Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion

Drustvar edition

Discuss the lore and story of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.

>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version! Also contains the official Warcraft Chronicles volumes 1 and 2. Also Liadrin is best girl.

>Previous thread:

*blocks your path*

Players queuing as mini-bosses for raids.

*gives your faction cancer*

This thread now belongs to the authority of the Watchers! Bow before the righteous fury of justice!



No, you bow.

Maiev led coup to take over nelf leadership when?

Ugh what's up with her toe?

Nelf civil war when?

Blizzard who cant model for shit

Void elves story and aesthetic is really neat actually and something unique to fantasy...Whats peoples problem with it? Honestly the Drow rip off and High mountain tauren have zero interest for me. For me it seems like people just want to support them because they are red.

Stop with fucking baits, its you and that other asshole runining this thread

before Cataclysm, Maiev tried to murder all the highbornes

This is my first post in 3 days on this forum. What are you talking about my man?

Because people wanted high elves and went ballistic over void elves because they effectively shut down the idea of playable Alliance high elves. I'm not going to get into how justified or not they are in that opinion.

night of the long ears when?


It wasn't murder.

People who play elves do it to be perfect and invulnerable. Nelffags are the worst but second worst are Helffags because they don't want to be in the Horde but still be literally Belves. And then they try to cover it up with bullshit about "having been in the Alliance since WC2" AS IF THEY CARE.
Void elves are for players who want to play elves without being faggots.

>Maiev "Night of the Umbra Crescents" Shadowsong

>calling Veeky Forums forum

Oh shush you.

Wolfheart isn't canon my man

>Metzen Writing
Metzen actually wrote anything? I thought he is just a guy, who comes up with ideas sometimes.

>TFW you will never be a big strong Zandalari troll shamanking with a qt pandaren monk gf

It is. Jarod and Anduin makes some reference to it.

Didn't the Zandalari invade Pandaria?

Reddit doesn't call them that either. If anything, it outs you as a fucking internet grandpa who actually used it in the BBS days. Fucking newfags man, when did they get so full of themselves?



He wrote a short story, even.

Thinking through it
>turn Shandris into Jarod's cocksleeve
>diminish SoE influence in the army
>isolate the druids
How it could be done?

>Void elves story and aesthetic is really neat actually and something unique to fantasy...
This. And don't forget about nice elven boobs. Man, I wish some female elf ruled an Alliance. I would follow her everywhere. Your wish is my command, my lady.

I know. I meant what he wrote in Wow actually? What storyline? Thrall?

Veeky Forums genuinely can’t have a thread without everyone being accused of using a website called Reddit. Why?

Cause reddit is a cancer. They all adore Sylvanas.

Yes, to get qt pandaren girlfriends. At least there are sort of still pandaren in the horde, so the potential is there

Sacrifices had to be made for good posture. Who cares if you're only only 7.5 feet tall instead of 8 when the 6 foot tall guy can't stand up straight for more than 3 seconds at a time

I heard you people were blown the fuck out by a Pandaren qt.

>tfw we're still years away from World of Elfcraft

> Anonymous 02/18/18(Sun)18:05:47 No.58042720▶
>I know. I meant what he wrote in Wow actually? What storyline? Thrall?
Nothing in WoW was written you retard, it was just shouted out in a perpetual stroke of genius/aneurysm and some poor programmer had to type it into the game while they were chugging heavy liqueur.
At some point Metzen wrote Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos and that was the last time anything that can be called storytelling occurred in the setting. This is the truth, and it has been said.

That's how you know that pandaren qts are good voodoo, even if they have the Alliance the Horde's help.
But now the horde is seeking out the zandalari. Another chance for qt pandaren is coming. I can feel it in my mojo

Woah what the hell happened there?

Why are you so angry? Relax. WarCraft franchise was always shit. It's just a guilty pleasure of ours, like comic books or other shit.

Voidclad is the new skyclad.

I wish that the RPG books were updated with the new Allied Races. They didn't officially stat out Draenei and Blood Elves, did they?

He wrote Wc3 thrall and Arthas, Most of the good vanila and wrath shit(including tirion book), the paladin questlines from vanilla is his, we discussed about it before, About thrall and many of his characters following the Classic D&D test of faith for paladins, UNTIL KOSAK BOOTED HIM AND FORCED THRALL INTO GREEN JESUS.

