How does it feel to know that your campaign's story and events to date would be considered terribly written schlock...

How does it feel to know that your campaign's story and events to date would be considered terribly written schlock even by the standards of bargain bin novels?

Instead of shitposting on Veeky Forums, look for a game in your area that needs more players.

Pretty good.

Good. I'm not writing a novel.

Absolutely fine, because what matters is that my group enjoys the experience. Different medium and forms of entertainment have different standards and sets of expectations.

>your RPG has a plot
lmaoing at your life

Depends on the writer :^)

I'm not trying to write a book, queermo

It has to be terribly written schlock because 90% of the time my players throw my curveballs left and right and I need to make the whole thing up on the fly

Sadly I don't have the luxury of being able to plan a story from start to finish like authors do.

Well, it’s the bargain bin schlock that sells millions and gets turned into multi-part movies these days, so I’d feel pretty damn good about it. Better than OP’s image of himself being a pussy and reading weeb comics all day.

projecting so hard I'm looking for the wet erase markers.

This. It's the most fun this way.

>comparing RPGs and novels
Veeky Forums go home you're drunk.

Sounds about right. Do you have a point you're trying to make, or are you just stating something we all know thinking you're the only one who has noticed ?

It's a fucking game about killing goblins and stealing treasure. Nobody is under the pretense that we're out to create anything of literary merit.

I don't really give a shit.


You can do it but since 90% of Veeky Forums is not only creatively bankrupt but also poor writers you won't find it here, hence the "I-it's different from a book!" narrative that they like to push

This is the traditional games board. You seem to have gotten lost on your way to

How would you like us to feel?

Feels great. Most people don't even try to make it to the bargain bin and I feel sorry they are so complacent that they never want their stories to at least be experienced and judged then never being told.