Sister's of Silence

So given the rarity of Blanks, why is it that they only recruit girls? It seems kinda wasteful to ignore half the possible candidates just because they are the wrong gender, and it's not like they have the Space Marine excuse of the genetic modifications not working.

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I always just figured they do recruit guys, but due to cultural reasons, refer to everyone with female pronouns. To be fare, if they are all in the armor with the boob-plate, don't speak, and are hairless except for the top-knot, it will be difficult to tell the difference. Add that with any hormonal supplements/genetic therapy to help them maintain peak physical health could explain the more female appearance.

I just thought boys sent to be Culexus.

Yea, but there are female Culexus too... the assassins always seen to be at a higher level than the Sister's of Silence, when it comes to being anti-warpie? so I figure that the ones sent to them were just the strongest found.

>hormonal supplements/genetic therapy to help them maintain peak physical health could explain the more female appearance

>why is it that they only recruit girls?
Because they're a female order. It's like asking why you only send women to the nunnery.

they're an antiquated monastic order sticking to tradition, not a 21st century labor union

Except they are from the time when the Imperium was it's most "progressive" and rely on a strategically limited resource. It would be a waste the limit them to such a degree for their recruitment pool, unless it served some other purpose.

Because Siblings of Silence doesnt quite have the same ring to it

>boner no

Because the Custodes only want qt women with them when they murder.

It's not that they only recruit girls, it's just that women have a much higher chance of being soulless in 40k.

I kinda like that idea, it has just enough fringe horror as to how this is done, as well as unnecessary sticking to tradition/the letter of the law, but violating the spirit that you see in many aspects of the Imperium of Man

just like real life

The Emperor allowed the Mechanicus to keep their religion in exchange for running the Imperium's technology. Maybe Sisters of Silence are so good at combating psykers they are allowed to hold onto their traditions.

'Cause the Imperium is a really big place with byzantine bureaucracy. There's probably another, much less famous, organisation that swallows them up.

Alternatively, Gynosymapthy is a long standing bias in society. Given that wild blanks tend to get attacked an alienated, without this mitigating cognitive and cultural bias, most male blanks get killed in their early youth and thus don't exist in meaningful numbers to be recruited outside of the Culexus temple.

Further extension to the above, recognising that deep seated bias in human cognition, they exploit it by only presenting females to facilitate cooperation and mitigate the supernatural sense of unease they radiate as a group. Weird Chick is more socially acceptable across the board than Creepy Dude.

>Note that because men and women have different skull shapes and we can accordingly sex each other by head shape your fetsihy transexualisation strategy just wont work.

So, what you're saying is that soullessness is a characteristic that's related to something dominant on the X chromosome?

Or is it recessive on the X, but something on most Y's suppresses it?

>most male blanks get killed in their early youth and thus don't exist in meaningful numbers to be recruited outside of the Culexus temple

Now that is an answer dark enough for 40k

>cute enough to avoid being lynched until they're recruited
Seems about right

I'd assume there's probably some credence to the idea that the Sisters go back to before the Imperium, and it's a tradition based thing for it to be all female that the Emperor allowed them to continue. Male blanks are probably made use of in the Ordo Sinister instead.

Blanks can measure anywhere from Phi-plus to Omega-minus. I'd assume the stronger ones go to the Culexes, other than some extraordinarily good Sisters.

>"There is also the observation that no Space Marine, or Custodian Guard for that matter, has ever been recorded as being a Psychic Null. This factor weighs the evidence of some scholars that within the Space Marines' gene-seed itself is perhaps a shadow of the Emperor's own genetic material and a sliver of His own psychic power crucial to the process and success of the transition from mortal to Astartes."

Therefore the answer is quite simply this: the majority of high genetic-quality male humans in a position to serve in elite combat roles were being put into service as Astartes during the great crusade before their pariah gene had a chance to manifest. Blanks not in a position to be selected for these special services would likely be killed outright.

>" shadowed accounts of certain Clades of the Officio Assassinorum and the dread and obscure Ordo Sinister also contain evidence of the Emperor's own "engineered" use of the Psychic Null in warfare."

Seeing as the best kind of genetic enhancement for the male form the emperor had created rendered them unable to be blanks, the obvious choice was to work on females, as the "best" males were already being put to great use. If the emperor wanted to genetically enhance blanks, it would have to differ from the space marine process.

