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>I play Freeguild

You tried this with IG on /40kg/ already. No (you)s for this top tier maymay

>tfw there are too many cool armies and you can't pick one (and have a massive 40k backlog anyway) and want to wait to see if any of the new ones aren't shit (I'm looking at you, bondage elves and glub glub) and so you have just been keeping up with releases since the game started in eternal purgatory

Does anyone else know this oddly specific feel? The problem isn't that I can't afford multiple armies, it's that I can't even paint one and I want to Your Dudes every faction so I'd rather pick one or too I'll actually end up liking. I have a really long wordpad file of potential army lists and fluff sitting there pointlessly.

>one or too

I'm not even on my phone so I really have no excuse for this. Fuck.

big morathi tits right in my face

What's the "females play nids" for AoS? Seraphon and Sylvaneth? My gf is torn between these two armies right now but she plays Crons in 40k

Which one of your neckbeard spergs is this?

>quick review
>over an hour

This is now a Freeguild thread.

Anyone got some neat looking grave guard conversions?

Do you lads have any specific music for painting? Maybe something themed? I like to listen some funky shit while painting another thin coat on muh dudes


My wife plays Sylvaneth

I run darkelf corsairs as my vampire fledgelings. With the shield upgrade kit and spare black knight bits.

Who cares? Probably Seraphon though because Skinks are cute as fuck and anyone who disagrees is objectively wrong

I normally just listen to right-wing podcasts while I paint my dudes.

>best aesthetic
>No monsters, no superpowers, no god helping you out
>gunpowder and pointy sticks
Godspeed, son of the Empire.

>no monsters

Theme music. I listen to a lot of Misfits while painting my FEC

Those are noble animals, not monsters, silly. Next you'll tell me horses are monsters too.

Gonna repost this from last thread, I thought it was a pretty comfy question. Even though it was technically just a shitpost

>Whats your favourite thing about the AOS setting and why?

For me, its the insane amount of /mydudes/-ism you can pull of with the size of the realms and all. Sure, I guess you could also call it lazyness on GWs side, but I for one really enjoy it.

I'm pretty sure a giant Griffon, while noble indeed I play Free Peoples myself is technically considered a monster.

>no superpowers

Let me repost too then
The high-fantasy mythical feeling. Everything feels like a part of a legend or myth - BCR and the Everwinter or FEC and their blood-based insanity. Also the concept of Realms is interesting - it just need a better execution

shoot forgot pic

Why Empire players are always so salty and sperg out irl? Is that because with the WFB dead they lost their position of being posterboys and the most beloved ones by GW?

Realms themselves. I like the fact that you CAN go adventuring to flying islands, living mountains, or see a burning sky-dragon set over quicksilver-fall.

Pretty much this

You dare insult the noble griffons by labeling them as monsters? How uncouth.
And magic isn't a superpower, it's natural law of the world.

Please remain here while my servants contact the local Witch Hunters. Your behaviour is most suspicious.

Better question is why are legacy army players so salty when GW keeps throwing new better armies at them.

Who else pumped for deep sea aelves?

Because their army was scrapped to make room for Fantasy Space Marines.
Because they purchased models for their army and want to play that army, imagine spending money on a hobby only to have half of the hobby removed from you on the whims of a business exec. Especially a hobby as expensive as Warhammer, and Fantasy especially had a high price entry.


dwarf fortresses with gellar fields

>implying I give a damn about witch hunters
>he doesnt tame dangerous and ruthless monsters to become noble steeds through sheer willpower and badassery
>He thinks magic is a birthright of the lands and not a gift granted by his benevolent god
>He doesnt even want to believe in his own god, even though that god saved his ass during the age of chaos while he hid behind sigmars dick in Azyrheim

Just because I play Free Peoples doesnt mean I'm some Freeguild pansy like yourself.

They should just sale their armies and get actual good supported armies.
Why play Freeguild when you can play Stormcast?
Why play Dispossessed when you can play Fyreslayers or Overlords?
Why play Greenskinz when you can play Ironjaws?
Why play Wanderers when you can play Sylvaneath?
Why play Slaves to Darkness when you can play any of the chaos god armies besides the faggot god.

