Stat her

Race and class don't matter. Whoever has the best stats wins. Thus: Stat me.

Other urls found in this thread:


No. The whole series is Honey Badger circlejerk fanfiction, and anyone who enjoys it is at BEST the worst kind of Bush fetishist or a Furry, and at worst both but in denial, and will try to argue the shows' "good" points.

-4 strength

You forgot the most prominent group of watchers: people who enjoy cheap schlock precisely because it's so bad. Nobody who watches it will call it good, but many of them will call it fun.


I have no idea what this is.

a contest where the person with the most powerful macerative facilities is applied fatally to their opponent after a prolonged struggle that ends with aforementioned person with powerful jaw and/or sharpest dental furniture ultimately coming out on top or "winning" as it is phrased in the common vernacular.

What's the name.

Questionable fap

No idea. If only the protagonist namedropped the show once per episode on average, that'd sure be convenient.


Thanks. Appreciate being candid with it and not coy like the other guy.

the risky blow

Actually jaws didn't help, but did even if they were coy.

You sneaky beaky

Nope, my opinion has been stated and going against it now would make me look weak and un-autistic. I refuse to believe there could be any merit to watching this show, unlike my Blu-Ray copy of Rick and Morty Season 3, which affords me such brilliant insight into media and philosophy.

>He watches Rick and Morty
Forgive my insolence, oh wise one!

Literally Who/10

>Oh look, the opponent is yet another venom user
>How will honey badger get out of this one!
>Next time's villain reskin: WeakToHoneyBadgerMan

10 Luck
20 Skill
15 Willpower
5 Pleasure
5 Pain

18 strength
11 wisdom
9 int
18 con
16 Dex

>9 int
You also forgot CHA

She is all brawn no brains.
She got high Charisma dough.

> not 20 con

Hitomi could survive a direct nuke.

Its a fun show nigga. Thats all is necessary.
Besides, this season sucks.

>Violet Evergarden
>Darling in the Franxx
>Dagashi Kashi 2
>Overlord 2
This season is pretty solid, bruh.

So we can remember her name?

She doesn't need her name up in lights
She just wants to be heard, whether it's the beat or the mic
She feels so unlike everybody else, for sure
In spite of the fact that some people still think that they know her

Don't forget Hakumei and Mikochi.
You are all watching it, right?

fuck yeah

Race: OP
Class: Faggot
Str:10 -4
Dex: 8
Con: 8
Int: 3
Wis: 3
Cha: Dump stat

Good taste, user.

My melanistic fraternal relation!
I've been looking forward to it since it was announced!

Which reminds me, I need to check if any more chapters have been released since the last I looked

I search it before I read what you said. Seems legit.

>>Mediocre college student Yūya Nomoto encounters a mysterious girl named Hitomi after his acquaintances ask him to drive them around to pick up girls one day, which he soon finds out means by force. Hitomi slaughters all of them except Yūya, who is shocked to see her transform into a beast and battle a lion monster at an abandoned waste facility. These strange people are "Brutes", fighters that have been created to combine the brains of humans and the fangs of beasts with powerful businesses betting on the outcome of their duels. Hitomi is a honey badger, which has been called the most fearless of all animals and is assigned to stay with Yūya, for his protection. The "Killing Bites" battles have also been the decisive turning points in the Japanese economy since ancient times.

This sounds extremely stupid

Nobody watches Killing Bites for the insightful social commentary or the deep revelations about the human conditions. I've seen nibbas describe it as the unofficial Bloody Roar anime, and I can't disagree.

>Overlord 2
Welp, time to pick the 'ol anime again.

It wasn't a modifier, it was a limit (which also depended on race). You could have 18/75 Strength and play a female.
Not that if you rolled 18/86 Strength, you didn't play a 18/75 Strength female; you just couldn't play a female.

When does Overlord get good?

>Didn't mention Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san
I bet you're one of those soba plebs

The fact that you have "Overlord" in a "solid" list tells me everything about your taste, and by extention, the rest of these titles.

the lizard fucking arc has been great, a real step above the first season.

It's not like he put Poop Meme Epic!!!!11! on the list.

>forgetting Citrus

How could I not watch the comfiest yuri show ever

It's hardly yuri. It's barely even Shoujo-ai. Don't get me wrong, the thought at the back of my mind was "these two probably have kissing fanart." But the story more presents them as platonic/familial housemates.

Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —

Its a case of so bad its good. I find more entertaining to watch than Evergarden, Darling and Overlord.

I raff out roud every time she does.

It doesnt.
Overlord is on the same level of autistic wish-fulfilment as Sword Art Online and the MC is similarly overpowered and boring.

