What is your opinion on "Gun-Staffs"?

what is your opinion on "Gun-Staffs"?

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I have no problem with them but that looks Gun-broom.

I think I'd prefer staff-guns.

>The Chinese word gun (Chinese: 棍; pinyin: gùn, literally, "rod", "stick") refers to a long Chinese staff weapon used in Chinese martial arts. It is known as one of the four major weapons, along with the qiang (spear), dao (sabre), and the jian (sword), called in this group "The Grandfather of all Weapons".
Quite odd, Especially since the origination of the word Gun in the English language is derived from the Norse language.

So a Gun-Gun.

Yes, unless you take it away from them, then it's a gonne-gun.

What part of that looks like a broom to you?

From an angle it does.

Historically accurate, especially for the Chinese.

It's just the same spelling for a different word senpai.



Why does she have a lens in the muzzle?

Is that thing just a giant camera.

Because it fires magic.

Gun-Staves are awesome, I forgot how much I liked Chaika's aesthetic. Casting spells using the mummified remains of other wizards as ammo is pretty cool too.

why does it even have a barrel then

to counteract the magicoriolis effect

Sounds like a load of phooey to me.

Same reason as a bullet, more or less. The cartridge stores the mana for your spell, your incantation crafts that mana into a spell, and then that gundo projects that spell to its target. Longer Gundo, better range.

no, it's a staff-staff.

A yes, the Staff-Staff. A ceremonial weapon of great renown in the Ctarl-Ctarl empire.

Why does a laser weapon need a muzzle brake?

They can be pretty fantastic youtube.com/watch?v=SBArXz3cWos

For context, the Cartridge System is a dangerous component added to Intelligent Devices, the spellcasting system of choice. Most people will use them very sparingly, using one or two to empower an offensive or defensive spell. I've tried and failed to count how many Nanoha burns in this scene.

Of course!

Barrel is full of enchanted runes n shit? Longer barrel, more room for autocorrection for long-range casting and boosting other effects.

I don't know this weebshow but this would make relative sense.

Added context- The villain is confident she's safe because she is on the other side of an ancient supertech battleship from the heroes battle, and thinks the layers of bulkheads and such between them will keep her safe. The expression in the instant she realises she's wrong can roughly be described as 'Pants shitting terror'.

>dying a coward

Nothing more embarrassing as a villain.

Then why do so many businessmen live as cowards?

Not that user but it looks like a push-broom.





I really hope Tactical Breach Wizards becomes an actual game. The prototype he showed off looks neat.

Care to share what it is because these are fucking funny,

Watch that edge


I like to think it's more of a focusing lens considering she already has a scope on top

>Has overtly lethal/harmful spells

It's not violence.
It's taking out the trash.

Shaolin monks are pacifists too you know
Stop eating that Gandhi bilge

He'll pass a fist right through you!

If a witch rides it in the sky it is a broom.

There's a difference between beating the hell out of someone in self-defense and blowing them up or frying them with lightning, you know.

funniest part to me is that this is basically what a fire blast/thermal radiation Corruptor (or therm/Fire defender) in city of villains/heroes basically did.



If you look at the wiki page where he got the text from, you can also see that the picture in the bottom right displays the three main Chinese martial arts staves, and the small one is called "bang"
On a more unrelated note, anybody got that pic of a lady knight who gets an artillery strike called on her by orcs?

If they want to kill you I think permanently removing that possibility is only logical. You can kill nazis and still believe you shouldn't be forced to do this.