MtG Modern

Thread Q
>you can trade BBE and JtMS for other banned cards. What are they?

Other urls found in this thread:

>you can trade BBE and JtMS for other banned cards. What are they?
SFM and Artifact lands

There is literally no harm with unbanning artifact lands.


Affinity rarely places. There's really no issue with Artifact Lands getting unbanned. Stop sideboarding artifact hate too.

>Rite of flame

By the exact same logic BBE and Jace were unbanned, Pod is also safe to unban lul

eldrazi tron
card prices
RG eldrazi with babe elfu
>Thread Q
>>you can trade BBE and JtMS for other banned cards. What are they?
SFM and Pod

Soul Sisters
JTMS unban bullshit
BW Sister variant
>Thread Q
Format was doing fine. BBE is in my opinion only worthy card on the banned list worth a shot.

I've been sitting on a set of Mind Sculptors for about four years now. What's the most inane deck I could build with 71 other cards and 0 other win conditions?

So how many cards get banned before WOTC admits Jace is a problem? Setting the over/under at 2 and taking the over.

The problem isn't Jace, the problem is people THINKING Jace is a problem and warping the format based on their presumption.

Having several 98% complete decks that only need one or two sets of cards to finish but that's an extra $300-$600
The Obzedat Goryo's deck
>thread q
No idea

probably UB or Esper control.

if meme is up your alley, turns

Reposting here since the other thread is dead.
I've seen some guys arguing about including Wayward Swordtooth instead of Azusa into knightfall the other day and I think it's not a bad Idea. I might run this next friday, I'm thinking of maybe swapping one courser for one more tracker.

Thoughts ?

this tbqh famalama

When would you get over 10 permanents?

Shit, his +2 and 0 were made for Turns. Now I can't wait to use his interaction with Temporal Mastery. Thanks for the suggestions user!

You don't really need the city's blessing, it's just that WS dodges red removal and you almost never can get more than two lands down in a turn so loosing one compared to Azusa isn't really relevant.
Also, you can get 10 permanents easily if you happen to have a tracker on play with the clue tokens.
Also also, you usually have 2 to 4 creatures on the board at any time so activating naturally the city's blessing isn't that much of a stretch if your opponnent doesn't have a wrath.

You're going to be sorely disappointed

>nothin except chalice
>pic related
Changed a few things since last thread. R8 and H8 plz
Will eventually buy bloodmoons and such, this is just a thing to waste money on

GB Tron with my waifu Emrakul, mindslaver-on-a-stick
the prices of blue decks now that Jace is unbanned
BBE Ponza. Was going to build Madcap Moon after watching it at the Pro Tour but with the unbannings I'm not confident that deck is in a good enough place (at least, without Jaces, which add a sizable chunk to the price tag), and cascading into Molten Rain/Stone Rain/Blood Moon turn 2 seems hilarious to me.
>Thread Q
Blazing Shoal

Tbh I think blood Sun is better in ponza decks.

What's m/tg/'s opinion on Bant Knightfall?

I'm normally not a combo player but this actually looks pretty fun to me and would it be a decent enough deck for someone who normally isn't a combo player?

What tier would you say it is and what would you say for it's match ups?

Tier 6. Loses to everything that isn't even lower tier. Knights are too small vs shadows, too slow vs combo and gets blown out vs tron

mtgsalv has it at tier 2

Eldrazi Tron

Not much, even with JtMS around and everywhere for a month, I think the format will recover

Either Jund or a Sultai list, I'm not sure which is better. I'm still testing but both are fun.

SFM and Eye of Ugin. Even though Eye is where it needs to be I had fun playing with it.

Mtgsalv also has a bunch of poor idiots. Just look at some decks their users made on the front page. Sure occasionally they have something good, but more often than not, like tg, it's a bad deck. Not even because the deck may not be consistent enough or a deck just isn't good enough after testing. They have bad decks because a lot of them don't even bother with having a good mana base

Tier 2.5 or more. It's basically a bant (mediocre) beatdown deck that happens to have a combo in it. It can be inconsistent, as sometimes you need a combo piece and get a beater or the other way around. The combo is, honestly, bad, as it needs kinght to survive and the enchantment alone is bad.

It can be a fun deck, you can even splash red for bbe and bolts, but it is not great. Too fair and slow and clunky.

What is the best eldrazi deck at the moment? Is eldrazi tron still relevant in the meta now?

With the unban of Jace and Modern being "on a higher power level", there's no way they ban tron, right? RIGHT?

If I wouldn't cheap out the mana base would it be usable?

