How come nobody ever plays female dwarves?

How come nobody ever plays female dwarves?

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Because Tolkien.

I do.

Because theyre always the explicit domain of magical realm. Either:
>I want to play my female dwarf. Here's some jap art that blatantly signals my shortstack fetish.
>I want to play a female dwarf. She has a beard and signals my blatant hair fetish. I will definitely be fapping every time I explain why female dwarves need beards.

There's nothing fetishistic about liking short girls

Not stocky enough, 0/10

I want to hold hands with La Brava!

What the fuck is THAT thing. That's like a gnome realdoll.

I don't want my friends to make jokes about bearded women and fun from short girls.

Cute girl. Are your dwarves inspired by lineage?

Gentle smashes her tiny cervix, doesn't he?

wouldn't you?


Boku no Hero Academia.

Side character to what looks like the villain in the very most recent arc's intro.

Because of the stigma of the infamous "bearded women" meme, even though beardless dwarf female art goes back to at least The Complete Book of Dwarves.

It's not really a complete book then, is it?

I played 4 female dwarves total, two were used in multiple campaigns. For one I used Dragon Age fanart, the other was a Duergar, the remaining two I don't remember much about, probably because I didn't put too much thought into them. The Dragon Age art dwarf was a Gold (Hill) Dwarf and came from a notMesopotamian culture and became somewhat of a notGilgamesh. The Duergar one created an anti-psionic Inquisition and went on to hunt down Aboleths and Illithids after she became a living saint.

Dwarven females can be played seriously, none of that fetish stuff mentioned.

Isnt that more of a halfling? When it comes to dwarf women i prefer dorafu women


In english?

Thi and below are why
>be openly gay
>play female dwarf
>everyone assumes I'm trans and want to be be a smol qt girl
There is literally no way for a guy to play a female non-human without people jumping to fetishy conclusions

>notMesopotamian dwarf
Patrician taste

They do exist, user, but of course, they're so alike in stature and appearance, that they're often mistaken for dwarf men.

>you'll never play in a party with en elf and dwarf couple who don't understand why the humans in the party look at them like Pat and Chris
Would make for some fun social interactions in a region mostly populated by creatures with more noticeable sexual dimorphism

No one wants to be, as the kids these days say, "T H I C C"

>wanting to play as Gimli with a vagina

>In english?
He means lolis.

I'd play female dwarves

There's this Japanese fantasy MMO that has one peculiar race called Draph or Doraf (depending on romanized transcription) where women are shortstacks with horns and men are Minotaur.

>La Brava

Her names obviously Love Lava

Because if we did you'd say it was fetish fuel.

Weird that japan would come up with a fantasy race where being a trap is impossible

Isn't that the one where their height chart also had a line comparing them to the position of the average man's dick?




Because there's no difference between female dwarves and female humans.







More bearded lassies please

This quite possibly is a fit

They tend to be too lewd.

This better be porn

This is the ideal dorf

La Brava. Or Love Lover. Or Rob Lover. Or Raw Blubber. Or Lob Lava. Or Love Robber. Or Love Rubber.

But that is an orc

The MGE orcs are even more stupid.

The platonic ideal from which all dwarfs are shadows is male.

Source? For science?

Shinju no Nectar, non H, same author as Seikon no Qwaser

This guy isn't really wrong, but he says the real solution at the very beginning: kill all humans. Don't allow humans to be picked. Build a world that has never even seen a human. It's not like human beings are inherently a boring, all around race, the problem is that the players and developers are human and they unconsciously think of them as being "normal" as a result. So, get rid of humans.

And yeah, it's less annoying to hear someone rip off a character you don't realize is a rip off than one you've heard a million times, which is what playing up racial stereotypes is, but I kinda' feel like that's a desire for novelty that he's in turn not allowing his players. I don't want to say I completely disagree, but presumably this guy's an adult and he obviously has some creative ambition, and so he should know that someone like Matt Groening is also just an adult and while the odds are in his favor there's a pretty decent chance that one of his players could come up with a better character than the one he'd rip off from somewhere else, unless he wants to defend every trademarked character in the world as being interesting.

I know I sound like one of those whiny brats complaining about why I should be allowed to play my over-characterized DeviantArt character right now, but it's completely untrue that just because you make a human means you need to come up with a character for them, and he even admits everyone plays the game differently. Well, the truth is, lots of people just pick a human because they want to "play it safe" and they're perfectly fine giving them zero character whatsoever and just RPing themselves in a wizard hat. Sorry, I'd rather my friends be tiefling werewolves than that.

Boku no Pico

Because the stereotypical dwarf race consists entirely of flanderized versions Gimli.

For the same reason nobody ever plays male elves. Which is to say they do, but you cant tell the difference.

Sure, if you expect everyone to play a race as a human caricature, which is what these are. As the article admits itself, it's like playing Homer Simpson. Doing a race straight is *boring*.

It's just as 'safe' as playing a human. The reason humans need time to characterize is because characters are complex. This is apparently bad though.

>This guy isn't really wrong, but he says the real solution at the very beginning: kill all humans.
That's a link by the way:
He's not letting dwarves, elves, etc. be picked either.

>but I kinda' feel like that's a desire for novelty that he's in turn not allowing his players.
There's less low-hanging fruits but there's no shortage of fruit.

>Doing a race straight is *boring*.
The trouble with doing stereotypes not-straight is that you have to lie to say you're doing stereotypes.

Granblue Fantasy isn't a MMO, male dorafs aren't minotaurs.

>that very first girl

Fuck. She's perfect.

> no beard

fucking dropped

>muslim dwarves
this is a fun idea

Nippon does female dwarves best. There’s just something perfect about the contrast between stereotypical urist mcurist male dwarf and his loli wife.

because it isn't good enough wank material.

>Heart symbol over her crotch
Well, that's subtle.

I really really want to like femdwarf beards (it's unique, I guess) but all the art work I see is pretty unappealing.

Maybe if they just had a little pelt/felt on their cheeks ?

I will never TG's beards fetish.

I mean I will never understand TG's beards fetish.

>How come nobody ever plays female dwarves?
You know what? I'll play one as my next character.

Same here. I'll prob be going with a very angry little red hood

I would play dwarf, but I have no idea how to make him (or her) interesting and not a walking stereotype.

daddy issues

Really? Of all the bizarre stuff Veeky Forums has fetish for it's the beards you find incomprehensible?

Somehow you guys make beards much weirded than they should be.

Best girl.




They're fluffy.





And done.
Finally a reason to repost two dwarven women adventuring

Thanks for that. Also, that's a pretty nice counterexample to

The issue is they ain't got no stache.