EDH/Commander general

"Fucking weird" edition

Previously: >Latest News:


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Unofficial and new, but has GOAT search interface and updates on time.

>Thread Question
What's the most convoluted deck you've ever built?

Other urls found in this thread:


Most convoluted deck I built was probably that shitty artifact combo deck I built when I was super new to EDH, the general was that esper sphinx that reanimates an artifact.

>Thread Question

All of my decks are really straight forward that's why lately I'm trying to look for unique approaches to deck building. What are some of the most unique decks you have built or played against? I'd like new ideas for brewing.

Most unique and convoluted deck I have is a bant Enchantress-super friends deck that wins by using cloudstone curio to generate infinite planeswalker activations, which I've not seen anybody else do

>What's the most convoluted deck you've ever built?
I don't make complicated decks. I play Temur goodstuff and Oloro wraths.dec.

>What's the most convoluted deck you've ever built?
It's easy to just play monoB control or big black mana and leave her sitting in the command zone, but it's way more complicated and fun to try and use her as your actual wincon

>What's the most convoluted deck you've ever built?
As convoluted as reanimator evolution can be.

Do I build
>sek'kuar turbo combo
>Punisher/turbo resource hybrid deck
>Slobad memes

How to get phage onto the battlefield from your command zone
>play her
>cast kill spell
>return to hand from graveyard
>cast from hand

Killing her won't stop the effect that kills you.
What you want to do is have topor orb, platinum angel, or sundial of the infinite out.

>the general was that esper sphinx that reanimates an artifact.
sharuum. you are on the internet and you should be capable of looking this stuff up.

none of those sound fun.


What cards are good for 2-headed giant EDH?
Friend and I are thinking of combining Scarab / Locust God.

I don't normally play EDH, but I traded for some Eldrazi stuff at FNM. What's a good build for Kozilek?

I remember trying to combo with pic related, still haven't managed to do it sadly.

Colorless commander might be too expensive if you're just starting.

Nebuchadnezzar Discard/Bounce/Hand Destruction.
It's not complete yet though. I'm planning to actually do some bizzare stuff like clonning Linessa to return her to my hand and discard to Grandeur.

Would probably keep but this is pure weird.

Doubt anyone can guess it. Foreign card is library of leng.

Do it with leveler instead. Easier to pull off.

Arjun, locust god, or niv.

They are literally all the same deck.


Mono blue. Think more jank.

i run arjun and it has none of those cards

not even islands

also i generally hate when people post hands. it's the edh equivalent of posting a selfie. this one isn't even in focus.

Thank god, someone else said it.

Yeah I know. Phone took a massive shit for some reason.

I need a new one.


Jankier. Commander was apart of a cycle.

We have a guy who plays him in a stax or as he calls it, just Jund Good Stuff. so for every deck I build now has to be able to stop his stax shit by turn 3 or its game over. Its the fucking worst.

Tons of ramp and card drawing artifacts. You can fill in the rest of the spots with utility creatures, a couple of the other heavy hitters like Ulamog, and the colorless instant and sorcery spells. I think the more effective Kozilek builds share similarities with Karn decks so you can also look to those for some inspiration too. Eldrazi tribal isn't really that effective so it's better to focus on creatures that have more utility unless you prefer to focus on that theme over power. Endbringer is fine but something like kuldotha forgemaster probably would work better overall than reality smasher.

Well, my best guess from the cycle would be Soramaro, but I'd consider Kefnet the jankier of the two...

Fuck, purphoros is way too strong for my meta. Do I build krenko or norin?

build zada friend

Build Urabrask.

Kozilek doesn't really need that many other Eldrazi's, what you want is as MUCH ramp as possible.

Cast Kozilek ASAP, refill your hand, keep hand full of cards for counterspell purposes. Beat people down with your huge commander.
(Some cards like Hedron Matrix, Fireshrieker etc for OHKO, and of course the necessary removal and tech cards).

But mostly just ramp. If they kill your commander, you should have enough mana to play your commander again since you drew more ramp.


How do I creatureless black


Run Nirkana Revenant and Crypt Ghast as your creatures and sit on a fat stack of kill spells until you can torment of hailfire or exsanguinate for game.

I would use pic related

Horobi is super good with creatures.

Indestructible ones.

80 land Ashling Guy here.

So does Braid of Fire just keep generating mana? It has no downside right?

Do you think Kuon could work as well?

Alexi, Zephyr Mage?

not any more, no. It used to be that extra mana would hurt you if it was left over, but now its just good.

I should specify, you can only use that mana during your upkeep. After that phase it goes away. Also the mana is a cost, which is weird.

Hm, damn. Pre-mirrodin legendary cycle.

You know, I think I've been focusing too much on the Leng+Dreamscape alone, you've got bounce tech too. That makes you... Alexi, Zephyr Mage, correct?

Hope this isn't upside down

there is that one black counter spell as well


Melek or keranos for spellslinger?

