D&D 4e recycled a lot of 3e art. That's true. But it also had a lot of artwork uniquer to that edition, and that art was pretty damn awesome. I want to try and gather as much 4e artwork as I can. But my google-fu is weak. Anons, help a fag out, please?
D&D 4e Artwork Thread
Don't know if this is necessary, but you can find the 4e books here:
You can also find the Dungeon & Dragon runs, including their 4e content, here:
I figured I could at least try and share some of the art I've gotten, but I really hope other anons feel like posting, or this thread's going nowhere.
This'll be my last post for a while. I've shared a lot of the stuff in my collection, and I'm starting to drop into the dregs.
I really, really hope some user chooses to bump this thread, because I really can't do it myself...
Bad time for an art thread in the middle of the night for most anons...try again on saturday when it's busier.
huh. Not really my thing, but its neat to see a lot of it all at once. Also funny to think that in about 10 years there could very well be some sort of 4E revival/nostalgia wave like the osr for the last 10 ir so.
Heck, after all the backlash against 5e for making the Realms the "core" setting and for losing some of 4e's best mechanical ideas, technically, there's a 4e nostalgia wave building now.
I'm kinda hoping it continues. I'm one of the poor sods working on a 4e rewrite. We're putting together some prototypes at the moment, just need to get them in a shareable state.
Jesus, 4e had great art.
Is that a dwarf barbarian or just the smallest barbarian in the world?
I know. It's a damn shame Veeky Forums and other parts of the net shit so hard on 4e, we could have gotten a few more years out of it imho and more great art.
No, that's the artwork for the 4e rendition of Firbolgs, who were badass neo-Celtic giants who lived in the Feywild hunting the nastiest monsters they could think of in honor of their patron goddesses.
That comic was so damn good. Wasn't there a site with the PDFs?
Thanks kind user
So, yeah, anybody other than me have artwork? There really was a lot of stuff in 4e - they even did pieces to show off some of the attacks.
I miss 3e faerun book art and todd lockwood stuff
These are fucking hype. Is there a particular module they're from?
Post more Wayne England if you've got it. I for some reason love his stuff.
Blizzard, Earthquake and Volcanic Dragons are detailed in the Monster Manual 3; Avalanche and Typhoon Dragons are detailed in Dragon Magazine #424, and Tornado and Wildfire Dragons are detailed in Dragon Magazine #425.
I might be able to post the Dragon issues here if you can't find them in the link at the top of the thread.
>wayne england
man, all those mtg 4/7 6 mana trample "beast" that look the fucking same
I got a lot of Primal artwork because of that Primal Spirits thread; anybody got any of the artwork from the other Power Sources? Arcane, Martial, Divine, Psionic?
You know what? I don't care if this is technically a Warhammer ripoff, I really like this revision of the Dryad.
Dreadful lack of O'Connor class portraits in this thread. Handily my favorite part of 4E's art.
Please, be my guest, I've been waiting for people to share art since this thread started. I just have what I have.
I should try to get a complete set of these. Especially the ones after the first PHB where O'Connor got really good at it.
These are all seriously awesome
I didn’t particular like or dislike 4e one way or another (sadly, like pretty much all editions of D&D), but these stupid-looking edgelord motherfuckers were ridiculous to me, like something that fell out of a bad 1990’s comic book 25 years too late or something.
Occultist? Isn't than an Artificer from the Eberron sourcebook?
You should see their 3e artwork, where they were bracers with spikes on the inside so that closing the bracer results in multiple spikes going clear through their arm.
Can’t even imagine why anyone gave them a more prominent role.
What, was D&D just going through puberty and was desperate to seem “adult” to other game systems or something? Because that’s what they felt like to me.
Entirely possible. My knowledge of non-core stuff is shaky.
It's actually the Binder from Heroes of Shadow.
I thought I recognized it! Thanks.
It also had some really bad art and the overall art direction was inconsistent. Unfortunately much of the good art was both in post-launch books and books which were more geared towards DMs rather than players, which probably hurt the game's sales.
I think the lows of 4E were less low than 3E's (no Ron Spencer, thank god). I do wish they had a better art budget, and a deeper roster, though. 3E had the occassional interesting pulls, like when they commissioned Larry MacDougall for Races of the Wild, or the few times Kev Walker popped up.
I think the most jarring reused art in 4E was Wayne Reynolds' stuff from early in 3E's run. Say what you will about his aesthetic, but he got a lot better at it by the mid-aughts.
I want to thank you anons who posted pictures; if anyone's got more, than please, let's keep it coming. 4e's art deserves more recognition.
I only remember vaguely a Fiend Folio entry in 3rd.
Were they somewhere else?
3tard, and I love O'Connor.
Sad now he is gone.
Fiend Folio and an "Ecology" article in an issue of Dragon.
Oh shit. I had no idea.
This isn't from 4E, but IDGAF. Dude was an excelptional illustrator, and there's no way he should have passed at 47.
What's IDGAF?
"I don't give a fuck"
Well someone has to live on the Plane of Everything Sucks Forever.
This might be my single favorite image for D&D ever. I'd be willing to sell an organ or two if there is an original on canvas somewhere.
Always loved the rockin tits on this one
This one I couldn't tell if it was male or female