Hmm. Not a single white male...
Hmm. Not a single white male...
Other urls found in this thread:
Sorry OP, but there are other ways to get fap material
Teferi is more interesting than any of the white male characters Magic has had in the last 5 years
Silver is almost white, right? I mean, it's basically a nice pale gray.
Too bad they seem to have replaced him with Kanye West
Besides the jeremyposting, which is just jeremyposting, OP has a point.
Where's Urza? Or the rest of the Weatherlight crew?
What are you talking about? That dude in the middle is white as fuck.
>Where's Urza? Or the rest of the Weatherlight crew?
Aren't they dead or something?
So you're saying representation in media is important and you feel that your presence in the hobby is personally diminished for lack of it?
They were just regular humans. They're long dead. The only surviving members are Squee (because he was effectively made immortal by Yawgmoth to be a torture toy for Crovax) and Karn.
Urza stopped being alive once the might/weak stones were absorbed into the Legacy being Karn, igniting his spark.
delete this
Sort of, but less faggy and in a way that somehow proves Tumblr wrong.
got em
It's not important so they should stop pandering to others and create good characters instead of brown women that are bland and forgettable
I'm fine with dominaria, they're already existing characters
How the fuck is Jaya still alive?
Why couldn't they just leave her dead and cool instead of keeping her alive and ruining her by making her an unfunny LGBTBBQ caricature of a person?
It's kind of a downer to go "your favorite character died of old age 5 years ago and you'll never see her again"
Less of a downer than seeing everything you loved about them sucked out before your eyes and replaced with garbage in the most soulless manner possible.
And I'm pretty sure everyone just kinda assumed she was already dead by now
Oh boy, do we get to see spoilers and watch WOTC absolutely flip shit again? I hope we get OGW levels of asshurt.
Don't be silly OP.
There's already enough Single White Males in the MTG playerbase, we don't need them on the artwork as well.
But he's right. Teferi is actually p cool.
Who whom, faggot
>Where's Urza? Or the rest of the Weatherlight crew
Dead, mostly. And if you're trying to tell me Teferi being involved is a bad thing because he's brown you can fuck right off.
Teferi being involved is a bad thing because the crack duo of Luhrs and Digges ruin all the old and cool things they touch.
good. make it happen irl
>not a single white male
>Jace literally in every block for the past 5 years
no, see, you need simple ideas because you can process complex ones, so i'll try to summarize it:
fuck representation in media, it means nothing and nobody should care about that
that said, (some) MtG fans are angry not that wotc is adding more diversity points, but that they are doing so at the expense of the game quality, masturbating over how progressive they are, while delivering a shittier and shittier product
Teferi's and Sisay's fans are proof that you can have "diverse" characters while delivering a good product that makes you care.
Not when cards are literally splitting in two, most bans in the last year of standard that in the last 10 combined, not when (excepting Ixalan) the story has been pretty trash, and especially when wotc is at every turn caught with their pants down, and have 0 (ZERO) idea what they're doing:
> blocks are now only 2 sets
> rotation is now 1.5 years
> oh shit, we fucked up, rotation is back to normal
> oh shit, we're too incompetent even for 2 sets, so fuck it, we'll do whatever we feel like with the blocks now
> FNM promos are bad, have some tokens
> oh fuck, belay that, here's your promos back
To summarize even further for your pea-brain, if "representation" is put above the needs of the game, i fucking hate it, and the people pushing it, because it's an obvious waste of time and resources that can go elsewhere
If the game is good, I don't care what color the people on the cards are.
>Not a single white male...
shut up yes you are
Not him, but I think I can explain the issue many folks have with this today. It's not so much about representation as it is about an attempt to simply erase straight white men from the media step by step through replacement. You can see this by something as simple as the word diversity, or how it is used in a modern context.
Diversity does not mean variety, it means "less white men". This is proven by the fact that it's possible for an individual to be the "most diverse" member of a cast (meaning (s)he shares the least traits with straight white men). In the old sense of the word diversity, the idea of a single character being the most diverse would be retarded. It'd be like saying that a single individual is the "most cohesive" of a group. That's impossible, only a group in itself can be diverse and/or cohesive. As such, this also means that a group becomes "more diverse" the less white men are in it. And if a group has 9 black women with interchangeable looks and personalities and only one white male, the white male would still be the "least diverse" character in the group.
