Tell me about the deepest and darkest secrets, in your setting

Tell me about the deepest and darkest secrets, in your setting.

I hid a magical realm tower for just in case. I didn't flush it out or put in detail and hid it with magic, but it is in fact a thing.

Lizard men are controlling the NOT!Jews who control the self declared global king who taxes everyone into slavery. Said king only controls most of the main continent, but the Jews who control him are fucking over everything with Jew tricks.

The final boss is gana be a lizard wizzard who wants to control the world as a challenge to the Gods who keep themselves distant enough.

The fact I added Seven BBEG's for the sake of a subtle rainbow motif.

There was this NPC who told the party about a cheese conspiracy as a gimmick to escape capture. The conspiracy however, is very, real, and is in fact a cartel of dairy producers, who hired a cade of villains to help them push their agenda of fixing the prices of dairy products in every realm.
The PCs have clashed with many of these villains, but they are yet to make a connection.

>bumping an oglaf spam thread

Thanks for reminding me just how unfunny Oglaf is.

Tom Bombadil is the real villain all along.

Humans in my setting are a beachhead for mindflayers, an artificial creation made to spread across the land allowing the old ones to extinguish all other races.

>not using a decent thread premise to make a good thread out of a shitpost

The Sun Goddess isn't the mother of mankind, she's responsible for dragons, reptiles and birds. Man was the secret creation of the Dark Wanderer, who the Sun Goddess killed and then sealed away in the distant world of Duah with his undead host. Neither the SG or DW are really able to be described as good or bad; while the SG certainly does a lot of good for naturally evolved life, humanity, her own creations and those of the many gods in the elven dreamlands, she also doesn't really care about anything on an individual or historic scale. A murderer, rapist and all-around monster is no different from a pious altruist so long as a few mystical taboos are kept out of the way (necromancy, the use of other certain magics that poison the supernatural elements of the ecosystem, etc) and the balance of life on her world is kept. DW on the other hand sees the modification of the planet necessary; if all of humankind is blessed with the option to become the undead, they can conquer their world entirely, put it to the use of serving themselves, and replenish their numbers through the body of mankind who chooses to live naturally for a time before they take the mantle of wight, lich or whatever else, until one day the undead children of the DW could go to other worlds and spread their influence as far as they desire. The gods of the dreamlands, while they have informally adopted humanity, still keep the secret of their origin to themselves for fear that man might try to awaken their progenitor and take up his promised destiny, mainly because without a fairly normal cycle of life and death their realities will break apart and they'll no longer exist. This is in part why elves don't sleep anymore; too much time in the dreamlands and they might uncover this secret, and then they couldn't be allowed to come back.

>The players are collaborating with BBEG evil plan and don't even realize it.

>The BBEG was mentioned a few times, but they don't know who he is.

>BBEG used magic to drive one of the sons of the king with the greatest military force mad.

>Insane king used his army and assassins to kill the king from the country north of his.

>Other kings prepare for war.

>BBEG is creating a massive ghost-dragon and undead dragon army to claim the land and is doing a ritual to ressurect the dragon that created the world they are in. He wants the nations to enter a war and kill each other so no one will be able to stop him.

>Will execute his plahns after the war is over and the rest of the armies weakened.

>PCs have joined the army of their country and are fighting insane king's army.

Have you ever noticed how easy players are to manipulate?

Of course they're easy to manipulate, most of them are actively trying to follow the plot instead of derail by questioning if their every action is actually a trap.

I did a few subtle hints about the war being useless and the few times the BBEG was mentioned, I put a few mentions of what his plans could be about.

Every campaign setting I run, no matter the genre or system, has the Death Frost Doom module situated somewhere within the world.

Funny enough, the new campaign I started has DFD hidden somewhere in the nortern reaches of the setting.

please tell me your setting is cheesy camp?

What's a better Veeky Forums-related comic in your opinion?

/pol/ pls

My players are in fact trapped in a material prison. Everything they see is an illusion conjured by a demon

It's a Mundane Egg of itself which also physically exists in setting somewhere. It piggybacks off the whole Buddhist resurrection shtick in that you will be resurrected forever in a better or worse body based on how you lived but the twists to it are it's the same soul across every single iteration of creature or entity, even the gods, and "nirvana" is achieved when the universe itself is fully matured and gains it's own awareness which is when it's ready to hatch from the Egg into it's primordial self all over again. The Mundane Egg can be found and it's just as fragile as any egg assuming you can get past the snake.

The slasher isn't a guy. More a Freddy-type, a persona inside a hivemind that's manifesting in members, and then also has mind control beyond it.
It's kin to an older, subtler entity that's been attracted to the area.
It all goes to hell if they burn the sanitarium down.