NOT for Pauper EDH discussion
Come and talk about one of the healthiest, most accessible formats in Magic. Talk about brews, make suggestions, and BS as usual.
Currently working on:
Jund Midrange
Punishing Jund
Temur Good Stuff
NOT for Pauper EDH discussion
Come and talk about one of the healthiest, most accessible formats in Magic. Talk about brews, make suggestions, and BS as usual.
Currently working on:
Jund Midrange
Punishing Jund
Temur Good Stuff
Other urls found in this thread:
What are some decks that draw a bunch of cards. preferably not a bunch of cantrips, but I'll still take them.
Ordered izzet blitz, my best friend is ordering burn soon
This format seems fun, maybe a little slow tho
>Izzet blitz and burn in pauper
>Format seems slow
>What are some decks that draw a bunch of cards. preferably not a bunch of cantrips, but I'll still take them.
U/B Teachings is your best bet. Deep Analysis is badass
>most accessible formats in Magic.
>most accessible
Not for long, I assure you.
blue is almost at legacy power level. It gets a little slow.
Pauper buyouts are literal autism.
what are the odds that we're getting Oubliette in m25?
Probably 0 right? It doesn't even come close to fitting modern color pie, the huge pauper spike in popularity is relatively recent, and it's not like the card matters for any other reason. I don't know how we'd ever get it to be honest. It'd have to be something like a pauper precon.
This was my worry if pauper ever got popular.
can I still use a common commander In pauper EDH or does it have to be uncommon?
>yfw they rareshift it to mythic'along with other wanted commons and its literally a pauper set for $10+ a pack
what deck beats up mono u?
Don't elves have an upper hand?
mono R with 4 REB/pyroblast mainboard
MBC with a focus on discard.
On this note, including how much of discard is still within the boundaries of common sense?
Playing MBC with 4 duress, 3-4 Wrench Mind, 4 chittering rats and 2 ninja rats, yeah, all of it mainboard.
Sometimes I wonder if I am not actually going way overkill.
Is Dimir Handlock a balanced matchup against Kuldotha Boros, if both decks have things in their sideboard to deal with eachother?
The expensive cards, except maybe oubliette, are all easy and safe to print. Ash Barrens, edict, gush, lava spike
Here's my Tortured Existence list someone asked for last thread:
4 Golgari Brownscale
2 Stinkweed Imp
2 Grave Scrabbler
2 Gurmag Angler
2 Perilous Myr
2 Crypt Rats
2 Brindle Shoat
2 Carrion Feeder
2 Spore Frog
1 Horror of the Broken Lands
1 Fume Spitter
1 Faceless Butcher
1 Hooting Mandrils
1 Arrogant Wurm
1 Battlefield Scrounger
4 Tortured Existence
2 Vessel of Nascency
1 Dead Weight
4 Commune With the Gods
8 Swamp
4 Forest
4 Jungle Hollow
3 Golgari Rot Farm
2 Tranquil Thicket
1 Barren Moor
1 Bojuka Bog
2 Caustic Caterpillar
2 Faerie Miscreant
2 Mesmeric Fiend
1 Augur of Skulls
1 Crypt Rats
1 Entourage of Trest
1 Wickerbough Elder
2 Dead Weight
2 Gnaw to the Bone
1 Chainer's Edict
> spore frog
How did I not know this card existed? This was the missing link from my own brew
what powerful autism is this that prevents people from talking about pauper edh here
The fact that it's not a pauper edh thread
Because 60 card constructed is completely different then 99 card singleton
Any chance they would release a set with one rarity, giving each card an equal chance of being pulled? It would allow them to build a Limited environment more-so matching Cube with a flat power level across each pack. I'd play the shit out of a Pauper Masters.
I think they're going to continue to work pauper in the other master sets. Don't see them doing a pauper only thing.
I don't think a pauper masters would even be very needed, if every master downshifted as many older cards to common as Eternal Masters did. It would be a nice gesture, but I'd not imagine a very profitable one for WotC.
I’ve been running 2 Raven’s Crime, 3 Ravenous Rats, 4 Chittering Rats, and 3 Liliana’s Spectre myself.
