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BatReps edition

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Magnus becuz nothing never ever wraaaaawng

Posting some gud bois

Neck yourself or learn to post shit not upside down.

Them's the only choices you get fhucker.

So there is a Cryptek whose favourite form of attack is creating crystal shards from the dark memories of his enemies and then slicing them to ribbons with it.

How can time and thought be made into solid matter?

5th for the Black Heart

7th for Scryskull arguments

Nth for Necrons

So a necron cryptek is a dark eldar fanboi.

Rate the armies by the aggressiveness of their play style.

It's right side up for me maybe you should move to Australia.

I want Primaris Breachers, marines with big fucking shields and chainswords/shotguns.

Nids and Orks are basically just run at the enemy until one side is dead.


Most good melee armies are ontop of your army turn one with attacks that make your expensive blue boys crumple like paper.

How's life in Emu-land?

*gets into melee*

I want an Eldar GF like Rowboat Girlyman, too. What flavor should I pursue with reckless abandon? Gotta secure Mankind's place as the true Masters of the Bedroom, after all.

Are Custodes generally considered offense based? Back in 7th I played them hammer and anvil style with Contemptors deep striking behind the enemy and Land Raiders dropping their load of murder bananas into the front ranks.


Got any stories to tell, lord?

That was a mistake

"Um, Commissar? I think my Lasgun just said something to me..."



They are a heavy hitting melee army now. All of their units have specialist melee weapons. The only heavy range weapons are on vehicles and bikes. Use them with guard allies, then deep strike 1000 points of gold on to your enemy.

You could have at least picked the melee based banana dread.


Reminder to people who don't math gud

Fuck you, his look of concern was fine as it was!




Pretty sure that fist could punch a Contemptor in half. That Ironclad wouldn't last a turn.

is good army yes? kill many enemies of imperium with yes?

Should he have taken it to the Techpriest instead?

It's not that big of a fix man.

Once GW get round to fixing already prominent issues in some of the armies, will we ever get to see a Slann faction in 8th/9th edition?

A lesser commissar maybe.

The Ironclad has stronger armor than a Contemptor though.

>Because people would take custodes if they could just take boyz instead

Wouldn't that just result in *BLAM* anyway?

I doubt it honesly. There are already so many factions that GW is struggling to release a codex for each one.

I'm still mad Custodes get the coolest Contemptors.


>comparing units at random like that

Of cousre the horde army is going to be charged a premium for non-grot units. You can't have cheap infantry AND cheap vehicles AND cheap everything. What's the Custodes get for cheap boys huh? OH THEY DONT EVEN HAVE THEM

>What is asymmetric Ballance

Fuck if you expect every unit to be the exact same across all factions why even bother having more than one?




It's still a shame to think no new playable factions ever in 40k's future, thought we do have many to choose from already.

Maybe after plastic sisters

I think the real problem this time round is that some armies are balanced around troops and HQ as deadweight tax, and some around taking as many of the basic boys as you can. Combined with the easy way you can spam detachments, it doesn't work out so well. Instead of getting balanced armies, you get shit like 3 MSU dark reapers.

It amuses me to know that Blood Angels have Librarian Dreadnoughts and Thousand Sons never will.

It looks pretty sexy too.

>First you want your dreadnoughts to be dusty bois
>Then you want librarian dreadnoughts
This is why you got nothing.

Why is it whenever I see Blood Angels with a light blue armour piece my dick gets rock hard? I love the colour contrasting.


We can have both, ones that were powerful enough to survive the rubric and the ones that were not.

why does he have a scarab on his DreadDick?

>big boogly eyes haha

Well, according to the codex, 1k sons helbrutes are from other legions and war bands.

Because TS did the space Egyptian thing better than the necrons.

Why would anyone take Crusaders asides from making an Inquisitor Army(which is a meme).

I do, however have another army with SoB.

>tfw dont even play

Okay so like I've never played guard or really wanted to play guard before but I've had an itch to play Vostroyan's for a few weeks now and I feel like I might act on it. (maybe just a little bit at a time to build it up as a background project) The only problem is that I have literally NO idea on how to build a proper Vostroyan list. I honestly don't really like the look of other guard models besides the big Russian hats so I don't really want to do anything with them. I don't particularly mind the tank models but I really REALLY like the Vostroyan aesthetic.

I was hoping that I could ask for a regular guard player here to give me a few tips. Maybe if someone could give me a general idea of how many of each model I should be aiming for for a thousand point list.

