Best ideas for your Metal Gear PNP game (or suggesting systems to use), rolling for your boss name, reminiscing about old threads; all this and more on tonight's MGS Thread!

I'll start:
If a buzzword relevant to your campaign (e.g. Nanomachines) is said by an NPC, occasionally force a skillcheck to see whether or not your players repeat the word.
This could lead to funny moments, or mess up their attempts at stealth.

Or how about a boss who can dodge almost any of the players' attacks because he can "read their minds" until the PCs figure out they need to switch their character sheets so he doesn't know who will do what.

As an aside, does anyone else here remember this team? Super cool structure to their design, being based around human responses/needs (e.g. Mad Bad being fight/flight).

Or, does anyone remember that one team with Metal Corgi in it? I fear the pictures and full story of that team are lost forever since the old archive went down. Which really sucks. I liked the team a lot once it actually got fleshed out. Especially Rifle Tautara and Shotgun Rabbit. I remember somebody wrote out a whole plot about how cyborgs are phased out for genome therapy, and how that team fit into it.

All I've got on them is this one basic picture without any of the real meat.
Really sucks. Wish I had their team photo.

That sounds rather douchey even if it is like the original game. If I were to copy MGS gimmicks, I'd start spouting gibberish at my players from time to time after a certain point of the game.

Yeah, but they could just call their codec team and you could basically spell it out for them. The fun isn't in trying to figure it out, but with the funny shock moment, and having to play someone else's character.

>If I were to copy MGS gimmicks, I'd start spouting gibberish at my players from time to time after a certain point of the game.
You could reveal that at least one of your player's entire backstory was just implanted in them, and they're really just some grown-in-a-vat soldier by the people they work for. Or maybe, probably, the U.S. Government, who is supplying the people they work for.

Why has no-one posted the MGS Name Generator yet!?!?

That's like the first rule of MGS Threads.


Rolled 77, 98 = 175 (2d100)

Well shit then, lets do this.

Rolled 15, 62 = 77 (2d100)

Aw yis.

>Mace Mouse

Goddamnit, this isn't a superhero genre.

Or is it?

Because bats truly are the cruelest of animals.

Now I just need to figure out how to make this cool without making it just a vampire.

Rolled 66, 87 = 153 (2d100)

lets... go

Rolled 29, 31 = 60 (2d100)

Kept you waiting, huh?

> Knife Tick
I'd rather get Huey Emmerich

>Thunderstorm Tiger

Sets up a bazillion traps and different types of turrets wherever he waits for prey, so they all spray the target with shitton of bullets. A thunderstorm, if you will.

Rolled 88, 62 = 150 (2d100)

Rolled 8, 7, 21, 8, 35, 90, 5, 7, 8, 40 = 229 (10d100)

I need a quirky squad for Shadowrun.

Rolled 1, 78, 2, 3 = 84 (4d100)

>Dynamite Bee
>Flaming Ant
>Brawler Koala

rerolling two because OF COURSE i get repeating rolls on a fucking d100

Rolled 17, 55 = 72 (2d100)

>Revolver Tick

and the last one

>Knife Gazelle


Rolled 26, 83 = 109 (2d100)

Why are we here? Just to suffer?

>Stone Orangutan
Almost imposing.


>it's all just FOXHOUND
Are there generators around for some of the other teams?

Rolled 91, 18 = 109 (2d100)

>That pic
That's pretty edgy, even for MGS.

I wish Veeky Forums would come together again to make another OC operator team, so far each time it happened the results were great.

Rolled 9, 21 = 30 (2d100)

The other teams have much less easy to roll for names than Foxhound, though I suppose we could try and make one.

Let my try this


I messed up, otacon, what do i do ?

>Knife Fighter

Alright so either this is the dumbest foxhound agent in existence, or he's a fighter jet with knives taped to it.

Maybe he's just a gigantic pile of those spetsnaz knives, the ones with the gas canister that lets you shoot the blade at people? Like a shitty Young Ocelot, but instead of his friendship squad and gun spinning, he's just got knives.

Snake, you've got to input the dice command in the "Options" field. It won't work otherwise!

Rolled 37, 96 = 133 (2d100)

Got it.
Let's see who the new recruit is...

...Missing ...maid ?
Otacon, care to explain ?

