Red flags

>"...I have also been browsing Veeky Forums for quite some time"

>My character is based on *insert rl person*

>My character is based on *currently trendy anime/TV show/movie*
There was a period where two guys my group were obsessed with JoJo. You can take a guess what their characters were.

I play with so many fucking shitcunting rwby characters- and all I can think is

>"I don't allow politics at the table guys."
>The DMPC is a transsexual catgirl

I have a zero tolerance on discussing politics, religion, identity politics, and mobas. Make your omnisexual attack helicopter if you want but if I think for one second you're using this to act out your own identity issues I'm dropping rocks.

Yeah, nah I flipped through the rule books before I came.
Bonus: It’s easier for me as a player to read the GM rule book than the player rule book because it helps me make better choices
Double bonus: I roll to stab/pickpocket the guard

How would you know what's trending?

>objects to phones on flight mode
>argues with DM

and of course the all-time biggest and most obvious one

> is transparently a total douchbag

sometimes you just know before they open their fucking mouth. this is why (for games with strangers) session zero is in a public place like a pub. because you can then change your location and not invite any toxic human garbage to session one.

Is that a political subject?

> person’s character has a particular race or orientation
> Veeky Forums poster doesn’t like it
> waaahhhh you’re inserting politics!
I don’t think it works like that user.

>"Oh, is it my turn? what happened?" as they look up from the phone.


I cab definitely see politics behind the statement above if the DMPC is an attack helicopter or whatnot. The fact that the DM would say "no politics before that" makes him a hypocrite and a dictatorial cunt.

There's an OBVIOUS political intent behind such a choice after all.

I'm mildly embarrassed to admit this is me but, in my defense, the bard spent a full fifteen minutes to declare a basic melee attack and end his turn.

Most of the other players aren't any better.

That happens to my group a lot, but in our defense, we play online and tend to be a little descriptive. Still, sometimes very simple scenes drag on way longer than they need to.

I've actually done this, due to various obsessions, and I think it can be done well, but it requires you to work with the character and try to fit them into the backstory, instead of just ripping them off wholesale without caring about what your DM is doing.

Also, don't do this to your DM if it's your first time with the group. At least pretend to put some effort in for your first time around. There will be plenty of time for all your references and fanboying once you've gotten used to each other's quirks and playstyle.

>Hey, do we do guns properly in our fantasy setting?

It happens in my online group as well, but I'm not particularly ashamed about that. It's text based and shit takes a while, it's how it goes.

What chafes me is that the previous example was in a live environment with an incredibly rules lite homebrew system. I can and have set up an actual minefield in less time than it takes any one of my party members to declare "I hit them with my sword" and make a movement action.

user this might be shocking to you but "catgirl" isn't an euphemism for politician woman

Thanks, you just reminded me why I never invite a friend over even though he loves RPGs and nostalgia was getting to me.

>We're going to be playing Pathfinder, it's such an easy system to use for any style of game

>My character's alignment is Chaotic Neutral XD

Please treat that as a red flag, it means they're likely great roleplayers and adept at using rules to make the game fun.

We definitely don't want you retards trying to drag us down with you.

>Everything I don't like have full political intent to brainwash me to follow their globalist, Joozish, commulist agenda
Or maybe the fucker just have a transsexual fetish. Shit taste aside there's nothing political with that.

"Can I bring in a character I've played with in other games? I promise they aren't overpowered."

>>Everything I don't like have full political intent to brainwash me to follow their globalist, Joozish, commulist agenda
There was that one user that admitted to socially conditioning one of his players by including gay plot important NPCs so it's not actually unprecedented.

Usually it's probably just semi-lowkey magical realm though.

You missed the key word


If they can adapt Pathfinder, that's great, it's exactly like you said. But if they think it's easy it's a clear sign they've never actually tried any other system

Quality bait, almost got me. You get the rare image.

>NPC's magically don't want to burn it at the stake
>not political

Fair point, then.

Yes. Democrats want to morph culture so that “transsexualism” is natural, beautiful and normal to avoid suicides.

Republicans believe transsexualism is a mental disorder (not disease) called gender dysphoria which needs to be counciled to avoid suicides.