Tried to have our 30pl 4 player team game today.

BA dude escalated it to 35 on the event day, then Nidsbitch dipped out at the last minute. Taubro upped to 35, Ork QT agreed to represent her team without him and put up another 35 PL without a thought.

70PL Orks, 3 units of 9x Boyz each with a Boss Nob, choppas all around, warboss, weirdboy, painboy all sloggin. 3x K-Kans, 1 Deff Dread with 4x Dred Klaws, trukk with a big mek, and the Morkanaut Thousand Krumpin, which had survived like the last 10 games we played.

To allow for her going against two players, we gave her an extra 3C, for a total of 10cp.

35PL BA, Sanguinar, 2 units 5x? of Sanguinary Guard, a minimum unit of Reivers, and a min unit of assault marines, 4CP
Allied with
35pl Tau, Stormsurge w/ Pulse Blastcannon, ATS, CDS, and EWO, 10x Pathfinders with Railrifles and 1 each support drone, Cadre Fireblade Warlord, and 2 4x gun drones, 4CP.



This does not explain what happened to the dreads they already had.

>index Fucking army


this is some of the playerbase
if things aren't literally identical it is imbalanced

In the 40k universe there are trillions of guardsmen and geedubs decided to release a codex for a group only 10k strong. Scaled down to earth that would be like having full codexes for each of the military superpowers and then an entire fuckinh codex dedicated to one dude. Its fucking retarded. But then again GW has never been good at unterstanding the actual scale of the universe.

I somewhat miss rules with more depth than lolmortals

What color should I make his helmet? It’s exorcists, chapter iconography will go on later. Also, general thoughts?

The Necrons and C'tan exterminated their whole race. Including them woiuld be a slap in the face of Necron players and would risk many of them quiting the game.

Imho they should do away with the supreme command, vanguard, outrider, and spearhead detatchments. They are why you get these shitty min maxed to the extreme lists.

Men of iron army when?

No I don't mean necrons
No I don't mean admech.
No I don't mean that one iron army

looks good

God damn I should think better at 2am. He not a word bearer

>BatReps edition


>those AL cultists countering Seize

It's the small things.

Slann are not old ones just their descendants, and have been mentioned before in 3rd edition I believe as still existing.

Crusaders can work in a guard army. Pair them with a priest.

crusaders are the shit, what are on about? 3++ for 15 points is the shit. acts of faith are the shit. having the 'astra miliawhatever' keyword is the shit. loading 'em up with a primaris psyker for psychic shield and that sweet 2++ is also the shit. That's a whole lot of shit. just use them as swamp.


What about that other iron army?

Thanks for the help. You’re really helping to make these threads good, high quality 40k discussion and not just endless shitposting and stale memes.

This is bait, right?
There exist Slann tribes still out there, you know that?
I don't think it would exactly be a "slap in the face" to Necron players, and I highly doubt any would quit the game over it.


>an enormous traffic cone blocks your path

Are those points base cost without weapons, or what?

As a necron player I think it would be great the old ones decedents would be a more worthy opponent then their filthy creations.

Add some small white writing on his right side of the helmet just above the eyes.
Just a thought.

Reminder point for point guards shooting at space marines RAW (if you add buffs or weapons to guards and space marines it would hurt space marine numbers more)
Guard out perform marines twice as much.

Or, if you want to kill stuff more easily, take the priest. or both.

>tau are a shooty army

So, I stripped this dude already, but I like the color scheme. Any tips for when I try again? I'm used to painting IG, so Spess Muhreens have been a little tricky to get right. (I'll also be doing a Venerable Dread in this kind of scheme, so any tips on that would be appreciated as well.)

>the descendants of thee most important race in the galaxy, is a bunch of dinosaurs with clubs and skull hats


I know what the Slann are. They were exterminated.

>and have been mentioned before in 3rd edition I believe as still existing.

No, they weren't. In the Oldcron codex it mentions a Eldar vs Necron game scenario that revolves around the Eldar defending the degenerated biological descendants of the Old Ones from the Necrons. It says you can use Lizardmen models to portray them.

>There exist Slann tribes still out there, you know that?

Not in modern lore.

Lizardmen are servants of the Old Ones, not the real thing.

Nice plague marine


Well obviously they would update them for 40k, they aren't just gonna put fantasy models into the game with no changes, that would be crazy.