>Missing Maid
Can't make that shit up.
Some sort of infiltration specialist specialising in passing as civilans?
and trap

Snake, you have to get out of there! Missing Maid is FOXHOUND's top infiltrator, dressing up as a member of the housekeeping staff to complete her jobs! She's an expert in disguise and mimicry, and could be any one of the guards in this base!


Is it even possible for some woman to just take the place off ones former training partner and comrade...
wouldn't she be found out immediately?

That's just it Snake. It's not that she swoops in and takes their place...'s that she was there the whole time already. Hello Snake, it's a pleasure to 'meet' you.

Rolled 44, 91, 51, 37, 24, 39, 80, 50, 87, 3 = 506 (10d100)

making a team

He has a bat and he likes hitting people with it.

>Mighty Panda

>Genius Cheetah

>Electrifying Jaguar

>Hiding Hyena

>Gunner Firefly

Would be better if the player had to wait his turn and write it down instead of talking what he will do, if the boss is a Blind Man or something.

I enjoyed this.
Thank you.

So what system would you recommend for a Metal Gear game?

If you're going to say GURPS at least tell us which supplementary books to use

Traveller is very tactical shooter-ish.
Has gear going from stone clubs to fusion guns.
Psionic powers, usefull but limited, not broken 40k shit, are a thing in the CRB.
Combat is quick and if you fuck around you die.
Resulution mechanic is 2d6 so you got a sexy bell curve, but not reliable enough to feel stale.
More bullshit tech in the supplements
great 3rd party material with rules on how to build your own metal gear.
I'd dare to say that it is as close to MGS as you will get without going for a specialised system or autistic rule bloat.

What made The Boss such a compelling villain, lads?

I want to create an antagonist with a similar sort of feel, but so far i'm stuck on 'weirdly maternal woman who fights a lot'

i think the simpelest answer is that she had a belivable personality combined with relatable motivations.

But the motivations are only revealed at the end of the game, and she was cool from the beginning

maybe because it was present that she must have some sort of motivation and didn't act lolrandumb ?

Rolled 60, 43 = 103 (2d100)

Silver Jackal, reporting

Was it? I don't remember too much about the early parts of the game

Savage Worlds.
>the stealth system
>low-level superpowers and psionics are a thing in the corebook
>there's a supplement coming focusing on modern military action
>there's already splatbooks focusing on 'Nam and both World Wars for more historical espionage action
>you can build your own Metal Gear with the sci-fi companion (I statted Metal Gear D for shiggles once)

But Traveller is shit by comparison

Use Action; it’s a GURPS series that streamlines the rules and optimizes them for fast-paced moderm games in the vein of action flicks. Even comes with character templates to make character creation easier.

Beyond that, High-Tech is the go-to for gear porn, and Ultra-Tech should be used sparingly for those occassional extreme gadgets. If you REALLY want to, Martial Arts, Technical Grappling, and Tactical Shooting can be added for extra detail, but I feel they’re a bit too detailed for MGS. Gun-Fu would make a fine addition, though. If players want to end up running an organization or forming their own Militaries Sans Frontiers knockoff, Boardrooms & Curia helps when handling large organizations (Action has rules for being parts of such organizations too).

And Powers for extra superability galore.

What’s SW’s stealth system? I wasn’t aware it had one beyond the standard “roll stealth vs enemy’s perception” like every other system.

>Guards have three states: passive, active, and alerted
>When guards are passive it's a standard Stealth check with the standard target number of four
>If you fail this, they become active and your checks are now opposed
>Fail that and they spot you, raise the alarm, try to kill you, etc
>Even if the guard is passive, it's always an opposed check to close into melee range with one

My man, it's great that you have a system you like but there is no reason to go personal about it, we arent animals after al.
tho you use savage worlds, so i'm not sure about you

Ooh I like it. Stealing for my pet system. It’s nice to see some games out there that actively oppose the “many successes to win, one failure to lose” bullshit that lives in damn near every campaign.

Just stating my opinion, broseph.
If you like 2d6 Tables: the RPG, more power to you I guess

Can’t believe I forgot that aspect, but it’s worth noting that the Basic Set offers a wide variety of abilies already if people don’t want to add another book to the pile.

>Character creation is unfair if you can fail at it.
not everything can be a participation trophy my boy.

