Any Veeky Forumsfags that still have not gotten into crypto?


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Only you, my coward nocoiner

It's a bubble OP. don't fall into the trap

Whats a bitcoin?

Why would you come to Veeky Forums if you're not into crypto, like maybe 2 threads a day unrelated to crypto


the whole world economy is a bubble you fag.

Op get in and get out, make money and quit your slave wage you fag

Yeah but I'm buying on thursday when I'm not working
I hope to make modest returns in the long run

W-what about stocks? Dropship? T-shirt business? Affiliate marketing? I spent hpurs pouring into courses online that teach me those you faggots shilled me last year.

Kinda thinking about it. What tools do I need? Coinbase?

i hear the dakimakura trade is ludicrous
at least if you obtain sought after original prints
most original prints are limited time and many weebs pay bigboy money for their waifu
check i think /jp/ for more info

can confirm. decided to buy a dakimakura with my crypto gainz and ended up paying $300

which one and where? i've been meaning to actually buy one myself with my crypto gains

It's the easiest and fastest, you can use credit card if you want and have your coins in less than one hour.
Buy ethereum so you can transfer them to an exchange for altcoins.

If you use a ref code we both get 10$ bonus, I'll give you mine if you want.

I have a coinbase account, I think I used my sister's referal but never bought. I was checking out binance as well. Do you think it's a good idea to have multiple services?

If you want to trade a lot with new coins you'll need accounts on many exchanges.
Binance can be enough though and I think is the best, but sometimes you'll see coins that are not listed on it.

Also don't worry if the eth or btc price on binance is lower, 1btc = 1btc anyway so you'll get your money back when you cash out.

I'll give you my binance code if you don't use your sister's 10698637.

Coinbase has only 4 alts, it's quite sure they'll have more this year but won't have as much choice than binance.
Use gdax if you want to trade those, you can link your coinbase account to there and have coins instantly on it without fees.

Same friend, let's make sure we don't fuck it up.

holy fuck that market is retarded
I am based in China, thanks for the tip, maybe will arrange something like printing and selling that shit for crypto so you weebs would stay private

mfw my bank transfer finally arrived
everything I wanted to buy as ath
I know for sure it will dip the moment I buy in, what do?

do it, check district0x to set up a dakimakura marketplace maybe
also, dont go full on hentai with it either, a bit of pantsu is fine or a nipple or two in many cases but cute is best
i'd be interested in buying: kousaka kirino, aqua, izumi sagiri, ferris, koshimizu sachiko, araragi tsukihi, and sugiura ayano dakimakuras if they are of sufficient quality
probably others as well

I bought the cover from animedakimakurapillow dot com and I bought a 150cm pillow from A&J.

why do you do this to yourself. Why browse this board when you're not in crypto. What is wrong with you.

If I want to day trade BTC on gdax, is there a few every time I convert from btc to usd and vice versa?


Wait. I wanted in on btc when it was 8k around start of December. Coinbase pissing about with verification etc When I was able to buy it was ath at $20k (when coinbase skim taken into account). I'd waited so long and all btc was doing was going up. Bought. BTC been nowhere near 20k since.

It'll always dip. I'm waiting for Eth to dip cause I'm only interested in alts now and you need the eth to trade on Binance.

i don't know how, i have a little bit of money saved but i don't know how to set up a cryptowallet/account or what coin to buy at all, i'm british so i don't know how my currency works in all this, i want some advice but i feel like such a normie

Create a coinbase account and Google how your to send coins to an exchange you utter moron.

If you want to learn TA ask @cryptocred what's the new discord, can't link you I'm "working". TA is useful for more than daytrading.

I know right. It's like the financial equivalent of cuckoldry

Started with crypto ~3 weeks ago
I made 8k euros already.

Its super easy holding gems compared to the big coins which take months to usually do a x2

Learn how to make fursuits, not even kidding