Thanks for the share. Lots of good ideas I didn’t think of where buildig my list.
Let's talk about pauper EDH.
I play modern 8 rack, will I like MBC?
Yeah, Discard MBC is fun. Gives you a bit more to do than 8rack.
Got a good list? Focusing on discard if possible.
Probably. I would NOT alter the stock list to be discard-heavy, though. You need dat devotion for sick Gary drains.
I thought this was the poorfag format for poorfags like myself. Can I drop Oubliette?
You can. Oubliette is hardly necessary in this deck and you can replace it with something else. All it does is add 2 more devotion to the Merchant
As somebody who got drained for 12 with 4 oubliettes out on Thursday night pauper, I can safely say you need the oubliettes if you want to be competitive. Freely draining 2 more is enough to swing a game
Thanks, I will. I've been meaning to try pauper.
Right on. There's a ton of competitive decks
Sure, but you can have more discard or other useful shit in your deck. And nobody runs 4 Oubliettes mainboard.
Nobody said anything about 4 Oubliette mainboard.
It's not about what you can do, but what's optimized for the deck, and Oubliette fills a unique and non-replaceable role with the devotion it provides. It's like saying "you can play UW control in Modern without Jace." Like... well, sure, but it's worse
Except it's nowhere as useful or good as Jace. It's not even one of the most important card of the deck.
I'm thinking of replacing the Scrabblers. They can be some pretty good card advantage, but I feel they haven't been too useful
I’ve been having a lot of fun with Reclaim myself. People forget it’s an instant so you can set up a draw on the end of their turn, or save a card from Grave hate.
I'd recommend Faerie Macabre, too. Free discard any time, eats opponent's cards to delay Anglers/Mandrills, and then you can set up a retrieval to pitch your dredge dudes/madness dudes.
Is Seal of Doom reasonable for a TortEx deck? There's really no good, repeatable creatures that remove creatures in B, G, or R, are there?
Even something like "sac a creature to destroy a creature" would be amazing
Not really no. Fume Spitter would be your closest.
Are there any R/B/G creatures in pauper that return any card, or return enchantments from yard to hand, or top of library?
There are a number of creatures that give -1/-1 counters (like Festering mummy or Fume Spitter) or -X/-X to creatures when they die.
If you have a reliable sac outlet (like, say, Voraceous Null or Thoughpicker Witch) you can reuse those by sacrificing them, then pitching Delve or Madness critters to get them back with TortEx.
Alternately, if you have area ping spells like Dry Spell or Evincar's Justice(or Pestilence), there are three creatures (Fathom Fleet Cuthroat, Final-Sting Faerie, and Hooded Assassin) that destroy a creature that was dealt damage earlier in the turn when they ETB.
Hooded Assassin is interesting. But, it'd be better if it required itself to be sac'd, honestly... could more easily and reliably reuse it, that way. But, such is life
Not really. There are plenty that get creatures, and I think there are a couple that rescue artifacts. Nantuko Tracer sticks a card on the bottom of your library, so at least it's there for later.
Anybody ever use the Zubera from Kamigawa?
I've been working up a BG TortEx list that relies on reusing creatures with ETB/Dies triggers and Sacrifice outlets, and the ability to use them over and over, and possibly reccur them multiple times in the same turn makes thier escalating return effect more and more promising.
This list has been quite fun
No duals and no fetches?
>tfw living the Pauper dream in Seattle
It's useful but you don't need it.
Must be the only dream alive and well in Seattle
I live a little south of Tacoma, debating on making a trip up to Mox for an event sometime. I rarely play paper though.
Yeah, this city sucks ass 99% of the time but god damn at least our Pauper and Legacy scenes are great.
It's a pretty fun crowd, I would go for it if you get the chance.
It's so healthy! Lets spike the price of commons with literally millions of prints. Fun format, but damn people are stupid when it comes to spending money in this game.
>spike the price
>with prints
It's a monthly event right? Or is there more frequent stuff?
Dude read it again. He's saying it is stupid that cards that have a million print runs are going up in price as if they're more valuable now, when you know they have a million printings and you can probably get any card you need in one of those ebay 3000 mtg common cards for $40 deals.
