/mgg/ Monstergirls General

Where we talk about Monstergirls and build a setting for them.

Home of the as of yet un-named Veeky Forums Monstergirl RPG.
It's work-in-progress "rulebook" can be found here:

Warhammer Fantasy roleplay homebrew link:

Newer and Updated Monster Girl RPG handbook.

Dungeon World Angel Class done by user.

Wikis for popular Monstergirl settings:

Monster Mosume (Everyday Life with Monstergirls):

Monstergirl Encyclopedia:

Monstergirl Quest:

Is there a place for parasite slimes in the Order? Maybe as a death row punishment?

Fuck off

Any monster boys?

>TWO fucking threads up at once
At least stick with the one that the other OP fucked up. Trying to “fix” things by spamming this garbage is only going to expediate getting this shit banned for good.


>no gays allowed
This shit is pretty twisted yo.

Why would there EVER be monstrboys in a monstergirls setting

The setting is pretty heterocentric so that's to be expected. Still gradually turning men from reticent cuntboys into slutty chicks with heavy focus on gender dysphoria is pretty dark.

Because straight females, gay males and bisexuals might want to satisfy their masculine cravings?

I want some bare chest yo!

It’s not dark, it’s natural

I would say it's the opposite of natural, since animals don't suffer from Dysphoria, but I guess everyone has their own opinion on it.

This thread needs the red order something fierce

Please don't actually use KC's canon.
It's terrible and infested with furries.

There is only one monstergirl in MGE that I'd say is a furry. The cat one of which its name escapes me.

The caith sith and cu sith are furries.
But from reading world lore, mamono mammas turn animals into furries akin to them.

No, it's terrible for a lot of other reasons. Worst MG setting by a mile because of shit like OP and

Nah, monster energy has its rules and that's just part of it.
What makes it bad is that it's impossible to die in battle because Ares prevents that, from drowning because poseidon prevents that, and it is an admitted shameless hugbox. There's no adventure, there's no risk. It's so empty.

Reminder to use the less-shit thread:

>monster girl thread
>less shit
No such thing senpai

>title-less bait thread

This thread looks like ass tho.