Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

dark eldar Supremacy edition

new reveal when sub edition

>Warhammer TV Tip of the Day:

>FAQs, Errata, and Designer Commentary:

>Main Mega:

>Other Megas:

>Old Black Library Mega:

>Mathanon's MathHammerburger Helper:

First for the dark city

More like dork city

Hey Veeky Forums, I'm probably going to be converting some Seraphim soon. What should I use as the jump packs? I've seen the Sanguinary guard ones, but these gals are Mechanicus allies.

>Novel Mega still not updated
Almost 1/4 of the way through the year dudes, pick up your shit so us begging poor fags can enjoy ourselves

>the year of our lord
>reading BL
If you really want to just buy them

Puppets of war look them up. They have some VTOL jump packs and some mechanical wings one

What are you looking for begfag

Nothing like your Soy-powered half assembled Primaris list tabling some Alaitoc.

>Dissing BL books
You some Matt Ward junkie son? Thats a smack and a half
>What are you looking for begfag
Everyone is looking for books that have been updated since 'Watchers in the dark' freindo

delet this

The tranzia rebellion

>mfw bringing riptide to tournament today

Cyclops Demo Vehicles post-Chapter Approved still worthwhile? I know that beforehand they were easily worth taking, but I feel that tacking on a spearhead of rolling bombs would be decent deterrents to character blobs even after a 50% price rise, since they're one of the very few blasts actually left. Anyone really used them?

Lets be honest, outside of things like Cain and Einsehorn most of it is shit

Post banners.

>yellow/purple color scheme

nth for unkillable dreadnought chaplains being the new smashfucker

>if you dislike BL you have to be a Ward h8r
Nah I just hate shit books that constantly fuck up the lore because the writer doesn't actually give a shit about the setting and just wants to put his ego on some pages.

yes, still cheap for what they do. Take em as catachans

Even older. Shit Eisenhorn is as fucking old as 9/11

I want old hammer back. NuHammer sold its soul for AutoCAD abuse

They're complementary colors
You know absolutely nothing about color theory, do you?

Not my fault New BL is not even mediocre.

Mongolian orks are best orks

How viable are each of the assassins? I'm looking to fill out an inquisitor's detachment and was wondering if they were any good.

>i told him that they complement each other
>and he actually painted them, ahahahaha, the absolute madman!


> RLM fan.
> I’m the weirdo.



Wolfbane novel spoilers:
Russ while fighting Horus sees a vision of the End Times/Wolf Time. He witnesses dark warlord holding a dread sword covered with daemonic faces striking down the Emperor (now in his corpse form) from his throne

I know enough to never put yellow and purple together so I believe I have the high ground here.

Vindicare are overpriced for what they do.
Callidus are not bad, but Eversor exist.
Cullexus are good even when not facing psykers

In other words Eversor>Culexus>>>>>Calidus>>>>>Ratlings>>>>>Vindicares

What gameboard/ mat is /40kg/ using?

My computer desk.

You thought it was good writing, but it was I, ADB!

>BL book
>shitty Abaddon wank

Too bad GW doesn't give shit about him.

Ur mum. Awesome LoS blocker right in the center.

>Eversor Tier
>Callidus Tier
>Culexus Tier
>I guess it's okay Tier

They're all good. Build to what needs killing most.

>That blood slaughterer


ADB literally did nothing wrong. Go write for BL if you think you can do better.

Go wank over your 20 year-old guard fan fiction some more instead of gracing us with your shit-tier opinions.

>the face on the juggernaut

It's a shame 90% of the deldar index is worthless and spamming kabs and blasters is the only way to play, but even that has talked prey way behind due to Codex creep

In the middle of a fight for his life he trips balls and Horus just watches him have this vision?

It's like you're not even human.

The Vindicaire isn't good at killing characters but is good for sitting on an objective for the whole game blasting away small units one model a turn
The Culexus is okay, won't take on whole units but still kills elite stuff that isn't T5 and up
Eversor is the best, good for killing tons of light models are a few elite models, chokes on anything T6 or up and isn't superb against T5. It's dirt cheap and outperforms most assault units that can be more expensive
I don't use the callidus

they're hardly unkillable

Will the hands attached to marinelet bolters be too big for guardsmen?

The vindicare is so sad now
He used to ID your snowflake character for 1shot,1kill
Now he shoots them 3or4 times and they die

I think I worked out that my mainly melee BA army is almost as shooty vs DEldar kabalites/venom spam while being much, much more lethal in CC, because of the wafer thinness of DEldar defenses.

they are if you make them warlords, give them Iron Resolve, Armour Indomitus, and give them a Techmarine battle buddy.


What’s best for dreadnought spam; blood angels, dark angels, or salamanders? I can’t think any other trait would be worth it.

I have a LOT of dreads and I want to make a list

make them sallymander instead for t9

Thanks dude!

BA for librarian dreadnoughts.

I sawed a 6x4’ chipboard (pic-related) and cut it into 6 interchangeable sectors.
Donated it the local wargame club as they’d get a lot more use out of it than I would.

sallies, that traits too gud

I don't think so, but if you want bolters for guardsmen get some CSM ones and file off the chaos, because they don't have any hands attached.