Same goal, radically different paths. Which is all politics, I guess

>Wears a shirt showing off their """Favorite""" show/movie/superhero/game.
>Can't even hold a decent conversation about said favorite thing.

This happened to me yesterday, Lanternbro. >Saw girl wearing a D&D logo shirt
>talked to her
>looked at me like she didn’t know what I was talking about

Everything is political to /pol/tards.

she probably just didn't want to talk to you.

Personally, my least favorite conversation in the world is talking about the shit I'm wearing. Like... I'm not wearing this shirt because I want to engage with other fans. It was just on the top of the pile of shirts.

Had this from a guy at work. He told me his hobby was Pokemon and my secret power level is off the charts.

He couldn't tell me a damn thing about the game, breeding, IV, EV, natures, Nuzlocke, dex completion, battles. He had no idea about anything someone into it would know.

It was like if I had a rock climbing conversation with someone and all they could say was that they climb rocks at unspecific locations of unspecific types.

Why even buy it in the first place

>socially conditioning one of his players by including gay plot important NPCs

You have my undivided attention. Is there an archive that I might read over, or is suptg no longer in the business of recording trainwrecks?

>Label self as part of a subculture
>Don't want to engage with subculture

Gift from boyfriend. Also ironic stuff feels good. Seriously.

I am guilty of this

Why wear a shirt signaling you like something and not want to have a conversation about that thing? It's one of the easiest ways to start a conversation with strangers. You can instantly form a bond over a common interest.

I have to actively avoid talking to people about Pokemon. My autism just spills everywhere and that's the reason I prefer subtle fandom shirts. Like my Firefly shirt that just has the lyrics to the theme song. If you keep it subtle, only true fans will come and talk to you.


To be frank, I wouldn't know how to find it if I felt so-inclined but you didn't really miss a lot. Conversation basically boiled down to
>My christfag friend doesn't like gay people but I'm helping
>user that's kinda creepy
>But I'm helping and now he doesn't call me faggot!
>why are you even friends?

You are retarded.

>It was just on the top of the pile of shirts.
Look at Richie Rich over here with a shirt pile.

What side pushed "the personal is political" for decades?

And it was Critical Theory that taught people to see politics in absolutely everything.

Thanks for the chance to elaborate user. Doing things ironically has proven endorphin release in multiple studies. Being a hipster literally makes you happier. Being contrarian is literally addictive. It's useful knowledge when you realize the popular RPG haters are no different from bronies.

>Oh my character's name
>Its "Gigga Nigga the Anus Destroyer"

>yeah I visit Veeky Forums

So you have found a way to pretend that anybody who disagrees with you is a hipster, fascinating.

We should clearly all blindly play what is popular and NEVER point out any flaws it has.

I've noticed that trend in similar stories, where the gay in question is slowly "helping" someone with gradual exposure. The altruistic way they present this is pretty universal. I almost wish I knew why they felt compelled to do this kind of thing, aside from trying to get past the social ostracism thing.

Maybe they feel like they have to work on other ostracized people as a sort of proof-of-concept, without realizing that these recluses aren't normal and are thus not very good test subjects for this kind of slow brainwashing.

You responded to the wrong thread user, nothing you said was in this thread.

Hope you don't feel embarrassed. Better luck next time.

There's a time and place for politics, and the tabletop isn't it

How do you pronounce Veeky Forums?
>Traditional Games


This is actually the same research that they use to explain conspiracy theorists.

They feel they have special knowledge and telling people their unique and "obvious" insight is addictive.

So you get to see substance-less contrarianism in every thread.

>Fat person reddit

>It's useful knowledge when you realize the popular RPG haters are no different from bronies.
Actually, no. Ever been to /mlp/? They are the most genuine fans of something you could find. A better comparison would be /a/, which is just littered with "haha I own a dakimakura but I'm not a weeb it's ironic XD" types.

тэ гэ

>addiction as a positive state

And, weirdly, people who hate Boku no Hero Academia. Like, Jesus, you can't even talk about it within four boards of /a/ without one of them popping up to shit on you for not shitting on it.

I actually know someone who owns one of those ironically. Someone got him Hatoful Boyfriend as a gag gift while they were bundling it with the body pillow.

