MTG is dying and Modern is a shit show that gets ruined at every release Entire expansions are now boiled down to "How much are the cards worth in modern" and anytime there's a card worth more than $20 there's a wave of bans
Modern has been better off the last few years than ever. If you want to meme, at least du some research beforehand you mong.
Samuel Evans
>Wording is 95% the same on all three real cards >Future card is jargon
Nigga wht
Jackson Kelly
Modern was the best it's ever been a week ago. I doubt Jace will make much of a splash, BBE certainly won't be an issue. The rest of the game minus EDH and pauper can go to hell. Wizards is run by oversensitive, delusional retards led by King Pozhole Maro. Standard has been terrible for years, and selling my stuff has been a good time. The most I expect from them these days are good reprint sets and maybe supplemental products. I can't help but look forward to Dominaria but I absolutely trust them to fuck it up.
tl;dr modern is fine, one of the best ways to play the game and not a meme
Jeremiah Torres
What are you babbling about? >Modern is a shit show that gets ruined at every release No. >anytime there's a card worth more than $20 there's a wave of bans No. >What do you think? That maybe you meant to type Standard.
Modern is great, though we'll have to wait and see what Jace and BBE do.
Bentley Wilson
modern is at the most healthy its ever been, are you high?
Liam Cooper
Pretty obvious that's what Wizards wants with the unbans. Jace was the most controversial unban that wouldn't be obvious like Probe, they want to make people no longer interested on it so they can pitch a new format for online, likely starting with Ixalan when Dominaria and two other sets have been out. Then since they decide what to reprint and what not to, they can just drop Modern support and let it slowly fade in the background because diehard fans will remain with it like they did with Legacy, but no new player will want to buy decks that are 1000$.
Leo Ward
Wizards doesn't want to make a new format, they just want people to play Standard.
Camden Jackson
Modern is a joke of a format
Lincoln Jones
Standard is for
Cameron Long
>trips >dubs
Legacy confirmed for the best.
James Lewis
Funny way of spelling EDH you have there user.
Brandon Collins
What makes EDH fun? Having a 1 of in a 100 card deck doesn't seem that fun
Carter White
Its variability means you have to actually think about the board state and what to do with the tools available rather than just memorising best practices.
Jose Collins
But that's every format.
Evan Cox
Standard needs no thought at all to play
Wyatt Ward
Just sounds like a deck with tons of can trips polymorph and emrakul is good enough
Josiah Reyes
Emrakul, the Aeons Banned?
Jordan Murphy
Most formats have up to about 10 really viable decks, each of which are pretty consistent. Sure there'll be some variance in situations and board states, but it will be on a much narrower spectrum than Commander or a good draft set.
Thomas Edwards
First of all, if you really want frontier, it should start at Origins, not m15. There was an explicit design philosophy change starting with that set and the lack of fetchlands is way better to keep the format from being 4 color goodstuff. I mean, there's bloodsun now, but it isn't fast enough when it does nothing to actual duals. Plus it's a nonbo with the only good land destruction frontier has, field of ruin.
Are there any good creature removal creatures? Sometimes I want Oath of Nissa to find a removal but I can't grab path.
Ian Green
>tfw jace ends up being meh and BBE makes jund tier 0.5
Adrian Moore
>watching starcity games tour >SHUFFLE SHUFFLE SHUFFLE SHUFFLE SHUFFLE >plays the actual game only 10% of the time
I don't think this semen slurping game is for me.
Jace Lopez
Modern is good though.
Nicholas Rodriguez
>modern is at its best in years >standard butthurt babies come crying
Benjamin Green
Emmy is ding dong bannu'd, you can still poly into Jin boy and keep him alive with permission if you do it early enough.
Hudson Edwards
why is emmy banned? there's plenty of answers. it's not banned in modern, so are you telling me that modern has a higher skill ceiling than EDH?
David Smith
EDH is a miserable shitshow
Owen Hall
Because the moment Emmy hits the board the game turns into a Emmy grabfest where 4+ people are killing each other over who gets to keep and use the flying tentacle mountain, people would actually go back to running Bribery and similar shit if it was legal, and if you wanna talk "skill" EDH has zero problems with murdering you turn 3~4 tops consistently.