RG? -1 to hit them >12" will survive a lot of shooting

Iron Hands have the better trait unless you're using Ashmantle.
BA is good too with librarians
DA is terrible for it

Salamanders easy. Blood Angels are a close second because you can meme you HARD with a DC Dread and a Libby Dread.

drukhari virgin:
>hides in a place between realities because he's too afraid to go outside
>When he goes outside he runs back home as fast as he can
>So unconfident in his own abilities that he expects to die
>lives under alpha-virgin Vect's thumb
>cucked by alpha virgin Vect

Pretty sure the salamander relic would only make them toughness 8
instead make them iron hands for three consecutive 6+ FNP rolls in a row

Complementary colors may still look ugly.

the chaplain dread is t8

craftworld eldar:
>Literally ran away from home because all the chad eldar were having too much sex

That’s part of what I was thinking, reroll on the move is awesome but the plus +1 to wound is godly when it comes into play. Too bad we only have the two dread HQs, maybe doing 1 Detachment SA (shooting) and one BA (melee) is the way to go?

Eh, I’ve played with that one a lot and found that between my playing a melee-centric army and most guns wanting to be used within 12” anyway that it’s not as great as it seems. Any halfway decent opponent seems to have a way around it, I’ll take a solid buff to me over a situational debuff to him

Haha ain’t fallin for that IH shit nigga, worst trait ever

Thought so. Even if they always have at least a 1/6 chance of doing pretty much nothing a Catachan Cyclops should kill most of a Marine unit or a Custodes biker easily enough. Good reroll fodder, and they're effectively Sniper too.
Once I add them and a Company Commander to my 3.5k list I think I have enough bang to make up for only having two Kastelans and three Plasmaphrons as my mid-strength dakka. Hopefully I'll be able to sneak the bombs forward while my opponent is dealing with sixty electropriests, but it's a bit all-or-nothing.

No they're not, they're T7

>being so chad you create a god of chads, chaadnesh

it is with the mantle :^)

get Tigrus pattern bolters. You could always paint the hand silver or black and pretend it's synskin bionic replacement

IH is the only way you stop your dreadnoughts getting blown away by the first two AT weapons that look at them sideways and makes venerable dreads able to survive deathstrike missiles
believe me, I know

That's because splinter shots are worthless on the table. It takes 4.5 shots to kill a guardsmen, and 9 to kill a Marine and barely kills a single guardsmen. Note that toughness is irrelevant because it takes 6 shots to kill a single horror.

No, I’ve tried it, trust me. It’s utter shit, turning 6 damage into 5 (and that’s assuming you don’t muff all the roll) is useless. Got hit say hard from 7th, as is it sucks both for infantry and dreads. D2 any higher weapons make it worthless, especially compared to other options

Then I'll go test out Sallie tactics today so I can be all smug about how IH is better

plz no bully sallies

Gl for it. It’s a shame how bad the IH trait is, possibly saving one extra wound every now and again is crap next to rerolls and -1s to hit.

Don't feel too bad because literally all chapter/whatever tactics are bland and worthless with a few exceptions that are so powerful they warp the game.

>It’s utter shit

For what it's worth, even if the T8 is stronger in most cases, IH tactic is your best protection against mortal wounds, and applies to your entire dread spam list instead of just the one relic on your warlord.

I love that actually

>splinter shots are worthless on the table

I was thinking of starting Deldar and my plan was to spam lots of kabalites....is it better to use wyches as the core in this case?

>It’s utter shit

Also go tell that to any Admech Graia players. FNP 6+ but only on the very last wound of each model. And your dudes can no longer fall back without a nearby character. Now that's utter shit.

Do I make my company sized primaris force black templars?

I'm doing vostroyans so I'm painting them with gloves anyway. For most models I can just cut the gun off the hand and glue the bolter on but the problem is this sergeant model. The angle and grip of his laspistol are very unusual and I can't just glue a bolter on without it looking stupid. I guess I could get hands from cadians if I buy a SC box instead of a Leman Russ though.

DA are best with Primaris marines desu.

I have a question since I'm new to warhammer. Are Nurgle's demons the weakest? They all look so soft squishy. They look like they'll immediately die if you shoot them in the face with a shotgun. Just rain grenades at them and you can easily wipe them out.

Anyone here have experience with map campaigns and wants to post some inspiration?

The people in my facebook community all turn their map campaigns into autistic beasts with 20 page rulebooks, but I'm looking for a more elegant approach that keeps the actual game of 40k in the focus.

>Inb4 that autist who thinks campaign rules would fix balance

You are so wrong its funny. Or its bait.

It's shit for single wound models but for many wound models taking hits from multi damage models it helps often, and stacking it is strong. It's also hilarious.

Wyches are fighting the single worst unit in the game. Hellions are giving them a run for their money as are Tyranid Warriors.

I'd just glue it to the base of the pistol grip and then greenstuff a rifle sling going over his shoulder so it looks like it's supporting some of the weight of the fuckheug bolter.

I hate DA, I do wanna stay in the space knight deus vult realm tho

why are they best?

pure primaris are lame


I dont care

No, because black templars are meant for chopping not shooting, and there are no good primaris melee units except for maybe aggressors