Idiots who play these faggot pajama wearing cunts need to get their heads out of their asses and actually support GW with the bigger, better, and more superior game and fluff.

Think I'm gonna win the Harbinger painting competition at my LGS.

Do you guys like my Darkoath Warqueen?

Dubs pick my Battletome

It's pretty nice, but I wish you used some contrasting, higher brightness colors to offset the darker skintone. The black and dark red blend together with the skin.


I really like the model of the Black Ark Fleetmaster, but I think his rules are pretty weak.

I'm considering making a Skirmish of Corsairs and some snake girls once they are released tho

I'd do some more highlighting on the axe handle, looks a bit flat, maybe also wash those teeth so they stand out less
Otherwise pretty good job user

I'm fairly sure you're trolling but the very idea someone with opinions this stupid might possibly be exist and be considered human, a sapient, someone who would be considered my equal or peer by society.
On the off chance you actually are stupid enough to think these opinions don't make you a shitty person and you're somehow still capable of breathing just kill yourself.

That was fucking quick
Also fuck you user


I thought she was wearing baggy pants for a second

not a battletome

chaos dreadhold

Is shadespire any fun? I was thinking of picking up the skaven

Not yet. :^D

I really like it

>Still no DoK release
>Morathi flat and manlet

>Why play Freeguild when you can play Stormcast?
>Why play Dispossessed when you can play Fyreslayers or Overlords?
>Why play Greenskinz when you can play Ironjaws?
>Why play Wanderers when you can play Sylvaneath?
>Why play Slaves to Darkness when you can play any of the chaos god armies besides the faggot god.
Because they want to, because they bought and painted those armies and don't buy and sell grey tide of the month on eBay, because they're better than you

>why play StD
Because they can będzie played as every chaos god army

>sell your army to buy Stormcast, goy

>Buy Blade of the Bloodqueen off eBay
>Excited to build Arkhan as my Mortarch
>The Reins are snapped in several locations and the hand is freely moving around the box, off sprue

Well there goes that. So whos better; Manny or Nef?

> Next you'll tell me horses are monsters too
Well I hate to break it to you, user

Can be played*
Not only I am a filthy phoneposter but also a slavshit. Just let me hang out with the rope-chan

just give her some big red lips and big white eyes, maybe convert the axe over to a pistol, that'll definitely win you the contest

> A foolish Grey Knight wielding a Duardin master of fire wielding a foolish Grey Knight wielding a magic sword

>Manny or Nef
I'd re-sell tbph

Contact GW? Or contact the seller, ebay will bend over backwards for the buyer usually.

Kharadron overlords or fyreslayers?

I keep seeing how great fyreslayers are in tournaments but I don't see much kharadron overlords. But I do hear about Kharadron overlords being overpowered with their shooting of the skyhooks.

KO, then again I'm a KO player.

All depends, do you like shooting shit? Do you love airships?

Or do you like dwarf fortress and magma? Do you have a foot fetish and a raging boner at the thought of being the go to merc for most of Order's needs?


Don't go for KO. They're cool, but a pain in the ass to collect and to play.

If you want guns and transports then play 40k, but honestly KO kind of blow. They're kind decent at shooting, but the second anything better than a skeleton reaches your lines, you lose.

They're better in higher point games when you can ally in some actual melee power, but by themselves they're just...lacking.

Any idea what i can make as a little prize in a local AoS tournament?
I have made refrigerator magnet purity seals before in our 40k tournaments.

I have dispossessed, they are garbage against the newer stuff. Get destroyed by new Nagash death, get destroyed by ironjawz and beastclaw raiders, get destroyed by tzeentch.

Is the shooting actually good though? I keep hearing about how a group of 30 arkanauts have 9 skyhooks, then you use a khemist to make it 18 skyhook shots and it can melt enemy big heros.

>but a pain in the ass to collect
Explain in detail please.

>pain in the ass to play
I know their ships kind of suck but aren't they fast and able to transfer troops really fast? I hear about the ship moving, then dropping its troops and then the troops can move all in the same turn?