Gavin Sullivan
That goes for just about every format if you tryhard and the people you're playing with are horrible wastes of skin.
Landon Rodriguez
Then what's the point of playing EDH if the format can kill you in turn 3? Isn't the point of EDH supposed to have nice grindy games that can draw you into turn 50?
Jeremiah Ortiz
Name 5 usable Rivals of Ixalan cards for modern.
Gabriel Moore
t. Billy No-Friends
Carter Barnes
Standard is boring because it's filled with creatures but at least it's super interactive and matches go long so lots of decisions are needed to made.
Outside of archetype mirrors, most decks are linear and garbage players can win because the cards are so powerful. Some retard at my FNM can win easy playing Scapeshift or Affinity but when he decided to play Temur Energy one night he went 0-2 drop.
Ryan Jenkins
1. Blood Sun in G/R Tron 2. ......shit
Jacob Russell
It's the other way around. Not being casual is what makes formats like Modern and Legacy better than EDH. No one expects you to not kill them. You kill people in EDH and they get super salty.
Ethan Hall
Hell naming 5 ixlan block cards is hard enough.
1. Field of Ruin 2. Search for Azcanta 3. Blood Sun uhhh...
Tyler Rivera
Unclaimed Territory, Kitesail Freebooter. Ixalan block made Humans a thing.
Luke Ross
>modern is dying >let's split it up it's retards like you who are trying to kill modern. fuck off.
Hunter Foster
There's nothing stopping you from building a deck that wins turn 50 and duke it out with 3 other buddies with similar powerlevel decks.
Aaron Russell
(repost from last thread) Any input on my ThopterSwords deck? Admittedly it's a difficult deck to pilot, but then again some decks shit their pants upon seeing a turn 2 chalice or a turn 3 bridge.
Christopher Collins
Nah just nobody thought of playing16 rainbow lands until now. City of brass and mana confluence were a thing.
Jason Rivera
>playtest new brew 50 times >play against ~40 different decks >new interesting decks pop up every new set, such as suddenly humans and blue living dead >old and time tested boring decks like jund for the "spike" autists >no gamewarpingly op design mistakes like the eternal formats >uwx control kept in check and never really tier 1 so neutotic borefests also kept in check >staples retain some value
This is as good as a widely played tcg gets, nerds. I wish lantern didnt exist but that's down to taste, it's good to have some high tier decks with alternate ways of winning.
Lucas Hill
Sometimes you just have to have some of these strange decks. I just hate hose cards like bridges chalice moons etc. Things that completely don't let others play cards.
Evan King
They did think of it, it just wasn't good. 5c Aggro has been around for a while.
Connor Hill
It depends on the grogs you're playing with, if you have a shitty group then that's that.
Juan Davis
They are needed otherwise the format gravitates to everyone having to play the best cost goodstuff cards/creatures at 0, 1, 2 mana, I think.
Jason Turner
Without stax pieces the format devolves into a bunch of goodstuff.
Christian Robinson
This deck looks interesting
Aiden Parker
Modern gameplay is fine, just fix the pricing. Pauper is getting popular just because it's a cheaper option. Give these players something to upgrade to that's reasonable. Pokemon makes profit from constructed players off tins with singles and battle decks packed with Extended staples. Limited shouldn't be the only way MtG makes money.
Angel Ward
>Isn't the point of EDH supposed to have nice grindy games that can draw you into turn 50? The point of EDH seems to be "I wanna remember past decks and power cards but not play Legacy"
Juan Morales
I really wish that they would just stop printing goodstuff creatures. There's no reason that we can't have a combo/prison centric format.
Jose White
Ghalta. He’s a nice little beat stick who is deceptively cheap with his ability.
Oliver Anderson
So it's for poorfags
Ethan Ward
How do you guys feel about Merfolk? I've been on it for a while and its just been tough top win games. I feel like decks do our job better. Maybe I'm just playing the deck wrong.
Xavier Morales
you can easily spend legacy-tier amounts of money on EDH decks. I know people that do. It's not just about power level. Spells that cost 6 mana and more usually aren't playable in non EDH formats. EDH is a nice format in which to throw your junk rares and goof around.