What if I ran it as Bant CoCo- and just used 3 flex slots for Retreat to have the combo as a win con?

>you can trade BBE and JtMS for other banned cards. What are they?
Keep jace and change BBE for twin, nonblue fags had their fun for way too long.

>What if I ran it as Bant CoCo- and just used 3 flex slots for Retreat to have the combo as a win con?

B-but that's the deck

Then what makes it so significantly worse than Bant CoCo?

It's kind of up in the air. We live in a world were Modern E-Tron is "too fair" to keep up with other big stompy decks or E-Trons big brother, Gx Tron.
A R/G Eldrazi list with BBE just 5-0'd a league the other day. Hell, maybe even Bant Eldrazi is poised to take the spotlight again. Now is the time for experimentation with the Eldrazi shell.
Tron isn't going to get banned. It hasn't been banned since the inception of the format and there's little reason for them to ban it now.

Bant CoCo is already a mediocre deck and by dedicating slots to a mediocre combo (both pieces of which are just bad without the other) you're further diluting the deck.
I like Bant. I have all the fetches/shocks/Nobles for it. It just isn't great right now.

>Bant Eldrazi becomes a thing again

psh, psh, hey fellas. just between you and me: e-tron: +4 torn of amethyst +4 exiled red monekyes mb


Quoted wrong post

>BW Sister variant
As a Norin Sisters fag, an Orzhov Sisters deck intrigues me. Tell me more, friendo.

Oh baby, don't I know it. I have a full Bantdrazi 75 gathering dust on my shelf, waiting for the right time.

I'd like that, though I'm doing well with Eldrazi Tron in my local meta. Both versions are decent in my opinion.

Some bullshit linear deck is probably gonna win the next big modern event and people will realize Jace isn't as format warping as they think it is.

Nothing special to tell at this point. Weighting what positives splashing black has to offer. Thoughtseize/inquisition, fatal push, lingering souls, maybe collective brutality? It seems fun idea to have more options and control over opponent but not sure is it worth to sacrifice consistency and what to replace.

Why is Bant eldrazi not good right now ?
Is it because BW eldrazi and taxes is better as a temple deck ? How good is BW in this meta anyway ?

BW Eldrazi Taxes has nothing to do with it. Even if it uses some of the same pieces it's a totally different archetype.
Bant Eldrazi was just outclassed by other big stompy midrange-y decks like Grixis/4c Shadow, and most of the players on Bantdrazi jumped ship to Eldrazi Tron because it has the capability to go over the top and because they don't rely so heavily on 1-drops, they can make much better use of chalice to cheese wins against faster aggro decks.
the Bant Eldrazi shell has always been a solidly good deck, it just tends to get outclasses by other decks doing similar things. It's a deck that needs the right environment to thrive.

// 60 Maindeck
// 1 Enchantment
1 Leyline of Sanctity

// 6 Instant
3 Fatal Push
3 Path to Exile

// 25 Land
4 Field of Ruin
4 Godless Shrine
3 Isolated Chapel
4 Marsh Flats
4 Plains
2 Shambling Vent
1 Swamp
1 Vault of the Archangel
2 Ghost Quarter

// 11 Planeswalker
2 Gideon Jura
3 Gideon of the Trials
4 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 Ob Nixilis Reignited
1 Sorin, Grim Nemesis

// 17 Sorcery
1 Bontu's Last Reckoning
2 Collective Brutality
1 Damnation
4 Inquisition of Kozilek
4 Lingering Souls
1 Night's Whisper
2 Thoughtseize
2 Wrath of God

// 15 Sideboard
// 10 Enchantment
SB: 2 Leyline of Sanctity
SB: 4 Rest in Peace
SB: 2 Rule of Law
SB: 2 Stony Silence

// 5 Sorcery
SB: 2 Cranial Extraction
SB: 3 Fragmentize

Does anyone have any advice on making the sideboard less shitty?

Eye did nothing wrong, ban temple instead.

How much will Masters 25 actually reduce the price of JTMS?

Jace is basically everything I want to do in Magic in one card, but I'm not gonna pay these ridiculous prices.

My prediction is Jace will be kind of like Tron, punishing anything slow and forcing people to play more aggro. But we will see.

My guess is that he will go down by around 10$ - 15$ for a few months and then he'll slowly rise in price again, depending on his performance.

Rakdos Burn
The future of the format
Jund Burn

>you can trade BBE and JtMS for other banned cards. What are they?
Nothing really.

There is a realistic chance jace will further go down as 25 comes out because it unserperforms while also getting greater supply.