Aleya /Valerian OTP

I think we work on very different levels

Maybe women make better pariah's blanks, or there's generally more of them?

Pariahs give off a vibe that makes regular folk hate them right? Maybe women are less likely to be killed for it or something?

Why aren't the blanks being selectively bred?

Why aren't the selectively bred blanks then being recruited for the space marine project becoming perfect fuck you chaos warriors?

>sister of silence as tall as a Custodian
>Custodians are roughly 9 feet tall
somebody didn't pay attention

Not pictured are her 36” heels.


To stop them from fucking any making little blank families. Nobody wants that, least of all the Emperor, as the SoS were one of very few weapons like the Ordo Sinister that could stand a reasonable chance of killing him if it were ever to be used against him. So he kept them under his personal care, and made sure they were dedicated to him and him alone.

Also: Dune references.

I think the males are used for breeding because the blank gene can be inherited.

>mfw the emperor was into twinks and used the sisters of silence to compensate the astartes sausage fest.

Because nobody, except for probably the Emperor, has any idea about how to do it. The Imperium tried to isolate/understand whatever the "pariah gene" was, both before and after the Heresy, and had very little luck in trying to reproduce/control it. All they figure out is that there was no single gene that led to it. They tried, and it didn't work - so I'm guessing it's somehow not hereditary.

Since it got nowhere and ended in disaster a lot, the Emperor put a ban on most research into it. Apart from him, only the Ordo Sinister, Sisters, and Culexes might have any idea about what's up.

There's also no instances of any of the Emperors post-humans being blanks. Probably because their augmentations are derived from himself and/or partially psychic in nature. The Custodes require some psyker shit in their molecular/cellular alteration, and the Astartes are based off the Primarchs. Nulls don't mix well with either of those. Though, there are instances of Grey Knights somehow being turned into Pariahs after their previous transformation.

slaanesh pls go and stay go

The guy was 30,000+ years old by the Great Crusade. He was probably bored of normal stuff and had to get into kinkier and kinkier fetishes as time went by.

>implying that pic wouldn't make Slaanesh stay instead of going away.

And Princeps of the Ordo Sinister, and various other duties.

>The Emperor could no longer get it up
>Sometimes he liked to have the Sisters of Silence spank him with anti-psyker whips while dressed as Slaanesh

Or, he just got bored of sex things and found intellectual pursuits more rewarding.

I mean, I know you're a horny teen, but just how much does your dad talk about sex? Not nearly as much as you do, right? Just extrapolate that trend for a few millennia and get to the Emperor.

In the Horus Heresy books, the world where it's hinted at that the Sisters of Silence were originally recruited from is a Matriarchal society, where males were a small minority of the population and lacked their female counterpart's Pariah power.

Not really, some parents just tone it down while their children are around.

If John Blanche did not exist it would be necessary to invent him.


You just keep telling yourself that, pervert.


Yup, book 7. When the Great Crusade was just getting started, a planet they reclaimed early on, Pentacanaes, pretty much went rogue due to out of control psykers turning the whole population into a doomsday cult. Astartes hadn't gotten there yet, so any troops they sent in to try to control the situation got massacred, except for "The Daughters of the Crow" or the "5th '9-13' Indentured Irregular Infantry Regiment" who were basically all nulls. They were a female-dominated population of techno-barbarians supposedly from a backwater world. It was believed by many they were the precursor to the Sisters.

But some Imperials believed that it was not the whole truth and was either a doctored/staged incident, or just a straight up lie. Some think the Sisters might go all the way back to the Dark Age as an organization, or that the Emperor had a more direct hand in their formation. The planet 9-13 was never found to have never existed or had its records deleted, and just where the Sisters came from is still up for debate.

>tfw you will never be one of the few males in the fortress of the moon used to breed new sisters of silence

Like other anons have pretty convincingly put forward, maybe female Blanks have a higher chance of avoiding being lynched than male ones. Of the males that survive, most are funneled into the Culexus, Inquisitor retinues or simply shadowing ridiculously high ranking Imperium officials. Due to simple human bias, there's almost as many(maybe less) female Blanks put into those same positions plus enough for the SoS to be highly(lethally) selective in their recruitment/training.