It was actually pretty funny when he got it. IIRC he still has it.


>not calling it my hero academia
Jesus one word is in Japanese and it’s a fucking first person possessive pronoun, just say My
But true patricians call it Macademia

There was one of those guys in the Heroic thread that was on here yesterday. It was sort of weird because a lot of the things he brought up were either directly addressed in the show (like the professional hero system being heavily biased toward combat quirks) or just seemed pulled from thin air.

Felt like I was on /v/ or something, but with less articulate posters.

What's weird about that? It's one of the worst anime in decades but somehow achieved popularity just because it lets you design your own OC.

Stop trying to convince people that /a/ has taste. We don't believe you.

>It's one of the worst anime in decades
We aren't even going to try today? Seriously?

Do you have the 'tisim?

>Stop trying to convince people that /a/ has taste. We don't believe you.
This. If /a/ had taste it wouldn't have 24/7 Dragonball and One Piece threads.

what's the difference between TeeGee and T.G. ?
anyway its one of those

You were quite clearly saying people who hate D&D are just being contrarian which is simply wrong.




Art style is ugly, the plot is awful, the main character is unlikeable, weak, and whiny. The story makes no sense, the powers are incresibly overused and uncreative.

Very bad moments and dialogue set to le ebin music.
>I will just hit you until your immunity stops!
>Wow it's like we're in a comic book!

Now can you be happy that it's objectively bad unlike amazing stuff like OPM and Overlord.

Even Darling in the Franxx is better than hero academia

Tee - Gee Like McGee
T.G., pronouncing each letter individually.

Ah, despite constant examples you have the good old no quote of something
And what you said was implied is probably true as it's demonstrated constantly on Veeky Forums
Shot in the dark because most people realize it's true?

Just say it as an acronym. So basically what is saying.

>amazing stuff


Log Horizon was good but I'm not actually sure it counts as isekai.

Phones on flight mode is stupid, shit happens and sometimes you need to know. But that phone should be kept silent and/or away from the table.

Considering how the fandom is in steady decline #notanybronies would be more appropriate

Whoa, who thinks Log Horizon was good?

>My character is a lone wolf/loner

Oh okay then have fun playing a game by yourself.

I liked it. Granted, I stopped watching after that one guy got rules-lawyered into being an Adventurer class character because I got super busy and forgot to pick it back up again, so maybe it went to shit later.

>Darling in the Franxx is better than hero academia
Thanks user, I almost forgot.

In what system I can literally play as a red flag-bearer?

Sir. Sir, I'm sorry, I've been drinking a lot because this is the first Saturday off I've had since Christmas, and my hand just slipped. It slipped and spelled out the stupid version of the name.

I'd remove the hand that caused me to sin, but then I'd have to walk around with a stump for a hand and come up with stupid attachments for it for my every day life.

I just really don't want to accidentally forget I have the toilet plunger attachment when I go to shake someone's hand, man.

I'm almost positive /v/ only slacks its shit off on articulation because they just don't care about anything anymore. Maybe /a/'s excuse is that they never cared about anything at all.

Also, I'm very sorry to OP for fucking up his thread by mentioning MHA within the new quarantine zone, which apparently includes Veeky Forums now.

any classless one should fit the bill

>tfw I told my players I got a pretty good encounter off of Veeky Forums.

>Entire party is Chaotic Neutral.
>I made a homebrew based off [insert anime character]
>I made a homebrew
>"""""Intrigue""""" campaign
>Hollers about every natural 20, talks over other peoples turns, tries to do something on every players turn
>*Party ends up split and someone finds treasure* - Oh, I followed them the entire time.
Last 2 are the same guy. I might kill him.

I do this a lot more than I'd like to admit. I have reasons/excuses, but they hardly matter.


>They bring up their political beliefs into everything.
Yes I get it Preston you hate gay people, but the NPC is gay. Get the fuck over it and act like a man or even a normal person for once and play the game.

No, no, you should start as a Worker or Peasant class, then homebrew the system into a classless one.

it's a good list but i'd put mobas first

>I like critical role and matt mercer, like omg!

I've never actually watched CR, but my players have and they seem pretty good.

ironically rpg is really good for that

You mean good at sucking up to the DM, right?