What are the best hex map creation tools, Veeky Forums?

What are the best hex map creation tools, Veeky Forums?

whats the scale on that?

blank hex paper, colored pencils, pencil sharpener



can somebody share hex kit?

I think - think, mind you - that it's been shared in the PDF Share thread.

>all that doublethink


It's about county-sized, which is around 300 square miles each.

>portland in the east
>portland in the west

geez louise, run outta names huh?

The one in Oregon was named after the one in Maine.

>geez louise, run outta names huh?

The city's founders came from New England. They flipped a coin to decide whether the name would be Portland or Boston.

>>all that doublethink

The last time I told someone there was a link in the PDF Share thread to something, the link had expired and they blamed me. Now, I always qualify any help I give. It's prevents assholes like you from blaming me.

well it's not and I still am blaming you!
shame on you for misleading me!

A week or two ago, I saw it and an expansion being shared in one of the Vola rooms the PDF Share thread mavens are using more and more often. While Vola only maintains files for 2 days or so, the fact that it was there means at least one person had and now many more people should have it too.

If - if, mind you - you ask for it in the PDF Share thread, someone might - might, mind you - point you to a trove or upload it to a Vola room again.

yeah I asked again, I'm waiting anxiously

Looks like someone answered:

volafile DOT org

Be sure to thank them over there.

It's all about the Washingtons.

you are a saint.

Don't thank me. I didn't upload it. All I did was spot it after someone else saw your request and uploaded it.

>all those double-ifs and double-mights

I honestly don't see where

>no Minnesota/Iowa border line

Add some swamps in southern Georgia and in a few locations across the east coast

Also look up the eastern seaboard fall line, and give a different terrain on either side of it. Help to break up the monotony.

Seattle needs to be three hexes north. Right now you've placed it in Chehalis.

Meanwhile, apparently, Lakota is two states now.

I was really confused by the choice of cities to represent until I read this map is for the late 1800's