Given the size of the Imperium, there's likely enough Blanks to go around. The trouble is getting to them before a mob does, and the girls have a bit more luck in that.

Because they're strongly hinted to have been recruited from a planet of blanks that had a female dominated population for some reason. More girls were popping out than boys on their world of techno-barbarians, and they were mostly all nulls for some reason. Possibly from a Dark Age eugenics program or something.

The Sisters were the exception when it came to nulls, not the norm. Most blanks, both female and male, went to the Ordo Sinister and Culexes, when they managed to somehow live that long. They were scattered and few in number.

Suddenly, the Imperium happens upon a planet full of pariah women and their small male harem, and they're all already warrior-women with their own culture. It would explain how the Emperor managed to find such a large number of them, when they generally gets lynched young, in such a relatively short period of time, and why they stayed pretty insular.

Emperor becomes a vegetable, and the Sisters get run out of the Imperium and hide away on a few worlds, sustaining their own small enclaves, until Roboute brings them back into the fold.

Aleya is a twat.
"Oh boo-hoo 10.000 years ago we got kicked out for squatting and I'm SO MAD right now!" -pouts-

Would a Null even pass the genetic screening for a space marine?

There was one guy who appeared for a page in one of the grey knights novels, they are sending out the body of one of their squad and the guy who comes to pick it up is described as having obvious Astartes modification and also being a blank

Also all the male blanks probably get shunted over to the culexus temple

Grey Knight Ferrymen are members of the chapter who go through some sort of process that turns them into Pariahs.

I did not know that, what book is it from?

Never mind, found it

If you want to starve chaos, wouldn't it be better to evolve humanity into blanks, rather than psykers??

Unfourtnatly the pariah gene isn't something that can be passed along. A pariah couple has the exact same chance of having an untouchable kid as anyone else.

Not that BL gives a shit, they had culexus assassins getting cloned.

A humanity of blanks with access to DAoT levels of tech is the objectively superior path. Chaos will always be just that and trying to 'tame' it has laid low whole civilizations and the Emperor Himself. Neuter that shit and relegate ALL psychically active mutants to the second-class status they so obviously belong in.

Whatever the case, the Emperor's dream was folly and burned in the fires of Horus' ambitions.

This thread has been wrapped up for hours now folks.

Females are inherently easier to replicate, have greater stamina and lifespan. Males go to Culexus and spehsul muhrerns.

That makes no sense.

Because they only have breastplates with exaggerated boob cups. If there is one thing the Imperium would never do, it's make new armor. That shit has been recycled since Horus shat his diapers.

I wonder if the SoS funds breast reductions if your cup size doesn't fit the preexisting armor specs...

Extract ovaries, upgrade ovum to zygotes, incubate. Collect more blank girls, repeat.

A womb farm and synthsperm to complement the ovum into the proper clone zygote we can produce now, though the process still is rather unrefined. Still better than old-school cloning if you want to retain vaguely not-soul inheritable trait, such as blankness.

Honsou-mode: reinforce the original, use it to incubate late stages of the clones, rape it with power chaindick afterwards.

New armour pattern emerges every SM-type codex, though.

I'm not sure a change in art style equates to a change in lore.

>we can accordingly sex each other by head shape
Common misconception. Overall shape of the skull varies more according to population, not by sex. Individual nonmetric landmarks including depth at glabella, size of the supraorbital ridge, rugosity in the nuchal region, and the gonial angle can all indicate that an individual is more likely to be male or female. But again, those features have a wide range of possible expression with a lot of overlap in the middle, with each population expressing different trends. And it's always going to be an estimate.

And no, I really do mean "populations", not "races". Adjacent groups of, for example, native Americans can have different morphological features expressed differently, or at different rates.

It really doesn't make much sense that they keep their breasts at all. Don't Astartes lose their genitals as part of their gene seed transformation as its deemed useless for combat purposes? What combat benefit do tits offer?

SoS are always pictured as being oddly tall.
We don't know if it's a mutation, modification artist choice or what.
I think they were intended to be modified originally, art was made reflecting this and it's just stuck since so we have 7 to 9 foot tall ladies.

