What are the pros and cons of replacing dwarves with draphs?

What are the pros and cons of replacing dwarves with draphs?

more anime

>What are the pros and cons of replacing dwarves with draphs?
What the fuck?

I see no real no con other than nerd nerd-rage. So you can do it and I would not care.

What are the pros and cons of replacing dwarves with graphs?

Going off the facts that this picture you've posted is all about tits and that I-cups are considered "a little small" by this race, I'm going to assume that it's a terrible idea and I strongly advise you not to do it.

+ : awyiss
- : negligible

Anime girls enhance shit all.

only if the men dress the same way

how DARE you insult a lady

It's a giant alarm bell that your game is probably being run by someone whose brain has been melted by mobage shit

Con: You instantly transform into That Guy
Pro: You are now That Guy, and unable to comprehend the fact that you're awful, leading you to assume that you're a good person

>Vacuum pitch: Hey gamers! I need some players for my game, and just a heads up, I replaced the stocky bearded females of the dwarf race with Japanese shortstack fetished versions that all have huge horns and huge honkers.
>Vacuum Veeky Forums response: well actually this sounds like you just want to run something that makes you hard so why not write some erotica instead, you fat fuck

user, he's asking for pros and cons, not just pros.

sorry bro

just trying to hang with the boys

Draphs are a blatant fetish bait race from Granblue.

as an addition to OPs picture of female draphs, I think it should be known that male dorafs are actually more similar to "small" minotaurs (that are still larger than humans by a good margin"

Basically all of them

Basically none

Shame on the thread for mainly giving canned responses.
I'll give a genuine rundown I think:
>more appealing and thus more present females (depends on taste and if you could make female Dwarves pretty in your head before)
>works well for erp, probably caters more easily to more fetishes
>quick swap, because you don't have to create the race yourself
>tone shift opens up use of other anime tropes while maintaining stylistic coherence
>tone shift towards anime
>less established character than Dwarves (more freedom from conventions but less automatic association working in your favor)
>more sexual dimorphism
>less appealing males
>sexual dimorphism doesn't work well in this race
>mere reversal of the problem that the archetypal dwarf works better as a male
>didn't custom tailor your replacement
>I think they were made as a servant race? So more changes to your worldbuilding necessary to accommodate them
>Do they mine as much as Dwarves? I suspect not, thus less useful as a setting terraformer that establishes interesting environments
>needs a higher quality group and group connection to pull off (will not assume you are weird, comfortable enough to erp with possibly, open to nonstandard setting changes, able to remember and process new conventions)

>>less appealing males

>less appealing males

Maybe if you're a faggot.

Pro: Sexual
Con: Sexual

I feel the anime tone is not kind to their utility, and they come across as less individual.

Any discussion of fiction is bound to involve taste.
You should single out the pros of Draph males to provide OP with a more complete rundown.

Probably about the same

>A more interesting race than Tolkien-esque dwarves which generally are what people think of when you say 'dwarves'.
>Shortstacks and big buff dudes.

>No reasonably demonstrable drawbacks.

Tolkien dwarfs are fine, like Tolkien elves. The problem comes with hacks blindly copypasting surface level caricatures of them.

no seriously was does it have to be one or the other. There both vastly different races.