realms were repopulated by warriors that were sucked into the realm of Chaos, fought the horrors there, and fought their way back out, only to find themselves in the Mortal Realms. People acting like Gotrek is a mary sue for this is retarded, as it's a thing that's been mentioned as happening many times with lots of warriors.

Not the same model, look again, obviously its inspired by the old heldenhammer ship, but the statue its aosified they dont even have the same hammer. Also, the old ship didnt have a bell and didnt have the same sculpted fishes.

IT ISNT the same ship.