>They're kind decent at shooting, but the second anything better than a skeleton reaches your lines, you lose.

arknauts blungeoned carnosaur to death intwo games straight.

Most of my games tend to be with my friends who run melee centric armies (Slaanesh with Minotaur allies and Everchosen with hordes of Chaos Warriors) and they hate my shooting phase, often bum rushing terrain to get cover and try to pincer my ass.

Shooting in my experience pretty good, namely if you get Khemists out the ass. A Khemist an endless repeater and buffed by another Khemist is sub optimal, but it's fun shooting 3D6+3 shots that melt infantry.

Though they've learned never to through heroes and monsters at my companies and instead throw their standard melee units.

It also doesn't help my Admiral always somehow avoid being completely surrounded and cut off, always pulling some Captain Jack Sparrow levels of escaping/running away.

Like hopping ontop on rooftops to jump into a frigate then sailing away from a Ghorgon, a unit of Daemonettes, and seekers.

Would Sister of Silence with greatblades be out of place/scale as a conversion for, say, a Wight King/Vampire Lord or something like that? How big are they really?

From what I've seen from my friend's, I think they should be around the same size as a guardmans/freeguild soldier.

Replace the icons with VC or something then make them pale.

You can probably go the extra mile and try to cut off the top/torsos and replace with Dark Eldar Wyches or if you can spare it, Isabella and other female characters.

Oh they're that small? Huh. For some reason I was thinking them to be like, Stormcast size.

Maybe they'd make halfway decent grave guard if I can figure out how to skelefy them.

Once again, I think. Currently memory is a bit fuzzy.

>Why are people that play old armies -- often having spent a decent chunk of money on them -- so salty that GW keeps invalidating their purchase with new armies that are explicit better them in every mechanical way?
Really activates the ole almonds.

Freeguild and stormcast have fuck all in common except the 'human' keyword.

I forget, is Skavenblight still around? I thought it got merged into the warp with the End Times.

Reposting coz no reply

I don't like the swirly thingo on the hurricanum; what can I replace it with while staying thematic?


It's still around and it's the Skaven's way of getting across the Realms.

You can always try to cut up the planets and shit and use wires to represent the planets and their orbits or some shit like that.

It's turaysh.


>Sister of Silence
32mm bases. So they're larger than Freeguild but smaller than Soycucks.

It was absorbed into the warp, but formed its own pocket-realm, disconnected from the various Realms. Skaven come and go by burrowing through the walls of reality, which it honestly kinda cool.

Everchosen. With Archaon and 6 Varanguard required.

Time for sculpting hats

Thoughts on this list at 1000 points? Could easily slot out one of the Waywatchers for a Spellweaver in order to get Mystic Shield, if you think it'd be worth it. I mostly just want a chance to play some Wild Riders.

Allegiance: Wanderers
Nomad Prince (80)
- General
- Trait: Stalker of the Hidden Paths
- Artefact: Falcon of Holthaven
Waywatcher (100)
Waywatcher (100)
20 x Glade Guard (240)
20 x Glade Guard (240)
10 x Eternal Guard (80)
5 x Wild Riders (140)

Total: 980 / 1000

lmao because your opponent was a fucking retard.

any player with a brain stem have no trouble killing arkanauts with zero problems

>Could easily slot out one of the Waywatchers for a Spellweaver in order to get Mystic Shield

Mystic Shield is one of those spells that gets better the tougher the thing you're casting it on already is. I'm not sure how useful it would be just to improve from 6+ saves to 5+. I know you want to try Wild Riders, but I wasn't impressed by them. All they really have going for them is speed; they don't hit all that hard and die really easily.

well first off, even at 1000 points, most lists run an Ironclad, so that's already 120$ to spend. The arkanaut companies only come with one copy of each weapon, even though they can take 3 of the same special weapon, so you'll have to buy 3 boxes of arkanauts off the bat if you want to use specialized units. Then after that its essentially a staple to run 9 endrinriggers and a few khemists. So basically you'll have to drop a shit load of Dosh if you want an even slightly competitive army, since several things in their range suck ass.

As for playstyle, its like playing 40k. Deepstrike boat, unload gunlines, shoot stuff until it dies.