Rolled 27, 83 = 110 (2d100)

Mother-Son relationship isn't as well worn a form of antagonism as Father-Son. There's an interesting combination of tenderness and antagonism between her and Snake, you get a really strong feeling for how much they care about her and how personally Snake takes her betrayal.
She's basically like female spec-ops Obi-Wan, this wise mentor figure who turns out to be hiding something, and in this case turns out to be Snake's enemy for most of the story. Her dynamic with Volgin is pretty cool too, she's technically subservient to him but it's pretty clear she could take him and just thinks he's a thug.

>le participation trophy maymay
Keep congratulating yourself and thinking you're a hardcore roleplayer for having a character's entire competency based on random chance, I guess.

And well done for missing the point of Metal Gear, where every protagonist is either a highly skilled regular operative or has some kind of supernatural/supertech bullshit

What is point buy?
Also a combyt system where the most common effect is "sit around and do nothing for a turn" seems really fun.

>he hasn't read the fix for being shaken
>he didn't read the original rules, which state you can still move up to your Pace which opens up options for someone that isn't a total retard, like I dunno FINDING COVER
>he still thinks he can talk shit

Rolled 30, 48 = 78 (2d100)

Need some codenames for some assassins I'm making

Okay capitan greentext.
So you can't do reactions when you get shot at and just dive for cover ?
Then you are already in cover.
And even if you still get hurt you can still do stuff besids move to other cover.
Gee, traveller is hard.

>fix for being shaken
que ?

I can't even figure out what this retardation means.
What I've just said is the worst possible result of being hit (a shot that hits and deals damage, you failing the roll to snap out of the shock of being hit) in Savage Worlds. Which is a damn sight better than farting around with your initiative to try and dodge every time someone takes a shot at you.

In Savage Worlds, a shot that hits and actually deals damage inflicts the Shaken status, which basically means you need to roll a Spirit check to snap out of it and get your action back. It used to be that you could end up with an enemy constantly attacking you and keeping you Shaken since a regular success only removed it on the next turn, but this got changed so all you need is a success to get back in the fight.

Spycraft 2.0. It's not even a close contest, it's the only system with loads of autistic detail on almost every real world weapons system and vehicle, while having organization rules and high level character abilities that trend towards anime bullshit.

Not even that user, but you’re doing a shit job at selling your system bruh. Can’t wait to sit down and play with faggots that shittalk other systems unprovoked and REEEEE when they don’t understand basic shit.

i found this a tad anticlimatic.
I mean she just was always around instead of being some chick that out-sneaks solid snake with borderline anime skilllevel of mimicry.
Maybe even hijacking the codec communication which you could tell apart by small details.

Depends, what sort of story and vibe do you want to give to your players ?

Is everybody a tacticool operator and combat happening is just a milder form of failure ?

Do you want some tough and weird Mercs with special powers and bullshit soviet tech wo sneak from time to time but also fight regulary ?

Or do you want to tell a story about regular soldiers who find themselve stuck in the weirdness that is the world of espionage in MGS ?


Those sound more like Mavericks than Foxhound members.

Rolled 7, 66 = 73 (2d100)

Rolled 3, 48 = 51 (2d100)

>Snake! It's not over yet!

Rocket Lemming, sounds fun.

>So, you're the one Boss keeps talking about...
>And you?
>Special operations Diamond Dogs. Rifle Labrador. I've been waiting for you Snake. Now we'll see if the man can live up to the legend... This... is the greatest bolt rifle ever made: Mosin-Nagant model 1891. Five 7.62 bullets. More than enough to kill anything that moves, even from 500 meters. Now I'll show you why they call me... "Rifle". Draw!

>Wait, so you're like Revolver Ocelot, but with rifles?
>... I have no idea what you're talking about. This is an original idea that I had, dammit! Why everyone keeps bringing this up?


Rolled 39, 21 = 60 (2d100)

Still in a dream

>Fighting Fighter
Jesus christ

Rolled 100, 78 = 178 (2d100)

Something good plz

You're the fightiest!

>Metal Vulture

That's probably some kind of mecha submarine.

Oh LAWDY my sides!


Reporting for duty, Boss!

Unheard Sloth


Hadn't considered her dynamic with Volgin - it really does make her seem like more than your classic two-bit thug.
Thanks user!

>Golden Armadillo
Rolling. Fabulously



Instead of dice, all actions are resolved via pachinko/slot machine.

Ah. So the upcoming YGO RPG