>muh yuri plebcore porn

>No Weakly climax: Antarctica
>No yurucamp
>No koizumi

Proof that Yurifags will try to ruin everything.

>He its a nice show about two qt fairygirls living in their comfy home and having comfy fantasy adventures

You have reached the level of ponyfags and furries

This seems like a risky fap. Is it worth it?

>violet evergarden
>overlord 2

>no mention of Pop Team Epic
>no mention of Citrus
>mentions Darling in the Franxx


This season is amazing.

No, I don't watch adaptations of manga unless they really stand out because 99.9% of the time the manga is superior.

Adult 3
Child 1
Yokai 2
Beast 2

I'm back. It's not. I barely made it to the six-minute mark before it became too stupid for me.

more like
Adult 1
Child 2
Yokai 2
Beast 6

Had to check I wasn't on /a/ for a second.

Fair enough.

I wanted to mention Citrus but I'd get shit for yurifaggotry.
Also, how could you not love Darling in the Franxx and /ourgirl/? I thought lovingly dominant women were Veeky Forums's jam.

It is not extremely stupid, it is incredibly stupid. And this is just the prequel!

Overlord is a japanese fa/tg/uy writing worldbuilding using the vehicle of 'another world' fiction because that is what they know and what sells. He's overpowered in the 1st arc because its lv 100 vs lv 30's.

He got in the fucking robot. Of course Veeky Forums hates it. 02 is the best part of the series.


Reddit nu-male detected

Hold up, hold up
You're saying this isn't an insightful commentary on the current "nature, red in tooth and claw" state of economics today, where the winners go looking for fights, kill people for fun AND profit, and generally decide who lives or dies based on what's more entertaining for the rich?

>I raff out roud every time she does.
Don't we all?

>It is not extremely stupid, it is incredibly stupid. And this is just the prequel!
If you would bother to check who wrote it you would know that the guy has talent for running with a batshit-retarded ecchi premise and turning it into solid comedy gold.

Killing Bites is the best anime this season simply because of how fun it its.

>Overlord is a japanese fa/tg/uy writing worldbuilding using the vehicle of 'another world' fiction because that is what they know and what sells. He's overpowered in the 1st arc because its lv 100 vs lv 30's.
Overlord is just popular because its more of a meme-anime than even PopTeam only that its taking itself way to seriously. As said, its literally SAO all over again.

>Of course Veeky Forums hates it. 02 is the best part of the series.
>In your face sexual metaphors, faux-depth and an MC that is quite literally impotent until he meets the artificially engineered überslut
Of course Deepfags will suck it up.

>Franxx isn't yet another attempt by the establishment to tell disillusioned Japanese children to JUST FUCK ALREADY

The only show that comes close is IBO, and that was hilarious in its over the top reproductive themes

Is it wrong that I actually enjoy Japanese REPRODUCE propaganda? It produced two of the best shows of last year.

pure joy

>tfw /m/ arguing about Kudelia vs Atra
>tfw Mika chose them both
>tfw Kudelia and Atra end the series married together

I cant wait for japan becoming desperate enough in a few years that they will hand out state-sanctioned gfs to neets.

And yet they're not desperate enough to actually address the parts of capitalism that actually drive down birth rate.


They'd never do that it'd just encourage the NEETs to NEET harder and it would be fairly expensive.
They'll just import GF/BF stock instead as it will be cheaper and they can't legally go NEET so they'd boost the economy short term.

Except the welfare state has done more to ruin traditional families than capitalism, idiot.

>capitalism is to blame

wew lad

Oh hey looks like we have more immigrants from reddit in here.

>t.asian soyinsectboi angry all his women want white dick and would gladly die alone than bundle with his small dick

Dageshi has been fine so far, doesn't have the same charm though. Hoping that with this convenience store stuff it gets it back.

Darling had an amazing first two episodes, and the blatant sexuality has been funny and refreshing. Lat couple episodes have been kind of a drag though.

Overlord is fine, can't believe they dragged out the lizardman sex that long.

Rest is shit.

>Posting from LSC
>A "safe space" for socialists

>it’s only yuri if the girls are tongue deep in each other every night


1/1, Trample


>she likes honey on her breakfast too
What if it turns out Hitomi and 02 are somehow the same person and there's only one waifu this season?

If you enjoy piss maybe

Hay guise, what's going on in thi- ...oh

>84 posts in
>no one mentions anything /pol/
>Suddenly redditor appears crying about /pol/ instead

The shit you redditscumfucks are doing is really transparent.

Can't really blame either of them. Quark is cheap (at least over here in dykeland), healthy, low in calories and rich in protein but I hate the taste. Adding a bit of honey to it and stirring it makes it absolutely delicious. Great for both breakfast and an evening snack.