Do you let your players play monster races?

Do you let your players play monster races?

i'm going to run a game based on overlord, yes the players are encouraged to play non-humans

That ten-minute wait time between making threads is a real hassle, isn't it

well, yeah that's the point isn't? to let players have fun?



>OP doesn't even know how to fake the poster count

Only when we’re doing a magical realm one shot.

Man, why's there always /pol/ spam soon as the mods go to sleep?

>Mods are asleep
Your question contains your answer.

Vietnamese player dropped in and said he was creating a hybrid tourist and undead sorcerer.

Called it a Du Lich.

Happy Lunar New Year, by the way.

My players are monster races

>implying every PC isn't a monster, the difference is whether it's on the inside or outside

So is this meme supposed to trigger leftists by implying that mixed race people are subhuman, or trigger alt righters by implying that their country is not predominantly white?

It's supposed to trigger american posters, who think they have the authority to decide who's white or not, when their country is only 56% white itself. It works great so far.


I'm low key thinking on making a homebrew playable race of amerimutts

Its supposed to be funny, and it is.

Just do Warhammer Dark Elves with brown skin

Occasionally. Having said that, I ended up regretting it the last time I did, because the player picked a race that was allergic to sunlight which was pretty limiting for the rest of the party.

You mean, a vampire?


We don't play DnD
> Risus
Whatever they want
> Barbarians of Lemuria
No such thing as monster races
> Unknown Armies
Only if they are sufficiently flawed and fit the setting.
> Cyberpunk games
No such things as monster races.

>No such things as monster races

>Cyberpunk games


>Shadowrun isn't cyberpunk

>No such thing as monster races
Blue giants and winged men

>Cyberpunk games
As stated, Shadowrun

Do you even play games?

It’s not, though. The US Census lists America at roughly 75% white as of 2017.

Of course. My only exception is when said player asks for special snowflake abilities. Example:
>player wants to be a half-vampire
>”lol I want all the perks of being a vampire, but my human blood negates all the weakness”
>”I’m basically a human with super strength, super speed, and super stealth”

I don’t want those faggots around.

Yes, in my Call of Cthulu game I once let one of my players play a Mexican.

>half vampire
>half a vampire

Grant his request of being a half-vampire and make him roll a character with no legs.




Does missing stuff all over your body, rather than in one place, count?

> Blue giants and winged men
Do they seem like monsters to you? Also, I usually exclude haklaati from the setting for reasons not related to their appearance. Ceruleans are OK, I allow them.
> As stated, Shadowrun
As stated, It's more of a magicpunk, really.

Triggered niggas ITT?

Dont bother, user. The filthy euros like to forget that everyone with half a shred of self worth or sense of adventure abadoned that god forsaken continent more than a century ago.

It's supposed to trigger both?

Caramba!... el goblino americano, ay ay ay

dios mio!

kek that looks like envy from fullmetal alchemist

Yes, with the plot related drawbacks that would logically come with it

>Gm is planning game
Hey I'd like to try playing something like an orc this time
>My setting has orcs you can play as!
Great! I'll roll him up now!

>fast forward to campaign
>everyone screams and runs the second they look at my pc
>town guards kick me out of every village
>get barred from every interaction with nobility the party makes because guards won't let me in
Goddamn it GM I thought you said orcs were a PC race in this setting
>Yeah, but that doesn't mean everyone doesn't hate you!
>Ha ha fooled you user your 18 charisma orc is unplayable and auto-fails every charisma check because he's an orc!
>Now you have to go to a dwarven city besieged by orcs where they shoot orcs on sight!

THINK before you let your pcs play as monster races. And don't try to "Gotcha!" people because they're being too different, tell them "yeah that doesn't really fit with the game I have in mind"

t. El goblino

Why would you reply to shitposting unless you were trying to provoke further shitposting

If I were this orc PC, I'd convince the party to join orcs. If they refused, join the orc army on my own, but first compromise the PCs.

This meme makes no sense or has lost purpose. 56% doesn't mean that Americans individually are 56% genetically European mongrels.

La Creatura...

