I came across "List of 40k Cheese" on 1d4chan and am on an editing kick. Do younguns here know the horror story of...
The Virus Grenade?
Henry Wilson
I only name the ones that do something really cinematic or awesome, I also use an all dread army so eventually they will probably all be named.
Liam Rogers
Angel Martinez
*Disembark through Forgeworld Rhino doors
Jack Butler
>implying it isn't the case
Ryan Sullivan
Thread will start sageing before previous thread hits page 10, then someone else will repeat on page 6 again, and repeat, and then we'll end up with 6 40kg threads in the catelog at once.
James Bennett
freebooterz or Corsairs (either eldar or chaos variant). who is best pirate?
Andrew Wright
>tfw my recast Forgeworld Rhino doors give +1 to summoning rolls
Justin Cruz
>look over at models >see no guard >don't like ADB I guess became a guardfag over night or something I probably should start getting some of them.
I don't magnetize my models, so I want to have a talk about the Plagueburst Crawler weapon load out. I feel the the model is more of an artillery piece than a leman russ type tank. what are you guys opinion on the crawler?
the weather is nice for priming and I have time and I want to paint it up
Tyler Morales
freebooterz. who wouldn't want to go on a space pirate adventure with an brork
Chaosfag here. The way he writes my faction is sickening.
Ayden Williams
keep it totally stock. entropy cannons are a waste of points when they hit on 4s.
Ian Williams
Guardfag isn't an army choice. It's a state of mind.
Anthony Baker
No one cares for your trivia, arnold.
Nathaniel James
Guy Haley is a better author than ADB, and Josh Reynolds' Fabius Bile books are a better Chaos series.
Carson Lopez
I don't. What was it?
Colton Adams
This is your brain when (You) only think in memes.
Jaxon Rogers
Tau is the next codex, prove me wrong.
Aiden Murphy
>anybody who doesn't lik ADB is hitler
Samuel Evans
What's your gf's address? Sounds like she needs a real chaos player to come by. I'll show her my Abaddon the Despoiler if you know what I mean.
Xavier Wood
There is much truth in this post
Jayden Phillips
Can someone edit him into an inquisitor?
Jacob Roberts
>if you know what I mean You are gonna try 12 times and fail each time?
Xavier Barnes
Feels good man.
Caleb Evans
Fair. I have a cultural theme so I pulled a names list and assigned one to all of them. Not many, mind you, only 34, so it isn't really difficult. I also wrote them all a short biography, which is more questionable.
Lucas Barnes
> its Tau first then Dark Eldar, NOT Deldar then Tau
lel who cares about xenos pity-releases
Ian Walker
That's right. I'm going to do it 12 times then pull out just in time. Then on the 13th time when she thought it was over, break her Cadia if you catch my drift.
Grayson Gomez
>Being xenos player >Suddenly NPC meme grows in force because chaosfag writes a shitty book telling how chaos already won and suddenly nobody else matters in an imperial book Nah fuck ADB
Parker Jones
I was thinking this because it is really cheap but it suffers from the -1 to hit when it moves. also, it can hind behind terrain and still get it mortar shot at BS4.
Tyler Morgan
Nothing wrong with it, if it helps you have fun than there is no problem with it.
Cooper Allen
Hope you don't forget to bring a girl that stabs you in your hindside with her sword, if you know what I mean.
Jackson Jones
Getting into 40k again after a while away. I mostly preferred to make small themed armies of around 750pts purely for the hobby side of it, but if I can play them as well (don't have to be super competitive) then that's a bonus.
Is there any hopes of making some kind of catachan army based around small groups of veterans with chainswords, a master of ordnance and a manticore that's in some way playable? Doesn't have to be catachan necessarily but they were my first instinct.
Evan Scott
Bentley Gutierrez
you field them to take advantage of the fact that they're stupidly hard to bring down. to be honest they're pretty lacklustre in small numbers. you need at least 3 to get anything out of them.
Kayden Miller
Tell your mom to not come over please, I'll be busy enough with one hag.
Brandon Sullivan
>Be guard player >Mfw NL and BL players at store jerking off constantly about Cadia exploding >Mfw the planet still broke before the guard did
Asher Jenkins
>>TFW GW painters cant paint females that dont look like theyve done way too much meth/become chaos cultists/both
Chase Powell
Daddy's little heretic
Thomas Davis
Not really. There are various reptile xenos races and were some rogue trader era miniatures of a lizardmen race called Slaan. People like to theorize about the Old Ones being Slaan with lizardmen as one of their servitor races, but that kind of thing is only vaguely suggested at and is essentially just fan speculation.
Seraphon specifically certainly do not exist.
Josiah Butler
That's not terrible! Manticores that can reroll a d6 for shots are markedly better, and Catachans are S4, go for it! Also, if you want a better MoO, pick up Harker, he let's all Catachan reroll ones instead of just the Manticore
Leo Bennett
>hurr hurr me shooty blu burny
Jaxon Walker
>implying Cadia wasn't an astounding victory for the Imperium Your fellows need some re-education, courtesy of a Commissar.
Adrian Taylor
Where did this meme even come from? I missed some threads due to doing actual hobby things.