Ian Jenkins
the singleton nature of edh is what people like, the lack of consistency makes it possible to run interesting, clunky cards that arent viable in any other format, partly because you have space. you can run roughly 64 unique nonland cards in your edh deck, whereas in modern/legacy/standard/etc you have like 12-15 maindeck. you have more room for "expression" in edh, you get to run tons of pet cards
Bentley Wood
Moon is a vital safety valve. Chalice is only really played in big mana decks, so it's a nice diversity-encourager. Just look at how Hollow One and Delve creatures ran rampant in response to everyone deciding Path was shit and replacing them with Fatal Pushes for an idea of how safety valves add better gameplay
Justin Bailey
It's not actually that hard to get consistency, there are many cards across magic that do the same thing, and you have access to the same legendary creature every game.
Jonathan Robinson
anyone know the decklists for scg this week?
Connor Richardson
yea dump capsle, trading post, and signets for lingering souls and bitterblossom also helps.
That said, Hidden Stockpile should be a great Foundry 5-8. Old thopter decks just clog up the board so wide it's hard to fight through, not necessarily prison style decks.
Jeremiah Walker
Who the fuck was the sick bastard that named card game a Force of Will?! What the fuck did they expect, better google results? I can't find anything related to that game because of the fucking mtg.
Related to that note, do FoW (game) foil cards curve? To my understanding that game has plastic base cards.
Elijah Thompson
user, do you know how many fucking competitive modern decks exist? following MANY distinct lines of attack?
There are so many decks with so many play patterns, all of them quite reasonable. Then there's an entire other layer of lower tier decks that can still compete.
What new cards are ruining modern for you, user? What the fuck came along past m15 that you think is killing modern? Are you mad about vizier of remedies? Are you mad about search for azcanta? WTF?
Michael Smith
Search FoWTCG. They do.
Easton Wright
This post is correct in every aspect.
Ryan Moore
IMO Path isn't super strong right now, user. I think 4 main deck is probably a hard sell. Maybe some bolts.
A lot of ramp shells run utopia sprawl + arbor elf, which might be more impressive that the elvish mystic.
You might just want to be a ponza style blood moon deck. Basically, establish a light lock with blood moon and possibly also stone rain effects, and then you can really run any nonsense as a wincon from there. If your goal is to play a modern dino deck, that's probably the best advice i could give you. I don't think white is pulling its weight in your build. I get the cobra/rallier shell you're making, I'm a fan of Jeff Hoogland, but this deck is maybe just a bit too fair.
Test commune with dinosaurs in the Oath of nissa slot if you do move away from white and go blood moon some fools. Oath is nice when you can rallier it, but less exciting otherwise.
I'd run 1-2x carnage tyrant, some decks just die to it
Last thought is that Greenwheel Liberator feels SUPER mediocre. Cool 4/3 for 2, but this modern.
Landon Gutierrez
Funny how mtg has been dying for the last 10 years
Jose Barnes
GBx and Jeskai are the only ones that even pretend to be interactive, with a combined meta share of what, like 10%?
John Lewis
Goyf instead of Greenwheel, and Tireless Tracker should be in there somewhere.
So they have to be diverse and interactive for the meta to be healthy? At this point in time at least there's a variety of decks, can't help it that the format is too fast for interaction to be useless beyond discard.
Tyler Brooks
>So they have to be diverse and interactive for the meta to be healthy? At this point in time at least there's a variety of decks, can't help it that the format is too fast for interaction to be useless beyond discard. The health of a meta isn't based on how many names of decks there are, it's based on how many different strategies there are.
Gabriel Price
Bedlam shells are very interactive. So are death shadow decks. Both are potent tempo decks. What are your requirements for being interactive? Being slow enough to have a traditional midrange game, with some removal? Lots of decks meet those requirements. Affinity too. Creature toolbox decks with combo wincons. A good 20-40% of the meta is reasonably interactive, with dedicated combo decks, tron decks, and hyper aggressive decks making up the rest.
Juan Rivera
There are many different strategies though.
Leo Stewart
Merfolks real problem is its curve and that it has bad matchups vs so many top decks. If it had a card like a blue Blood Moon that just shuts down a few common decks or if you took 2 of their cards and made them 0 or 1CC, it'd be tier 1. Most of its losses are due to simply being a turn too slow, not having Vial, or failing to curve out properly, not anything to do with the deck or cards themselves.