I'm sure you can find the Power Armour article elsewhere. We have more than a dozen variants for smurfs alone, spread throughout the ages of the Imperium.
If Emprah wants tits and armoured tit-baskets on his bolter bitches, who the fuck are you to question him?

SoS are unaugmented.

Same as skulls, gold, capes and fabulous pauldrons. Emps likes his bling.
Astartes need to be neutered so they won't fall to Chaos buggering each other.

Is it really an "augmentation" to lop off your cans?

So they're ornamentation. That makes sense.

>they're ornamentation
Pretty much. Some sisters have skulls as their boobcups. Some's are gilded. Some's bigger than their heads and pauldrons. I'm fairly sure the sisters' boobcups are what the pauldrons are for smurfs.

But none are just missing the cups and have their tits pierced and tattooed. Seems like a wasted opportunity.

Filthy heretic.

Sorry. I'm from a feral world. I don't know any better.

Their tits are pierced under the boob plate. Why compromise armor in a combat situation for your fetish when you can just free swing back at base by taking your boobplate off after a hard day's work to relax.

Well, Satan, you might need to raise another generation of silent sisters. Then you'll need them.

>why does a sisterhood only recruit girls


Because space pederasts were verboten to recruit male soldiers other than a small detachment of priest's bodyguards (crusaders).

Don't worry, neophyte. We've made Speyce Mahreens out of worse than you.

Castor, for instance.

>budda budda budda
why do they do this to me

Siblings of Silence doesn't have the same ring to it.

Which one Castor? Possessed, smurf or faggot? Smurf turned out alright, yes, more or less.

Two out of three is pretty much a failure, innit?

>smurf turned out alright
>left his father for dead
>filthy secessionist
>worst aesthetic out of 20 fucking people
>being so OCD he wrote out manuscript after fucking manuscript of why 10 companies of 10 squads of 10 troops was awesome
>effectively crippled one of the Imperium's greatest weapons for defending itself
shiggy diggy

Stay mad.

I found it mentioned off-hand somewhere, can't remember where, that SoS have found willing partners in the past which partially accounts for how the soulless genes seem to be becoming more common across the Imperium.
I think it may've been the SoS dex from the Talons of the Emperor box. I've misplaced my copy when I moved so I can't check it till I find which box is holding it and half my bloody miniatures with it.

She is a tsundere/tomboy of course she going to pout

>Don't Astartes lose their genitals as part of their gene seed transformation as its deemed useless for combat purposes?
nope that's just a common fan idea. There's actually no mention of anything happening to marine genitals at all in the fluff. Thoughbin the deathwatch RPG marines had the chem geld trait as an option during character advancement. Suggesting that by default a marines junk is normally functional (as that's the only way going through chemical castration could be of benefit to resisting seduction).

Unless treatment starts before puberty

Oh hell another one of muhh dikk zealots, prolly a furry and slaaneshite as well.
Genitals are a weakness and vulnerability that must be removed. The process of making space marine leads to irreversible loss of sex drive and usually starts before the puberty. Their body is over-augmented, anyway, there's no place nor need for the useless junk.

Slaaneshits and furfags still sodomize each other, and for that they must be exterminated.

There's no need for it, but there's also no mention of anything being done to the genitals during the creation of a marine. And that process is stated in detail.

Yeah marines are pretty much never going to have sex, but its because they're devoute warrior Monks not because they get their dicks chopped off (becauae they don't).

Oblivion Knights shit on Cullexus assassins as blanks while also not needing extra equipment.

Aren't there chapters where marines have kids and I definitely recall heavy references to one chapter or another raping.

Slamanders have their families, but thats all cousins and nephews. Pretty sure none reproduce themselves.

There's definitely been at least chaos marine rape.

She is on the tip of her toes getting ready to kiss him

Well when you are left to work with junk when your supposed brothers in arms get all the bling you can get a little mad

If a Null/Blank is given the gene-seed successfully, it actually gives them a Warp-signature, by "filling" their soul.

Gene-seed isn't entirely genetic, there's Warp fuckery involved in it on some level.

They are unable to get a boner from anything other than purging the enemies of the Emperor. With the exception of some Chapters and gene-seed heritage lines, anyway. Space Marines are also all canonically hung like horses. They're also sterile.

Yeah, and Space wolves were known as fuckers in fenris, since there were marines fucking woman to pass time as space vikings