This is why there is now (sometimes justified, sometimes not) a kneejerk reaction to this diversity pandering. Many people feel that white men are simply being erased from the media. Especially when it's so sudden and ubiquitous compared to 10 years ago. Doubly so if it's in hobbies dominated by straight white men like trading card games, vidya and especially capeshit comics. It's probably hard to imagine how it feels for someone like you for whom anti-white hate is basically entrenched due to cultural context, but imagine the same thing in Japan. Imagine all of a sudden Japanese characters in their media being slowly and deliberately replaced with black characters purely for the sake of making their media more diverse. Not some guy deciding "this character feels better as a black guy so I'm writing a black guy", but deliberately trying to give more "representation" to blacks.
The problem with token "diversity" is not that people of different colors exist. It's that because leftards are fucking retarded they subscribe to the "the token black guy represents all black people ever" train of thought and therefore the are banned from doing anything creative with the character because it would offend some retard in tumblr/twitter and executives act like offending retards on the internet actually matters.
Back in the day Teferi was an impish class clown, now he's "angry black man who don't need no whitey" because that's the only black character west-coast american media allows themselves to write. And he looks like fucking Kayne because drawing him with his usual Masai features would require libtard artists having ever seen a black man in person.
>the token black guy represents all black people ever
Which is also why they aren't allowed to have flaws. Which ironically means that these diversity pandering characters end up unintentionally being caricatures of everything SJWs believe, to the point where it's hard to tell whether or not Marvel is actually infiltrated by anti-feminists or not.
The thing is that if you write a character who adheres to a certain ideology, you have to write a character first and foremost. Secondly, you need to get really deep into the ideology and understand why someone would subscribe to it, regardless of your personal feelings. This creates nuance, and nu-Marvel doesn't want that nuance. End result?
>All diversity-centric characters are always right
>All anti-diversity characters are always wrong
>They're also all evil and stupid
>Diversity is right all along
Which means the comic ends up having the same depth and narrative as an American political cartoon. You know the kind, the kind where every single fucking thing on the picture is labeled because the author is too stupid to realize that cartoons are a visual medium and therefore expect the audience to be too stupid to understand what's going on without everything being labeled?
Look at this fucking bot that can't even be bothered to change the company name in its Nazi copypasta
Art will be bought and story written regardless of the company stance on representation, diversity, or whatever else. That stance can't affect the quality of the game because they're allocated separate pots of resources.
When the writers for your game are a combination of neocommunists and child raping autogynephiles, you get shitty products.
And that's supposed to be bad?
user, please, it's illegal to own a nigger like that.
What about the second one from the right
or is it a woman with a beard
Yes, all of them, very. Cept Karn because he took the might stone and the weak stone and Is pretty much time travelling quicksilver hyperintelligent golem+Urzas raw power. Also possibly suurvived/cured phyrexian corruption.
>white fragility
She was canonically bi before they stopped writing books on paper you asshat.
Thread isn't about bad characters, though, it's about the lack of white males. It says so in the OP.
a company has priorities that they must satisfy.
when a priority gets to the top, others fall to the wayside.
are you telling me this is the absolute best we can expect form this game in terms of art and story? Of course not!
So then why is there so little focus on making them better? Why are they paying black diversity consultants instead of giving a raise to their artists ? Hell, there are positions in this company where people literally do nothing but complain about the lack of diversity.
Plus, you didn't refute any other point I made. Wotc treats "diversity" as a checkbox they must mark, not in a natural way that is conductive for the story and setting. this degrades the final product.
And I speak as someone who loved Mirage when it came out.
just so happens, bad characters are usually diversity checkmarks that are just there to increase statistics on a paper
But it is a silly reaction. Entertainment media is going through a period where it feels like it needs to represent those they see as disenfranchised. It goes out of its way to correct itself, and naturally overdoes it, like anyone trying to correct any problem. When there's a lack of representation of straight white males (never going to happen in our lifetime), that will be corrected, and this will happen continuously until we find a juste milieau .