I'd say it's a safe bet to assume Jace will find his way back down to his price when he wasn't legal in modern. The price is 100% impatient faggots right now.

I think you're absolutely wrong. You need to realize Jace is not a 4 drop, he's a 6+ drop that only comes down once you've cleared the way for him and can protect him on the first turn where he's most vulnerable. At that point you can ride him to victory, but if you misplay him he's just going to die after being forced to bounce creatures turn after turn.

>In watching the format evolve, we've observed that decks seeking to control the game have struggled against the speed and variety of threats present in the format.

Is anyone supposed to care about that though?

I think control is overall the least enjoyable meta from basically every perspective. Its not particularly fun to play unless you are someone who throws frogs under moving cars, its not fun to watch, its not fun to lose against if the deck "wins" three turns before it kicks off (and jace isnt going to fix people running shitty and boring $40 mono blue control) and its the worst kind of unfun for everyone involved.

Paradoxically control decks are the only style that somehow take longer to win the better your deck or skillset is compared to your opponent. At least the "timmy smash monsters until you die" meta leads to quickly resolved matches instead of continually ending turns with unspent mana to further lock down the other player without doing anything besides poking with 2-3 power creatures.

Also lmao @ Wizards and their blue favoritism. They got so mad that their favorite color isn't on top that they unbanned the most broken plainswalker they ever released.


>t. salty af combo player sad that blue is getting decent again

Jace is hardly going to lead to a control meta and you really showed your hand on how ignorant you are when you said better decks/players take longer with control. The most integral part to being a good control player is realizing when you've controlled hard enough and can swap gears to close the game. Players who drag games out to turn 25 because they want to be "totally sure" they win are poor players by their own admittance, they're afraid they'll make a mistake and throw the game if they don't run the opponent out of resources before trying to win.

Hard control can never totally dominate a format like Modern though, especially not in it's current iteration where fast combo has been nerfed into the ground year after year. If Jace based control ever got close to how Miracles was in Legacy there's a half dozen fringe decks that will totally shit on it. Ponza with BBE and Thrun, Mill, Bant Company, Tron with Cavern of Souls to cast Sundering Titan. The more control there is in the meta, the more inbred these archetypes can get, and the more backbreaking anti blue cards they can run. And theres no shortage of anti blue cards.

Any idea (from a lore perspective or because MaRo hinted at it) when we might be getting new Eldrazi cards again?

Also, (I'm a relatively new player here, haven't been around the early days...) besides the planeswalkers, what can we expect from Dominaria?

>realatively new
tell us the set user, then we can narrow it down.

Just a friendly pointer because you are new, "Modern" is a format with specific rules, not "contemporary magic". You may get a few responses because we don't really have anything better to talk/argue about atm, but the Standard thread is more new player focused.

As for your question hopefully never, Eldrazi were a mistake, and Dominaria is really a hodgepodge of all kinds of different fantasy tropes, we may see airships, castles, knights, slivers, arabian fantasy, wizards in robes and wizard hats, random steampunk shit, that kind of stuff.

>neither salty nor a combo player
>actually an aggro and burn player that roasts control kiddies but finds the entire style to be incredibly boring, win or lose

Sorry that facts and reality are salt to you.

Absolutely no one would enjoy going to play Magic and finding 7/10 games involve control decks and 3 of those were hour long dittos of people flicking their cards and going "mmm, hmmm,,,,, ok i end". The fundamental issue with control decks being played by someone way beyond their opponent is they end up just doing nothing. Alot.

The same 3 mana will be collecting dust waiting on that l33t sickass coutner spell that ends up bouncing a shitty 1/2 creature with no effects that wouldn't have impacted the game at all.

If you are playing against a noob who kept a bad hand or just has a bad deck with bad draws the game will literally drag because the control player will leave the same 3 mana doing nothing while the other player topdecks for literally anything they can summon.

And ultimately what would the payoff be? Bouncing a 1/2 monster with no effects that wouldn't have seriously impacted the game even if they got an open field? What does that do to actually advance the game and end it?

At least combos, storm, midrange aggro and basically everything besides group hug lifegain actively try to beat the opponent instead of pointlessly delaying a game that can only end in win or loss. If I am playing someone who will 100% beat me I would rather lose to Griselbrand turn 2 gimmick bullshit because least the game will be over in less than five minuets instead of taking five minuets every fucking turn.

i heard somthing about the weatherlight coming back being confirmed a few days ago

Bant Counters Company or Bant Knightfall Company?

I started at Future Sight, casual and with many hiatuses in between.