Thrall being the Half-Orc paladin through most of War 3 and following the tests of faith, Both Arthas and Uther Failing it, though Arthas Even asked for forgiveness in Stratholme for what he must Do(which is something ignored and overlooked bay many people). And Tirion being the Only one Following it and keeping pure to the Classic Paladin Motto

Metzen knows how to create Good Stories, SC+BW and Wings of Liberty with Raynor, people blames for Diablo 3, but that one it was pretty much him saying ok to everything due to fucking Overwatch taking his time, and he still dealing with the cancellation of Titan, we spoke about this last week, before the shitposters and factionfags from MMO-C and USforums discovered Veeky Forums.

is over there cuntwad

Oh Old Gods. Kill it with [Goblin Dragon Gun]

Dude you still haven't provided any sources, and now you're trying to speak for everyone in the thread. Are you some kind of moron?

Severe autism.

Metzen and a lot of the art team that did the story for WoW were too bust making stuff for starcraft/diablo/overwatch too focus on WoW is the problem. Thats why they got guys like Kosack in even though they really did not have the qualifications. Now Kosack is just doing hearthstone shit with Celestalon.

>guilty pleasure
I stick to Warcraft for the porn, tbqh fampai.

>the paladin questlines from vanilla is his
So he invented Scarlet Crusade? Wow, and I always blamed him for everything bad in lore. I am really sorry, Chris...

They are made for eachother

Will WoW rip off black panther and add a Wakanda zone since they are pretty much full of sjw's now?

It's called Draenor

Tyrande and Malfurion would absolutely be killed or imprisoned in such a scenario, as well as most of their supporters.
the "cleansed" SoE might retain some control over the sentinels as long as whoever becomes high priestess is loyal to Maiev (she could even give the title to herself, she was a priestess before becoming a warden after all).
mages in general would probably get killed, imprisoned or exiled as well.
Maiev would probably also cut ties with the alliance, but since the night elves are extremely weak and practically without land at the moment this would be problematic to say the least.

Just some ideas, there's probably more

I think you mean Zandalar.

>they are pretty much full of sjw's now?
Not really. Nobody cares about wow, so it is really free from all this american bullshit. There are still hot babes in sexy outfits among some lore characters.

>Maiev would probably also cut ties with the alliance, but since the night elves are extremely weak and practically without land at the moment this would be problematic to say the least.
False. When Maiev separates the Night Elf parasites from the Alliance they will have to evolve back to their mighty pre-WoW power and with Tyrande and Malfurion removed their druids and sentinels can once again become strong.
The Night Elf Empire would become a force to be reckoned with indeed.

Is there an Alliance equivalent of the Horde Blood Oath?


Keep dreaming, pal. Night elves are damaged beyond any salvation.

Esarus thar no'darador would probably be the closest equivalent for Humans.

There is hope, we just have to remove the Night Elf players. Without Night Elf players Blizzard can disable the playable Night Elf option and then do whatever they like with them.

>So he invented Scarlet Crusade?
Not him, and not sure, but I believe I recall Metzen saying something of that sort once. Something about it being used to show a dark side to humans?

hence its why HS from now on will fall on the same shit as WoW-Kosak suffered
also there's a faggot on the Dev team right now who fucked with the Transmogfication in Legion because he wanted it so, and he's friend with fuckin Ion, Zogsworth is his nick, he's one of those vanilla fags, and the one of the vocal shitposters who wants "MUH"vanilla pure.

Scarlets are pretty much Blackguards who uses the light, though they don't know that their leader is a fucking Daemon, TBC Blood Knights are Vindicators, Hence why most of the BE paladins are rets full on vengeance and sacrifice(aka classic seal of blood)

arent you the same shitposters who keeps sending shit like this since last week and tellying everyone to KYS?

if yes, please fuck off.

Ion is great in that hes the only WoW dev at the top who shows a passion for WoW...if you ever watch dev interviews they always look burned out ready to retire..

It's called "obey the high king or he'll invade your city and shuffle your government on a whim"


You keep making unreasonable claims. Like Metzen being booted by Kosak or Kosak forcing Green Jesus, and now you're actively trying to make enemies.
For the record I'm the user who suggested Thrall was a Half-orc paladin last week and all you're doing is just parroting me. But you think anyone who so much as questions -you- is from the Enemy Side on the Other Site which makes you, frankly, a very poor representative of plausible opinions.
Work on your people skills, then you can come back to Veeky Forums.