There is no need to sperg because your shit characters are now black instead of white.
>There is no need to sperg because your shit characters are now black instead of white.
No, they're the result of shit writers. How deluded can you be? Do you also believe Star Wars is magically shit now that diversity is an issue?
>No, they're the result of shit writers. How deluded can you be? Do you also believe Star Wars is magically shit now that diversity is an issue?
Heck, a lot of the reason behind Lando's casting in ESB is 'Hey...are there any black guys in Star Wars yet?'
It just so happens that neocommunists are always terrible at anything they claim to be good at (including politics) so of course every single forced "diversity" (non-white male) character is written by a horrible writer because they are all written by neocommunists.
white males are what, 15, maybe 20% of media despite making up some 35% of the country
This tickled my jimmies.
>same ID
Wow really makes me think
I know from your
that it's not statistics you're worried about, so I wonder what the point of that post is
Does it make a single scrap of difference cannon wise whether Lando is black, white, or striped? For the longest time he was the one black guy in the galaxy.
>Negromancer is old af
>Last 5 years
Tell me one (1) character from the new SW that doesn't suck.
>Does it make a single scrap of difference cannon wise whether Lando is black, white, or striped? For the longest time he was the one black guy in the galaxy.
No, just saying that it's not really a new thing to make picks based on wanting diversity.
Isn't this game bleeding numbers? What what I've seen, the higher the diversity the lower the sales. Gave up on this game a few years ago and am super glad of it. Can't wait until it's just African tribes the card game.
Kylo Ren is a lot of fun, and actually going through character progression (If one based around him rather frequently missing the point of what others are trying to teach him) rather than staying a static villain. Going from 'I want to be Vader' to 'If I can't be Vader, I'll burn it all down' rather than learning to actually be Ben Solo.
I can't, because the writers are neocommunists.
> Imp
> lying
>shit this thread points out cultural marxism in action in the traditional games industry
>better spam it until it gets removed!!!!
Why is it that marxists always try to censor facts that prove marxism is evil?
The diversity pandering is only a minor annoyance. The actual issues are that new cards are weak, boring and/or poorly balanced, good cards are too expensive, cardstock itself is cheap and crappy, art and story are generally bad as well, and WotC keeps making bad business decisions and getting involved in stupid drama.
Well, thank you for choosing the white male. I actually agree with you in the vaguest terms: KR is the most interesting character, everyone else apart from him and Rey is some sort of comic relief that is there to stretch the movies and make them do the social media rounds.
KR, while too simple a character for my tastes, manages to at least tease you with the thought that he may become interesting in the future. His color doesn't matter a iota, or even if he's a porg, but still the only interesting character was given to white male. I don't think we're in any danger of seeing that particular demographic threatened. The danger is shit writers, not diversity quotas.
And how do you know it's cultural marxists doing that? Shitposting is sorta something that happens everywhere on Veeky Forums.
Explain. Is it the conservative answer to
Seems like instead of investing money and time into good talent to produce good content, they're taking a shortcut to pander to SJW's that don't even play their game. They deserve to be losing all their customers.
Check out Mark Rosewater:
I bet none of them are virgins too
Made me snort.
>like anyone trying to correct any problem
WHAT problem? You're pretending like there's some kind of anti-minority conspiracy in media. Which there isn't. We've already had the "multicultural rainbow of diversity" shit going on since the 90s. The only difference is that the specific 90s brand of pushed diversity wasn't actively hostile to white men.
Furthermore, nothing needs to be "corrected". It's a very disturbing state of affairs when people feel like fiction needs to conform to a certain dogma. The only thing dominating fiction is the effect of the free market. And what have we seen in comics, in vidya and possibly in gaming as well? The predominantly white, male target audience doesn't enjoy being spat on, and are willing to spend their money elsewhere.