Michael Fisher
Force of Will is pretty clearly a game made by people familiar with MtG so the name is probably an homage to the card.
Foil FoW cards can curl but it's not as much of an issue as in Magic. Though a few months ago I did buy one of the older starter decks where literally half of the cards are foils, and all the foils were pretty badly curled. That might have had something to do with the fact that I live in Houston and this was not very long after the hurricane.
Xavier Ortiz
These were already people cutting vial from humans at the PT, how likely is a vial-less merfolk?
Adam Evans
Ryder Diaz
Thanks for the suggestions. Finding Thopter Foundry is usually not an issue. Sometimes you just need spot removal against creatures like Kataki, and Capsule as a 1-of is a really neat tool, easily fetchable with trinket mage and Tezz. Trading Post is an underrated value engine that really helps me grind out games I would otherwise have lost; discarding excess lands to gain life is a game breaker against f.ex. burn. Going wide with lingering souls and bitterblossom sounds legit, but I really enjoy the prison style. There simply is no higher pleasure in playing Magic than preventing other people from playing Magic.
Anthony Myers
I've been hearing that kind of shit since at least 2003.
Kevin Clark
back to basics reprint, when?
Owen Reed
I agree with all of this on the condition that Legacy is added to the list of "doesn't suck."
Brayden Harris
Modern is better than ever
If you don't think this you're fucking up
Brody Cruz
Modern is the pressure release valve that saves Magic from atrocious Standard formats. Kill Modern and you risk too much player retention on curating a perpetually interesting Standard format, an impossibility.
Ryder Baker
>Legacy confirmed for the best.
/thread (pic not related)
Ethan Green
where is your playset of tireless tracker ?
Christopher Kelly
If Legacy is the best, why has the SCG Tour shifted so heavily towards Modern?
Cooper Perry
just because something is THE BEST doesn't mean it's the most accessible.
Lucas Anderson
Probably because its harder to move legacy staples than it is to move modern ones.
Jackson Hall
Kevin Bell
Oliver Bailey
$$$$ Wizards wanted to push Modern more.
Daniel Clark
Based on interactivity as well. Not to mention the different cards played. Majority of the format is played with the same 20 cards.
Blake Scott
Just a friendly reminder that poorfags and commies shouldn't play mtg.
Kayden Gomez
Karnfather confirmed for keeping the jace and jund menace at bay?
Matthew Ortiz
I miss extended.
Gavin Gonzalez
tron has been the format police since twin got axed
Zachary Moore
pic related, Modern after Jace unbanning
Andrew Sanders
How long until they start complaining that Pauper is too expensive?
Brody Fisher
what I like about commander is the actual commanders and having to build around them and use them for inspiration of a strategy. Theres a lot of redundancy is card effects but not quite enough that games will always play the same. And its really forgiving to people who dont have the best built deck on the table.
While I play Modern most right now, with a slight interest in standard, EDH is the only format I can get my more casual friends to play.
Brody Cooper
Standard is and has been a shitshow, partly exacerbated by the fact that nobody knows what the fuck they wanna do with the release schedule: axe core, two set block structure, axing blocks entirely, bringing back core. They haven't settled on a plan for long enough to really figure out how to make that plan work before changing the plan. Mistakes happen, they always have been a part of the game's life cycle and they always will be, but for fuck's sake figure out how you want to release sets already, Wizards.
Modern is "ships passing in the night: the format", which is apparently praiseworthy because the number of ships is higher than it used to be. I don't think Jace or BBE are going to change that. I genuinely believe they still believe Jace was an "unsafe ban", unlike Bitterblossom for example which they knew wouldn't be a big deal, but they wanted to push M25 product. In this case again, health of the game takes a backseat to corporate shenanigans.
The story direction has no soul, which is part of why Jace and Vraska surprised me with how much I didn't hate it. But Dominaria is a looming concern, and the last few "return to" misadventures don't leave me hopeful. I don't think a coherent and convincing narrative has ever been on the Creative Leads' minds, and I doubt doing justice to the existing setting is high on their list either.
Even given those criticisms, I don't think the game is "dying". In fact I'd say they're two firings and a release paradigm away from having it under control.