>dawn of war 3 is on Steam for about £10
Worth it now? Or still pic related?
Dawn of war 3 is on Steam for about £10
it's so shit even the developer can't stand it anymore and left
no, its a piece of shit of a game and relic doesnt deserve your money even if its only 10 pounds. They purposefully released a product their core audience did not want and shock horror the game fell flat and was criticized into the dust. in the last 2 or so weeks relic announced to no longer support it either.
Just play DOW1 or 2, 3 is an abomination
What about it is actually shit though?
I remember when the trailer first dropped and we were hyped.
No single player mode to even compare to the former games. Multiplayer is dead. The gameplay is half-assed between a moba and mobile-style strategy game.
And now the Devs have officially declared they're dropping it, so it's only a matter of time until it crashes and burns entirely.
It WAS a good trailer, but the game is just nothing. The cinematics are motion comics ffs.
It's visually ugly with very limited animations, cartoony stylings and, over abundance of particle effects.
Poor voice acting, not even in the meme territory of "for chaoz" or "WITNESS MY DOOOOOOOOOOOOM." Dull dialogue, again no meme worthy banter.
Very odd mix of mechanics that's not satisfying to the tacticool fans of two, but not grand enough for fans of one.
Hero units oneshot regular units with one skills but you need to upgrade squads for them to be effective. The gameplay is just a fucking tedious mess
Okay, I'm a fan of both MOBAs and rts hybrid games, like warcraft 3, creeper world, and spellforce. If one were to disregard the previous two entries entirely, and all connection to 40k, is it still fun? I do not mind it being weird and a bit disjointed, for 13 euro I could buy some pretty bad stuff.
They wanted the MOBA audience
An actual fucking wh40k moba would've been better. Hell, i enjoyed Last Stand mode
Visual design is both ugly and bad for gameplay.
Animations are terrible.
Voice acting and music are generic and boring.
The base system forces gameplay to progress along a pre-determined route. This is in the name of "rush prevention", aka the retards and casuals get upset when they lose in the first three minutes.
A strong focus on Hero Units concessions towards casuals, as they need less overall awareness of their army, but further reduces creativity of play.
Cover is boring as shit to play around, and as a result melee units are garbage in normal play as well. Strong niche protection also kills gameplay variety.
>is it still fun
Get Warlords Battlecry II and III instead, you'll have about a hundred times more fun time than with DoW 3
>Hell, i enjoyed Last Stand mode
Because Last Stand was done by people who give a fuck, and DoW II looks fucking gorgeous. If I had a genie's bottle, one of my wishes would be for the DoW 2 engine not to be so fucking terrible so you could actually implement some fun gameplay.
It's basically Dawn of War 1 but with worse graphics and less gameplay depth.
We had one.
It got cancelled before it left beta.
Grand, thanks user, just bought Battlecry III there. Downloading now.
Oh boy, you're in for a ride. Beware Assassins with your hero.
Is the new Spellforce game any good? I saw the Orc trailer and thought it looked pretty dope.
Because DoW1 and DoW2 are well loved games, imperfect maybe, but worth playing and very enjoyable all around.
How they managed to flush two games of gameplay away and think DoW3 would be agood idea I have no idea.
I see what you're saying but still find this statement offensive to DoW1
That is both hilarious and incredibly esoteric.
It's not even worth it for free. Played it during the open beta and free weekends, couldn't stomach playing it for very long. It's just a badly designed and unfun game, and no attempts will be made to fix it or add additional content.
You're better off spending those 10£ on actual miniatures, they'd give you more joy.
Idk, aside from nostalgia DoWI is... bad?
Fuck off, DoW1 with all expansions is the best of the lot.
Yes. Poorly balanced, poorly optimized, story mode was a joke, and it was so far removed from the other games that it looked like someone took something else entirely, slapped a DoW coat of paint on it, and called it done. It made Soulstorm look like a well done game with a tight focused story in comparison.
It is poorly balanced, but still looks and sounds nice, has a lot of fresh ideas which reinvigorated the genre, polished and comfortable interface, playstyles emphasizing both micro and macro management. It's decent even though spots numerous flaws.
Not at all. It has it's issues but "bad" is not a word I would apply to it.
Of the top of my head I'd say it is the third best WH40k PC game, maybe tied for second. I really liked one of the later expansions strategic map play.
Soulstorm's campaign is rushed, undercooked, tedious and boring. Marine cap nerf, Chaos weapon nerf and Tau split path are retarded, but otherwise it's still pretty good. Better strategy than sequels definitely.
All races are more or less balanced, even after marines were kicked in the cunt with the cap nerf. Overall Orkz are the strongest, but brainless faggots cry that Eldars are broken, overpowered. If anyone's broken, that's DE, but they're pretty fragile in the trade-off.
>but brainless faggots cry that Eldars are broken, overpowered.
>Eldar player detected
Ork/Guard (second best imo) player actually. Pointy-eared pansies are tricky, but aren't that strong if yer smarter than snot and faster than meganob.
Core races are balanced. Orks are the best, for once (and that's great, in TT they're been the joke since 2e), but not overly so. Guard's broken but it's all good, since you'd need good brains to capitalize on their exploits, otherwise they're merely good. Necrons and Bitches are mono-build, but pretty strong one and have decent support options. Tau are gimped with cost and tier fork, but are damn good shooters. DE are real broken, but their players are dumb edgelords that use two lousy tactics that aren't that hard to wreck.