Ding ding ding. You're right. This deck needs more tuning but so far it's come together nicely. She has a little madness synergy with her so I figured some things with madness might be good. Gonna add in some mind control spells too at some point.

So i wanna try out mono black. i'm thinking of Phage or Marrow-Gnawer. which is the best mono black experience?

I like keranos, but I'm a bit biased since i love the theros gods

Nah, waaay cold

Shot in the dark here
Scarab god or tasigur?

Is there anything worse than being a Spike who wants to get into EDH but just finds the format too slow and anarchic?


play canadian highlander instead

i personally like melek

Nope. It's only UB and I've built it in a lot of different ways. There's a small focus on activated abilities.

You can use Thrull Wizard, Nether Void, Dash Hopes if your playgroup decides to be nice, and Withering Boon. In addition to what he original user said, Lich's Mirror will also save you, as well as using Endless Whispers with Abyssal Persecutor.


it really sounds like a good compromise
thanks user

I'm going to make a Ghalta deck, but can't decide if i like the normal art our the full art better. What do you think?

Oh, Command Beacon works too,.


>furnace whelp
Legitimately why?

I prefer the promo. While it does give him slight chicken proportions he just looks a lot more recognizable and distinct in it. The regular art just looks like any old T-Rex and has him way too far from the camera for my taste.

Promo because dino chicken

Anyone played clones? Best commander + is it fun?

>when people put together 7 random cards and claim it's a deck that everyone is too dumb to recognize

What a waste of quads holy shit

Half the art is covered in shadow too.

At least it had flavor text.

that's my fave clone. Clone a problem comander and give evil twin hexproof/indestructible and watch as some one's sould dies.

Yeah that post was awful

Save him for a Shrek deck

What's the best "stirring shit" Commander to force everyone to hate each other?

Grenzo, Havoc Raiser and Fumiko the Lowblood come to mind, but Grenzo seems like a pain to get going and I'm not sure about mono red being able to get the others to kill each other without dying yourself before that even happens.
And no, I am not talking Chaos bullshit with Scrambleverse and shit like it, just stuff to force people into fighting each other like Goblin Diplomats, Kazuul, Crown of Doom, Total War/War's Toll, Disrupt Decorum.


Gahiji, Honored One
Run Mass Hysteria & Concordant Crossroads and get the party started


What's your favourite deck that adheres to MTGO's Commander banlist? My new playgroup uses it and suddenly half my decks are illegal.

Your paper multiplayer playgroup uses the MTGO 1v1 banlist? What the fuck

Yeah, why the fuck would you use a 1v1 banlist for multiplayer EDH?

>mfw its mine time to combo

MTGO uses the French list specifically for 1v1. They switched back to the normal list for multiplayer specifically because the French list is shit for multiplayer.

Your group is more retarded than MTGO. That's shameful.

>don't buy some $12 card because it's too expensive
>instead buy three packs hoping to crack it
>realize I'm retarded
When did you start buying singles instead of packs?

Way back from my yugioh days. I want to say 2010.

I usually try to buy any singles I need from recent sets at my LGS and buy a pack every now and then to round up to an even number to not drag too many coins around with me.

I mostly buy singles, but I'll buy a box every other set and maybe 2-3 packs in between just because I like cracking them, and I also enjoy trading

Went half way starting at Lorwyn, packs for (or at least from, thanks to prize) limited only at Zendikar. I suppose now and again If I really like the cut of a set's jib I'll pick up a box before filling out the playsets and rares I want with singles, but I've got to be a fan of the commons for that so it's been a while (conspiracy 2 doesn't count, I drafted that one with family even if all cards ultimately returned to me.)

>When did you start buying singles instead of packs?
I still buy booster boxes to crack & draft, so I guess I never really stopped buying packs. I occasionally buy packs if I'm looking for particular commons, and am in the mood for wasting money.

I never really bought packs to hunt for rares. I've been playing for a long time. For me, it was a smooth transition between buying packs and building decks out of the random cards to battle friends for fun, to buying singles to build & booster boxes to draft. Fun times both ways.

Looking to spice up rat tribal.


Any suggestions to enhance it?

>buy a pack for $12
>pull a $17 rare

but also completely useless in edh

Inalla, without any actual Wizards but a ton of good ETBs and type-changers.

>Any suggestions to enhance it?
Delete everything except lands and Pack Rat.
Replace all deleted cards with Relentless Rats. Leave the one Pack Rat in for shits & giggles.

tfw maelstrom pulse

>Relentless Rats
I appreciate the input, but there's no way I'm running a meme deck.

Good point. Drop a single Pack Rat for 1x Imp's Mischief.

>tfw Ixalan's Binding

>there's no way I'm running a meme deck
>rat tribal

When I started playing Modern, even then I was a retard and just wanted to crack packs for the itch. I should have just played Draft for that and other card games opening packs for value.