>implying the night elves could ever trust someone so obviously infatuated with the Betrayer
She'd be erecting statues of Illidan in less than a week, if you know what I mean.

You guys talking about Maiev in power do realize that Malfurion is basically as close to a druid demigod as you can be without being Cenarius himself, right?
There's nothing she can really do to convince everyone to remove Malfurion and there's little she can do to remove Malfurion herself since all the night elf druids pretty much follow him unconditionally since Staghelm and friends were killed.

I mean, he's the second most powerful druid in the Emerald dream and Cenarius' favorite night elf. Them turning against Malfurion might lead to Cenarius taking it personally and cutting off their druid powers.

I doubt very much Varian could do such against the nelves.

Unless, ofc, Blizzard pumped up even more his powerlevel, with no fluff changes whatsoever.

Maybe she can kill him and make it look like an accident. I'm pretty sure Maiev kills Furion 1v1 in HotS provided their levels are equal.

How did all the mountains on Azeroth form?

Deathwing made them

and you have info from it? because i see that you're nothing but a newfag claiming that you're from here, because we're all seeing you shitposting and telling everyone to go kill yourselves every time when someone proofs that you're wrong. And yes, you're the only one shitposting here.

Ion is the guy who updated the Black Qiraji mounts because he ans his friends including lore are "Scarab lords", he's the one who keeps listening to the shittiest parts of the vocal minority of WoW.

It'd be hard to make it look enough like an accident to full Cenarius and all the wisps who fly around everywhere. She'd plot to kill Malfurion, the wisps would overhear, tell Malfurion, and Malfurion would tell the rest of the night elves. Or Cenarius himself would come out of nowhere and say she needs to go.

That's because the decided Malfurion should be a support for some reason instead of Balance.

the only thing Maiev misses with Illidan is the joy of forcing her 30" barbed strap-on up his ass

>and you have info from it?
>because i see that you're nothing but a newfag claiming that you're from here, because we're all seeing you shitposting and telling everyone to go kill yourselves every time when someone proofs that you're wrong. And yes, you're the only one shitposting here.
Seriously dude what is your problem? You're not going to win a fight against an enemy that doesn't exist.

Bottom line is you weren't even the one to introduce the Half-Orc Paladin Thrall, Raynor Paladin and Metzen Paladin theory to these threads. And you repeating it while simultaneously lashing out at everyone just makes it and you seem retarded. Can you take a break already?

Blizzard keeps hiring players to do their bidding because they are burned with the gaming industry when it comes to Employment, everyone knows of Bill Ropper and the former Blizzard North, and how blizzard treated them like shit, and Hopper was the Co-Creator and the voice of Warcraft Orcs.

Blizzard is that boss who would hire cheap manpower instead of capable people to work for them, mainly because they don't want to hire people from outside to help them, its like nintendoJP who does every shit Based on Kyoto's tradition, which (they are in the right, and you are wrong even if i am).

i know a lot of people who quit trying to work for blizzard because of it, its like a fucking cult.

>not him

Could we just talk about something that everyone can get behind, like waifus? Who's your waifu and why?

I want to know when Li Li becomes legal. She was like a preteen in MoP and it's been several years right?

Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself.

Easy. She is strong, kind and very beautiful.

No comments.

Jaina. Yes, shit taste, I know. I don't give a fuck.



Thisalee Crow, because she's quirky and fun, but despite being a bit immature, she still has convictions that she believes in and sticks to no matter what


She stopped aging. She's still like a preteen as a follower.

Voidform in bed?

The only thing wrong with Yrel is that because of the WoD management shitfest, her story got cut really hard so it looks like bullshit.

Imagine watching Star wars 4 then 6 but not 5. The resulting Luke would be Yrel

even i can use photoshop to edit those and erase those (You) user


World doesn't revolve around (You) user.

She was my waifu until MoP. Whoever likes her current incarnation really has shit taste.


>Voidform in bed?
Yeah, why not. I think she is really crazy in bed with all that void stuff. Turalyon knows for sure.


It's hard to have waifus in a game where anyone's personality can 180 if the rough draft of the plot demands it.