No, nothing can move the same turn it disembarks from the ships, but you can charge if im not mistaken.

DESU they're a very swingy army. If you win, you usually win pretty hard. If you lose, you'll lose spectacularly. It also helps to not be a brainlet so you can formulate effective tactics

Not that guy but if the arkanauts had skypikes and a khemist buffing them wouldn't that take down the carnasaur? Also a arkanaut admiral right by could make it so there is no battleshock.

Painted up these two to get me to 1000 points of Ironjawz now. What do you guys think? And whats good to add for 1500?

Looks pretty good user, I like those glow effects and the obj counter.

wah wah wah.

Then again, I've found the best way to have fun is disregard literally everything this thread says.

>No, nothing can move the same turn it disembarks from the ships

Disembark: Any unit that begins its hero phase
embarked within an Arkanaut Ironclad can
disembark. When a unit disembarks, set it up so
that all its models are within 3" of the vessel and
none are within 3" of any enemy models – any
disembarking model that cannot be set up in this
way is slain.
Units that disembark can then act normally,
including using abilities that can be used in the
hero phase, for the remainder of their turn. A unit
cannot disembark and embark in the same turn.

>Units that disembark can then act normally,
including using abilities that can be used in the
hero phase, for the remainder of their turn. A unit
cannot disembark and embark in the same turn.

>6+ saves to 5+
user, it's for the Eternal Guard. It takes them from a 5+ to a 4+. Fortress of Boughs then turns that into a 3+, rerolling 1's. Being in cover increase that to 2+ and allows them to reroll 1's and 2's. It turns Eternal Guard into a stupidly hardy unit even for 1 wound infantry.

And the Wild Riders I was intended to use more or less like how the Freeguild player we have uses his Pistoliers to surprising good effect. They aren't meant to be the hammer that smashes into something and ruins them, but rather finish off units or monsters that your Glade Guard alpha strike or Waywatcher machine guns don't quite kill. Ideally, I'd never actually be letting it meet anything a full strength but rather abuse their mobility to sneak about and finish off wounded targets. They're trash as an actual hammer, but they should do a decent job at finishing off wounded units, right?

Also, fuck GW for not letting Wanderers keep at least one of their Big Heroes. Not even neccessarily the Lord on Dragon, but at least the Great Stag or Eagle. Or fucking Orion. I would be so fucking happy to still be able to use Orion and Hunting Hounds in a Wanderer list, but in addition to squatting them to the Compendium, they've even since nerfed the interplay between the two.

Cant you use a Dragonlord as an ally for wanderers? If you just want a big fat monster, just convert up a dragonlord to look woodelf-ish and done.

Well no shit, but that's literally what they're designed to do, take out heroes and monsters. That's like being surprised or bragging that Nagash wiped out some units using nothing but Magic, its literally doing what it was made to do.

Now what would actually be impressive is if Arkanauts could fight Blood Warriors or BlightKings or Liberators, ya know, actual Infantry.

Yeah sure your Arkanauts can kill a monster, but what the fuck are you gonna do when a unit of Blood Warriors runs up the board and kills your gunline before you can fire back? There aren't tons of lists that run monsters for your companies to capitalize on.

Does anyone actually think they will add more units to iron jawz, karadrons or fyre slayers? I dunno why but i get the impression they wont.

As much as i like gws more recent decisions and more communication with the community i dislike the secrecy about future plans ( i obviously understand why). Having seen that they are willing to straight up squat factions i dont really want to buy any army. Ironjawz has so few unit types and are so uncustomizable they just dont seem like a real faction to me. The only exception seems to be stormcast of the new armies that has seen new unit types.

I wish they would just straight up say, yes we're no longer supporting legacy armies with models but will do with rules. New factions will be supported like old factions were with new army books and units\models every few years i would be much happier and willing to buy some shit.

I didnt even play wfb i just dont trust gw at all after what they pulled. I still pick up the specialist games i like and i must say the blight kings is a really nice kit. Much better than the iron jaw brutes i got last year.

>willing to straight up squat factions
Can you guys give this meme a rest. They literally did so on launch and haven't done so since. You're like a bunch of babies.