What you're saying is the equivalent of demanding that rap music becomes more accomodating to girls of asian descent, or that the entire Barbie franchise needs to become more "inclusive" of men. They. are. not. the. fucking. target. audience. If there IS a target audience for that shit that hasn't been tapped into yet, it's only a matter of time before the free market does it.
Marvel for example is figuring this out the hard way, as they see their comics plumet while their cinematic universe (which is approached in a way more akin to ye olde Marvel ie. absent of left wing propaganda) is the only thing actually earning them money. I wouldn't be surprised if their diversity pandering is what put them in a position to be bought out by Disney in the first place.
>Can't wait until it's just African tribes the card game.
you're more than two decades late to the party shitposter-kun
A plane based on subsaharan africa would be neat though
I don't understand what there is to explain. Neonazis are skinhead gang members that were popular in europe and america in the 90s. Red laces, shaved heads, American History X. Neonazis.
Neocommunists are retarded college kids who have taken too many gender studies courses and believe that socialism and eventually communism are a good idea despite socialism and communism murdering hundreds of millions of people in the 20th century. Overweight, purple hair. Neocommunists.
You'll notice that neocommunists don't call people they disagree with neonazis because the people they disagree with clearly have nothing in common with neonazis. Neocommunists call everyone nazis while simultaneously promoting socialism even though the nazis were socialists because neocommunists are fucking retarded.
This thread really makes me happy i never got into mtg.
Word of advice, stay away from American media in general. It'll only get worse and worse.
What are you talking about, there is a white guy right in the middle.
Good for you. It might have been a worth it half a decade ago, it sure ain't now.
>nazis were socialists
just because it's in the name doesn't mean it's true, user
Every fucking time.
>naturally overdoes it, like anyone trying to correct any problem.
1. thats not true in the slightest.
2. what problem?
blacks make up 3% of the uk population and yet new BBC series seem to have half black casts as a requirement. see the new Troy series with a back achilles, patroklus and zeus. it's a massive over-correction for a problem that doesn't exist.
No whites are complaining that they arent represented more in the Straight Outta Compton movie. Because in context, it would be stupid to expect an equal representation of whites ands blacks in that movie.
As far as I can tell, whites are complaining when the media pushes 'diversity' in an attempt to advance minorities' social status in society, heedless of the context of the media they are using as their tool.
I'm sure you've noticed asians are woefully under-represented compared to blacks. It's simply about giving under-performing minorities a social leg-up, rather than a genuine attempt to represent everyone equally.
And guess what, people don't like the context of their hobbies being sacrificed in favor of politics.
They don't play DnD or watch a movie to advance the cause of minorities (and even if they did, there's no guarantee it will, most of this stuff is based on social studies pseudo-science). They play them for the entertainment value or to appreciate artistic expression.
I think the people complaining are saying the quality (whether that be individuality, artistic expression, historical immersion, whatever) of art and media is more important than the politicial goal of over-representing socially underperforming minorities. Whether that be because they don't think that goal will even work, or simply because it is less important.
What a terrible analogy. Is Maro retarded?
please don't lump all of us honkies in with /pol/, some white people are 100% fine with teferi being a black main character when he has always been a black main character
It's just ameritards who can't comprehend the idea that people outside of their gated community exist too.
>same ID
Wow, what a genius
I mean, the analogy makes sense in some ways, for gender quotas in corporations and the like, but it really really doesn't make sense when pertaining to MTG.
>gender quotas in corporations and the like
>makes sense
pick only one
>So you're saying representation in media is important and you feel that your presence in the hobby is personally diminished for lack of it?
>same ID
Clearly a very intelligent young man
>you must accept every grifter, opportunist and charlatan that comes up as a reliable spokesman and enacter of your ideology
>same ID
This isn't /pol/ or whatever shit board needs IDs, though?
>So much politics and butthurt.
>All over an overpriced children's card game.
>doesn't have ID enabled
Get the fuck back to r*ddit you stupid piece of shit
Thanks user
I just wanted to see this bitch crack packs...
Is the set any good? I could give a fuck less about whatever masturbatory thing is going on here.
No, he's saying that its annoying when companies make their lineup look like a PBS afternoon special just so they can dodge the wrath of a tiny minority of the population.