>1/4 the price of standard
>meta changes every week
>not healthy
>all the staples will be reprinted in masters sets
Are you slow, son?
Shit I just went to Moxs in Bellevue, won 2 lost 2 with a meme deck
>all the staples will be reprinted in masters sets
[citation needed]
Perhaps it's more acurate to say that all of the staples can be easily reprinted in masters sets with literally no complaint, whereas modern retprints usually cause a ruckas with the prices and legacy staples literally can't be reprinted because of WotC's idiotic policies.
Has a friend who made a Zubera deck a long time ago. It had some good hands, and sometimes he didn’t draw shit. Missed his colors, or drew the wrong zuberas.
Mainly I was going to be used Ashen-skin Zubera(1b discard a card for each zubera that died this turn) and Dripping-Tongue Zubera (put a 1/1 token into play for each zubera that died).
The token one, especially in a deck designed to take advantage of Sacrifice effects, feels like it should work well.
Post spicy memes.
Your mom
Currently trying to figure out a new version of pauper zoo
Love my nactlfu
I can't imagine goblin tribal having any fun with this.
>two-card, four-mana board wipe
This seems suboptimal.
4 mana? Either 5 or 2, depending on how you look at it. Board wipes are at a premium in Pauper as it is.
Deals damage.
Any way to give it indestructible in pauper?
As a matter of fact.
Now we're talking, they swing wide, next turn you heal up and wipe board while dealing massive damage to them.
that card advantage shouldn't be underestimated, it's the only thing that allows you to stall out board states while still getting ahead on cards to eventually win
too often I find myself able to stall without a scrabbler, and I can't actually push myself forward while my opponent draws to an answer
scrabbler gets a lot better when you have things to sac them to, so you can keep using them even if your opponent isn't swinging at you
although now that I'm looking at your list again, you have more of an aggro version where the card advantage from scrabbler isn't as necessary
my list for reference
Not him but it looks fun.
>Punishing Jund
How does that work without Punishing Fire?
Oubliette is a meme, just get unmake
It doesn’t. List even works better without the red splash.
Outside of burn what upside do you feel red offers in Jund. Black has premium removal. Splashing bolt doesn't seem worth the bad manabase.
>one of my LGS hosts a free pauper league with prize support (free packs and promos fuck yeah)
>build pauper Izzet Blitz and Bogles for ~$20 each in 2015
>routinely place in the top 4 but the format quickly grows stale despite the diversity of decks in our meta
>some new guy (who doesn't even know how to play) working at the LGS convinces the owners to oust the guy running the league so they can host standard events and drafts "to make the store money"
>flash forward to late 2017/early 2018, original runner is still having to manage events (I show up for drafts every now and then) because new jackoff is a moron
>store loses its WPN status because they don't want to pay for background checks (thanks Tolarian/Unsleeved, you bunch of fags)
I sold off my pauper decks last week along with several hundred other pauper staples (I've been drafting since Invasion) for over $1000. This format has been a boon to people who didn't throw their draft chaff in the garbage.
This, Unmake is an instant, can be played in decks that aren't black, and doesn't get undone by Gleeful Sabotage.
I am a bad person. I play:
UR Delver
RUG Threshold
RUG Tron
Izzet Blitz
RG Infect
UB Trinkets
There's a u/b reanimator deck that runs this as a 1 of. It blows people out so hard, definitely a great "gotcha" 1 of.
It also doesn't count towards devotion, so no it's not better.
You're not bad, just boring. My mother likes knitting and cooking, father goes fishing and likes to tinker with his car; they ain't bad, just boring.
Why is cranial plating fucking banned?
seriously? You are asking why a +10/+0, 2-mana equipment with instant-speed equip is banned?
Yeah, with all the common arty destruction cards, im asking why. Gotta have a creature to put it on, pauper has many ways to kill those too. So it being banned is some pussy ass shit.
stupid people are stupid
not an argument, why arent nim shreikers banned then?
Because you can't reassign Nim Shrieker's power to an unblocked creature during combat...