I'm not that new and know what modern is, I just have no idea what was in Dominaria or what to expect, since, afaik, that set was a long time ago. Just wanted to know if something relevant to modern was to be expected. Like, Merfolk was hinted before a set for example, etc.

>entire post is about how bad control players drag games out

No shit, sherlock, you're not divulging some nugget of truth no one has realized before. Get the fuck over it you baby cunt, control will never be 70% of the meta like you piss your pants dreading and control players are not going to go away. Put up with losing all of your games against them because they tilt you so hard or go play babby's first format again where big papa wizards curates the game so no mean control players can take 8 turns to win.

Like I said dominaria is a hodgepodge, there's really no telling what we're getting.

>future sight
You started at the end of the dominaria Nostalgia block, look through these respective blocks & sets to get an idea

Odessey & onslaught
Rath cycle, Mercadian masques block and invasion block
Alpha through unlimited

Did i miss anything?

fog control

>did i miss anything
Shit i forgot time spiral block

I see, thanks bro.

ty, ill take a look.

>the absolute state of control players

I wouldn't talk about anyone else getting tilted sunshine

I'm not the one who feels it's necessary to cry about archetypes I don't like on a thread.

Well I bought some opals for affinity. Did I fuck up, or is affinity going to be ok?

You know what must be done.

affinity is always ok, except when people pack in too much hate.
affinity hasn't won anything big lately, so while everyone is busy with graveyards, lands, jaces and humans, i actually think it's a good time for affinity.
just watch the sweepers.


That makes sense. Honestly there will probably be a lot of jund in my meta, but I'm not super concerned. I really wanna build a tezzeret deck with Jace and opals so if the affinity thing doesn't work out at least I have that.

Help me Veeky Forums ! There are 4 decks I want to play but I only have the money for 1 ! I don't want to know which one is objectively the best on a competitive standpoint as they are all tier 2/3 decks but rather which one is the most fun to play.

Decks are
>Selesnya Company (aka retreatless knightfall)
>Temur moon (now with BBE!)
>Eldrazi and Taxes (the WB version)
>Counter Company (w/ balista and redcap as wincons)

I like all of them for different reasons with a preference for Temur Moon since it has overall more interraction. Company decks also have the upside of having a lot of overlapping cards.

Temur moon is probaby the best best. Those creature decks are gonna be bad in this meta fyi and eldrazi decks (especially TKS) are not gonna be great

It would probably reduce it somewhat, but it will still be pretty expensive

>tarmogoyf and tracker
>Path to exile and wrath of god
>supreme verdict
>Snapcaster mage

I'm thinking the lowest is 100

I'm kinda affraid they ban BBE again tho

They want and even if BBE were to get dominant, you know when ban announcements are, so just sell out before you get got and change deck if some BBE deck seems too dominant to you.

I sincerely don't think that'll happen. Jace, maybe, but BBE is not nearly as powerful. I think they banned it the first time because of DRS and strategically waited to unban it next to Jace.

What is your list gonna look like?

I can't wait for basic lands with watermarks on them!

Tarmo is pretty bad in Bant and the Verdict/Jace/Path/Colonnade control package would really rather splash red or black than green. Jace might make straight Bant midrange more viable but similar to RUG and BUG I don't see it beating out UWR or Jund as a fair deck. Those combinations just make more sense in the modern card pool.

Working on it right now,I have to trim down most of the counter spells to maximize synergies with bbe. gimme a minute

I would love to ban people of color.

White is also a color m8

I was thinking something like this ? (this is still very much a work in progress)
Basically took the current Temur Moon deck and cut all counters to fit BBE and cards that work well with it like AC and Knuckelblade.
I'm not sure about the clique/tracker. Maybe I should run something like swifspear instead for a more aggressive version or more snappys for more value.

>building WUB Goryo's
>8 cards left
>4x Liliana and 4x Goryo's Vengeance
Fuck me, this is gonna take another couple of months

>creature decks are going to be bad in the meta of creature decks shitting on Jace decks

Not too bad. I personally don't think savage knuckle blades are good enough for the main deck. I'd maybe consider two scooze and a courser.

So when people talk about a design change since m15 or khans block what exactly do they mean. More than just the retarded block an no core set structure right?

You know Jace wasn't the only card unbanned. BBE Jund will eat creature decks alive. Plus there is going to be faster combo decks to beat the Jace and jund decks.

Of course this is all a guess, but I feel confident in my assessment.

But cascading into knuckles in turn 5 is so good, I want to believe the dream. That said, maybe a 4 off is a bit too much. Scooze seem to be a good addition too.

While the shift from spells to creatures has been going on for a while I think after Khan's it was more pronounced.