Space station 13 is basically a bunch of one shots set in a space fantasy space station where all the players are drunk and the GM doesn't care.
Space station 13 is basically a bunch of one shots set in a space fantasy space station where all the players are drunk...
I know SS13 is great, yet you've still managed to come off as a cancer-ridden 11 y.o. shill. Bravo.
Sounds great.
What's the station's function?
We have a function?
Plasma research, officially. I haven't heard of any actual plasma research happening there, ever.
That's alright, we don't need to know it's function (I hope).
Who's on the sheep and what are they using the ship for?
Phoron research. Phoron is basically the new oil, it's used for fuel for the engines that easily produce niggawhats of power
>Not plasma
What the fuck is that?
Back to Bay.
Fuck off back to Baystation.
How do you get into SS13?
All the servers I've joined just explode in 5 minutes and I've never really worked out how to do anything.
Shame i was perma-banned from tg station its the only server worth playing.
Coming into a session late often ends in disaster as you get killed somehow before you even work out what's going on.
I've got a fairly poor ratio of fun to needlessly slaughtered seconds into the game by some cunt, but that said the times I have been able to try and do my job (usually robotics or doctor) I've had a pretty fun time and that's while fumbling about trying to learn how to play.
Nothing much beats that first time you put a monkey brain in a robot, or a member of security walking in on you while you are taking the clowns brain out then just walks away, sadly half the station exploded just after I completed the removal so I got distracted and never got round to putting the clown's brain in a robot.
There are a few videos on youtube going over the basics, and over certain jobs.
Watching a couple of those and keeping the wiki open while you dive in seems to be the best idea.
I'm not sure if any servers have things like teamspeak or discord so you can out of game ask people for help as you play but seems like that would be helpful if it is a thing.
Just play on Yogstation till you get banned and you would have officially passed the Spaceman entrance exam.
It's TGstation. They're the reddit server. They haven't had anything to do with us for ages.
It's good that they're transparent though. Veeky Forumsstation is the only other server I know with public logs.
A lot of the other servers are impressively deep shitholes.
Localhost a server and screw around until you get it. Individual jobs (EXCEPT ATMOS for the love of god learn that on localhost) are best learned by asking other players for help.
Jesus christ, is this the average player these days
On Bay, yes.
A tgstation admin got really mad and blew up the station for three rounds straight when they noticed catgirls were removed for a fix. While I look back at my old days of buttbots and shitting fondly, the community is retards. Colonial marines can be fun tho.
try playing on a more RP station - they don't usually blow up.
Aurorastation is pretty cool
I've heard nothing but bad things about CM.
>never tried
it's a free game you retard just play a round and get your own opinion on things
aren't they literal unironic furries
TGstation is no rp but not furries
Veeky Forumsstation is low rp but has vox furries.
That whole thing was funny as fuck tho
>admins please code in this degeneracy, this degeneracy and this degeneracy
>why cute lizards are being scalesecuted :(
>joke addition of cat ears and tails as mutant traits? Oh no, our gentle anuses are being violated by this decision!
This shit is still going on? I stopped playing months before when it started