Josiah Roberts
I really want to get into this hobby. Can any of you guys tell me where to start? What faction should I collect first? Do I buy the “start collecting” box? Would battle for vedros offer good filler units to boost numbers? Could I use battle for vedros miniatures in regular play?
Christopher Ross
>ebay >pro painted >$65
William Perez
This was such a terrible effort on GW's paint team's part.Shitty leopard print. Can't tell if she drank a lot of creamy milk then did a soft, pale dump on her gun then rubbed it into the metal. Hair looks like someone got their toddler to finger paint it. And look at that fucking base. Holy shit.
Hudson Sanchez
Cool, thanks lad. I had in my mind this idea of a force that combined precise and powerful artillery with hardcore melee fighters that mopped up the remaining bad guys. Is Harker just a straight up better MoO then?
Wyatt Turner
Couple threads ago either genuine idiots or autists were baiting with a flowchart of actions saying that if you have a pistol then the rules apply to the grenade since it is used instead of a pistol. Just to be clear this is completely wrong because in 8th edition they are both ranged weapons with separate rules, weapon profiles and have zero interaction.
Hudson Thompson
>Chaos players not taking any scraps they can get You make an excellent point user
William Taylor
Think about the army you like the most. Then get a SC!, primer and some paint. Watch some tutorials on how to thin your paints and paint properly. Cry, as your first models will inevitably look like shit. Buy more models, paint them up and get better. Keep your first miniatures to see how far you've come.
Jace Foster
How much harder is it to paint AdMech models when they are fully assembled? I'm just starting to paint on some tester models but I'd really like to fully assemble my army. However, I'd rather not fuck over my future (terrible) paintjobs just in the interest of getting this shit done.
As someone just getting into it, just check the codexes/base rulebook and see what factions you are interested in, then start collecting that one.
Mason Fisher
Harker is straight up better specifically for Catachans. I believe he costs more, but also gets a nifty Heavy Bolter, and S4. Throw in some Crusaders/Ogryn too, and you can cave heads in everywhere.
Blake Lee
Actually, using grenades in melee does make sense if you read the rules.
David Fisher
At least leave the cloaks off. t. someone who paints arms, heads and powerpacks of his Marines seperately.
Nolan Anderson
>I'll show her my Abaddon the Despoiler if you know what I mean. You're going to shove something in your ass until it bleeds?
James Peterson
It doesn't because using a ranged weapon within 1" of enemy models is a special rule that only applies to pistol weapons. Grenades have literally nothing to do with it and furthermore I will not be baited into this shit again. Go WAACfag with melee grenade flowcharts elsewhere.
Luke Gutierrez
>At least leave the cloaks off. From the little I've seen the cloaks are part of the main bodies and thus are the first things put together.
I already have my Dominus assembled so that guy's going to be a bitch to paint.
Kayden Taylor
Nice projection there slaaneshfag. My 13" armless the harmless penetrates female Cadias like nobody's business.
Robert Martin
I'm not judging, just stating that abaddon's had his little drach'nyen inside himself more than anyone else.
David Martinez
Banter aside, if that actually happened he would be erased from existence. That sword is no joke.
Austin Gomez
Xth for tfw no Gorkamorka videogame
Chase Lee
it's mutual love
Grayson Richardson
W-well at least you got a 40k chessgame!
Gabriel Gutierrez
Does anyone here play Inquisimunda out of curiosity? I'm looking at skirmish alternatives to 8th, and currently am either looking at Heralds of Ruin 7th, 2nd ed 40k, or Inquisimunda. Shadow War is dead around my area sadly.
Angel Hill
Are the citadel brushes and tools good quality?
Henry Rivera
No. They're made from fucking back hair, plywood and chink metals. Kind of fitting their theme of terrible quality miniatures made from recycled condoms.
Ryder Turner
Where did you add the height?
Andrew Lee
Yes to both, I've gone and bought citadel tools after messing around with army painter and other ones and they are worth it. That said there are cheaper alternatives if you only care about price.
Luke Roberts
Not him but looking at my wardens, looks like he's put a spacer between the belt and the top of the legs.
Benjamin Jenkins
Fuck, I love these models
Kayden Perez
Welcome to Veeky Forums, I hope you left your disappointment at home
Parker Davis
I'm thinking of brewing up an Inq28 version of 8e, although I feel like a merger between Inquisimunda and Necromunda (New) might show a good deal of promise considering Inquisimunda's volume of stats and Necromunda's system.
If you want the most dead-simple system you can get, Age of Munda is it. Basically Age of Sigmar but made purely to facilitate playing with a handful of dudes under pretty flimsy guidelines. You're encouraged to make your own material on a model-by-model basis here. Inquisimunda is more advanced, though far from balanced, and just has a large volume of material (original and fan) to pull from.
If you're looking for a casual, competitive skirmish game, Inquisimunda is not that game. If you're looking for investing in a story-driven wargame with a small band of dudes, often lovingly converted, then Inquisimunda is a good choice if it's to your taste.
Colton Barnes
>real IW-tan Would smash like my Blackstone Fortress.
Robert Cook
This. Didn't Abby lose over half of the black legion and co. trying to get one planet?