The whole purpose was to have a POO IN LOO kind of taunt to pester Americans, which worked for a while, but then grew due to large amounts of admittedly good quality OC being produced fairly quickly. That coupled with most Europeans' obessession with sticking it to the USA made for a homegrown meme with staying power. So it doesn't matter if it makes sense or not, because people like it.

But why are you posting racially charged political memes on Veeky Forums?
Why would you invade another board like this with /pol/ stuff?

It's easier to get replies to political shitposting on boards that aren't /pol/.

>tl;dr OP is a textbook applesponge

El eclipse de la brancura...

El ogro de las americas...

It's not a /pol/ meme

Adventure? Is that how you call economic immigrants too dumb to thrive in their own homelands?


Funny, it features political AND racist subjects, thus meaning it should go on /pol/.

Discussions about politics and current events should be posted on /pol/. Global Rule #3 is in effect: blatantly racist posts may result in a ban.

It's only aimed at /pol/. What's beautiful that it works as intended AND /pol/ gets the blame as well.

La Creatura....

Incorrect. It is currently aimed at Veeky Forums.
As per the spamming of /pol/ meme shit on Veeky Forums.
It is literally /pol/ by definition, as it is a political cartoon.

Your aim is shit, you hit Veeky Forums.

It's only racist if you believe that mongrels are somehow inferior

How is that political? It's just a image of a stereotypical american.

Veeky Forums is full of people who are regulars on /pol/ just look at all the triggered broflakes in this thread...

Actually, that would be the stink lines.
Similarly, it would be racist to spam stinky frenchman memes showing how ugly and stinky the french are. Not really acceptable outside of the shitpost boards like /int/ and /pol/.
Why are you posting political cartoons of people in modern day political groups?

All I'm seeing are people telling the off-board shitposters to please stop shitposting with off-board memes.
You know, the same response any other /pol/ meme provokes here. Because it's against the rules to spam racist political cartoons on the board.

Americans are a political group? Back to r/thedonald and /pol/ with you.

Yes, actually. There is in fact a political group called the united states of america to which americans belong. Further, there are geopolitical groups called north and south america to which americans belong.
Shitposting about americans is by definition /pol/ posting.


user, why are you working so hard to spam off board racist political cartoons? Do you really expect it to turn out any different than last time?

>Similarly, it would be racist to spam stinky frenchman memes showing how ugly and stinky the french are
Unlike the french, americans are indeed ugly and stinky. Have you ever seen how many fatties live in the US?
Are you saying that racism and truth are the same thing?
>Why are you posting political cartoons of people in modern day political groups?
I'm not. Veeky Forums is not a political group, neither are americans.

I think that discussing a setting based on old Rome is political too. After all, they even had politics.

Ah, and now you are calling an entire political group AND an entire racial group ugly and stinky.
Both political and racist discussion going on over there.

you failed your reading comprehension, try again
Discussions about politics and current events should be posted on /pol/. Global Rule #3 is in effect: blatantly racist posts may result in a ban.

So, real talk.
Does the OP ban evade, and only post ocassionally, or is he posting every time he comes off of a ban? Because I've seen the mods delete these threads once every few days, but I can't be sure they haven't deleted more threads that I didn't see.

>Ah, and now you are calling an entire political group AND an entire racial group ugly and stinky. Both political and racist discussion going on over there.
How are americans a political group? And how are americans a racial group if they're mongrels?
What is racism after all? Something that you shout at people that do things you don't like?
>you failed your reading comprehension, try again Discussions about politics and current events should be posted on /pol/.
But nobody is discussing politics.

Deleted threads does not imply in ban

Repeatedly deleted threads do

Either way, sage report and hide

Yeah, but the refractory period between threads and the low quality output of guys like
sort of imply bans. I mean, the guy doesn't even understand english.

Technically Raziel is no longer a vampire so it doesn't count

That said, he's is too powerful to even be a boss at a normal campaign, but is still a great example of how a character can be a total special snowflake but still be interesting. Snowflakes aren't bad per se, it's just that 99% of the time they're done horribly.